The Black Box Toolkit

Package Developers' Guide

bbtk version 0.9.0 (15/10/2008)
Generated on : Nov 12, 2008
Eduardo Dávila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
CREATIS-LRMN, Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Médicale
CNRS UMR 5220, INSERM U620, INSA Lyon, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1

1  Introduction

This guide describes how to create new bbtk packages and black boxes. How to use them is described in bbtk Users' guide.
Any black box must be included in a bbtk package, that is in a particular shared library which can be loaded dynamically by bbtk , either in C++ code or in bbs scripts with the commands include or load. The steps to create new boxes are thus to :
  1. Create a new package. This is described in section .
  2. Describe your new box. You can do it either :
    This is described in section .

2  Creating a new package

2.1  Creating the file tree

Before defining any black box you have to create a package, or more precisely the source files which will allow you to generate the package (compile and link the shared library) and may be install it.
The bbtk command line application bbCreatePackage allows to create the basic file architecture to start the development of a new black box package. Type bbCreatePackage in a console to get its usage :
bbCreatePackage <package-path> <package-name> [author] [description]

bbStudio also offers a graphical interface to the bbCreatePackage application. You can run it with the menu Tools > Create Package.
In both cases (using the command line tool or bbStudio interface), you have to choose :
You must also provide the author list and a description which will be used for your package documentation.
After running bbCreatePackage or clicking 'Run' in bbStudio interface you should get a file structure like this (Linux users can verify it with the tree command):
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- Configure.cmake
    |-- README.txt
    |-- bbs
    |   |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |   |-- appli
    |   |   `-- README.txt
    |   `-- boxes
    |       `-- README.txt
    |-- data
    |   `-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- doc
    |   |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |   |-- bbdoc
    |   |   |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |   |   `--
    |   `-- doxygen
    |       |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |       |--
    |       `--
    `-- src
        `-- CMakeLists.txt

You can then :

2.2  Configuring the root CMakeLists.txt

First you must configure your new package build settings, by editing the file CMakeLists.txt in the package root directory. This file contains :

File CMakeLists.txt





SET(${BBTK_PACKAGE_NAME}_DESCRIPTION "The kinkiest stuff you ve ever seen.")



  # std
  # wx
  # itk
  # vtk
  # ...

# E.G. TO COMPILE "toto.cxx" ADD "toto" (NO EXTENSION)
#    )

# E.G. TO bbfy "toto.xml" ADD "toto" (NO EXTENSION)
#    )

# E.G. TO INCLUDE "boxes/bbtoto.bbs" ADD "boxes/bbtoto" (NO EXTENSION)

# E.G. TO INCLUDE "appli/testToto.bbs" ADD "appli/testToto" (NO EXTENSION)

  # EXCEPT :
  #  - src
  #  - bbtk dirs
  #  - automatically handled libraries or packages : wx, vtk... (see above)
  #  - the dirs automatically set by other libraries found by FIND_PACKAGE

  # EXCEPT : the same libs than for INCLUDE_DIRS 




# Include configuration script


End of file

The comments in the file should be easily understandable ! In this file, you can see some of the informations you supplied in previous step:
You can additionaly set :
Of course, this is only a framework and you can add any other cmake commands in the file.

3  Creating a new box

3.1  Principles

3.1.1  C++ or XML ?

There are two ways to create a new black box in an existing package :

3.1.2  From which bbtk class inherit ?

Apart from the choice of the description langage to use, there is an important choice to do concerning the implementation of the box. In C++ , a black box is nothing but a class which has the standard interface of all black boxes : what's its name ? inputs ? outputs ? and so on.
The abstract description of this interface is done in the class bbtk::BlackBox of the bbtk library and is implemented in its children classes : bbtk::AtomicBlackBox and bbtk::WxBlackBox 1.
To create a new black box, you have to inherit one of these two concrete classes in order to inherit the black box interface and a particular implementation of this interface.
If your black box is a Widget black box, that is a black box which has (or is) a piece of a graphical interface based on the wxWidgets library, then it must inherit the class bbtk::WxBlackBox.
Concretely, a bbtk::WxBlackBox is associated a wxWindow and must be able to return a pointer to it. If your black box is not a widget black box (that is : doesn't returns a pointer to a wxWindow), it must inherit from bbtk::AtomicBlackBox. NOTE : modal dialogs which are created and destroyed at the end of the process method of the box are NOT WxBlackBoxes : they do not return a wxWindow, see the code of wx::FileSelector for example.

