Publications about 'nouvelle_equipe_5'
  1. [GIRA-07] P. R. Girard. Quaternions, Clifford Algebras and Relativistic Physics. 2007.

  2. [GIRA-04] P. R. Girard. Quaternions, algèbre de Clifford et physique relativiste, Collection des sciences appliquées de l'INSA de Lyon. 2004.

Book chapters
  1. [SUVI-10] A. Suvichakorn, H. Ratiney, S. Cavassila, and J.P. Antoine. Wavelet-based techniques in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. In Recent Advances in Signal Processing, pages (in-press). IN-TECH A. Lazinica, editor. 2010.

  2. [BEUF-06b] O. Beuf, L. Choel, and M.J. Seurin. Contribution of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to dentistry and oral implantology. In Looking into living things through Magnetic Resonance Imaging, pages 209-229. R.S. Chaughule and S.S. Ranade, editors. Prism, Publ., India, 2006.

  3. [BEUF-04] O. Beuf. High resolution MRI techniques for studies in small-animal models of diseases. In Cartilage and Osteoarthritis: Structure an in vivo analysis, volume 101 of Meth Mol Med, pages 219-230. P. Pastoureau, F. de Ceunick, and M. Sabatin, editors. Humanan Press Inc., Totowa, NJ, USA, 2004.

  4. [LAIB-02] A. Laib, O. Beuf, A. Issever, D. C. Newitt, and S. Majumdar. Direct measures of trabecular bone architecture from MR images. In Non Invasive Assessment of Trabecular Bone Architecture and the Competence of Bone, pages 37-46. S. Majumdar and B. K. Bay, editors. Academic Plenum, Publ., New York, USA, 2002.

  5. [BEUF-95] A. Briguet, M. Bourgeois, and O. Beuf. How to take advantages of gradients? - Fundamentals and some applications. In New prospects in psychiatry. The bio-clinical interface, pages 223-228. J.P. Macher, M.A. Crocq, and J.F. Nedelec, editors. John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, France, 1995.

  1. [BEUF-06] O. Beuf. IRM à haute résolution spatiale : méthodologie et instrumentation pour l'homme et le petit animal. H.D.R., Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1, 2006. Jury: J. Bittoun (rap.), J.M. Franconi (rap.), P. Gillet (rap.), A. Briguet, D. Revel (prés.), H. Saint-Jalmes.

  2. [CAVA-06] S. Cavassila. Traitement du Signal et Méthodologie pour la Spectrométrie de Résonance Magnétique. H.D.R., Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1, 2006. Jury: J. Duchène (rap.), I.E. Magnin (rap.), C. Remy (rap.), A. Briguet, D. Graveron-Demilly, H. Saint-Jalmes, D. van Ormondt.

  3. [PILL-06] F. Pilleul. Imagerie par résonance magnétique en pathologie abdominale. H.D.R., Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1, 2006. Jury: Denis Krausé, Jean-Alain Chayvialle (rap.), Denis Régent (rap.), Philippe Petit, Benoit Gallix, Bernard Allaouchiche.

  4. [PERR-04] E. Perrin. Instrumentation et traitement du signal pour l'imagerie médicale. H.D.R., Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1, 2004. Jury: Magnin I.E. (rap), Langevin F. (rap), Nicolas A. (rap), Berger-Vachon C., Briguet A., Harba R., Saint-Jalmes H.

  1. [BUCU-10] A. Bucur. Spectrométrie de RMN quantitative in vivo pour la mesure des lipides hépatiques chez l'homme et des métabolites cérébraux chez un modèle murin de neuro-inflammation. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1, 2010. Jury: A. Bernard, J.-M. Bonny (Rapporteur), S. Cavassila (dir.),Y. Le Fur, F. Pilleul(Président du jury), N. Pineda Alonso, H. Ratiney (dir.), H. Saint Jalmes (Rapporteur).

  2. [LEE-10a] E.S.M. Lee. Microgel Iron Oxyde Nanoparticles for Tracking of Stem Cells through Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1, National University of Singapore, 2010. Jury: O. Beuf (dir.), A. Briguet , J. Chan, O. Clément (Rap.), K-G. Neoh, B. Rutt (rap.), S-H. Teoh (prés.), S-C. Wang (dir.).

  3. [BABO-08a] L. Baboi. Méthodologie pour l'IRM abdominale du petit animal à champ magnétique élevé : Application à la caractérisation de lésions hépatiques sur un modèle murin de tumeurs endocrines. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2008. Jury: Aubé C. (rap.), Beuf O. (dir.), Cozar O., Lartizien C. (co-dir.), Pilleul F., Saint-Jalmes H. (rap.), Scoazec J.Y. (prés.), Volk A.

  4. [FALC-07b] J. Falconet. Apport de la lumière polarisée linéairement pour la caractérisation optique de milieux diffusants. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2007. Jury: Basset O. (Prés.), De Martino A. (Rap.), Derouard J. (Rap.), Dinten J.M., Perrin E. (dir.), Sablong R. (co-dir.), Saint-Jalmes H.

  5. [BOLB-06] R. Bolbos. Mesures morphologiques du cartilage par IRM à haute résolution spatiale in vivo : validation et développements méthodologiques sur le petit animal. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2006. Jury: O. Beuf (co-dir.), Jean-Luc Drap/'e (rap.), Pierre Gillet (rap.), Marc Janier (dir.), Philippe Pastoureau, Eric Vignon (prés.).

  6. [PERR-06d] A.L. Perrier. Conception et réalisation d'adaptateurs d'impédances et de diviseurs de puissance miniatures et accordables par varactors. Doctorat, Université de Savoie, 2006. Jury: J.M. Duchamp (co-dir.), P. Ferrari (dir.), G. Dambrine (prés.), C. Grava, S. Toutain (rap.), T. Parra (rap.), J.L. Coutaz et D. Vincent.

  7. [ARME-05] C. Armenean. Etude de la sécurité de dispositifs endoluminaux en IRM. Doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2005. Jury: J. Felblinger (rap.), A. Leroy-Willig (rap.), J.F. Delforge, D. Barbier (prés.), H. Saint-James (dir.), E. Perrin (co-dir.).

  8. [PILL-05e] F. Pilleul. Imagerie RMN endoluminale de la paroi digestive : du développement de l'instrument à son application in vivo. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2005. Jury: Olivier Beuf (co-dir.), Patrice Bret (rap.), Anne Leroy-Willig (rap.), Serge Piranda, Didier Revel (prés.), Hervé Saint-Jalmes (dir.), Pierre-Jean Valette.

  9. [BROS-04] O. Brosseau. RMN du Phosphore 31 dans le muscle squelettique humain : Aspects Méthodologiques et Applications dans le cadre d'exercices intensifs de type anaérobie chez le sédentaire et le sportif de haut niveau. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2004. Jury: Guy Annat, David Bendahan (rap.), André Briguet, Georges Buisson, Olivier Hue, Daniel Le Gallais, Marie José Seurin, Patrice Thiriet.

  10. [CHOE-04] L. Choel. Caractérisation de l'os trabéculaire mandibulaire par IRM et DXA : Intérêt en implantologie et chirurgie buccale. PhD thesis, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2004. Jury: André Briguet, Pierre Carpentier (rap.), Philippe Douek (prés.), Geneviève Guillot (rap.),Michèle Lissac, Marie José Seurin.

  11. [RATI-04g] H. Ratiney. Quantification automatique de Signaux de Spectrométrie et d'Imagerie Spectroscopique de Résonance Magnétique fondée sur une base de métabolites. Une approche semi-paramétrique. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2004. Jury: A. Briguet, S. Cavassila (co-dir.), D. Graveron-Demilly (dir.), G. Hérigault, C. Moonen (rap.), D. van Ormondt (rap.).

  12. [SANC-04] H. Sanchez Lopez. Développement de méthodes de calcul par la conception de systèmes magnétiques pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2004. Jury: J.M. Franconi (rap.), R. Prez (rap.), A. Bordelois, A. Briguet, C. Cabal (dir.), H. Saint-Jalmes.

  13. [JAIL-03] F. Jaillon. Caractérisation optique des milieux diffusants : simulation Monte Carlo et mesures en rétrodiffusion polarisée. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2003. Jury: Joseph Rémillieux (prés.), Claude Boccara (rap.), Bernard Querleux (rap.), Geneviève Bourg-Heckly, Hervé Saint-Jalmes, André Briguet.

  14. [ARME-02] M. Armenean. Spectroscopie et imagerie de faibles volumes par RMN : conception et optimisation de capteurs radiofréquence implantables et endoluminaux. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2002. Jury: Daniel Barbier (prés.), Mircea Bogdan (rap.), Onuc Cozar, Anne Leroy-Willig (rap.), Hervé Saint-Jalmes, Simion Simon.

