[Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error

Cyril Mory cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Wed Nov 2 13:27:18 CET 2016

I see two errors:

Remove this line


since only the streaming filter, not the write filter, needs to know 
about the number of divisions.
And change the filename to


It will write both the .mhd and the .raw files.

I hope it helps,

On 11/02/2016 11:57 AM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
> Dear Cyril Mory,
>                  I have modified my file writer code and used StreamingImageFilter. Now its not giving any error message but the final output is 0 byte for 1024 volume. It working fine for 512 volume.
>                  Please check my modified file writer code given below.
>          // Streaming depending on streaming capability of writer
> 	typedef itk::StreamingImageFilter<OutPutImageType, OutPutImageType> StreamerType;
> 	StreamerType::Pointer streamerBP = StreamerType::New();
> 	streamerBP->SetInput(feldkamp->GetOutput());
> 	streamerBP->SetNumberOfStreamDivisions(4);
>          //create a writer and write reconstructed file
> 	itk::ImageFileWriter<OutPutImageType>::Pointer writer;
> 	writer = itk::ImageFileWriter<OutPutImageType>::New();
> 	writer->SetFileName("D:\\Output.raw");
> 	writer->SetImageIO(io);
> 	writer->SetInput(streamerBP->GetOutput());
> 	writer->SetNumberOfStreamDivisions(4);
>          Please let me know if any clarification is required.
> Thanks & Regards
> Zahid Hasan Ansari
> Senior Design Engineer
> Mobile No. +91-9738379729
> Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area Phase 1, Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial Area, Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785 | Fax : + 91 42428710 | Url : http://www.panaceamedical.com
> Bangalore - India.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Cyril Mory [mailto:cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com], Simon Rit [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com, saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>> Dear Zahid,
>> The --divisions is an option of the command-line application rtkfdk. It
>> is not directly an option of the FDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter :
>> rather, it is passed to a streaming filter at the end of the pipeline.
>> Look for the following bit of code in rtkfdk.cxx :
>>     // Streaming depending on streaming capability of writer
>>     typedef itk::StreamingImageFilter<CPUOutputImageType,
>> CPUOutputImageType> StreamerType;
>>     StreamerType::Pointer streamerBP = StreamerType::New();
>>     streamerBP->SetInput( pfeldkamp );
>>     streamerBP->SetNumberOfStreamDivisions( args_info.divisions_arg );
>> You can find information on how a streaming filter works on this page:
>> https://itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1StreamingImageFilter.html
>> I hope it helps,
>> Cyril
>> On 11/02/2016 09:01 AM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
>>> Dear Cyril Mory,
>>>                   I have tried but I am not getting where to give
>> --division 4 in my code.
>>>                   Please find my code given below and please let me know
>> where I need to change in my code to make it work.
>>>    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
>>> {
>>> #pragma region "Variable declaration"
>>> 	const double  PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
>>> 	float *angles;
>>> 	int nProj = 349;
>>> 	typedef unsigned short pixelType;
>>> 	typedef float OutpixelType;
>>> 	const int dimension = 3;
>>> 	typedef itk::Image<pixelType, dimension> imageType;
>>> 	typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<imageType > ImageIteratorType;
>>> 	imageType::Pointer Projections = imageType::New();
>>> #pragma endregion "Variable declaration"
>>> 	Projections =
>> ReadRawImages("D:\\CBCT\\CIRS_1204020_25022016153227\\Proj_%d.raw", nProj);
>>> 	imageType::SpacingType pSpacing;
>>> 	pSpacing[0] = 0.2960;
>>> 	pSpacing[1] = 0.2960;
>>> 	pSpacing[2] = 0.2960;
>>> 	Projections->SetSpacing(pSpacing);
>>> 	imageType::PointType pOrigin;
>>> 	pOrigin[0] = -212.972;
>>> 	pOrigin[1] = -212.972;
>>> 	pOrigin[2] = -212.972; //-158.50;
>>> 	Projections->SetOrigin(pOrigin);
>>> 	Projections->Update();
>>>       //Read angles.
