[Dcmlib] Missing feature

Jean-Pierre Roux Jean-Pierre.Roux at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Wed Oct 26 17:43:48 CEST 2005

Something is missing :
For the Entries, make a difference between Find and Get.
Not a joke :
I just want to know if the SQ  (0028,3000) exists.
If it does, I get the Luts there are inside.
If it doesn't, I give up, and I go on.
After DocEntrySet::GetSeqEntry(),
"Missing SeqEntry (0028,3000)" is neither a Warning message, nor a Debug 
message : it's noise.

I wish I had a DocEntrySet::FindSeqEntry() that would tell me (with no 
message) just that is doesn't exist, with no message.
(better than setting a boolean on the GetSeqEntry() method to tell it no 
to output a message, because this would slow down the reading process)

Any opinion ?


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