Publications of A. Marion
  1. [MARI-09d] A. Marion. Filtrage spatiotemporel orienté de séquences dìmages : application à l'estimation du mouvement des flux sanguins en imagerie ultrasonore. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 2009. Jury: M. Garreau (Rapporteur), D. Pellerin (Rapporteur), A. Bouakaz (Président du jury), T. Corpetti (Examinateur), J. D'Hooge (Examinateur) et D. Vray (Directeur de these).

Articles in journal
  1. [MARI-10] A. Marion, W. Aoudi, A. Basarab, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Blood flow evaluation in high-frequency, 40 MHz imaging: a comparative study of four vector velocity estimation methods. Elsevier Ultrasonics, 50(7):683-690, 2010.

  2. [MARI-10a] A. Marion, P Girard, and D. Vray. Quaternionic spatiotemporal filtering for dense motion field estimation in ultrasound imaging. Eurasip JASP, 2010(ID 693218):11 pages, 2010.

  3. [MARI-09a] A. Marion and D. Vray. Spatiotemporal filtering of sequences of ultrasound images to estimate a dense field of velocities. Elsevier Pattern Recognition, 42(11):2989-2997, 2009.

  4. [MARI-09b] A. Marion and D. Vray. Toward a Real-Time Simulation of Ultrasound Image Sequences Based On a 3D Set of Moving Scatterers. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 56(10):(2167-2179), 2009.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [ZAHN-10] G. Zahnd, A. Marion, A. Sérusclat, M. Durand, L. Boussel, and D. Vray. Estimation des paramètres mécaniques de la paroi carotidienne par imagerie ultrasonore in vivo pour la détection précoce de comportements pathologiques. In Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Lyon, France, 2010.

  2. [MARI-09c] A. Marion, J. Porée, and D. Vray. CREASIMUS: a fast simulator of ultrasound image sequence using 3D tissue motion. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Roma, Italy, pages 2308-2311, 2009.

  3. [MARI-08b] A. Marion and D. Vray. Estimation de vitesses à partir de séquences d'images ultrasonores. In Manifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (MAJECSTIC), Marseille, France, Octobre 2008.

  4. [MARI-08a] A. Marion and D. Vray. Velocity estimation with 3D spatiotemporal filtering of sequences of ultrasound images: a Fourier approach. In European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lausanne, Switzerland, pages (available online), August 2008.

  5. [MARI-07b] A. Marion, A. Needles, and D. Vray. Blood Velocity Estimation Based On 3D Spatiotemporal Filtering Of Sequences Of Ultrasound Images. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, New-York, USA, pages 2461-2464, October 2007.

  6. [MARI-07c] A. Marion and D. Vray. Filtrage spatiotemporel de séquences d'images ultrasonores pour l'estimation d'un champ dense de vitesses. In Colloque GRETSI, Troyes, France, pages 73-76, Septembre 2007.

Invited Conferences
  1. [LI-09] Y. Li-Liu, A. Marion, and D. Vray. 2D velocity estimation based on Wigner-Ville distribution with swept-scan imaging system. In International Congress on Ultrasonics, Santiago, Chile, 2009.

  2. [MARI-09e] A. Marion, W. Aoudi, A. Basarab, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. A comparative study of four vector velocity estimation methods applied to flow imaging. In International Congress on Ultrasonics, Santiago, Chile, 2009.



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