[Rtk-users] Generating signal data from Amsterdam Shroud

Yang K Park theday79 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 23:33:51 CEST 2015

Hi Cyril,


Thanks a lot for your advices.

Thanks to your help, I did some trials and errors and finally succeeded.

Following is the final version of my instruction.






p.s. To RTK developers

Extracting phase signal from CBCT looks beautiful and very convenient! I
really like it. Thanks for your hard works on this.


 [ITK/RTK compile instruction to use FFTW: For windows7 with VS2013]


<System used for this test>

- Windows 7 64 bit

- Visual Studio 2013

- Cmake 3.1.0

- ITK 4.8.0

- CUDA v6.5

- RTK: Up-to-date (revision: 3346)




1.       Prepare fftw library files

a.       Download FFTW 3.3.4 from

b.      Unzip it in a proper directory (e.g.

c.       Find VS2013 command prompt short-cut (Start --> Program --> Visual
Studio 2013 --> Tools -->VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt)

d.      Set "Start in" property of the shortcut to the directory where FFTW
files are located and then run the shortcut

e.      Convert *.def files to *.lib files by typing following commands.

"lib /machine:x64 /def:libfftw3-3.def"  (for double)

"lib /machine:x64 /def:libfftw3f-3.def" (for float)

2.       Cmake for ITK

a.       Configure

b.      Turn on the following and reconfigure

                                       i.            ITK_USE_SYSTEM_FFTW
(mandatory to make the following options appear)

c.       Set proper paths for FFTW_INCLUDE_PATH, FFTWD_LIB and FFTW_LIB


                                       i.            FFTW_INCLUDE_PATH =

                                     ii.            FFTWD_LIB =

                                    iii.            FFTWF_LIB =

                                   iv.            FFTWD_THREADS_LIB and
FFTWF_THREAD_LIB may remain blank.

d.      "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" can be turned off (no effect on FFTW),
BUILD_EXAMPLE can be turned off

e.      Reconfigure, Generate


3.       Build ITK with Visual Studio

a.       In both Debug and Release


4.       Cmake for RTK

a.       Default settings were used.

b.      "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" can be turned off (no effect on FFTW)


5.       Build RTK using Visual Studio

6.       Copy dll files to RTK bin folders

a.       Which files?: libfftw3-3.dll, libfftw3f-3.dll

b.      To where?: (~RTK)\bin\Release and (~RTK)\bin\Debug


7.       Build RTK with Visual Studio




From: Cyril Mory [mailto:cyril.mory at uclouvain.be] 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 4:02 AM
To: Yang K Park <theday79 at gmail.com>; 'Matthew J. Riblett'
<riblettmj at mymail.vcu.edu>; rtk-users at public.kitware.com
Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Generating signal data from Amsterdam Shroud


Hi Yang,

First, a quick explanation: ITK embeds FFTW. On linux, you just have to
activate it in the CMake options. On Windows, you cannot do that. I do not
have a clue why, but you cannot. You have to install FFTW separately.

Now, a solution: The quickest way is to download the precompiled DLLs from
On that same page, follow the indications on how to create the .lib files
(that is absolutely necessary). You may have to run the "lib.exe" program
from the VS developer prompt instead of the standard windows cmd.exe prompt.
Specify you CPU architecture explicitly, just to be sure.

Then in the CMake options of ITK, set the following:
FFTWF_LIB = TheRelevantFolderOnYourSystem/libfftw3f-3.lib
FFTW_INCLUDE_PATH = TheRelevantFolderOnYourSystem/

Let the rest of the FFTW options blank. Compile ITK, then RTK, and you
should be fine. I have successfully compiled this with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS =
ON (on both ITK and RTK), I don't know if it matters.

If it works for you, then you might want to play around with the other FFTW
.lib files, and send on this mailing list a more complete set of CMAKE
options that works. I have tried some other combinations without success, so
I'd be happy to learn more.

Hope it helps,

On 09/30/2015 11:12 PM, Yang K Park wrote:

Hi Matt,


Thank you so much for your help, again.

Unfortunately, I'm using windows system (windows7 64 with VS 2013) and I
guess this could be a challenging issue to me.




Hi RTK users,


Is there anyone who successfully compiled RTK with "ITK + FFTW" in windows

I'm just trying to use rtkextractshroudsignal and it seems to require FFTW
library externally.

When I tried to use FFTW 3.3.4, I've encountered link errors as shown below.


Any help will be highly appreciated.









From: Matthew J. Riblett [mailto:riblettmj at mymail.vcu.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 5:01 PM
To: Yang K Park  <mailto:theday79 at gmail.com> <theday79 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Generating signal data from Amsterdam Shroud




I'm running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and used the distribution library (FFTW
3.3.3).  If you're running on a Debian-based linux system, you can also
install the full development library set using the following command: sudo
apt-get install libfftw3-3 libfftw3-dev.  Then just make sure that these
libraries are being used by rerunning CCMake.  


I'm not quite sure about the error being thrown in your build, but perhaps
one of the main developers would be able to provide some more insight into
the issue.


Hope this helps,


- Matt



Matthew J. Riblett
Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Radiation Oncology
Medical Physics Graduate Program

Office:  Sanger Hall, Room B1-013

401 College Street   |  P.O. Box 980058

Richmond, Virginia 23298

VCU Email:                    riblettmj at vcu.edu <mailto:riblettmj at vcu.edu> 
MCV Office Phone:       +1.804.628.4858





On Sep 30, 2015, at 4:44 PM, Yang K Park <theday79 at gmail.com
<mailto:theday79 at gmail.com> > wrote:


Hi Matt,


Thank you so much for your advice.

Recently I have revisited this project and tried to compile ITK with those
options on as you suggested.


