[Rtk-users] Contribute to RTK?

Chun-Chien (Andy) Shieh andy.shieh at sydney.edu.au
Fri Aug 19 08:59:38 CEST 2016

Hi Simon,

First of all, thank you and all the contributors for such a great toolkit. I've been a RTK user for many years and it has been extremely helpful to my research.

I've been developing my programs using RTK for quite a while but haven't really been active in this community.

I have implemented the PICCS method in RTK (still needs to be tidied up a bit though) and would like to contribute to the repository if it's not yet available.

It is probably not developed with the best computation efficiency, but hopefully would still be useful to users who wish to test out the PICCS method.

If you think this could be useful to RTK, could you please let me know what would be the best way to contribute my codes to RTK?

Many thanks,


DR CHUN-CHIEN (ANDY) SHIEH | Research Associate
Radiation Physics Laboratory | Sydney Medical School

Room 479, Blackburn Building D06 | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
T +61 2 9036 5012
E andy.shieh at sydney.edu.au<mailto:andy.shieh at sydney.edu.au> | W http://sydney.edu.au/medicine/radiation-physics
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