Publications of A. Mazzadi
  1. [MAZZ-03d] A. Mazzadi. Apport de l'imagerie fonctionnelle à l'étude des couplages entre la perfusion, le métabolisme glucidique et la fonction contractile dans l'ischémie myocardique. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2003. Jury: X. André-Fouet (prés.), D. Fagret (rap.), D. Le Gudulec (rap.), P. Croisille et M. Janier (dir.).

Articles in journal
  1. [MAZZ-06] A. Mazzadi, X. André-Fouet, N. Costes, P. Croisille, D. Revel, and M. Janier. Mechanisms leading to reversible mechanical dysfunction in severe CAD : the alternatives to mycardical stunning. AM J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, pp (in-press), 2006.

  2. [MAZZ-04a] A. Mazzadi, M. Janier, B. Brossier, X. André-Fouet, E. Mcfadden, D. Revel, and P. Croisille. Dobutamine-tagged MRI for inotropic reserve assessment in severe CAD: relationship with PET findings. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 286(5):H1946-H1953, 2004.

  3. [MAZZ-04b] A. Mazzadi, M. Janier, B. Brossier, X. André-Fouet, D. Revel, and P. Croisille. Tagged MRI and PET in severe CAD: discrepancy between preoperative inotropic reserve and intramyocardial functional outcome after revascularization. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 287(5):H2226-H2233, 2004.

  4. [MAZZ-03c] A. Mazzadi, X. André-Fouet, J. Duisit, V. Gebuhrer, N. Costes, P. Chevalier, J. Rodriguez, H. Le Marec, P. Guicheney, D. Lebars, and M. Janier. Left ventricular heterogeneous retention of 11C-hydroxyephedrine in K+-channels related long QT patients. A potential modifier role for clinical severity of the disease. Am J Physiol, 285(3):286-293, 2003.

  5. [MAZZ-03e] A. Mazzadi, X. André-Fouet, J. Duisit, V. Geburhrer, N. Costes, P. Chevalier, C. Rodriguez, J.J. Schott, H. Le Marec, P. Guicheney, D. Lebars, and M. Janier. Cardiac retention of 11C-hydroxyephedrine in genotyped long QT patients : A potential amplifier role for severity of the disease. Am J Physiol, 29:29, 2003.

  6. [MAZZ-03b] A. Mazzadi, P. Croisille, S. Fol, M. Ovize, D. Comar, X. André-Fouet, and M. Janier. Myocardial perfusion and glucose uptake coupling in CAD patients. Int J Card Imaging, 19(5):389-399, 2003.

  7. [JANI-02] M. Janier, A. Mazzadi, M. Lionnet, F. Frouin, X. André-Fouet, L. Cinotti, D. Revel, R. Di Paola, and P. Croisille. Factor analysis of medical image sequences (FAMIS) improves evaluation of myocardial perfusion from first-pass MRI acquisitions. Acad Radiol, 9(1):26-39, 2002.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [JANI-99] M. Janier, F. Behloul, P. Croisille, C. Poirier, A. Mazzadi, E. Yerlioglu, A. Boudraa, J.C. Mason, and D. Revel. Automatic assessment of myocardial viability based on PET-IRM data fusion. In SNM, Los Angeles (California, USA), 1999.



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