[Dcmlib] gdcm: string + map

Mathieu Malaterre Mathieu.Malaterre at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Fri Nov 14 17:45:41 CET 2003

En fouillant les sources de CMake je suis tombé sur:

// use this class to shrink the size of symbols in .o files
// std::string is really basic_string<....lots of stuff....>
// when combined with a map or set, the symbols can be > 2000 chars!
struct cmStdString : public std::string
   typedef std::string StdString;
   typedef StdString::value_type             value_type;
   typedef StdString::pointer                pointer;
   typedef StdString::reference              reference;
   typedef StdString::const_reference        const_reference;
   typedef StdString::size_type              size_type;
   typedef StdString::difference_type        difference_type;
   typedef StdString::iterator               iterator;
   typedef StdString::const_iterator         const_iterator;
   typedef StdString::reverse_iterator       reverse_iterator;
   typedef StdString::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;

   cmStdString(): StdString() {}
   cmStdString(const value_type* s): StdString(s) {}
   cmStdString(const value_type* s, size_type n): StdString(s, n) {}
   cmStdString(const StdString& s, size_type pos=0, size_type n=npos):
     StdString(s, pos, n) {}

Est-ce que ca vaut la peine d'etre pris en compte pour gdcm ?

cf: CMake/Source/cmStandardIncludes.h

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