[Rtk-users] RTK training

Guangming Zang guangming.zang at kaust.edu.sa
Wed Jun 17 18:16:02 CEST 2015

Hey all,
i prefer first one, i.e, more detailed command line explanation. i wanna
compare RTK results to mine, however, sometime the command line and flags
are not clear .
For example, in lastest rtkfdk command,  for projection images
preprocessing, so many command line there.
And some are turned off  by default  while some are not.  For example, what
is default value for  --wpc?
      --wpc=DOUBLE           // Water precorrection coefficients
Best regards
*Guangming Zang (Alex)*
*King Abdullah University of Science and Technology(KAUST)*
*University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS)*


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