I've tried to use the up-to-date version of FFTW (3.3.4), but it seems that
it doesn't work with RTK. 

There were some link errors like: 


rtkextractshroudsignal.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp_fftw_execute referenced in function "protected: virtual void __cdecl
itk::FFTWComplexToComplexFFTImageFilter<class itk::Image<class
std::complex<double>,1> >::BeforeThreadedGenerateData(void)"


May I ask you which version of fftw you are successfully using in which
system(Windows or Linux)?







From: Matthew J. Riblett [mailto:riblettmj at mymail.vcu.edu] 
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 6:56 PM
To: Yang K Park <theday79 at gmail.com <mailto:theday79 at gmail.com> >
Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Generating signal data from Amsterdam Shroud




One ITK requirement of the new RTK version is the inclusion of the Fast
Fourier Transform components.  This requires compilation with the

ITK_USE_FFTWD options.  I know, I didn't compile that way initially, and it
took a little bit of time to figure out.


Hope that helps,


- Matt



Matthew J. Riblett
Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Radiation Oncology
Medical Physics Graduate Program

Office:  Sanger Hall, Room B1-013

401 College Street   |  P.O. Box 980058

Richmond, Virginia 23298

VCU Email:                     <mailto:riblettmj at vcu.edu> riblettmj at vcu.edu
MCV Office Phone:       +1.804.628.4858




On Sep 18, 2015, at 4:55 PM, Yang K Park < <mailto:theday79 at gmail.com>
theday79 at gmail.com> wrote:


Hi Matt,


That sounds great! I really appreciate your advice.

I'm now compiling itk-4.8 to use that feature since I've found my itk
version is a bit obsolete (4.4).






From: Matthew J. Riblett [ <mailto:riblettmj at mymail.vcu.edu>
mailto:riblettmj at mymail.vcu.edu] 
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 4:31 PM
To: Yang K Park < <mailto:theday79 at gmail.com> theday79 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Generating signal data from Amsterdam Shroud


Hi Yang,


Nice to hear from you!  I have had some success since my initial posting -
in fact I'm currently working on a new method for accomplishing this task in
certain challenging cases.


The most recent version of RTK provides an update to the
rtkextractshroudsignal application which provides a phase signal output when
called using the '-p' flag at runtime:


rtkextractshroudsignal -i shroud.mhd -o raw_signal.txt -p phase_signal.txt


>From what I've experienced, this generally provides a good signal [0,1)
characterizing the respiratory phase using the default settings.
Occasionally, I've run into issues where the default 'unsharpness' parameter
needs to be adjusted to give a clear signal (by appending the --unsharp ##
flag to the command).  On more challenging shroud images - notably, those
with little detectable signal from background - additional
contrast-enhancement by pre-processing of the shroud has assisted in signal


I hope that helps - and please let me know how it works out for you.


- Matt



Matthew J. Riblett
Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Radiation Oncology
Medical Physics Graduate Program

Office:  Sanger Hall, Room B1-013

401 College Street   |  P.O. Box 980058

Richmond, Virginia 23298

VCU Email:                     <mailto:riblettmj at vcu.edu> riblettmj at vcu.edu
MCV Office Phone:       +1.804.628.4858




On Sep 18, 2015, at 4:12 PM, Yang K Park < <mailto:theday79 at gmail.com>
theday79 at gmail.com> wrote:


Hi Matthew,


Hello, I found you in the RTK-thread.

Recently, I've encountered exactly same issue and it would be highly
appreciated if you can share with me your updates on this issue.





Yang-Kyun Park, Ph.D., DABR

Assistant physicist & Instructor

Department of Radiation Oncology

Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School

55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA 02114

Tel: +1-617-726-0186

Fax: +1-617-726-3603





From: Rtk-users [ <mailto:rtk-users-bounces at public.kitware.com>
mailto:rtk-users-bounces at public.kitware.com] On Behalf Of Joel Beaudry
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 5:25 PM
To: Matthew J. Riblett < <mailto:riblettmj at mymail.vcu.edu>
riblettmj at mymail.vcu.edu>
Cc:  <mailto:rtk-users at public.kitware.com> rtk-users at public.kitware.com
Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Generating signal data from Amsterdam Shroud


Hi Matthew, 

I'm not sure of what was used in the Matlab script, but I've had good
success with using a Hilbert function in python (scipy). I'm sure that
Matlab has an equivalent function, and maybe that is what was used? 

Hope that helps,



On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Matthew J. Riblett <
<mailto:riblettmj at mymail.vcu.edu> riblettmj at mymail.vcu.edu> wrote:

Hello fellow RTK users,


I was wondering if anyone has a straightforward method of going from the
results of the rtkamsterdamshroud and rtkextractshroudsignal applications to
a [0,1) phase signal for performing motion-compensated reconstruction.  I've
been following along with the MC-CBCT Reconstruction example (
http://wiki.openrtk.org/index.php/RTK/Examples/MCCBCTReconstruction), and
there is an indication that Matlab is used to process the should signal
prior to feeding it back into the reconstruction application, but there is
no mention of how this is accomplished.  I'm trying to implement this into
an automated workflow and I'd love to know how this was accomplished.




- Matt



Matthew J. Riblett
Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Radiation Oncology
Medical Physics Graduate Program

Office:  Sanger Hall, Room B1-013

401 College Street   |  P.O. Box 980058

Richmond, Virginia 23298

VCU Email:      <mailto:riblettmj at vcu.edu> riblettmj at vcu.edu
MCV Office Phone:      <tel:%2B1.804.628.4858> +1.804.628.4858


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 <mailto:Rtk-users at public.kitware.com> Rtk-users at public.kitware.com


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