[Dcmlib] GDCM 2.0.8 is out !

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at gmail.com
Sat Aug 16 12:01:53 CEST 2008

 GDCM 2.0.8 (2008/08/16)

    * ENH: Fix infinite dependencie problem in cmake 2.6 and above
    * BUG: RGB J2K were not supported
    * BUG: RGB RLE were not compressed correctly
    * BUG: Multiframe with Rescale Slope/Intercept would lead to crash
when rewriting them as 2D single slice.
    * BUG: vtkGDCMImageReader would not support multiframes with odd
number of Rows (lead to crash).
    * ENH: when reading improper DICOM file where jpeg is grayscale,
make sure that DICOM header is consistant with jpeg info (only
    * BUG: When writing undefined length SQ, from implicit dataset to
explicit dataset, properly encode it.
    * ENH: remove extra space (replace with \0) for VR=UI element.
    * ENH: Added PVRG JPEG library
    * BUG: Image Orientation (Patient) was not properly read in most cases
    * ENH: add more private elements
    * BUG: do not write JFIF header in JPEG compressed stream
    * NEW: new filter: gdcm::ImageApplyLookupTable
    * BUG: fix the dict printer (gdcmdump --xml-dict)
    * ENH: new option Anonymizer::RemoveGroupLength
    * ENH: Add support for py2exe (frozen) python application
    * BUG: Fix Filename::GetExtension() when multiple dots in filename
    * ENH: new class gdcm::PDBHeader/gdcm::PDBElement to access
individual element from a GEMS Protocol Data Block
    * ENH: gdcmimg now support converting pgm & jpeg file to DICOM
based on information found in raster format
    * ENH: cleanup generation of PDF documentation
    * BUG: Fix rle2img in some case



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