README file associated to Playable Multimedia Objects associated to my PhD report Description: The nine videos illustrate the individual optimization run of the following optimized arrays: Chapter III - U1 1HS - U2 1HS - U3 1HS - U1 3HS - U2 3HS - U3 3HS Each video displays the evolution of the layout, the energy function, the acceptation rate and the associated radiated patterns at depths 15 mm, 25 mm and 35 mm. Chapter IV - opti128 - opti192 - opti256 Each video displays the evolution of the layout, the energy function, the acceptation rate and the associated radiated patterns at depths 30 mm, 40 mm and 50 mm. Duration: The duration of the optimization are twice longer in Chapter III compared to Chapter IV because the number of iteration is twice bigger. Player Information: To play the videos you can use the latest version of VLC media player (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS) available for free at Contact Information: For any request about the previously details material please contact Emmanuel Roux (