[Dcmlib] DocEntry offset bug?

dqqiu at hkusua.hku.hk dqqiu at hkusua.hku.hk
Fri Jun 10 09:32:36 CEST 2005

Dear All,

I'm trying to write a programm to create DICOMDIR for dicom images. I need to
use the offset of a data element, but I found that the DocEntry::GetOffset()
actually point to the start of next data element rather than itself. After
exploring the source code, I found that in Document::GetNextEntry the file
pointer position after rather than before the reading was passed to
SetOffset(). So I changed to passed the file pointer position before reading to
the function, but the library doesn't work. I think there are somewhere else in
the code knows the actual meaning of GetOffset,so I think the logic is
designed. Any comment on this behavior?

Deqiang Qiu

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