[Rtk-users] forward and back projection - MITK

Tobias Stein tstein at stud.hs-heilbronn.de
Wed May 4 00:59:03 CEST 2016

Hi all,


i want to use the forward and backward projection to reduce metal artefacts
in ct images. I've seen so far that  I may use the
JosephForwardProjectionImageFilter to perform the forward projection. I've
also seen the test for this class but I don't get it, where should i put my
2D slice as input to execute the transformation. About the back
transformation with the JosephBackProjectionImageFilter I also need more
information how I can use it to transform a sinogram back to a ct slice.
There is a test at the documentation, but the link is missing there.


I've got another independent question.

Are some of you familiar with MITK and know how to get the superbuild up and
running with RTK? I am writing a MITK-Plugin and want to reduce the metal
artifacts before a segmentation. So if some of you have experience with the
combination of RTK and MITK it would be nice if you will share it ;)


Best regards,



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