>>> 	char  *angles_file = "D:/CBCT/CIRS_1204020_25022016153227/angle.txt";
>>> 	angles = new float[nProj];
>>> 	angles = readAngles(angles_file, angles);
>>> #pragma region"Geometry"
>>> 	// Geometry object
>>> 	typedef rtk::ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry GeometryType;
>>> 	GeometryType::Pointer geometry = GeometryType::New();
>>> 	for (unsigned int noProj = 0; noProj < nProj; noProj++)
>>> 	{
>>> 		geometry->AddProjection(1000.0, 1500.0, angles[noProj], 15.0, 10, 0, 0);
>> // 136 half fan //2.07 Kidwai //
>>> 	}
>>> 	typedef rtk::ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometryXMLFileWriter
>> GeometryWriterType;
>>> 	GeometryWriterType::Pointer geometryWriter = GeometryWriterType::New();
>>> 	geometryWriter->SetFilename("D:\\geo.xml");
>>> 	geometryWriter->SetObject(geometry);
>>> 	geometryWriter->WriteFile();
>>> 	geometry->Update();
>>> #pragma endregion "Geometry"
>>> //Define output image type
>>> #ifdef USE_CUDA
>>> 		typedef itk::CudaImage< OutpixelType, dimension > OutPutImageType;
>>> 		typedef rtk::ParkerShortScanImageFilter< OutPutImageType > PSSFType;
>>> 		typedef rtk::CudaFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter FDKType;
>>> #else
>>> 		typedef itk::Image<OutpixelType, dimension> OutPutImageType;
>>> 		typedef rtk::ParkerShortScanImageFilter<OutPutImageType > PSSFType;
>>> 		typedef rtk::FDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter<OutPutImageType> FDKType;
>>> #endif
>>> 	//ScatterCorrection
>>> 	typedef rtk::BoellaardScatterCorrectionImageFilter<imageType, imageType >
>> BoellaardScatterCorrectionImageFilterType;
>>> 	BoellaardScatterCorrectionImageFilterType::Pointer ScatterCorrection =
>> BoellaardScatterCorrectionImageFilterType::New();
>>> 	ScatterCorrection->SetInput(Projections);
>>> 	//VarianObiRawImageFilter
>>> 	typedef rtk::VarianObiRawImageFilter< imageType, OutPutImageType >
>> RawImageFilterType;
>>> 	RawImageFilterType::Pointer AttenuationFilter =
>> RawImageFilterType::New();
>>> 	AttenuationFilter->SetInput(ScatterCorrection->GetOutput());
>>>       //Create the output image
>>> 	typedef rtk::ConstantImageSource< OutPutImageType >
>> ConstantImageSourceType;
>>> 	ConstantImageSourceType::PointType origin_p;
>>> 	ConstantImageSourceType::SizeType size_p;
>>> 	ConstantImageSourceType::SpacingType spacing_p;
>>> 	ConstantImageSourceType::Pointer projectionsSource =
>> ConstantImageSourceType::New();
>>> 	origin_p[0] = -127.5;
>>> 	origin_p[1] = -127.5;
>>> 	origin_p[2] = -127.5;
>>> 	size_p[0] = 512;
>>> 	size_p[1] = 512;
>>> 	size_p[2] = 512;
>>> 	spacing_p[0] = (origin_p[0] / size_p[0]) * 2 * (-1);
>>> 	spacing_p[1] = (origin_p[1] / size_p[1]) * 2 * (-1);
>>> 	spacing_p[2] = (origin_p[2] / size_p[2]) * 2 * (-1);
>>> 	projectionsSource->SetOrigin(origin_p);
>>> 	projectionsSource->SetSpacing(spacing_p);
>>> 	projectionsSource->SetSize(size_p);
>>> 	projectionsSource->SetConstant(0);
>>>       // Short scan image filter
>>> 	PSSFType::Pointer pssf = PSSFType::New();
>>> 	pssf->SetInput(AttenuationFilter->GetOutput());
>>> 	pssf->SetGeometry(geometry);
>>> 	pssf->InPlaceOff();
>>> 	std::cout << "short scan image filter success" << std::endl;
>>> 	FDKType::Pointer feldkamp = FDKType::New();
>>> 	feldkamp->SetInput(0, projectionsSource->GetOutput());
>>> 	feldkamp->SetInput(1, pssf->GetOutput());
>>> 	feldkamp->SetGeometry(geometry);
>>> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetTruncationCorrection(1.0);
>>> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetHannCutFrequency(5.0);
>>> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetHannCutFrequencyY(5.0);
>>> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetCosineCutFrequency(5.0);
>>> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetHammingFrequency(5.0);