3.1.3  Inherit or encapsulate ?

Now, your black box will do something (hopefully !). When you decide to write a new black box, you should be in one of these three cases :
  1. You already have a C-like function which does the processing that you wish to 'blackboxify' (bbfy in short).
  2. You already have a C++ class which does the processing that you wish to 'blackboxify'
  3. You start from scratch without any existing code
The idea of The Black Box Toolkit is to embed processing codes into C++ objects which have a standard and generic interface - namely black boxes - to be able to chain arbitrary processes afterwards.
In C++ , in order to embed an existing processing class into a standard interface you only have two possibilities :
  1. Inherit the existing processing class and the interface class (e.g. bbtk::AtomicBlackBox). In this case you have to :
    1. make the link between the inputs and outputs of the black box and the interface of the inherited class
    2. call the processing method of the inherited class in the processing method of the black box.
  2. Encapsulate the existing processing class in a class inherited from the interface class (e.g. bbtk::AtomicBlackBox). In this case you have to :
    1. declare an instance of the processing class as a member of the black box,
    2. instantiate it at the right time (either in the constructor or in the processing method of the black box)
    3. in the processing method of the black box :
      1. set the inputs of the member processing class with the inputs of the black box,
      2. call the processing method of the encapsulated class
      3. set the ouputs of the black box with the outputs of the encapsulated class.
If you wish to 'blackboxify' a C-like function, you do not have the choice, you can only use the second mechanism, namely encapsulation.
Obviously, the inheritance mechanism is more powerfull and - when it is possible to use it - it demands less effort because, as we will see, in bbtk you can directly link the accessors to the input and output data of the box to the accessors of the inherited processing class, as well as the procesing method of the black box to the processing method of the inherited processing class, very much like a callback mechanism.

3.1.4  Input and output accessors

When you encapsulate a processing class or a C function or when you write down a black box from scratch, you must access the inputs and outputs of the black box, in order to interface it manually with your processing method or simply write your processing code (there are other cases in which you also need to access the inputs and outputs, we will talk about them later).
The only thing you must know about the C++ code generated from your xml or your C++ macro-based description is that when you declare an input or an output of a black box then two accessors for this input or output are generated : one to get the value of the input or output and one to set it. These accessors have normalized names :
For example, declaring an input called Image would generate the two accessors bbSetInputImage and bbGetInputImage.
Note that:

3.2  Generate the black box skeleton

The command line application bbCreateBlackBox allows to create a skeleton C++ or xml files for a new black box. It has a rather complex usage, we recommand you use the graphical interface to it which is accessible with bbStudio menu Tools > Create black box. The interface looks like in fig. .
Figure 1: Create Black Box interface
You will have to give :
  1. The name of the box
  2. The package to which the box belongs (can we do it automatically ? LG : think about it)
  3. The author(s) of the box
  4. A description of the box
  5. Its type, either
    1. Basic (inherits AtomicBlackBox, no particular Input/Output)
    2. Widget (inherits WxBlackBox, has output 'Widget' of type 'wxWindow*')
    3. VTK PolyDataAlgorithm (inherits AtomicBlackBox and a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm, has standard vtk I/O)
    4. VTK ImageAlgorithm (inherits AtomicBlackBox and a vtkImageAlgorithm, has standard vtk I/O)
  6. The output format of the file, either a C++ file or an XML file.

