Publications of N. Baxan
  1. [BAXA-08c] N. Baxan. Mise en oeuvre de microantennes RMN en perspective d' étude in vivo de métabolites par spectroscopie. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, ??? 2008. Jury: A. Briguet (dir), R. Cespuglio, L. Fakri-Bouchet (co-dir), D. Graveron-Demilly, J. Mispelter (rap), L. Darasse (rap).

Articles in journal
  1. [BAXA-08a] N. Baxan, H. Rabeson, G. Pasquet, Jean-Francois Châteaux, André Briguet, P., D. Graveron-Demilly, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Limit of detection of cerebral metabolites by localized NMR spectroscopy using microcoils. C R Chimie, 11(4-5):448-456, 2008.

  2. [BAXA-07b] N. Baxan, A. Rengle, J.F. Châteaux, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Investigation of NMR limits of detection for implantable microcoil. Procs. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007:(4194-7), 2007.

  3. [BAXA-06j] N. Baxan, A. Rengle, J.F. Châteaux, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. High-Resolution 1H NMR Micro spectroscopy using an Implantable Micro-coil. Procs. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, pp (759-362), 2006.

  4. [BAXA-06k] N. Baxan, A. Rengle, J.F. Châteaux, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. NMR implantable probe: limit of metabolites detection. Procs. IEEE Pro RISC, pp (125-131), 2006.

  5. [BAXA-06i] N. Baxan, A. Rengle, J.F. Châteaux, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. NMR planar Micro coils for micro spectroscopy: Design and characterization. Procs. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp (4314-17), 2006.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [KADJ-09b] A. Kadjo, N. Baxan, R. Cespuglio, A. Briguet, C. Rousset, Minh Dung Hoang, D. Graveron-Demilly, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. In vivo animal NMR studies using implantable micro-coil. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, ISMRM, 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, USA, pages 4275, 18-24 April 2009.

  2. [BAXA-08] N. Baxan, J. F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, H. Rabeson, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. In vitro metabolites limit of detection by localized NMR Spectroscopy using micro-coils. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 3248, May 2008.

  3. [KADJ-08] A. Kadjo, N. Baxan, A. Briguet, D. Graveron-Demilly, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Comparative study of micro-coil and surface coil performances for Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. In ESMRMB 2008, Valencia, Spain, pages 919, October 2-4 2008.

  4. [KADJ-08a] A. Kadjo, N. Baxan, A. Briguet, D. Graveron-Demilly, L. Fakri-Bouchet, R. Cespuglio, and C. Rousset. In vivo animal NMR studies using implantable micro coil. In Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques IST 2008, pages 294-296, 2008.

  5. [KADJ-08b] A. Kadjo, N. Baxan, A. Briguet, P. Morin, D. Graveron-Demilly, and Fakri-Bouchet L.. Spectroscopie proton avec micro antenne: Validation par une approche in vitro. In 12Ème Congrès du GRAMM, pages 48, 26-28 mars 2008.

  6. [BAXA-07a] N. Baxan, A. Rengle, G. Pasquet, J.F. Châteaux, A. Briguet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Limit of detection of cerebral metabolites by localised NMR spectroscopy. In GERM, Alénya, France, 2007.

  7. [BAXA-06e] N. Baxan, J. F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Design and analysis of NMR Planar Micro coils for nucear magnetic resonance microscopy. In 47th ENC Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, California, USA, April 23 - 28 2006.

  8. [BAXA-06b] N. Baxan, J.F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. High-Resolution 1H NMR Micro spectroscopy using an Implantable Micro-coil. In ICECS-IEEE, Nice, France, pages (in-press), 2006.

  9. [BAXA-06f] N. Baxan, J. F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, H. Rabeson, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Development of implantable NMR probe for micro volume metabolite detection. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Warsaw, PL, September 21-23 2006.

  10. [BAXA-06c] N. Baxan, J.F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, H. Rabeson, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. NMR implantable probe: Limit of metabolites detection. In ProRISC, IEEE Benelux, Veldhoven, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pages 125 - 131, November 2006. IEEE Benelux.

  11. [BAXA-06d] N. Baxan, A. Rengle, J.F. Châteaux, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. NMR planar Micro coils for micro spectroscopy: Design and characterisation. In IEEE EMBC, New York, USA, 2006.

  1. [FAKR-07] L. Fakri-Bouchet, N. Baxan, A. Rengle, H. Rabeson, G. Pasquet, J.-F. Châteaux, A. Briguet, P. Morin, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Micro Spectroscopie RMN: Limite de détection de métabolites cérébraux ( 100 nL). Proc CNRIUT, 2007.

  2. [BAXA-06h] N. Baxan, J.F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Perspectives instrumentales pour la micro spectroscopie RMN in vivo. 9ème journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Interdisciplinaire Sciences-Santé (EDISS), UCBL, 7 avril 2006, Lyon, France, 2006.

  3. [BAXA-06g] N. Baxan, J.F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, G. Pasquet, A. Briguet, R. Cespuglio, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Micro antenne implantable pour la micro-spectroscopie RMN: Limite de détection de Métabolites cérébraux. Rencontres scientifiques de l'Institut Fédératif des Neurosciences de Lyon, 26 septembre, 2006.

  4. [BAXA-05d] N. Baxan, L. Fakri-Bouchet, and A. Briguet. Etude de la consommation énergétique cérébrale chez le rat au cours du cycle éveil sommeil par RMN invasive a minima en utilisant des micro capteur actifs. 9ème journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Interdisciplinaire Sciences-Santé (EDISS), UCBL, 7 avril, 2005.



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