  15. [MAHD-02] R. Mahdjoub. Méthodologie en imagerie par résonance magnétique nucléaire pour le contrôle de produits alimentaires. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2002. Jury: Julien Andrieu, André Briguet, Jean-Michel Franconi (rap.), Albert Magnin (rap.), Jacques Molegnana, Hervé Saint-Jalmes, Marie José Seurin.

  16. [GREN-99] D. Grenier. Micro-imagerie RMN des milieux quasi-solides: Exemple d'application à l'imagerie ostèoarticulaire. Doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 1999. Jury: A. Briguet (Dir.), J. Bittoun (Rap.), M. Dècorps (Rap.), P. Grangeat, P. Netter, H. Saint-Jalmes, F. Taulelle.

  17. [BEUF-98b] O. Beuf. IRM et biomatériaux prothètiques : Caractérisation magnétique et interface avec les tissus vivants. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 1998. Jury: Briguet A. (dir.), Cathelineau G. (rap.), Décorps M. (rap.), Lissac M. (co-dir), Revel F., Saint-Jalmes H., Sedel L. (prés).

  18. [CAVA-96] S. Cavassila. Méthodes de Traitement du Signal appliquées à la Spectroscopie et à l'Imagerie Spectroscopique par Résonance Magnétique. Doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 1996. Jury: A. Briguet, C. Segebarth (rap.), D. Graveron-Demilly (dir.), D. van Ormondt (rap.), G. Gilles, P. Cozzone.

Articles in journal
  1. [BABO-10] L. Baboi, F. Pilleul, L. Milot, C. Lartizien, C. Roche, G. Poncet, J.Y. Scoazec, and O. Beuf. MRI follow-up of liver growth of neuro-endocrine tumors in an experimental mouse model. Magn Reson Imaging, 28(2):264-272, 2010.

  2. [GOEB-10] J-C. Goebel, R. Bolbos, M. Pham, L. Galois, A. Rengle, D. Loeuille, P. Netter, P. Gillet, O. Beuf, and A. Pinzano-Watrin. In vivo high resolution MRI (7T) of femoro-tibial cartilage changes in the rat anterior cruciate ligament transection model of osteoarthritis: a cross sectional study. Rheumatology, 49(9):1654-1664, May 2010.

  3. [LEE-10] E.S.M. Lee, B. Shuter, J. Chan, M.S.K. Chong, J. Ding, S-H. Teoh, O. Beuf, A. Briguet, K.C. Tam, M. Choolani, and S-C. Wang. The use of Microgel Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Studies of Magnetic Resonance Relaxation and Endothelial Progenitor Cell Labeling. Biomaterials, 31:3296-3306, 2010.

  4. [LEPO-10] B. Leporq, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. IRM de perfusion hépatique avec un agent de contraste à rémanence vasculaire. J Radiol, pp (in-press), 2010.

  5. [MUTE-10] E. Mutel, A. Abdul-Wahed, N. Ramamonjisoa, A. Stefanutti, I. Houberdon, S. Cavassila, F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, A. Gautier-Stein, A. Penhoat, G. Mithieux, and F. Rajas. Targeted deletion of liver glucose-6 phosphatase mimics glycogen storage disease type 1a including development of multiple adenomas. J Hepatol, pp in-press, 2010.

  6. [CUDA-09] C. Cudalbu, O. Beuf, and S. Cavassila. In vivo short echo time localized 1H MRS of the rat brain at 7T: influence of two strategies of background-accommodation on the metabolite concentration estimation using QUEST. J Signal Proces Syst, 55:25-34, 2009.

  7. [FICA-09] S. Ficarelli, F. Pilleul, and B. Morel. What is your diagnosis?. J Radiol, 90(2):242, February 2009.

  8. [GUIB-09] A. Guibert, O. Monneuse, O. Oulié, F. Pilleul, B. Allaouchiche, and C. Boucau. Gastric necrosis complicating a gastroparesis. Presse Med, 38(4):668-670, April 2009.

  9. [LEE-09] E.S.M. Lee, J. Chan, B. Shuter, L. Tan, D.L. Ramachandra, G.S. Dawe, J. Ding, S-H. Teoh, O. Beuf, A. Briguet, M. Tam, M.A. Choolani, and S-C. Wang. Microgel Iron Oxide Nanoparticles For Tracking Human Fetal Mesenchymal Stem Cells Through Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Stem Cells, 27(8):1921-1931, April 2009.

  10. [MENN-09] N. Mennesson, J. Dumortier, V. Hervieu, L. Milot, O. Guillaud, J.Y. Scoazec, and F. Pilleul. Liver steatosis quantification using MRI: a prospective comparative study with liver biopsy. JCAT, pp (in-press), 2009.

  11. [PERR-09] A.L. Perrier, J.M. Duchamp, O. Exshaw, Harrison R., and P. Ferrari. A Compact Semi-Lumped Tunable Complex Impedance Transformer. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, pp (in-press), 2009.

  12. [RENG-09] A. Rengle, M. Armenean, R. Bolbos, J.C. Goebel, A. Pinzano-Watrin, H. Saint-Jalmes, P. Gillet, and O. Beuf. A dedicated two-channel phased array receiver coil for high resolution MRI of the rat knee cartilage at 7T. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 56(12):2891-2897, December 2009.

  13. [RIDE-09] C. Ridereau-Zins, C. Aubé, D. Luet, B. Vielle, F. Pilleul, J. Dumortier, Y. Gandon, D. Heresbach, C. Beziat, F. Bailly, M. Debilly, F. Carbonnel, MA. Pierredon-Foulongne, M. Bismuth, JM. Chrétien, J. Lebigot, P. Pessaux, and PJ. Valette. Assessment of water enema computed tomography: an effective imaging technique for the diagnosis of colon cancer : Colon cancer: computed tomography using a water enema. Abdom Imaging, pp (in-press), 2009.

  14. [SOUC-09] R. Souchon, R. Salomir, J.Y. Chapelon, O. Beuf, and O. Rouvière. Élastographie transitoire par résonance magnétique. IRBM, 30:168-170, 2009.

  15. [SRI-09] R. Srinivasan, H. Ratiney, K.E. Hammond-Rosenbluth, D. Pelletier, and S.J. Nelson. MR spectroscopic imaging of glutathione in the white and gray matter at 7 T with an application to multiple sclerosis. Magn Reson Imaging, pp (in-press), 2009.

  16. [SUVI-09] A. Suvichakorn, H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, S. Cavassila, and Antoine J.P.. Toward a quantitative analysis of in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic signals using the continuous Morlet wavelet transform. Meas Sci Technol, 20:104029, 2009.

  17. [AGOS-08] C. Agostini, M. Durieux, L. Milot, I. Kamaoui, B. Floccard, B. Allaouchiche, and F. Pilleul. Value of double reading of whole body CT in polytrauma patients. J Radiol, 89(3 Pt 1):325-30, March 2008.

  18. [ARVI-08] C. Arvieux, V. Dubuisson, F. Guillon, C. Sengel, I. Bricault, J.M. Regimbeau, F. Pilleul, F. Menegaux, C. Letoublon, and Brugère, C.. Early embolization in the non-operative management of blunt splenic injuries: a retrospective multicenter study. J Chir (Paris), 145(2):126-32, 2008.

  19. [ATTI-08] S. Attia, A. Sulaiman, L. Huet, H. Saint-Jalmes, O. Beuf, F. Farhat, and P. Douek. Feasibility of stent-graft placement with real-time MR fluoroscopy in a nonrigid aortic phantom. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 19(9):1354-1360, 2008.

  20. [BEUF-08] O. Beuf, C. Lartizien, L. Milot, L. Baboi, C. Roche, J.B. Langlois, J.Y. Scoazec, and F. Pilleul. Multimodal imaging for the detection and characterization of liver lesions in a mouse model of neuroendocrine tumor. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 32(1):32-40, 2008.

  21. [BOLB-08] R. Bolbos, H. Benoit-Cattin, J.B. Langlois, A. Chomel, E. Chereul, C. Odet, M. Janier, P. Pastoureau, and O. Beuf. Measurement of knee cartilage thickness using MRI: A reproducibility study in a meniscectomized guinea pig model of osteoarthritis. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine, 21:366-375, 2008.

  22. [BOUC-08] C. Boucau, A. Guibert, O. Monneuse, O. Oulié, F. Pilleul, and B. Allaouchiche. Gastric necrosis complicating a gastroparesis.. Presse Med, October 2008.

  23. [BRUG-08] C. Brugère, C. Arvieux, V. Dubuisson, F. Guillon, C. Sengel, I. Bricault, J.M. Regimbeau, F. Pilleul, F. Menegaux, and C. Letoublon. Early embolization in the non-operative management of blunt splenic injuries: a retrospective multicenter study. J Chir (Paris), 145(2):126-32, 2008.

  24. [CANA-08] L. Canaple, O. Beuf, M. Armenean, J. Hasserodt, J. Samarut, and M. Janier. Fast screening of paramagnetic molecules in zebrafish embryos by MRI. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine, 21(2):129-37, 2008.