3.3  XML description of a box

3.3.1  General xml tags

Let us examine the xml file describing the Add box of the std package :

File packages/std/src/bbAdd.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

<blackbox name="Add">

  <author> </author>
  <description>Adds its inputs                 </description>
  <category>math                               </category>

  <input name="In1"  type="double" description="First number to add"/>
  <input name="In2"  type="double" description="Second number to add"/>
  <output name="Out" type="double" description="Result"/>

    bbSetOutputOut( bbGetInputIn1() + bbGetInputIn2() );


End of file

The tags and their role are easily understandable.
As the box is not a widget, we inherit implicitely from bbtk::AtomicBlackBox (the default).
The only part of the file which needs a bit of explaination is the body of the process tag, which describes the actual code to execute in the box. This code must be enclosed in a <PRE></PRE> tag to tell the xml parser not to interpret it as xml instructions. This is necessary to be able to use any symbol, like the < and > which have a special meaning in xml . In the case of the Add box, the process code is very simple : remember that bbGetInputIn1() is the accessor to the input In1 declared above and bbGetInputIn2() is the accessor to the input In2; the code simply adds the values of the two inputs and sets the output Out with the resulting value.
To describe your own black boxes in xml code, you must modify the xml file generated by bbCreateBlackBox :
  1. Complete the description and author tags if you feel like.
  2. Add the #include directives to be put in the generated .h file
  3. Create your inputs and outputs
  4. Fill in the process tag
  5. Fill in the constructor tag
  6. Fill in the copyconstructor tag
  7. Fill in the destructor tag

3.3.2  Writting new widget boxes in xml

See the example packages/wx/src/bbwxOutputText.xml

File packages/wx/src/bbwxOutputText.xml

<blackbox name="OutputText" widget>

  <author>laurent.guigues at</author>
  <description>Text zone to be inserted into a window (wxStaticText)</description>

  <input name="Title" type="std::string" description="Title prepended to the text"/>
  <input name="In" type="std::string" description="Text"/>

   bbSetOutputWidget( new wxStaticText ( bbGetWxParent() , -1 , _T("") ) );
   std::string msg;
    if (bbGetInputTitle()!="")
	msg = bbGetInputTitle()+": " + bbGetInputIn();
	msg = bbGetInputIn();
   ((wxStaticText*)bbGetOutputWidget())->SetLabel( bbtk::std2wx( msg ) ); 


End of file

More complex examples can be found in the package/wx/src folder.

3.3.3  Specific xml tags for vtkImageAlgorithm classes bbfication by inheritance

If you wish to bbfy a vtk object which is a vtkImageAlgorithm (such as vtkImageGaussianSmooth, ImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D, ...) we recommand you do it in xml (you can have a look at the examples in the vtk core package 'src' folder). The bbfication mechanism is inheritance.
You have to add the attribute type="VTK_ImageAlgorithm" to the blackbox tag :
<blackbox name="..." type="VTK_ImageAlgorithm">

You have to had an include tag which includes the vtk parent header, such as :
<include> vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D.h </include> 

You have to add the tag vtkparent which gives the vtk parent of the box, e.g.:
<vtkparent> vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D </vtkparent>

The vtk algorithm input/ouput are wrapped directly using the special attributes of the input and output tags. A typical example is :
<input name="In"   type="vtkImageData*" special="vtk input" 
       description="Input image"/>
<output name="Out"  type="vtkImageData*" special="vtk output"    
        description="Output image"/>

The attribute special="vtk input" of the input 'In' definition directly connects it to the input of the vtk object the box inherits. No additional code is needed, the vtk object will directly receive the value of this input. The same mechanism hold for the output.
The parameters of the vtk object which are declared using vtkSetMacro and vtkGetMacro can also be directly wrapped using the attribute special="vtk parameter" of the input tag, e.g. :
<input  name="DiffusionThreshold"  type="double" special="vtk parameter" 
        description="Difference threshold that stops diffusion"/>

The attribute special="vtk parameter" of the input called DiffusionThreshold instructs bbfy to directly call the SetDiffusionThreshold and GetDiffusionThreshold methods of the vtk parent when needed.
NOTE : For this mechanism to work, the name of the bbtk input MUST be the same than the name of the vtk parent parameter.
No process method has to be given, bbfy generates a process body for you, which simply calls the Update() method of the vtk parent.
NOTE : you can write your own process code which will overload the default. Don't forget to call Update(). See packages/vtk/src/bbvtkConeSource.xml for an example.