>>> 	feldkamp->GetRampFilter()->SetRamLakCutFrequency(5.0);
>>> 	feldkamp->SetGPUEnabled(1);
>>> 	feldkamp->SetNumberOfThreads(10000);
>>> #pragma region "Write volume"
>>>       //Create a raw io for writing
>>> 	itk::RawImageIO<float, dimension>::Pointer io;
>>> 	io = itk::RawImageIO<float, dimension>::New();
>>> 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
>>> 	{
>>> 		io->SetDimensions(i, size_p[i]);
>>> 		io->SetSpacing(i, spacing_p[i]);
>>> 		io->SetOrigin(i, origin_p[i]);
>>> 	}
>>> 	io->SetHeaderSize(0);
>>> 	io->SetByteOrderToLittleEndian();
>>> 	io->SetPixelType(itk::ImageIOBase::SCALAR);
>>> 	io->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
>>> 	io->SetNumberOfDimensions(3);
>>>       //create a writer and write reconstructed file
>>> 	itk::ImageFileWriter<OutPutImageType>::Pointer writer;
>>> 	writer = itk::ImageFileWriter<OutPutImageType>::New();
>>> 	writer->SetFileName("D:\\Output.raw");
>>> 	writer->SetImageIO(io);
>>> 	writer->SetInput(feldkamp->GetOutput());
>>> 	try
>>> 	{
>>> 		writer->Update();
>>> 	}
>>> 	catch (itk::ExceptionObject & excp)
>>> 	{
>>> 		std::cerr << "Error while writing the image " << std::endl;
>>> 		std::cerr << excp << std::endl;
>>> 		getchar();
>>> 	}
>>> #pragma endregion "WriteVolume"
>>> 	delete[] angles;
>>> 	return 0;
>>> 	}
>>> Thanks & Regards
>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>> Senior Design Engineer
>>> Mobile No. +91-9738379729
>>> Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area Phase 1,
>> Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial Area,
>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785 | Fax : + 91 42428710 | Url :
>> http://www.panaceamedical.com
>>> Bangalore - India.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Cyril Mory [mailto:cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com], Simon Rit
>> [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com, saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
>>> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>>>> Dear Zahid,
>>>> I was able to perform a reconstruction from your header and geometry
>>>> file, using the following command lines:
>>>> rtkprojectshepploganphantom -o simulatedprojections.mha -g geo.xml
>>>> --phantomscale "128,128,128" --like Output.mhd
>>>> rtkfdk -p . -r simulatedprojections.mha -g geo.xml -o fdk.mha --hardware
>>>> cuda --dimension 1024 --spacing 0.25 --lowmem --divisions 4
>>>> The first computes projections through a Shepp & Logan phantom, with the
>>>> same size, spacing, origin, etc... as your projections, using your
>>>> geometry file geo.xml.
>>>> The second line performs the FDK reconstruction. I had to use both the
>>>> "--lowmem" and the "--divisions 4" since I have little GPU memory (3GB,
>>>> on a Geforce GTX 780). "--lowmem" loads the projections into memory by
>>>> subsets of 16. "--divisions 4" cuts the reconstructed volume into 4
>>>> parts, reconstructs them one by one, then assembles the results. Can you
>>>> run the same commands and let us know whether you still encounter the
>>>> crash you mentioned ? If it works, you can use your own projection data
>>>> in the second command line instead of "simulatedprojections.mha".
>>>> Best,
>>>> Cyril
>>>> On 10/25/2016 01:13 PM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
>>>>> Dear Sir,
>>>>>            Please find the Header file in the attachment.
>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: Cyril Mory [mailto:cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com], Simon
>> Rit
>>>> [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com, saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>>>>>> Dear Zahid,
>>>>>> We do not need the projections file, at least not for a first stage of
>>>>>> error tracking. We only need the header.
