[Dcmlib] vtkGdcmReader and load options

Jean-Pierre ROUX jean-pierre.roux at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Fri Jul 15 11:50:03 CEST 2005

At 0:06 +0200 15/07/05, Luca Picello wrote:
>Hello everybody,
>I have found a little trickery on loading of images stacks.
>My previous approach was (however it still is...) on searching for 
>all files in a directory and adding them to vtkGdcmReader object.
>I thought vtkGdcmReader loads images and organizes itself with dicom 
>ImageNumber tag but it is untrue. :-(

Hi, Luca!

Sorting images on 'ImageNumber' is not enough, in a general case (it 
may not be present, or contain stupid values, or give time info, 
insteda of spacial info, etc.

There is a gdcm::SerieHelper that does the job, even in the worst cases.

-> You create the SerieHelper
-> You AddFileName() for each one or your files,
    or you SetDirectory to explore (recursively or not) the directory
    that contains your files.

The files are splitted into Coherent File Lists (on list for each 
Dicom Serie he found)

-> you sort the Coherent File List you want to work on, with OrderFileList.

And you are sure the files are in the right order.

It works, even on huge and complicated Series;
We are not very happy with the whole stuff, because there is overhead 
in simple cases.
We are sure, some day, we shall reorganize it, but we have not yet 
very claer ideas.


>Is there a method or do I need to seek and modify it to obtain 
>correct volumes?
>If second option is forced, where, more or less, what have I to look 
>for? which module?
>Thank you,
>Dcmlib mailing list
>Dcmlib at creatis.insa-lyon.fr

   Jean-Pierre ROUX
   Laboratoire de Radiologie Experimentale
   Hopital Cardiologique
   28 Avenue du Doyen LEPINE
   B.P. Lyon-Montchat
   69394 Lyon Cedex 03
   Tel      : (+33) 04 72 35 74 12
   Fax      : (+33) 04 72 68 49 16
   URL      : http://www.creatis.univ-lyon1.fr
   e-mail   : jpr at creatis.univ-lyon1.fr

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