[Dcmlib] how to do with eclipse+MingW

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Thu Jun 1 18:48:31 CEST 2006

Crane in Sky wrote:
> hi,all I'd like to use Gdcm within an opensource program which is
> under msys and Mingw. How can I add Gdcm to that program? Can I use
> compiled gdcm and header file to be use during the compiling or must
> I have to add all the gdcm to the program project? 

If your other open source project uses CMake as a build system then the
integration is straightforward and should not take you more than a
couples of minutes.
Otherwise, then yes dwld gdcm and use cmake (dwld from cmake.org) to
build and install it. Afterward use gdcm just like you would use any 3rd
party library.

> P.S. I cann't get
> gdcm compiled with eclipse+mingw.

This is *not* a GDCM issue, but rather a CMake issue. Please forward
your request to the CMake ML. All you need is a way for CMake to
generate Eclipse workspace files.


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