[Dcmlib] TestVR back again

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Thu Oct 20 17:08:22 CEST 2005


	I just modify the TestVR to fail on a very bizarre case. Looks like the 
switch in gdcm::VR that read on the fly the dict is not working. Whereas 
if you open gdcmDefaultDict.cxx in the gdcm-bin dir you'll see that 
there is not '\000/' VR.

	Instead of fixing the parser how about we always use the other case: 
FillDefault ? This is a very nice feature in gdcm to load on the fly a 
new dicom dict but how about a new VR dict ? Does it really make sense ? 
How often does it change ? Did it ever change ?


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