[Dcmlib] GDCM gets wrong spacing between

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Thu Nov 11 16:33:34 CET 2004

denis_hudr wrote:
> Hi, Mathieu,
> Thank you for your information. I have read the codes in ITK. I think
> it uses gdcm::SeriesHeader to reorgonize the files under a directory.
>  Does it assume all DICOM files under a directory have the same
> series number? Maybe we can classify the DICOM files under the same
> directory by UID and series number. Do we have some codes to show how
> to do that?
> As I know, Gdcm can create DICOMDIR file, can we create a DICOMDIR
> file by given a directory? Is DICOMDIR a standard format? Can
> DICOMDIR contain the filenames for a series images?


	That's correct gdcm::SeriesHeader assume everything is from the same 
serie/study. You'll have to write your own code to extract Study UID and 
Serie UID to select the study/serie you want.

	This would be usefull if you contributed your code back to gdcm.


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