  25. [COUR-08a] M. Courbière, S. Ficarelli, L. Milot, N. Mennesson, F. Pilleul, and L. Glas. Long-term outcome of percutaneous transhepatic therapy for benign bilioenteric anastomotic structures.. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 19(9):1336-43, September 2008.

  26. [COUR-08b] M. Courbière, B. Floccard, O. Monneuse, B. Allaouchiche, F. Pilleul, and I. Kamaoui. Pelvic trauma: impact of iodinated contrast material extravasation at MDCT on patient management. J Radiol, 89(11 Pt 1):1729-1734, November 2008.

  27. [CUDA-08] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, H. Rabeson, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Influence of measured and simulated basis sets on metabolite concentration estimates.. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine, 21:627-636, 2008.

  28. [CUDA-08f] C. Cudalbu, A. Montavont, P. Ryvlin, and S. Cavassila. Brain metabolite concentration estimates using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in a chronic model of temporal lobe epilepsy. C R Chimie, 11(4-5):434-441, 2008.

  29. [CUDA-08a] C. Cudalbu, A. Rengle, O. Beuf, and S. Cavassila. Rat brain metabolite relaxation time estimates using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at two different field strengths. C R Chimie, 11:442-447, 2008.

  30. [DURI-08] M. Durieux, L. Milot, I. Kamaoui, B. Floccard, B. Allaouchiche, F. Pilleul, and C. Agostini. Value of double reading of whole body CT in polytrauma patients. J Radiol, 89(3 Pt 1):325-30, March 2008.

  31. [FALC-08a] J. Falconet, A. Laidevant, R. Sablong, A. da Silva, M. Berger, F. Jaillon, E. Perrin, J.M. Dinten, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Estimation of optical properties of turbid media: experimental comparison of spatially and temporally resolved reflectance methods. Appl Opt, 47(11):1734-1739, April 2008.

  32. [FALC-08] J. Falconet, R. Sablong, E. Perrin, F. Jaillon, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Analysis of simulated and experimental backscattered images of turbid media in linearly polarized light: estimation of the anisotropy factor. Appl Opt, 47(31):5811-5820, November 2008.

  33. [FALC-08b] J. Falconet, R. Sablong, E. Perrin, F. Jaillon, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Vecteurs de Stokes Rétrodiffusés par des Milieux diffusants : Estimation du Facteur d'Anisotropie et du Coefficient de Diffusion Réduit. Innov Tech Biol Med - RBM, 29:161-266, 2008.

  34. [GINC-08b] R. Gincul, G. Lesca, B. Gelas-Dore, N. Rollin, M. Barthelet, S. Dupuis-Girod, F. Pilleul, S. Giraud, H. Plauchu, and J.C. Saurin. Evaluation of previously nonscreened hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia patients shows frequent liver involvement and early cardiac consequences.. Hepatology, 48(5):1570-15706, November 2008.

  35. [GINC-08] R. Gincul, B. Pujol, J. Dumortier, J.Y. Scoazec, V. Hervieu, A. Crombe-Ternamian, F. Pilleul, B. Napoléon, and T. Ponchon. Bile duct involvement in autoimmune pancreatitis: classification and treatment. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 32(11):914-921, November 2008.

  36. [GLAS-08] L. Glas, M. Courbière, S. Ficarelli, L. Milot, N. Mennesson, and F. Pilleul. Long-term outcome of percutaneous transhepatic therapy for benign bilioenteric anastomotic strictures.. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 19(9):1336-1343, September 2008.

  37. [GOEB-08] J.C. Goebel, R. Bolbos, A. Pinzano, M. Schaeffer, A. Rengle, L. Galois, S. Etienne, P. Netter, D. Loeuille, O. Beuf, and P. Gillet. In vivo rat knee cartilage volume measurement using quantitative high resolution MRI (7T): Feasibility and reproducibility. Biomed Mater Eng, 18:247-252, 2008.

  38. [JOUR-08] C. Journé, C. Ravard, O. Monneuse, and F. Pilleul. Ileosigmoid knot: a surgical emergency. J Radiol, 89(12):1947-1949, December 2008.

  39. [KAMA-08b] I. Kamaoui, M. Courbière, B. Floccard, O. Monneuse, B. Allaouchiche, and F. Pilleul. Pelvic trauma: impact of iodinated contrast material extravasation at MDCT on patient management. J Radiol, 89(11 Pt 1):1729-1734, November 2008.

  40. [KAMA-08] I. Kamaoui, J. Gautier, F. Pilleul, and L. Milot. Hereditary-hemorrhagic telangiectasia: one-step magnetic resonance examination in evaluation of liver involvement.. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 32(8-9):677-685, 2008.

  41. [LESC-08] G. Lesca, B. Gelas-Dore, N. Rollin, M. Barthelet, S. Dupuis-Girod, F. Pilleul, S. Giraud, H. Plauchu, J-C. Saurin, and R. Gincul. Evaluation of previously nonscreened hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia patients shows frequent liver involvement and early cardiac consequences.. Hepatology, 48(5):1570-6, November 2008.

  42. [LI-08] Y. Li, R. Srinivasan, H. Ratiney, Y. Lu, S.M. Chang, and S.J. Nelson. Comparison of T1 and T2 Metabolite Relaxation Times in Glioma and Normal Brain at 3T. J Magn Reson Imaging, 28:342-350, 2008.

  43. [MILO-08b] L. Milot, D. Grenier, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. MR Elastography. J Radiol, 89:71-3, 2008.

  44. [MILO-08a] L. Milot, I. Kamaoui, G. Gautier, and F. Pilleul. Hereditary-hemorrhagic telangiectasia: one-step magnetic resonance examination in evaluation of liver involvement.. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 32(8--9):677-685, 2008.

  45. [PERR-08] A.L. Perrier, J.M. Duchamp, and P. Ferrari. A Miniaturized Three-Port Divider/Combiner. Microwave And Optical Technology Letters, 50(1):72-75, January 2008.

  46. [RAVA-08] C. Ravard, O. Monneuse, F. Pilleul, and C. Journé. Ileosigmoid knot: a surgical emergency. J Radiol, 89(12):1947-1949, December 2008.

  47. [SOUC-08] R. Souchon, R. Salomir, O. Beuf, L. Milot, D. Grenier, D. Lyonnet, J.Y. Chapelon, and O. Rouvière. Transient MR Elastography (t-MRE) using ultrasound radiation force: theory, safety, and initial experiments in vitro. Magn Reson Med, 60(4):871-881, 2008.

  48. [STAV-08] V. Stavila, M. Allali, L. Canaple, Y. Stortz, C. Franc, P. Maurin, O. Beuf, O. Dufay, J. Samarut, M. Janier, and J. Hasserodt. Significant relaxivity gap between a low-spin and a high-spin iron (II) complex of structural similarity: an attractive off-on system for the potential design of responsive MRI probes. New J Chem, 32:428-435, 2008.

  49. [WEBE-08] G. Weber, L. Milot, I. Kamaoui, and F. Pilleul. Splanchnic vein aneurysms: a report of 13 cases. J Radiol, 89(3 Pt 1):311-316, March 2008.

  50. [ARME-07] C. Armenean, O. Beuf, M. Armenean, F. Pilleul, E. Perrin, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Interventional MRI : risk of burns to the patient and radiologist. J Radiol, 88(4):599-600, April 2007.

  51. [BABO-07] L. Baboi, L. Milot, C. Lartizien, C. Roche, J.Y. Scoazec, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. Synchronization strategies in T2-weighted MR imaging for detection of liver lesions: Application on a nude mouse model. Biomed Imaging Interv J, 3(4):1-9, 2007.

  52. [BILL-07a] C. Billet and R. Sablong. Differential optical spectroscopy for absorption characterization of scattering media. Opt Lett, 32(22):3251-3253, November 2007.

  53. [BOLB-07] R. Bolbos, H. Benoit-Cattin, J.B. Langlois, A. Chomel, E. Chereul, C. Odet, P. Pastoureau, M. Janier, and O. Beuf. Knee cartilage thickness measurements using MRI: a 4 1/2-month longitudinal study in the meniscectomized guinea pig model of OA. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 15(6):656-665, June 2007.

  54. [DESB-07] A. Desbrée, L. Rbah, J.B. Langlois, D. Grenier, R. Mastrippolito, F. Pain, L. Pinot, P. Lanièce, L. Zimmer, and H. Gurden. Simultaneous in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Radioactive Measurements by the B-MicroProbe. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 34(11):1868-72, November 2007.

  55. [DUMO-07] J. Dumortier, F. Pilleul, M. Adham, V. Vochelle, V. Hervieu, Y. Bouffard, P.J. Valette, J.Y. Scoazec, and O. Boillot. Severe portal hypertension secondary to arterio-portal fistula: salvage surgical treatment. Liver Int, 27(6):865-868, August 2007.

