[Dcmlib] link error

Peter Gall peter.gall at klinikum.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Feb 9 16:24:49 CET 2010

Hi Mathieu,

I was working with gdcm an a Mac for longer than a year and everything worked fine. Since I updated to snow leopard (64 bit) gdcm still compiles fine, but my application doesn't (actually the linker fails).

Here is my error message:

Undefined symbols:
"_CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation", referenced from:
gdcm::System::GetCurrentResourcesDirectory() in libgdcmCommon.a(gdcmSystem.cxx.o)
gdcm::System::GetCurrentProcessFileName() in libgdcmCommon.a(gdcmSystem.cxx.o)
"_CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL", referenced from:
gdcm::System::GetCurrentResourcesDirectory() in libgdcmCommon.a(gdcmSystem.cxx.o)
"_CFBundleGetMainBundle", referenced from:
gdcm::System::GetCurrentResourcesDirectory() in libgdcmCommon.a(gdcmSystem.cxx.o)
gdcm::System::GetCurrentProcessFileName() in libgdcmCommon.a(gdcmSystem.cxx.o)
"_CFBundleCopyExecutableURL", referenced from:
gdcm::System::GetCurrentProcessFileName() in libgdcmCommon.a(gdcmSystem.cxx.o)
"_CFRelease", referenced from:
gdcm::System::GetCurrentResourcesDirectory() in libgdcmCommon.a(gdcmSystem.cxx.o)
gdcm::System::GetCurrentProcessFileName() in libgdcmCommon.a(gdcmSystem.cxx.o)

and those are the libraries that I actually link:

	-lgdcmMSFF \
	-lgdcmDICT \
	-lgdcmIOD \
	-lgdcmDSED \
	-lgdcmCommon \
	-lgdcmcharls \
	-lgdcmzlib \
	-lgdcmexpat \
	-lgdcmjpeg8 \
	-lgdcmjpeg12 \
	-lgdcmjpeg16 \
	-lgdcmopenjpeg \

Do you have any idea why this error occurs?

best regards,

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