>>>>>> Try the following command line:
>>>>>> rtkprojections -p . -r yourProjectionsFileName -o proj.mhd
>>>>>> It should write a "proj.mhd" and a "proj.raw". The "proj.mhd" file is
>>>>>> what we need, and it is a very light text file. The "proj.raw" contains
>>>>>> the pixel values, but at the moment we do not need them. We will create
>>>>>> our own proj.raw file, filled with zeros, which should be enough to
>>>>>> track down the error you encounter.
>>>>>> Looking forward to receiving your file,
>>>>>> Cyril
>>>>>> On 10/25/2016 09:22 AM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Sir,
>>>>>>>               The single raw file of the projections is 1.4 GB and we
>> are
>>>> not
>>>>>> able to send this big file to you. Can you please suggest other
>>>> alternatives
>>>>>> for this?
>>>>>>>               Or can you provide us the PC configuration to solve the
>>>> issue?
>>>>>>>               Let me know if any other clarification is required.
>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: Cyril Mory [mailto:cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>>>> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com], Simon
>>>> Rit
>>>>>> [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>>>> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com, saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>>>>>>>> Hello Zahid,
>>>>>>>> We will need the header of your projections file, too (It is best if
>>>> you
>>>>>>>> have all your projections as a single .mhd and a single .raw file, so
>>>> it
>>>>>>>> should be 3-D image, and you send only the .mhd file).
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Cyril
>>>>>>>> On 10/19/2016 03:18 PM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Cyril Mory,
>>>>>>>>>                     I have only used RTK version 1.3.0. but in the
>> error
>>>>>>>> message it is showing RTK version 1.2.0.
>>>>>>>>>                     Please find the attachment of the geometry file
>> of
>>>> our
>>>>>>>> projections.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>>>>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>> From: Cyril Mory [mailto:cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>>>>>> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com],
>> Simon
>>>>>> Rit
>>>>>>>> [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>>>>>> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com, saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Zahid,
>>>>>>>>>> Without some more information, it's unlikely that we find the
>> source
>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>> the problem. Here are a few things you can do to help us (and
>>>> therefore
>>>>>>>>>> yourself):
>>>>>>>>>> - try version 1.3.0 of RTK: there have been considerable changes in
>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> Cuda forward and back projection filters since v1.2.0, so your
>>>> problem
>>>>>>>>>> might disappear just by upgrading to the new version
>>>>>>>>>> - create a small example that reproduces your problem. You can, for
>>>>>>>>>> example, simulate a geometry, simulate projections of a shepp logan
>>>>>>>>>> phantom, and reconstruct from these projections (take a look at
>>>>>>>>>> http://wiki.openrtk.org/index.php/RTK/Scripts/FDK if you need an
>>>>>>>>>> example). And send us the script
>>>>>>>>>> - OR send us your geometry file and the header of your projections
>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>> (no need to send the projection data itself, we'll create a
>>>> zero-filled
>>>>>>>>>> stack of projections), and the command line that crashes
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Cyril
>>>>>>>>>> On 10/17/2016 02:27 PM, Zahid Hasan Ansari wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Simon Rit,
>>>>>>>>>>>                     Please find the screen shot in the attachment.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>>>>>>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Design Engineer
>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile No. +91-9738379729
>>>>>>>>>>> Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
>>>>>>>>>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area
>>>>>> Phase
>>>>>>>> 1,
>>>>>>>>>> Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>>>>>>>>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial
>>>>>> Area,
>>>>>>>>>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>>>>>>>>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785 | Fax : + 91 42428710 | Url :
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.panaceamedical.com
>>>>>>>>>>> Bangalore - India.
>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: Simon Rit [mailto:simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr]
>>>>>>>>>>> To: Zahid Hasan Ansari [mailto:zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com]
>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: rtk-users at public.kitware.com
>>>>>> [mailto:rtk-users at public.kitware.com],
>>>>>>>>>> saimahesh.m at panaceamedical.com
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rtk-users] Reg: CBCT 1k reconstruction error
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Zahid,
>>>>>>>>>>>> There is no screenshot so I'm guessing that the problem is a CUDA
>>>>>>>> memory
>>>>>>>>>>>> error. If you use the command line tool rtkfdk, you should first
>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>>>>> that you use the --lowmem option to stream the projection images.
