[Dcmlib] 0008 0070 Recognition code

Luca Picello luca.picello at libero.it
Sat Jun 18 18:21:02 CEST 2005

I do not have a clear idea on what is gdcm philosophy and i am trying to 
learn it from examples.
Can someone please explain to me what is the difference between:

gdcm::DicomDir *e1;
e1 = new gdcm::DicomDir( folder , true );
std::string ssss = e1->GetEntryValue(0x0008,0x0070);


gdcm::File *f1= new gdcm::File( filename );
f1 = new gdcm::DicomDir( fold.c_str() , true );
std::string ssss = f1->GetEntryValue(0x0008,0x0070);

it seems that if I try to access to the "directory" map of dicom tags it 
does not work.
instead working on a single file it works.why?
thank you,


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