[Rtk-users] Error Result by using FDK algorithm to Reconstruction 2D X- ray Scan projection images into 2D CT Slice image

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Fri Jan 13 10:05:45 CET 2023

So this is the same thing for the projections, you probably want to center
them and set origin to (1152-1)*0.25*-0.5=-143.875. This can be set with
reader->SetOrigin. The third coordinate of the origin vector is not used in
the projections images, you can leave it at 0.
Next is the angular arc. It is less than 360°. You will need to use the
Parker short scan weighting to reduce these artefacts, see here
a code example in C++.
Best regards,

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 9:30 AM 何明哲 <m10512067 at yuntech.org.tw> wrote:

> Hi Simon
> Sure, here is those information for reader->Getoutput()
> Size(XYZ)-> 1152,1152,270
> Spacing(XYZ)-> 0.25,025,0.25.
> Origin(XYZ)->  143.875,143.875,143.875
> but your suggestion inspires me a lot ,
> I was use add TiffimageIO to set size spacing origin to projectionreader
> source
> finally ,I can get this (see attached file )
> Although the image still has a lot of artifact and is not clear enough,
> Did you have any suggestion for this?
> but  finally it is a huge breakthrough for me
> thanks for help and reply again
> Simon Rit <simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr> 於 2023年1月12日 週四 下午10:57寫道:
>> Can you provide the size, origin and spacing of reader->GetOutput()? It's
>> a bit hard to help you without this information.
>> Simon
>> On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 11:01 AM 何明哲 <m10512067 at yuntech.org.tw> wrote:
>>> Dear Simon
>>> Thanks for your reply .Its great help for me!
>>> 1.)I was  refer your suggestion and modified the code,
>>> but the result will be a large blank area and I don't understand why
>>> here is the code and result
>>> sizeOutput[0] = Imagewidth;
>>>   sizeOutput[1] = 1;
>>>   sizeOutput[2] = numberOfProjections;
>>>   spacing[0] = 0.25;
>>>   spacing[1] = 0.25;
>>>   spacing[2] = 0.25;
>>>   origin[0] = (Imagewidth-1)*0.5*spacing[0];
>>>   origin[1] = (Imageheigh-1)*0.5*spacing[1];
>>>   origin[2] = spacing[2]*SliceN*-1;
>>>   recoVolume->SetSize(sizeOutput);
>>>   recoVolume->SetSpacing(spacing);
>>>   recoVolume->SetOrigin(origin);
>>>   recoVolume->SetConstant(0.);
>>> 2.)if you're doing 2D reconstruction, be careful that your projections
>>> should not be 1D because the backprojection uses a 2D interpolation. It
>>> should have at least 2 lines.
>>>  --> Yes , I hope I can eventually reconstruct a 2D CT Slice, if  my
>>> read projection step or setting have any problem please let me know,
>>> thanks for your reply
>>> BR,
>>> Simon Rit <simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr> 於 2023年1月12日 週四 下午4:30寫道:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm not sure I have enough information to answer... What I can say is:
>>>> - that the origin is not set to center your volume, for centering, you
>>>> should use (size-1)*0.5*spacing
>>>> - if you're doing 2D reconstruction, be careful that your projections
>>>> should not be 1D because the backprojection uses a 2D interpolation. It
>>>> should have at least 2 lines.
>>>> I hope it helps,
>>>> Simon
>>>> On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 8:46 AM 何明哲 <m10512067 at yuntech.org.tw> wrote:
>>>>> HI Everyone ,
>>>>> I have a question
>>>>> that When I was refer to the official example
>>>>> "Firstcudareconstruction.cpp",
>>>>> then I tried to  modify the code and reconstruction 2D x ray
>>>>> projection image to 2D ct slice,
