[Dcmlib] (no subject)

Jean-Pierre Roux jpr at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Apr 19 09:34:26 CEST 2007

Monika Carola Lehmpfuhl wrote:
> Hi, 
Hi, Monika.
gdcmConfigure.h is  generated by cmake, depending on the conpiler, on 
the OS, etc.
The best you have to do is to get the 'cvs version' (it's stable), and 
to generate the gdcm.
If you have any pb with that, feel free to contact us.
Jean-Pierre Roux

> I try to use the example from your web page, to read my dicom images with C++, but there is a h-file missing: gdcmConfigure.h. I only can find gdcmConfigure.h.in. Where can I get the file from, or what els can I try?

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