  56. [LAMB-07] F. Lamberton, N. Delcroix, D. Grenier, B. Mazoyer, and M. Joliot. A new EPI-based dynamic field mapping method: Application to retrospective geometrical distortion corrections. J Magn Reson Imaging, 26(3):747-755, August 2007.

  57. [MART-07] C. Martin, D. Grenier, M. Thevenet, M. Vigouroux, B. Bertrand, M. Janier, N. Ravel, and P. Litaudon. fMRI visualization of transient activations in the rat olfactory bulb using short odor stimulations. Neuroimage, 36:1288-1293, 2007.

  58. [MILO-07] L. Milot, J. Dumortier, O. Boillot, and F. Pilleul. Giant aneurysm of the main hepatic artery secondary to hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography features. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 31:297-299, March 2007.

  59. [MONN-07] O. Monneuse, F. Pilleul, X. Barth, L. Gruner, B. Allaouchiche, P.J. Valette, and E. Tissot. Portal venous gas detected on computed tomography in emrgency situations: surgery is still necessary. World J Surg, 31(5):1065-1071, May 2007.

  60. [PAOL-07] V. Paoli, M. Durieux-Courbière, J. Dumortier, and F. Pilleul. Portal dissection during TIPS placement. J Radiol, 88(5):687-688, May 2007.

  61. [PERR-07] A.L. Perrier, J.M. Duchamp, and P. Ferrari. A Small-sized Semi-lumped Three-port Tunable Power Divider. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 49(1):90-94, January 2007.

  62. [PIAL-07a] J.B. Pialat, T.H. Cho, O. Beuf, S. Moucharrafie, J.B. Langlois, C. Nemoz, M. Janier, Y. Berthezène, N. Nighoghossian, and M. Wiart. MRI monitoring of focal cerebral ischemia in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-deficient mice. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine, 20(3):335-342, 2007.

  63. [PILL-07] F. Pilleul, M. De Queiros, M. Durieux, L. Milot, O. Monneuse, B. Floccard, and B. Allaouchiche. Radiological management of vascular lesions secondary to pelvic injuries. J Radiol, 88(5):639-646, May 2007.

  64. [RABE-07a] H. Rabeson, H. Ratiney, F. Fauvelle, C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, A. Bernard, P. Giraudon, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Quantitation for in vivo and ex vivo NMR Spectroscopy. J Optoelectron Adv M, 9:505-511, 2007.

  65. [RATI-07a] H. Ratiney, S.M. Noworolski, M. Sdika, R. Srinivasan, R.G. Henry, S.J. Nelson, and D. Pelletier. Estimation of metabolite T1 relaxation times using tissue specific analysis, signal averaging and bootstrapping from magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging data. Magn Reson Mater Phy Biol Med, 20(3):143-155, 2007.

  66. [VIRE-07] L. Viremouneix, O. Monneuse, G. Gautier, L. Gruner, R. Giorgi, B. Allaouchiche, and F. Pilleul. Prospective evaluation of nonenhanced MR imaging in acute pancreatitis. J Magn Reson Imaging, 26(2):331-338, 2007.

  67. [WIAR-07a] M. Wiart, N. Davoust, J.B. Pialat, V. Desestret, S. Moucharrafie, T.H. Cho, M. Mutin, J.B. Langlois, O. Beuf, J. Honnorat, N. Nighoghossian, and Y. Berthezène. MRI monitoring of neuro-inflammation in mouse focal ischemia. Stroke, 38(1):131-137, 2007.

  68. [BEUF-06a] O. Beuf, F. Jaillon, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Small-animal MRI: signal-to-noise ratio comparison at 7 and 1.5 T with multiple-animal acquisition strategies. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 19(4):202-208, 2006.

  69. [CUDA-06g] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, D. Grenier, A. Briguet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Estimation of metabolite concentrations of healthy mouse brain by magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 7 T. C R Chimie, 9:534-538, 2006.

  70. [DEBO-06] P.J. Debouttière, S. Roux, F. Vocanson, C. Billotey, O. Beuf, A. Favre-Réguillon, Y. Lin, S. Pellet-Rostaing, R. Lamartine, P. Perriat, and O. Tillement. Design of gold nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging. Adv Funct Mater, 16:2330-2339, 2006.

  71. [FISS-06b] R. Fissoune, D. Grenier, E. Canet-Soulas, and A. Briguet. Mesure sélective des temps de relaxation T2 des lipides intra et extramyocytaires chez le rat Zucker à 7 teslas. C R Chimie, 9:530-533, 2006.

  72. [JULI-06a] C. Julien, A. Bradu, R. Sablong, E. Grillon, C. Remy, J. Derouard, and J.F. Payen. Measuring hemoglobin oxygen saturation during graded hypoxic hypoxia in rat striatum. Anesth Analg, 102(2):565-570, 2006.

  73. [MILO-06c] L. Milot, G. Gautier, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectases: magnetic resonance imaging features in liver involvement. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 30(3):405-411, 2006.

  74. [MILO-06a] L. Milot, C. Partensky, J.Y. Scoazec, P.J. Valette, and F. Pilleul. Double gallbladder diagnosed on contrast-enhanced MR cholangiography with mangafodipir trisodium. Am J Roentgenol, 184:S88-S90, 2006.

  75. [MONN-06c] O. Monneuse, A. Millon, F. Pilleul, X. Barth, L. Gruner, and E. Tissot. An adult case of acute intra abdominal organoaxial gastric volvulus. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 30(6-7):921-922, 2006.

  76. [MONN-06b] O. Monneuse, F. Pilleul, L. Gruner, X. Barth, and E. Tissot. MRI evaluation in a rare case of Crohn's disease complicated by abscess of the ovary. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 30(1):153-154, January 2006.

  77. [MONN-06a] O. Monneuse, A. Rochette, and F. Pilleul. Intraductal papillary mucinous tumors of the pancreas. Presse Med, 341(4), 2006.

  78. [PILL-06b] F. Pilleul. Asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic CBD dilatation on US after cholecystectomy: management. J Radiol, 87(4 Pt 2):494-499, 2006.

  79. [PILL-06c] F. Pilleul, A. Bansac-Lamblin, O. Monneuse, J. Dumortier, L. Milot, and P.J. Valette. Water enema computed tomography: diagnostic tool in suspicion of colorectal tumor. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 30(2):231-234, February 2006.

  80. [PILL-06a] F. Pilleul, J. Forest, and O. Beuf. Magnetic resonance angiography of splanchnic artery aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms. J Radiol, 87(2 Pt 1):127-131, 2006.

  81. [PILL-06d] F. Pilleul, M. Penigaud, L. Milot, J.C. Saurin, J.A. Chayvialle, and P.J. Valette. Possible small-bowel neoplasms: contrast-enhanced and water-enhanced multidetector computed tomography-enteroclysis. Radiology, 241(3):796-801, December 2006.

  82. [PILL-06e] F. Pilleul, A. Rochette, C. Partensky, J.Y. Scoazec, P. Bernard, and P.J. Valette. Preoperative evaluation of intraductal papillary mucinous tumors performed by pancreatic magnetic resonance imaging and correlated with surgical and histopathologic findings. J Magn Reson Imaging, 21(3):237-244, 2006.

  83. [WIAR-06b] M. Wiart, N. Davoust, J.B. Pialat, V. Desestret, S. Moucharrafie, T.H. Cho, M. Mutin, J.B. Langlois, O. Beuf, J. Honnorat, N. Nighoghossian, and Y. Berthezène. CMR 2005: MRI of cerebral ischemia with ultra-small superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide in mice. Contrast Media Mol Imaging, 1(2):55-56, 2006.

  84. [BILL-05] Y. Billaud, O. Beuf, G. Desjeux, P.J. Valette, and F. Pilleul. 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the abdominal aorta and its distal branches: Interobserver agreement of radiologists in a routine examination. Acad Radiol, 12(2):155-163, 2005.

  85. [BILL-05b] C. Billotey, C. Aspord, M. Janier, O. Beuf, F. Gazeau, and C. Thivolet. T-Cell Homing to the Pancreas in Autoimmune Mouse Models of Diabetes: In Vivo MR Imaging. Radiology, 236(2):579-587, 2005.

  86. [CHAV-05a] G. Chave, L. Milot, and F. Pilleul. Out of phase magnetic resonance imaging and liver applications. J Radiol, 86:993-997, 2005.

  87. [DESB-05a] A. Desbrée, F. Pain, H. Gurden, L. Pinot, D. Grenier, L. Zimmer, R. Mastrippolito, and P. Lanièce. A new multimodality system for quantitative in vivo studies in small animals: combination of nuclear magnetic resonance and the radiosensitive beta-MicroProbe. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 52(5):1281-1287, 2005.

  88. [GODE-05a] C. Godefroy, F. Pilleul, F. Dugougeat, D. Yzebe, A. Lachaux, J.P. Pracros, and P.J. Valette. Value of contrast-enhanced MR enterography in pediatric Crohn's disease: preliminary study. J Radiol, 86(11):1685-1692, 2005.

