[Dcmlib] Reverse Iterators vs std::sort

Jean-Pierre Roux jpr at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Tue Aug 30 11:49:15 CEST 2005

Hi !

Reverse iterators are well known (?) and work perfectly :

Reverse iterators are bidirectional iterators that invert the meaning of 
operators +, -, ++ and --. Thus, incrementing a reverse iterator moves 
it one position /backwards/, whereas decrementing it causes it to move 
to the /next/ element. The rbegin() and rend() member functions return 
reverse iterators:

void print_backwards(vector<int> &vi)
 vector<int>::reverse_iterator rit=vi.rbegin();
 while (rit<vi.rend())
 ++rit; //move one position backwards

==> My question :
How can we use them (or anything else) to *reverse* std::sort a 
std::vector (or any std::sortable object) ?

What I wouldn't like to write is something like the following stuff :

   if (DirectOrder)
      std::sort(fileList->begin(), fileList->end(), 
      std::sort(fileList->begin(), fileList->end(), 


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