[Dcmlib] Fwd: DICOM validator updated

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 00:02:22 CEST 2006

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Clunie
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 11:34:03 GMT
Subject: DICOM validator updated

Hi all

I was updating my DICOM validator (dciodvfy in dicom3tools)
to the latest greatest DICOM 2006 edition plus the recent
CPs and Supplements, and I took the opportunity to add a
number of features, particularly since a large number of
attributes, IODs and modules were retired last year.

The tool now whines if you use any retired attributes, and
if you add any extra standard attributes that are not (or
are no longer) in the IOD. It also checks the number of
items in sequences (something it should have done a long
time ago).

There is also an experimental feature to define "profiles"
of standard IODs, as IHE has started to do, the only one
of which defined so far is the IHE Mammography profile;
this allows you to specify on the command line the (more
restrictive) profile to apply instead of the standard IOD.

I would be interested in feedback on these changes, so feel
free to try it and email me. See:


for the current build.


PS. Please don't send me "but it doesn't run on Windows"
feedback ... you might be able to get it going under
Cygwin if you are lucky, but I haven't tried this in a
long time.

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