[Rtk-users] Does rtkbackprojections handle half-beam data?

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Sun Dec 16 20:13:38 CET 2012

Hi Andy,
Handling of the half-beam data (we call it displaced detector in RTK
if I understand you correctly) is done on the projection level with
the following filter :

You an check in rtkfdk.cxx how to use it.

If you want to disable the ramp filter during reconstruction, a
"simple" way would be to change the internal pipeline connections in
rtk::FDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter. Replace in
rtkFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter.txx the line
  m_BackProjectionFilter->SetInput( 1, m_RampFilter->GetOutput() );
  m_BackProjectionFilter->SetInput( 1, m_WeightFilter->GetOutput() );
I hope this helps,

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Andy Shieh <hsieandy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> I've been using rtkfdk to reconstruct and noticed that it handles half-beam
> data.
> In some situation, I want to use rtkbackprojections (for cases I don't want
> to include ramp filtering). Does rtkbackprojections handle half-beam data
> correctly, too? I gave it a try and it seems like rtkbackprojections would
> result in some kind of voxel accumulation in the middle, which probably
> means it doesn't handle half-beam data correctly like rtkfdk?
> If that's the case, is it possible to make rtkbackproejctions support
> half-beam data in the next patch (if it's not some massive work)? Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Andy

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