  89. [JRAD-05a] A. Jrad, A.L. Perrier, R. Bourtoutian, J.M. Duchamp, and P. Ferrari. Design Of An Ultra Compact Electronically Tunable Microwave Impedance Transformer. Electronics Lett, 41(12):707-709, June 2005.

  90. [PERR-05a] E. Perrin, R. Harba, I. Iribarren, and R. Jennane. Piecewise fractional Brownian motion. IEEE Trans Signal Proc, 53(3):1211-1215, 2005.

  91. [PILL-05b] F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, C. Godefroy, J.Y. Scoazec, M. Armenean, C. Armenean, E. Perrin, P.J. Valette, and H. Saint-Jalmes. High-resolution MR imaging appearance of colonic tissue in rabbits using an endoluminal coil. Magma, 18(5):238-244, 2005.

  92. [PILL-05c] F. Pilleul, G. Chave, J. Dumortier, J.Y. Scoazec, and P.J. Valette. Fatty infiltration of the liver. Detection and grading using dual T1 gradient echo sequences on clinical MR system. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 29(11):1143-1147, 2005.

  93. [PILL-05a] F. Pilleul, C. Godefroy, D. Yzebe-Beziat, F. Dugougeat-Pilleul, A. Lachaux, and P.J. Valette. Magnetic resonance imaging in Crohn's disease. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 29(8-9):803-808, 2005.

  94. [PIST-05] E. Pistono, A.L. Perrier, R. Bourtoutian, D. Kaddour, A. Jrad, J.M. Duchamp, L. Duvillaret, D. Vincent, A. Vilcot, and P. Ferrari. Hybrid Tunable Microwave Devices Based On Schottky-diode Varactors. Proceedings of the European Microwave Association, Special issue on front-end solutions for cellular communication terminals, 1(2):109-116, June 2005.

  95. [RATI-05] H. Ratiney, M. Sdika, Y. Coenradie, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Time-Domain Semi-Parametric Estimation Based on a Metabolite Basis Set. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine, 18:1-13, 2005.

  96. [ARME-04b] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Optimization of Endoluminal loop radiofrequency coils for gastrointestinal wall MR imaging. IEEE Sensors Journal, 4(1):57-64, 2004.

  97. [ARME-04c] C. Armenean, E. Perrin, M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. RF-induced temperature elevation along metallic wires in clinical magnetic resonance imaging: influence of diameter and length. Magn Reson Med, 52(5):1200-1206, 2004.

  98. [ARME-04a] C. Armenean, E. Perrin, M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Simulation of radiofrequency heating of catheter guides in MRI experiments: Influence of wires resistivity. AMSE Best of book, pp 30-38, 2004.

  99. [BEUF-04a] O. Beuf. High-resolution MRI techniques for studies in small-animal models. Methods Mol Med, 101:219-229, 2004.

  100. [BEUF-04b] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, G. Hadour, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vivo colon wall imaging using endoluminal coils: feasibility study on rabbits. J Magn Reson Imaging, 20(1):90-96, 2004.

  101. [BEZI-04c] C. Beziat, F. Pilleul, D. Yzebe, C. Lombard-Bohas, C. Mercier, and P.J. Valette. Detection of liver metastases in colorectal cancer on chemotherapy. Comparative study between MRI with teslascan and computed tomography with intravenous contrast media. J Radiol, 85(3):307-311, 2004.

  102. [CHOE-04a] L. Choel, D. Last, F. Duboeuf, M. J. Seurin, M. Lissac, A. Briguet, and G. Guillot. Trabecular alveolar bone microarchitecture in the human mandible using high resolution magnetic resonance imaging. Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 33(3):177-182, 2004.

  103. [LACO-04a] D. Lacoste, V. Rossetto, F. Jaillon, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Geometric depolarization in patterns formed by backscattered light. Opt Lett, 29(17):2040-2042, 2004.

  104. [PERR-04c] E. Perrin and C. Berger-Vachon. Formation L.M.D. en instrumentation biomédicale. Mise en oeuvre dans une Université scientifique et médicale : Claude Bernard - Lyon I. J3eA, Hors Série Signal et Image pour le handicap, 3:1-11, 2004.

  105. [PILL-04e] F. Pilleul and O. Beuf. Diagnosis of splanchnic artery aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms, with special reference to contrast enhanced 3D magnetic resonance angiography: a review. Acta Radiol, 45(7):702-708, 2004.

  106. [PILL-04d] F. Pilleul and O. Beuf. MRI of the GI tract: technical considerations and future applications. J Radiol, 85:1985-1991, 2004.

  107. [PILL-04c] F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, M. Armenean, J.Y. Scoazec, P.J. Valette, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vitro rat colonic wall imaging with MR endoluminal coil: feasibility study and histologic correlations. Acad Radiol, 11(7):795-801, 2004.

  108. [PILL-04f] F. Pilleul, Y. Billaud, G. Gautier, O. Monneuse, A. Crombe-Ternamian, P. Fouque, and P.J. Valette. Mangafodipir-enhanced magnetic resonance cholangiography for the diagnosis of bile duct leaks. Gastrointest Endosc, 59(7):818-822, 2004.

  109. [PILL-04b] F. Pilleul, M. Courbière, L. Henry, J.Y. Scoazec, and P.J. Valette. Etiology of biliary stenosis at MR Cholangiography: correlation with pathology findings. J Radiol, 85(1):25-30, 2004.

  110. [PILL-04a] F. Pilleul, A. Crombe, P.J. Ternamian, P. Fouque, and P.J. Valette. Cross sectional imaging evaluation of the small bowel. J Radiol, 85(4 Pt 2):517-530, 2004.

  111. [RATI-04] H. Ratiney, Y. Coenradie, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Time-Domain Quantitation of 1H Short Echo-Time Signals: Background Accommodation. Magn Reson Mater Phy Biol Med, 16(6):284-296, May 2004.

  112. [SAIN-04] H. Saint-Jalmes, O. Beuf, E. Perrin, M. Armenean, C. Armenean, F. Jaillon, F. Pilleul, P.J. Valette, J.M. Serfaty, P. Douek, C. Mestais, C. Jeandey, J.F. Delforge, S. Piranda, S. Perrot, and E. Malher. MIRME : microsystèmes en IRM endoluminale appliqués au diagnostic pour le traitement des pathologies cardiovasculaires et digestives. Innov Tech Biol Med - RBM, 25:260-263, 2004.

  113. [SAPP-04] D. Sappey-Marinier, O. Beuf, C. Billotey, E. Chereul, J. Dupuy, M. Jeandey, D. Grenier, J. Hasserodt, J.B. Langlois, C. Lartizien, W. Mai, C. Odet, J. Samarut, D. Vray, L. Zimmer, and M. Janier. The ANIMAGE project: a multimodal imaging platform for small animal research. Nucl Instr Meth Phys Res A, 527:117-123, 2004.

  114. [SANCH-04a] H. Sánchez Lopez, C. Garrido, C. Cabal, A. Briguet, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Approach to design an efficient resistive magnet for MRI. IEEE Trans Magnetics, 40(7):(in-press), 2004.

  115. [TUAL-04a] J.M. Tualle, H.L. Nghiem, D. Ettori, R. Sablong, E. Tinet, and S. Avrillier. Asymptotic behavior and inverse problem in layered scattering media. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis, 21(1):24-34, 2004.

  116. [BROS-03a] O.E. Brosseau, R. Mahdjoub, M.J. Seurin, P. Thiriet, D. Gozal, and A. Briguet. Kinetics of anaerobic metabolism in human skeletal muscle: influence of repetitive high-intensity exercise on sedentary dominant and non-dominant forearm. A 31P NMR study. Biochimie, 85(9):885-890, 2003.

  117. [CHOE-03a] L. Choel, F. Duboeuf, D. Bourgeois, A. Briguet, and M. Lissac. Trabecular alveolar bone in the human mandible: a dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 95(3):364-370, 2003.

  118. [CHOE-03b] L. Choel, D. Last, M. Lissac, M.J. Seurin, A. Briguet, and G. Guillot. High resolution MRI of fresh mandibular specimens. J Dent Res, 81:296, 2003.

  119. [JAIL-03a] F. Jaillon and H. Saint-Jalmes. Description and time reduction of a Monte Carlo code to simulate propagation of polarized light through scattering media. Appl Opt, 42(16):3290-3296, 2003.

  120. [LETH-03] R. Lethmate, H. Ratiney, F.T.A.W. Wajer, Y. Crémillieux, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging with radial scanning: a post-acquisition keyhole approach. Magma, 16(1):21-8, 2003.

  121. [MAHD-03a] R. Mahdjoub, J. Molegnana, M.J. Seurin, and A. Briguet. High resolution magnetic resonance evaluation of cheese. J Food Sci, 68:1982-1985, 2003.