3.3.4  Specific xml tags for vtkPolyDataAlgorithm classes bbfication by inheritance

If you wish to bbfy a vtk object which is a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm (such as vtkConeSource, ...) we recommand you do it in xml (you can have a look at the examples in the vtk core package 'src' folder). The bbfication mechanism is inheritance.
You must use the same xml tags and attributes than for wrapping a vtkImageAlgorithm (see above) :
<blackbox name="..." type="VTK_PolyDataAlgorithm">

<vtkparent>the vtk Polydata class it inherits from</vtkparent>
<input  name="..."  type="vtkPolyData*" special="vtk input"    
<output name="..."  type="vtkPolyData*" special="vtk output"    
<input  name="..."  type="double"       special="vtk parameter" 

3.3.5  Specific xml tags for itk::ImageToImageFilter classes bbfication by inheritance

to be written...

3.3.6  bbfy xml tags reference

See tables ,
Table 1: bbfy xml tags reference (part 1)
Tag Attributes Condition Multiplicity Description
<blackbox> name - 1 The name of the box
type - 1 The type of the box. In: {standard (default), ITK_ImageToImageFilter, VTK_ImageAlgorithm, VTK_PolyDataAlgorithm}
generic a) 0-1 Generate the generic filter (see text)
widget - 1 If present then the box inherits from WxBlackBox (AtomicBlackBox if absent)
<description> - - 0-n The description of the box. Multiple occurrence are concatenated
<author> - - 0-n The author of the box. Multiple occurrence are concatenated
<category> - - 0-1 The box category (if more than one, they are separated with commas) see Tab
<namespace> - - 0-1 The namespace of the box. Use bbPACKAGE, where PACKAGE is the name of the package
<include> - - 0-n Additionnal file to include (generates : #include 'value')
<template> - - 0-n Template parameter of the box. The template parameter list is generated in the order of appearance of the tag.
<itkparent> - a) 1 The parent itk class (with namespace)
<vtkparent> - b) 1 The parent vtk class
<input> name - 1 The name of the input
type - 1 The type of the input
special - 0-1 In: {'itk input', 'vtk input', 'itk parameter', 'vtk parameter'} (see below).
generic_type c) 0-1 The "generic" type of the input (see text).
Table 2: bbfy xml tags reference (part 2)
Tag Attributes Condition Multiplicity Description
<output> name - 1 The name of the output
type - 1 The type of the output
special - 0-1 In: {'itk output', 'vtk output'} (see below).
generic_type c) 0-1 The "generic" type of the output (see text).
nature c) 0-1 The "nature" of the output (used for automatic GUI generation).
<process> - - 0-1 The code of the processing method of the box. Must be put between clear tags : <PRE></PRE>
<createwidget> - d) 0-1 The code of the widget creation method of the box. Must be put between clear tags : <PRE></PRE>
<constructor> - - 0-1 The code of the user Constructor of the box (may contains default initialisations). Must be put between clear tags : <PRE></PRE>
<copyconstructor> - - 0-1 The code of the user Copy Constructor of the box . Must be put between clear tags : <PRE></PRE>
<destructor> - - 0-1 The code of the user Destructor of the box. Must be put between clear tags : <PRE></PRE>
Table 3: bbfy xml tags conditions
a) <blackbox type == 'ITK_ImageToImageFilter'>
b) <blackbox type == 'VTK_ImageAlgorithm' or 'VTK_PolyDataAlgorithm'>
c) <blackbox type == 'ITK_ImageToImageFilter'> and <blackbox generic> is present.
d) <blackbox widget> is present
Table 4: Black Box categories
Category name : Meaning
adaptor : Adaptor box
application : Final application, end user intended
atomic box : System category. Automatically assigned to Atomic Black Boxes (c++ defined)
complex box : System category. Automatically assigned to Complex Black Boxes (script defined)
command line : Script which defines a command line application (no embedded GUI, but command line imput parameters)
demo : Demonstration
dicom : DICOM aware box
example : Example script showing a box use-case
filter : Filtering box
image : Image processing related box
math : Mathematical operations
mesh : Mesh processing related box
misc : A box that cannot be put in other category !
read/write : Box that read or write data from or to disk
viewer : Box which displays some data
widget : Piece of graphical interface
3D object creator : Sophisticated 3D widget
toolsbbtk : bbtk development tools (GUICreatePackage, GUICreateBlackBox,...)
Table 5: Black box kinds
Kind Use as :
ALL If kind='ALL' then sets the level for all kinds
Table 6: Input/output natures
Nature : Associated DEFAULT_GUI box
'file name' wx::FileSelector
'directory name' wx::DirectorySelector
'colour' wx::ColourSelector

