[Dcmlib] Mingw + dcgm ver0.6: Solution

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Tue Feb 1 19:17:15 CET 2005

Michal Kurgan wrote:
> On Tuesday 01 of February 2005 18:55, you wrote:
>>May I ask you why ? The whole purpose of ITK was to avoid people to
>>reinvent the wheel. It provides all the basic tools to the more complex
>>algorithms to quickly test your application and know *in advance* if the
>>conbination of filters will work for you. Later on you can rewrite
>>everything in assembly langage if you find ITK too slow :)
> I see. But now i hear about itk for the first time....
> I will check it but i must chave windows wersion from mingw, second, it must 
> be possible to make development from linux.

Devlpt from linux is definitely possible. The only culprit I see is the 
cmake issue again. It should be possible to compile ITK on linux 
targerting windows but this might require some tweaking. And ITK is much 
more bigger that gdcm !
How come you don't have access to a windows machine for devpt but you 
have access to a window machine for testing ?

> I have itk manual, maybe i will use it :).

Excellent ! That's the best start you can have.


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