  122. [SANCH-03] H. Sánchez Lopez, C. Cabal, C. Garrido, A. Briguet, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Approach to Design an Efficient Resistive Magnets for MRI. Magn Reson Med, 2003.

  123. [ARME-02a] M. Armenean, A. Briguet, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Conception de micro bobines radiofréquence pour la RMN : apport d'une simulation électromagnétique. C R Acad Sci III-Vie, 325(5):457-463, 2002.

  124. [ARME-02b] M. Armenean, A. Briguet, and H. Saint-Jalmes. NMR radiofrequency microcoil design: usefulness of electromagnetic simulation. C R Biol, 325(4):457-463, 2002.

  125. [BEUF-02k] O. Beuf, S. Ghosh, D.C. Newitt, D.C. Link, L. Steinbach, M. Ries, N. Lane, and S. Majumdar. Magnetic resonance imaging of normal and osteoarthritic trabecular bone structure in the human knee. Arthritis Rheum, 46(2):385-393, 2002.

  126. [BILL-02] Y. Billaud, F. Pilleul, and P.J. Valette. Mechanical small bowel obstruction due to bezoars: correlation between CT and surgical findings. J Radiol, 83:641-646, 2002.

  127. [DARQ-02a] A. Darquie, J.B. Poline, C. Poupon, H. Saint-Jalmes, and D. Le Bihan. Transient decrease in water diffusion observed in human occipital cortex during visual stimulation. Proc Nat Acad Sci U S A, 98(16):9391-9395, 2002.

  128. [GERM-02a] D. Germain, E. Vahala, G.J. Ehnholm, T. Vaara, M. Ylihautala, M. Savart, A. Laurent, J. Tanttu, and H. Saint-Jalmes. MR temperature measurement in liver tissue at 0.23 T with a steady-state free precession sequence. Magn Reson Med, 47(5):940-947, 2002.

  129. [GREN-02] D. Grenier, D. Pelletier, M. Normandeau, D. Newitt, S. Nelson, D.E. Goodkin, and S. Majumdar. T2 relaxation time histograms in multiple sclerosis. Magn Reson Imaging, 20(10):733-741, December 2002.

  130. [IMBE-02a] J.P. Imbert, F. Pilleul, and P.J. Valette. Value of MRI in hepatic plexiform neurofibromatosis. Case report. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 26(8-9):791-793, 2002.

  131. [PELL-02] D. Pelletier, S.J. Nelson, D. Grenier, Y. Lu, C. Genain, and D.E. Goodkin. 3-D echo planar (1)HMRS imaging in MS: metabolite comparison from supratentorial vs. central brain. Magn Reson Imaging, 20(8):599-606, October 2002.

  132. [PELL-02a] D. Pelletier, S.J. Nelson, D. Grenier, Y. Lu, C. Genain, and D.E. Goodkin. 3-D echo planar HMRS imaging in MS: metabolite comparison from supratentorial vs central brain. Magn Reson Imaging, 20:599-606, 2002.

  133. [PILL-02d] F. Pilleul and O. Beuf. Abdominal arteries should be evaluated by 3D contrast-enhanced MRA as the first step. Acta Radiol, 43(5):541-542, 2002.

  134. [PILL-02c] F. Pilleul and F. Dugougeat. Transcatheter embolization of splanchnic aneurysms/pseudoaneurysms: early imaging allows detection of incomplete procedure. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 26(1):107-112, 2002.

  135. [POTH-02a] L. Pothuaud, B. Van Rietbergen, L. Mosekilde, O. Beuf, P. Levitz, C.L. Benhamou, and S. Majumdar. Combination of topological parameters and bone volume fraction better predicts the mechanical properties of trabecular bone. J Biomech, 35(8):1091-1099, 2002.

  136. [RENA-02a] L. Renaud, M. Armenean, L. Berry, P. Kleimann, P. Morin, M. Pitaval, J. O'Brien, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Implantable planar rf microcoils for NMR microspectroscopy. Sens Actuators A, 93:244-248, 2002.

  137. [BEUF-01c] O. Beuf, D.C. Newitt, L. Mosekilde, and S. Majumdar. Trabecular structure assessment in lumbar vertebrae specimens using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and relationship with mechanical competence. J Bone Min Research, 16(8):1511-1519, 2001.

  138. [GERM-01a] D. Germain, P. Chevallier, A. Laurent, M. Savart, M. Wassef, and H. Saint-Jalmes. MR monitoring of laser-induced lesions of the liver in vivo in a low-field open magnet: temperature mapping and lesion size prediction. J Magn Reson Imaging, 13(1):42-49, 2001.

  139. [LAIB-01a] A. Laib, O. Beuf, A. Issever, D.C. Newitt, and S. Majumdar. Direct measures of trabecular bone architecture from MR images. Adv Exp Med Biol, 496:37-46, 2001.

  140. [PERR-01] E. Perrin, R. Harba, C. Berzin-Joseph, I. Iribarren, and A. Bonami. Nth-order stationary fractional Brownian motion and fractional Gaussian noises. IEEE Trans Signal Proc, 49(5):1049-1059, 2001.

  141. [GREN-00] D. Grenier, O.A. Pascui, and A. Briguet. Dipolar contrast for dense tissues imaging. J Magn Reson, 147(2):353-356, December 2000.

  142. [BEUF-99b] O. Beuf, M. Lissac, and A. Briguet. Proton NMR imaging in dental systems. Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, 144-146:425-428, 1999.

  143. [GREN-98] D. Grenier, S. Deval, and A. Briguet. A new approach for on-resonance magnetization transfer parameter optimization. Magma, 7(3):131-140, December 1998.

  144. [BEUF-97] O. Beuf, A. Briguet, and M. Lissac. In vitro magnetic resonance imaging of rodent teeth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 84:582-585, 1997.

  145. [BEUF-96] O. Beuf, A. Briguet, M. Lissac, and R. Davis. Magnetic resonance imaging for the determination of magnetic susceptibility of materials. J Magn Reson, series B, 112:111-118, 1996.

  146. [BEUF-94] O. Beuf, M. Lissac, Y. Crémillieux, and A. Briguet. Correlation between NMR imaging disturbances and the magnetic susceptibility of the dental materials. Dent Mater, 10:265-268, 1994.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [BUNE-10] A. Bunescu, F. Fauvelle, H. Ratiney, and J. Garric. Classification des différents états physiologiques d'un organisme aquatique: la daphnie (Daphnia magna) d'après son spectre RMN HRMAS proton in vivo. In Quatrièmes Journées Scientifiques du Réseau Français de Métabolomique et Fluxomique, Marseille, France, 2010.

  2. [HENR-10] C. Henrionnet, E. Roeder, J-C. Goebel, L. Galois, D. Bensoussan, J. Felblinger, J. Magdalou, O. Beuf, P. Gillet, and A. Pinzano. Effects of superparamagnetic iron oxide labeling on chondrocyte differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in collagen sponge. In World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Belgium, Brussels, September 23-26 2010.

  3. [LEPO-10b] B. Leporq, O. Beuf, D. Grenier, and F. Pilleul. 3D-liver perfusion MR imaging with MS-325 blood pool contrast agent to evaluate liver fibrosis. In ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 1-7 May 2010.

  4. [LEPO-10c] B. Leporq, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. 3D-liver MR perfusion imaging with the MS-325 blood pool agent to assess liver Fibrosis. In European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, pages 533, 4-8 March 2010.

  5. [LEPO-10a] B. Leporq, H. Ratiney, S. Cavassila, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. Fat content quantification errors using multiple gradient echo imaging: A phantom and simulation study. In ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 1-7 May 2010.

  6. [RAMA-10a] N. Ramamonjisoa, H. Ratiney, F. Rajas, E. Mutel, F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, and S. Cavassila. In vivo hepatic localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 7T in a glycogen storage disease mouse model. In ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, Stockholm,Sweden, 1-7 May 2010.

  7. [RATI-10a] H. Ratiney, Y. Le Fur, M. Sdika, and S. Cavassila. Short Echo Time H1 Chemical Shift Imaging data quantification in the mouse brain at 11.7T using a constrained parametric macromolecular model. In ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, Stockholm,Sweden, 2010.

  8. [ROUS-10a] T. Roussel, S. Cavassila, and H. Ratiney. Sampling strategy effects on in vivo 2D J-Resolved spectroscopy quantification. In ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, Stockholm,Sweden, 2010.

  9. [BEUF-09] O. Beuf, F. Jaillon, M. Armenean, H. Saint-Jalmes, and F. Pilleul. Dedicated endoluminal coil for anal sphincter MR imaging. In ISMRM, Hawai, USA, pages 2955, April 2009.

  10. [BUCU-09a] A. Bucur, H. Ratiney, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and S. Cavassila. Beyond lipid quantification of in vivo clinical hepatic 1.5T 1H MRS signals. In ESMRMB, Antalya,Turkey, pages 732, 2009.