3.4  C++ description of a box

Almost everything is performed using macros.
For a quick start, the best you have to do is to run bbStudio, then in the menu Tools, choose the item Create black box, click on C++, and have a look to the generated files, or have a look at the source files of bbtk core packages.

3.4.1  Black box basic header file (.h)

Let's have a look at the file packages/std/bbstdMakeFileName.h

File packages/std/bbstdMakeFileName.h

#ifndef __bbstdMakeFileName_h_INCLUDED__
#define __bbstdMakeFileName_h_INCLUDED__

#include "bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h"

namespace bbstd
  class MakeFileName : public bbtk::AtomicBlackBox
    BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(Directory, std::string);
    BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(File,      std::string);
    BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT(Extent,    std::string);
    BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT(Out,      std::string);
    void DoProcess();
    virtual void bbUserConstructor();

  BBTK_DESCRIPTION("Makes a kosher file name");
  BBTK_INPUT(MakeFileName,Directory,"Directory Name",std::string,
             "directory name");
  BBTK_INPUT(MakeFileName,File,     "File Name",     std::string,
             "file name");
  BBTK_INPUT(MakeFileName,Extent,   "Extention",     std::string,
             "file extension");
  BBTK_OUTPUT(MakeFileName,Out,"Full File Name",std::string,"file name");