>>>> If
>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> no sufficient, you can split your volume using the --divisions.
>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding C++ code can be found in rtkfdk.cxx.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is Panacea Medical using RTK? We are happy to advertise the use
>> of
>>>>>> RTK
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>> our case studies webpage
>>>>>>>>>> <http://openrtk.org/RTK/project/casestudies.html>.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Simon
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Zahid Hasan Ansari <
>>>>>>>>>>>> zahidhasan.a at panaceamedical.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Sir\Madam,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      I am unable to do 1024x1024x1024
>>>> reconstruction
>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>> RTK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CudaFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter. Please check the screen
>>>> shoot
>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      I am using the following items given below.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      1. RTK - RTK version 1.3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      2. ITK - ITK version 4.7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      3. Visual Studio 2013 win 64-bit console
>>>>>> application
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      4. GeForce GTX TITAN X GPU.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      5. CUDA 7.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      6. CMake version 3.4.3.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      7. Windows 7 64-bit OS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      Please provide the solution of this and let
>> me
>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other clarification is required.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zahid Hasan Ansari
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Design Engineer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile No. +91-9738379729
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP
>> Area
>>>>>>>> Phase
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB
>> Industrial
>>>>>>>> Area,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785 | Fax : + 91 42428710 | Url
>> :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.panaceamedical.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bangalore - India.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP
>> Area
>>>>>>>> Phase
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1,  Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB
>> Industrial
>>>>>>>> Area,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fax : + 91 80 42428710
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Url : http://www.panaceamedical.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ____________________________________________________________
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rtk-users mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rtk-users at public.kitware.com
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>>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area
>>>>>> Phase
>>>>>>>> 1,
>>>>>>>>>>       Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>>>>>>>>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial
>>>>>> Area,
>>>>>>>>>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>>>>>>>>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785
>>>>>>>>>>> Fax : + 91 80 42428710
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>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Rtk-users mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> Rtk-users at public.kitware.com
>>>>>>>>>>> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/rtk-users
>>>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area
>>>> Phase
>>>>>> 1,
>>>>>>>>      Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>>>>>>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial
>>>> Area,
>>>>>>>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>>>>>>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785
>>>>>>>>> Fax : + 91 80 42428710
>>>>>>>>> Url : http://www.panaceamedical.com
>> ____________________________________________________________________________
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>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area
>> Phase
>>>> 1,
>>>>>>     Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>>>>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial
>> Area,
>>>>>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>>>>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785
>>>>>>> Fax : + 91 80 42428710
>>>>>>> Url : http://www.panaceamedical.com
>> ____________________________________________________________________________
>>>>>>> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
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>>>>>>> If you have received this email in error please notify the system
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>>>>>>> Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for
>>>> the
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>>>>>>> caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area Phase
>> 1,
>>>>    Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial Area,
>>>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785
>>>>> Fax : + 91 80 42428710
>>>>> Url : http://www.panaceamedical.com
>> ____________________________________________________________________________
>>>>> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
>> intended
>>>>> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
>> addressed.
>>>>> If you have received this email in error please notify the system
>> manager.
>>>>> Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are
>> solely
>>>>> those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the
>> company.
>>>>> Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for
>> the
>>>>> presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage
>>>>> caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
>>> ________________________________________
>>> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area Phase 1,
>>   Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
>>> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial Area,
>> Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
>>> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785
>>> Fax : + 91 80 42428710
>>> Url : http://www.panaceamedical.com
>> ____________________________________________________________________________
>>> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
>>> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
>>> If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
>>> Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely
>>> those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company.
>>> Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the
>>> presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage
>>> caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
> ________________________________________
> Head Office: Plot #119, GF, Envision Technology Center, EPIP Area Phase 1,  Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, Karnataka, INDIA
> Manufacturing Unit: Plot #87 A, Phase -II, Malur KIADB Industrial Area, Malur - 563130. Kolar District. INDIA.
> Tel : +91 80 4242 8700 / 2845 4785
> Fax : + 91 80 42428710
> Url : http://www.panaceamedical.com
> ____________________________________________________________________________
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
> If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager.
> Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely
> those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company.
> Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the
> presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage
> caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

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