  11. [BUCU-09] A. Bucur, H. Ratiney, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and S. Cavassila. On the use of internal reference for in vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the liver. In ESMRMB, Antalya,Turkey, pages 729, 2009.

  12. [CAVA-09] S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. Lineshape Pertinence in in vivo hepatic 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic data fitting. In ESMRMB, Antalya,Turkey, pages 695, 2009.

  13. [GREN-09] D. Grenier, E. Brusseau, H. Liebgott, F. Duboeuf, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. MR-Elastography versus quasi-static US-Elastography. In ESMRMB, Antalya,Turkey, pages 366, 2009.

  14. [LART-09a] C. Lartizien, L. Canaple, and O. Beuf. Development and evaluation of a dedicated setup for co-registered PET/MRI abdominal imaging of the mouse. In ISMRM, Hawai, USA, pages 3092, April 2009.

  15. [LEPO-09b] B. Leporq, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. Liver perfusion MR imaging: A non invasive method to assess liver fibrosis. In ESMRMB, Antalya,Turkey, pages 112, 2009.

  16. [LEPO-09a] B. Leporq, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. 3D liver perfusion MR-imaging with a blood pool agent: methodological aspect. In ESMRMB, Antalya,Turkey, pages 521, 2009.

  17. [MUTE-09] E. Mutel, N. Ramamonjisoa, A. Abdul-Wahed, I. Houberdon, S. Cavassila, F. Pilleul, G. Mithieux, O. Beuf, and F. Rajas. Développement adénomes hépatiques dans un modèle de glycogénose de type 1a. In 65ème journée de Association Française pour Etude du Foie, Paris, France, 2009.

  18. [RAMG-09b] A. Ramgolam, R. Sablong, H. Saint-Jalmes, and O. Beuf. Design and validation of a bimodal MRI-optics endoluminal probe for colorectal cancer diagnosis. In European Conference on Biomedical Optics, Munich, Germany, June 14-18 2009.

  19. [RAMG-09a] A. Ramgolam, R. Sablong, H. Saint-Jalmes, and O. Beuf. Développement d'un capteur endoluminal bimodal IRM-optique pour le diagnostic du cancer colorectal. In 7èmes Journées OPTDIAG, Paris, France, 12-15 Mai 2009.

  20. [RAPA-09] S. Rapacchi, P. Croisille, M. Viallon, D. Grenier, P. Kellman, and H. Wen. In Vivo Cardiac NMR Diffusion Weighted Imaging(DWI) for the Human Heart: Tackling Motion Issue with Temporal Maximum Intensity Projection(TMIP)-DWI and First Results in Humans. In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., Hawaii, USA, pages 4718, April 2009.

  21. [RATI-09a] H. Ratiney, Y. Le Fur, M. Sdika, M. Touret, A. Bernard, and S. Cavassila. Quantitative assessment of the brain macromolecular content in a mouse model of neuro-inflammation from chemical shift imaging data at 11.7T. In ESMRMB, Antalya,Turkey, pages 39, 2009.

  22. [RATI-09] H. Ratiney, M. Sdika, O. Beuf, Y. Le Fur, and S. Cavassila. Towards structure specific macromolecular content of mouse brain from Chemical Shift Imaging data at 11.7T. In ISMRM, Hawai, USA, pages 3293, April 2009.

  23. [RENG-09a] A. Rengle, H. Ratiney, S. Cavassila, and O. Beuf. Simultaneous two-channel mice brain chemical shift imaging using a standard Biospec spectrometer. In ISMRM, Hawai, USA, pages 2347, April 2009.

  24. [RENG-09b] A. Rengle, R. Sablong, and O. Beuf. Prospective synchronization of small animal heart MRI: a quantitative comparison of an optical device, pressure sensor and ECG. In ISMRM, Hawai, USA, pages 1794, April 2009.

  25. [ROUS-09a] T. Roussel, S. Cavassila, and H. Ratiney. Novel quantification strategy for in vivo 2D J-Resolved spectroscopy. In ESMRMB, Antalya,Turkey, pages 119, 2009.

  26. [ROUS-09] T. Roussel, H. Ratiney, and S. Cavassila. MRS 2D quantification vs 1D quantification. In ISMRM, Hawai, USA, pages 2398, April 2009.

  27. [ARDI-08] N. Ardila, M. Hernández Hoyos, S. Teillaud, M. Orkisz, E.E. Davila-Serrano, O. Beuf, J. Adrien, F. Martinez, C. Rey, and J.A. Sanchez. Estudio no destructivo de los canales internos de octocorales por medio del análisis de imágenes biolgicas y medicas. In XII Seminario Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologìa del Mar, volume 1, Santa Marta, Colombia, pages 155, 2008.

  28. [BABO-08] L. Baboi, L. Milot, C. Lartizien, D. Grenier, C. Roche, J.Y. Scoazec, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. Characterization of liver lesions in a mouse model of endocrine tumors using MRI. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 2809, April 2008.

  29. [BAXA-08] N. Baxan, J. F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, H. Rabeson, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. In vitro metabolites limit of detection by localized NMR Spectroscopy using micro-coils. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 3248, May 2008.

  30. [BUCU-08a] A. Bucur, A. Bernard, C. Cudalbu, P. Giraudon, D. Graveron-Demilly, H. Ratiney, and S. Cavassila. Analyse quantitative des altérations métaboliques chez un modèle murin de neuro-inflammation par SRM. In 12ème Congrès du GRAMM, Lyon, France, 2008.

  31. [BUCU-08] A. Bucur, A. Bernard, C. Cudalbu, P. Giraudon, D. Graveron-Demilly, H. Ratiney, and S. Cavassila. Quantitative analysis of metabolic Alterations in a mouse model of Neuro-inflammation using In vivo MR Spectroscopy. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 2179, April 2008.

  32. [CAVA-08a] S. Cavassila, A. Bucur, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. Quantification de la stéatose hépatique par Spectroscopie de Résonance Magnétique et Imagerie en phase et opposition de phase. In 12ème Congrès du GRAMM, Lyon, France, 2008.

  33. [CAVA-08] S. Cavassila, A. Bucur, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. Quantification of the hepatic fatty infiltration and the metabolite concentrations using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and in and out of phase Imaging. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 712, April 2008.

  34. [DU-08] X. Du, J. Velut, R. Bolbos, O. Beuf, C. Odet, and H. Benoit-Cattin. 3-D knee Cartilage Segmentation Using a Smoothing B-Spline Active surface. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, California, USA, pages 1986, 2008.

  35. [MENN-08a] N. Mennesson, J. Dumortier, S. Cavassila, O. Beuf, J.Y. Scoazec, and F. Pilleul. Liver steatosis quantification using MRI: a prospective comparative study with liver biopsy. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 3714, April 2008.

  36. [MENN-08b] N. Mennesson, J. Dumortier, O. Guillaud, J.Y. Scoazec, and F. Pilleul. Performance de l'IRM pour le diagnostic et la quantification de la stéatose : une étude prospective comparée à la biopsie hépatique. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, 2008.

  37. [PILL-08d] F. Pilleul, J. Palma Guitterez, O. Guillaud, C. Lombard-Bohas, and J. Dumortier. Chémoembolisation hépatique par particules chargées: une modalité thérapeutique d'avenir ?. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, 2008.

  38. [POUL-08] P. Pouletaut, J.C. Goebel, A. Pinzano, R. Bolbos, O. Beuf, P. Netter, M.C. Ho Ba Tho, and P. Gillet. MRI study of rat cartilage ageing process: knee joint contact sites geometrical assessments. In XXXIII Congress of the Société de Biomécanique, Compiègne, France, pages 183-184, 1-3 septembre 2008.

  39. [POUZ-08] A. Pouzin, A.L. Perrier, T.P. Vuong, J. Perdereau, L. Dreux, and S. Tedjini. Measurement of RCS and reading range of UHF tags in free space and whit wood support. In International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2008.

  40. [RABe-08c] H. Rabeson, H. Ratiney, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Semi-Parametric Estimation in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Automation of the Disentanglement Procedure. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 1619, May 2008.

  41. [RATI-08b1] H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, C. Cudalbu, and S. Cavassila. Estimation d'une mixture de gaussiennes par l'algorithme d'Espérance-Maximisation pour la modélisation des signaux de macromolécules acquis par inversion-récupération. In 12ème Congrès du GRAMM, Lyon, France, 2008.

  42. [RATI-08a1] H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, C. Cudalbu, and S. Cavassila. Gaussian mixture model Estimation using the Expectation Maximization algorithm for MRS inversion-recovery signals. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 1625, April 2008.

  43. [RATI-08c] H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, M. Sdika, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and S. Cavassila. Effective Voigt model estimation using multiple random starting values and parameter bounds settings for in vivo hepatic 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data. In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Paris, France, pages 1529-1532, 2008.