// EO namespace bbstd

#endif //  __bbstdMakeFileName_h_INCLUDED__

End of file

It includes bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h. The box class is MakeFileName. It inherits bbtk::AtomicBlackBox. It is in the bbstd namespace : each box of a given package, say PACK, must be inserted into the namespace bbPACK.
The macro BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE declares the interface of the class : constructor, destructor, standard methods (e.g. New), etc. The following macros then declare inputs and outputs of the box, with their types. The macro BBTK_PROCESS then declares which method to call when processing the box (the process callback). The callback itself is declared just below.
The line virtual void bbUserConstructor(); then overloads the virtual method bbUserConstructor which is used to perform specific things at construction time. You can also overload bbUserCopyConstructor and bbUserDestructor with the same signature. The black box interface macros are summarized in table .
Table 7: Black box interface C++ macros
BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE(BOX_NAME,BBTK_PARENT) : Yes, we know the bbtk parent is redundant with the inheritance list... That's why we allow you to describe your class in xml format!
BBTK_VTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE(CLASS,BBTK_PARENT,VTK_PARENT) : Black box interface for vtk object inherited boxes ...
BBTK_ITK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE(CLASS,BBTK_PARENT,ITK_PARENT) : Black box interface for itk object inherited boxes ...
BBTK_DECLARE_INPUT (NAME,TYPE) : Declares an input of the box, with NAME : the input name (as it will appear to the users of your black box) and TYPE : C++ type of the input (e.g. double, std::string, vtkImageData*, ...).
BBTK_DECLARE_VTK_INPUT(NAME,TYPE) : Declares a vtk object-inherited input
BBTK_DECLARE_VTK_IMAGE_ALGORITHM_INPUT(NAME,TYPE) : Declares a vtkImageAlgorithm-inherited input
BBTK_DECLARE_VTK_POLY_DATA_ALGORITHM_INPUT(NAME,TYPE) : Declares a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm-inherited input
BBTK_DECLARE_ITK_INPUT (NAME,TYPE) : Declares a itk object-inherited input
BBTK_DECLARE_OUTPUT (NAME,TYPE) : Declares an output of the box
BBTK_DECLARE_VTK_OUTPUT(NAME,TYPE) : Declares a vtk object-inherited output
BBTK_DECLARE_ITK_OUTPUT(NAME,TYPE) : Declares a itk object-inherited output
BBTK_DECLARE_VTK_PARAM(VTK_PARENT,NAME,TYPE) : Declares an input corresponding to an inherited vtk parameter (you know, the ones that are declared by vtkSetMacro/vtkGetMacro). Its name must be the same than the vtk parameter name.
BBTK_DECLARE_ITK_PARAM(NAME,TYPE) : Declares an input corresponding to an inherited itk parameter
BBTK_PROCESS(METHOD_NAME) : Defines the method to call when the box is processed.
BBTK_VTK_PROCESS : Defines AND implements the default processing method for vtk inherited black boxes (calls vtkParent::Update)
BBTK_ITK_PROCESS : Defines AND implements the default processing method for itk inherited black boxes (calls itkParent::Update)
After the black box class declaration then comes a zone in which you describe your black box, between the macros BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX and
The macro BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX actually starts the declaration of another class, called BOXNAME Descriptor (in our case MakeFileNameDescriptor). The descriptor of a black box :
As you can see, the macros which are between BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX and BBTK_END_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX provide the box name (the string), its authors, description, category, the descriptions of its inputs and outputs. Black box descriptor related are described in table .
Table 8: Black box descriptor C++ macros
BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_BLACK_BOX(BOX_NAME,BBTK_PARENT) : Yes, we know it's redundant with public inheritance ... That's why we allow you to describe your class in xml format! All the following items will be used in the Help interface; describe them carefully (i.e. in a Human understandable way!).
BBTK_ADAPTOR : Declares that the box is an adaptor
BBTK_DEFAULT_ADAPTOR : Declares that the box is the default adaptor for its I/O types
BBTK_NAME(STRING) : The name of your box
BBTK_AUTHOR(STRING) : The author(s) (better you put e-mail adresses)
BBTK_DESCRIPTION(STRING) : Brief description of what does the box
BBTK_CATEGORY(STRING) : Box categories, semicolon separated (see table 4)
  • BOX_NAME : The current black box name.
  • INPUT_NAME : The input name
  • DESCRIPTION (string) : A brief description of what the parameter is used for.
  • CPP_TYPE : The C++ type of the input (e.g. double, std::string, vtkImageData*, ...)
  • INPUT_NATURE : The 'nature' of the parameter (see table 6) if you wish your box may be used by automatic GUI generator. Supply an empty string ("") if you don't care.

3.4.2  Black box basic implementation file (.cxx)

Now let's have a look at the file packages/std/bbstdMakeFileName.cxx

File packages/std/bbstdMakeFileName.cxx

#include "bbstdMakeFileName.h"
#include "bbstdPackage.h"

namespace bbstd

  void MakeFileName::bbUserConstructor()
  void MakeFileName::DoProcess()
// EO namespace bbstd

End of file

The first line includes the header file. The second one includes the std package header file. This file is automatically generated during cmake configuration : for a package named PACK , cmake creates the files bb PACK Package.h and bb PACK Package.cxx. The header is to be included in any box implementation file and the second one is compiled in the package library.
The macro BBTK_ADD_BLACK_BOX_TO_PACKAGE then registers the box MakeFileName into the package std.
The macro BBTK_BLACK_BOX_IMPLEMENTATION is the mirror macro of the macro BBTK_BLACK_BOX_INTERFACE that was used in the header : it implements the methods declared in the header.
We then need to write the body of bbUserConstrutor and of the processing callback (here DoProcess).
That's all we need for a 'basic' black box. The implementation related macros are summarized in table .
Table 9: Black box implementation C++ macros

