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GdcmPython is the blending of gdcm with the Python scripting language. Here is a simple example of the usage of gdcmPython:
from gdcmPython import *
import sys

### Get filename from command line or default it
   FileName = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
   FileName = os.path.join(GDCM_DATA_PATH, "test.acr")

   printLevel = int(sys.argv[2])
except IndexError:
   printLevel = 1

#if not os.path.isfile(FileName):
#   print "Cannot open file ", FileName
#   sys.exit()

# On debugging purposes uncomment the next line
#s = raw_input("Hit any key in this window to exit")

### Build the header element list
toRead = gdcmHeader(FileName)
if not toRead.IsReadable():
   print "The ", FileName, " file is not readable with gdcm. Sorry."

print "##############################################################"
print "### Display all the elements and their respective values"
print "## found in the ", FileName, " file."
print "##############################################################"

# ValDict = toRead.GetEntry()
# for key in ValDict.keys():
#       print "[%s] = [%s]" %(key, ValDict[key])

Generated on Mon Feb 14 16:13:40 2005 for gdcm by doxygen 1.3.6