[Dcmlib] Unreadable dicom file from Peter Cech

Jean-Pierre Roux jpr at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Tue Aug 23 15:21:33 CEST 2005

Hi !

The trouble starts because the 'private' tag 2001-105f (and some more ) 
are 'Sequence' , but the Transfert Syntax is 'Implicit VR', and till 
now, gdcm has no way to guess it.
(The 'Shadow Dictionary' supplied by Philips is not usable :-(

I just commited a patch to bypass the problem.
(vtkgdcmViewer displays the image, that's no so bad ;-)
Don't try to *write* the image, because the header is not straight, and 
the result wouldn't be kosher...

I'm working for a clean solution, but that's not so easy.

--> Peter,
if you add the following lines :

2001 105f SQ 1 Sequence
2005 1083 SQ 1 Sequence
2005 1402 SQ 1 Sequence

in Dicts/dicomV3.dic,
your images will be gdcm-readable/gdcm-writable.


Jean-Pierre Roux

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