[Dcmlib] Qt-interest Archive - Problem with QString <-> std::string with Qt 3.1.0

Mathieu Malaterre Mathieu.Malaterre at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Wed Sep 17 16:00:49 CEST 2003

D'apres google ce probleme n'est pas nouveau:


Ce mail est particulièrement interressant:


En gros il semble qu'il y ai des problemes si l'on melange des releases
et des debug:
[Linking against different C runtimes will pull in different C runtime

instances into the process (ie. the release C runtime from Qt, and the debug
C runtime from the application). Every C runtime instance manages it's own
heap, and can only delete objects on the same heap that they have been
allocated on. If you delete an object from a different heap (ie. that has
been allocated using operator new of a different C runtime instance) you
will get the exception (if you have the CRT code installed, see the comments
in the function the assert fails in).]

D'apres d'autre source:

L'utilisation de 'string' est dangereuse, il vaut mieux 'std::string'

Que des rejouissances en perspective ;)

my J6M's 20millions$

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