3.4.3  Widget black boxes C++ macros

See the example of package/wx/src/bbwxLayoutLine.h cxx. The only differences with a non-widget black box are :

3.4.4  VTK black boxes C++ macros

See the example of package/wx/src/bbvtkMarchingCubes.h cxx. The macros are summarized in table 7.

3.4.5  Template black boxes C++ macros

You can write down black box classes templates. However, only actual classes, that is instanciated templates, can be inserted into a package.
The files package/std/src/bbstdStringTo.h cxx provide an example of a class template with one template parameter.
The files package/std/src/bbstdCast.h cxx provide an example of a class template with two template parameters.
Class templates related macros are summarized in table .
Table 10: Black box templates-related C++ macros
BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_TEMPLATE_BLACK_BOX(BOX_NAME,BBTK_PARENT) : Note that in the descriptor, the template parameter name is T
BBTK_BEGIN_DESCRIBE_TEMPLATE2_BLACK_BOX(BOX_NAME,BBTK_PARENT) : Note that in the descriptor, the template parameters names are T1 and T2
BBTK_TEMPLATE_INPUT(BOX_NAME,INPUT_NAME,DESCRIPTION,CPP_TYPE, INPUT_NATURE) : Same than for non-templates, except that the CPP_TYPE can be the template parameter.
BBTK_ADD_TEMPLATE_BLACK_BOX_TO_PACKAGE(PACKAGE_NAME,BOX_NAME, TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_VALUE) : Adds the black box template instanciated on a certain value of its template parameter to the package. You can put as many such lines with different template parameter values as you want (see e.g. package/std/src/bbstdStringTo.cxx)
BBTK_ADD_TEMPLATE2_BLACK_BOX_TO_PACKAGE(PACKAGE_NAME,BOX_NAME, TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_1_VALUE, TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_2_VALUE) : The same for two template parameters (see e.g. package/std/src/bbstdCast.cxx)
Two different boxes registered in a package must have two different names. Hence when using black box classes templates, one must give different names to two instanciations of the template on two different types. This is typically done with inserting the template parameter type name in the black box class name. An example is provided in package/std/src/bbstdStringTo.h :

To get the string corresponding to the name of a C++ type (here the template parameter T) one must use the template bbtk function bbtk::HumanTypeName<T>() 3. It is then concatenated to the name ToString. This thus gives the name IntToString to the black box ToString int , DoubleToString to the black box ToString double , etc.
You can also use bbtk::HumanTypeName<T>() in the macro BBTK_DESCRIPTION, like for example:
  BBTK_DESCRIPTION("Converts a "+bbtk::HumanTypeName<T>()+" ("
		   +bbtk::TypeName<T>()+") into a string");

3.4.6  ITK black boxes C++ macros

It is a special cas of black box templates with also special macros for itk object inherited black boxes.
See the example of package/wx/src/bbitkBinaryThresholdImageFilter.h cxx, the tables 7 and 10.
Note that there is also a mechanism for making "generic" untemplatized itk black boxes. See the example in the file above.


1all the classes of the bbtk library are in a namespace called bbtk and the C++ header of a class called NameOfAClass is in the file called bbtkNameOfAClass.h
2For the sake of simplicity, the parameters and return value are shown here as if they were all passed by value. However the actual code can use references. The same way, the issue of const or non const methods is eluded here. Different cases occur in practice.
3HumanTypeName returns a human readable type name, without special chars such as :: or . For example the human readable type name of std::vector std::string is VectorOfString. The 'inhuman' type name is given by the function bbtk::TypeName<T>().

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On 12 Nov 2008, 11:39.