>>>>> the code is worked but I got the wrong result too,
>>>>> I don't understand what the problem I'm have ?
>>>>>  it's possible that the setting of reconstruction output image size or
>>>>> origin is wrong?
>>>>> here is my code and result (I was tried to only reconstruction just a
>>>>> slice NO.100 of the whole volume)
>>>>>  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>  using GeometryType = rtk::ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry;
>>>>>   GeometryType::Pointer geometry = GeometryType::New();
>>>>>   unsigned int          numberOfProjections = 280;
>>>>>   double                firstAngle = 0;
>>>>>   double                angularArc = 280;
>>>>>   unsigned int          sid = 510;
>>>>>   unsigned int          sdd = 690;
>>>>>   for (unsigned int noProj = 0; noProj < numberOfProjections; noProj++)
>>>>>   {
>>>>>     double angle = firstAngle + noProj * angularArc /
>>>>> numberOfProjections;
>>>>>     geometry->AddProjection(sid, sdd, angle);
>>>>>   }
>>>>>   rtk::ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometryXMLFileWriter::Pointer
>>>>> xmlWriter;
>>>>>   xmlWriter =
>>>>> rtk::ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometryXMLFileWriter::New();
>>>>>   xmlWriter->SetFilename(".\\RTK_Geometry.xml");
>>>>>   xmlWriter->SetObject(geometry);
>>>>>   xmlWriter->WriteFile();
>>>>>   using NameGeneratorType = itk::NumericSeriesFileNames;
>>>>>   NameGeneratorType::Pointer nameGenerator = NameGeneratorType::New();
>>>>>   nameGenerator->SetSeriesFormat(ProjectionInage +"\\%d.tif");
>>>>>   nameGenerator->SetStartIndex(1);
>>>>>   nameGenerator->SetEndIndex(280);
>>>>>   nameGenerator->SetIncrementIndex(1);
>>>>>   using IutputImageType = itk::CudaImage<float, 3>;
>>>>>   using ReaderType = rtk::ProjectionsReader<IutputImageType>;
>>>>>   ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
>>>>>   reader->SetFileNames(nameGenerator->GetFileNames());
>>>>>   reader->Update();
>>>>>   using ConstantImageSourceType =
>>>>> rtk::ConstantImageSource<OutputImageType>;
>>>>>   ConstantImageSourceType::PointType   origin;
>>>>>   ConstantImageSourceType::SpacingType spacing;
>>>>>   ConstantImageSourceType::SizeType    sizeOutput;
>>>>>   ConstantImageSourceType::Pointer     recoVolume =
>>>>> ConstantImageSourceType::New();
>>>>>   sizeOutput[0] = Imagewidth;
>>>>>   sizeOutput[1] = Imageheigh;
>>>>>   sizeOutput[2] = numofproj;
>>>>>   spacing[0] = 0.25;
>>>>>   spacing[1] = 0.25;
>>>>>   spacing[2] = 0.25;
>>>>>   origin[0] = Imagewidth*spacing[0]*0.5*-1;
>>>>>   origin[1] = Imageheigh*spacing[0]*0.5*-1;
>>>>>   origin[2] = spacing[2]*SliceN*-1;
>>>>>   recoVolume->SetSize(sizeOutput);
>>>>>   recoVolume->SetSpacing(spacing);
>>>>>   recoVolume->SetOrigin(origin);
>>>>>   recoVolume->SetConstant(0);
>>>>>   using FDKGPUType = rtk::CudaFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter;
>>>>>   FDKGPUType::Pointer feldkamp = FDKGPUType::New();
>>>>>   feldkamp->SetInput(0, recoVolume->GetOutput());
>>>>>   feldkamp->SetInput(1, reader->GetOutput());
>>>>>   feldkamp->SetGeometry(geometry);
>>>>>   feldkamp->SetNumberOfThreads(7);
>>>>>   feldkamp->Update();
>>>>>   using WriterType = itk::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType>;
>>>>>   WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
>>>>>   writer->SetFileName("C:\\RTK.mhd");
>>>>>   writer->SetInput(feldkamp->GetOutput());
>>>>>   writer->Update();
>>>>> it should be look like this
>>>>> thanks for your reply
>>>>> BR,
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