[Rtk-users] using RTK with python

나윤호 yoonho94.na at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 05:06:43 CEST 2020

I'm a newbie to ITK and RTK.
I'm currently using python not C++

so I installed ITK package and RTK package using

pip install itk
pip install itk-rtk

using ITK seems OK,  but I'm having difficulties with RTK.

When I run the ITK example code, It worked well.
but when I tried to run the FirstReconstruction.py in the github,
error occurrs.

                           Traceback (most recent call
last)<ipython-input-1-be2ee9c70d3d> in <module>     19 for x in
range(0,numberOfProjections):     20   angle = firstAngle + x *
angularArc / numberOfProjections---> 21
geometry.AddProjection(sid,sdd,angle)     22      23 # Writing the
geometry to disk
> AttributeError: 'rtkFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilterIF3' object has no attribute 'AddProjection'
How can I fix this problem?

and I have another question.
I want the reconstruct the sinogram image to phantom.

usually what I did was using skimage.transform.iradon().
what should I use in RTK to do Inverse radon transform or Filtered back
projection method?
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