[Dcmlib] dummy project

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Wed Jul 27 16:04:15 CEST 2005

> Then, I create the directory /home/olivier/Projets/Tmp/dummy/ where I 
> copy the 2 files dummy.cxx and CMakeLists.txt. I create another 
> directory /home/olivier/Projets/Tmp/dymmy-gcc/ and in a terminal placed 
> there I do: ccmake ../dummy, I point GDCM_DIR to 
> /home/olivier/GDCM/gdcm/ and configure. cmake indicates me taht the file 
> GDCMConfig.cmake is not present in /home/olivier/GDCM/gdcm and the 
> reason is that the file is called GDCMConfig.cmake.in. I rename it and 
> repeat de ccmake operation where when I confure it writes:

rahhhh !!!!
Next time you do something 'unusual' please tell us, don't be shy you'll 
be practicing your english at the same time :-P

Anyway now I hope you understand what is going on ? The .in is only a 
template file, but it gets filed whenever you do a build. You can do a 
diff on the .in and the generated one to see what get's filed in.


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