  44. [RATI-08d] H. Ratiney, G. Da Costa, V. Metzinger, P. Eliat, S. Cavassila, and H. Saint Jalmes. Automatic Quantitative analysis of HRMAS 1D proton spectra from rat liver biopsies. In European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Valencia, Spain, 2008.

  45. [RENG-08b] A. Rengle, L. Baboi, H. Saint-Jalmes, R. Sablong, and O. Beuf. An optical fiber-based gating device for cardiac and abdominal MRI of small animals. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 1028, April 2008.

  46. [RENG-08a] A. Rengle, R. Bolbos, J.C. Goebel, M. Armenean, A. Pinzano-Watrinand, H. Saint-Jalmes, P. Gillet, and O. Beuf. Dedicated two-channel phased array receiver coils for HR-MRI of the rat knee cartilages at 7T. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 2560, April 2008.

  47. [RENG-08d] A. Rengle, H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, S. Cavassila, and O. Beuf. Re-configuration of a 'standard' Biospec spectrometer for simultaneous 2-channel acquisitions: Application for mouse brain MRI and MRS. In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Paris, France, pages 432-435, 2008.

  48. [RENG-08] A. Rengle, H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, S. Cavassila, and O. Beuf. Reconfiguration of a 'standard' Biospec spectrometer for simultaneous 2-channel acquisitions: Application for mouse brain MRI and MRS. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 1133, April 2008.

  49. [RIDE-08] C. Ridereau-Zins, C. Aubé, N. Dib, P. Pessaux, F. Pilleul, J. Dumortier, Y. Gandon, D. Heresbach, M. Pierredon-Foulongne, M. Debilly, and P.J. Valette. Validation du coloscanner à l'eau pour le diagnostic des cancers coliques. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, 2008.

  50. [SOUC-08b] R. Souchon, R. Salomir, O. Beuf, O. Rouvière, D. Lyonnet, and J.Y. Chapelon. MR Imaging of Transient Shear Waves Induced by Ultrasonic Radiation Force. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 1028, April 2008.

  51. [SUVI-08c] A. Suvichakorn, H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, S. Cavassila, and J.P. Antoine. Analyzing magnetic resonance spectroscopic signals with macromolecular contamination by the Morlet wavelet. In Conf Proc IEEE European Congress for Medical and Biomedical Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, pages 163-166, 2008.

  52. [SUVI-08a] A. Suvichakorn, H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, S. Cavassila, and J.P. Antoine. Morlet Wavelet Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Signals with Macromolecular Contamination. In IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Chania, Greece, pages 321-325, 2008.

  53. [SUVI-08b] A. Suvichakorn, H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, S. Cavassila, and J.P. Antoine. Quantification Method using the Morlet Wavelet for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Signals with Macromolecular Contamination. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, Vancouver, Canada, pages 2681-2684, 2008.

  54. [ZHA-08] V. Zhang, H. Gurascier, M. Albers, H. Ratiney, L. Tabatai, J. Simko, Y. Lu, D. Vigneron, M. Swanson, and J. Kurhanewicz. Quantification of Metabolites in HR-MAS Spectra of Human Prostate Biopsy Tissues Using ERETIC and the QUEST Algorithm. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, pages 3803, April 2008.

  55. [ADHA-07] M. Adham, F. Pilleul, V. Hervieu, A. Choukr, and C. Partensky. TIPMP de type canal principal avec lésions bifocales discontinues (skip lésions) : traitements chirurgicales. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, 2007.

  56. [BABO-07b] L. Baboi, L. Milot, C. Lartizien, C. Roche, F. Pilleul, J.Y. Scoazec, and O. Beuf. Characterization of Neuro-Endocrine Tumors in an Athymic Nude Mouse Model Using Dedicated Synchronization Strategies for T2-Weigted MR Imaging at 7T. In 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, Lyon, France, 2007.

  57. [BABO-07a] L. Baboi, L. Milot, C. Lartizien, C. Roche, J.Y. Scoazec, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. Characterization of neuro-endocrine tumors in an athymic nude mouse model using dedicated synchronization strategies for T2-weigted MR imaging at 7T. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, volume 1, pages 2879-2882, 2007.

  58. [BILL-07] C. Billet and R. Sablong. Differential optical spectroscopy for absorption characterization of mono / two-layered scattering media. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, volume 1, pages 2622-2625, 2007.

  59. [CANA-07] L. Canaple, O. Beuf, M. Armenean, J. Hasserodt, M. Janier, and J. Samarut. Screening of active paramagnetic molecules in zebrafish embryos by MRI. In Second International Conference of the European Society for Molecular Imaging, Naples, Italy, June 14-15 2007.

  60. [RATI-07c] B. Cree, H. Ratiney, M. Owen, A. Evangelista, J. Oh, and D. Pelletier. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy effects of natalizumab:single center results from the SENTINEL study. In American Academy of Neurology 59th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, May 2007.

  61. [CUDA-07d] C. Cudalbu, A. Bucur, D. Graveron-Demilly, O. Beuf, and S. Cavassila. Comparison of two strategies of background-accommodation: Influence on the metabolite concentration estimation from in vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, volume 1, Lyon, France, pages 2077-2080, 2007.

  62. [CUDA-07] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, H. Rabeson, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Influence of the background-handling strategy on the metabolite concentration estimates. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Berlin, Germany, pages 3170, May 2007.

  63. [CUDA-07c] C. Cudalbu, A. Montavont, P. Ryvlin, and S. Cavassila. Brain metabolite concentration estimates using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in a chronic model of temporal lobe epilepsy. In GERM, Alénya, France, pages 46, Mars 2007.

  64. [CUDA-07b] C. Cudalbu, A. Rengle, O. Beuf, and S. Cavassila. Rat brain metabolite relaxation time estimates using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at two different field strengths. In GERM, Alénya, France, pages 47, Mars 2007.

  65. [CUDA-07a] C. Cudalbu, A. Rengle, A. Bucur, O. Beuf, and S. Cavassila. In Vitro and In Vivo Relaxation Times of N-acetylaspartate, Creatine and Choline at 4.7T and 7T. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Berlin, Germany, pages 2924, May 2007.

  66. [DEBO-07] P.J. Debouttière, S. Roux, F. Vocanson, C. Billotey, O. Beuf, R. Lamartine, P. Perriat, and O. Tillement. Gold nanoparticles for MRI. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Berlin, Germany, 19-25 May 2007.

  67. [FALC-07] J. Falconet, R. Sablong, E. Perrin, F. Jaillon, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Backscattered stokes vectors of turbid media: anisotropy factor and reduced scattering coefficient estimation. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, volume 1, pages 1619-1622, 2007.

  68. [GREN-07] D. Grenier, L. Milot, X. Peng, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. A Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) approach for liver investigation. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, volume 1, pages 2607-2610, 2007.

  69. [MILO-07e] L. Milot, L. Baboi, O. Beuf, C. Lartizien, J.Y. Scoazec, and F. Pilleul. Suivi longitudinal par IRM de métastases hépatiques de tumeurs neuro-endocrine chez la souris nude. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, 2007.

  70. [MILO-07d] L. Milot, J. Dumortier, N. Mennesson, P.J. Valette, and F. Pilleul. Le TIPS chez le patient cirrhotique avec ascite réfractaire : existe-t'il des facteurs pronostiques de thrombose ?. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, 2007.

  71. [MILO-07a] L. Milot, M. Lapalus, J. Chayvialle, F. Pilleul, and P.J. Valette. Entéroscanner avec opacification hydrique : outil diagnostic en cas de suspicion de tumeurs de l'intestin grêle ?. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, 2007.

  72. [MILO-07b] L. Milot, O. Monneuse, B. Allaouchiche, Gruner L., and F. Pilleul. La stratégie thérapeutique de l'ulcère gastro-duodénal perforé peut-elle être orientée par une tomodensitométrie abdominale initiale. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, 2007.

  73. [MILO-07c] L. Milot, O. Monneuse, J. Chayvialle, P.J. Valette, and F. Pilleul. Apport du scanner multi-détecteurs dans la prise en charge des hémorragies digestives basses aigues. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, 2007.

  74. [OULM-07] F. Oulmane, V. Detti, D. Grenier, E. Perrin, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Radiofrequency power deposition near metallic wires during MR imaging: feasibility study using T1-weighted thermal imaging. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, volume 1, pages 3894-3897, 2007.

  75. [PERR-07e] A.L. Perrier, J.M. Duchamp, and P. Ferrari. Adaptateur d'impédance accordable. In Journées Nationales Microondes, Toulouse, France, Mai 2007.

  76. [PERR-07f] A.L. Perrier, J.M. Duchamp, and P. Ferrari. Diviseur de puissance accordable. In Journées Nationales Microondes, Toulouse, France, Mai 2007.

  77. [PERR-07d] A.L. Perrier, T. Sharjalani, J.M. Duchamp, P. Ferrari, and A. El-Helwani. Diviseur/combineurs de puissance miniature et accordable. In Journées Nationales Microondes, Toulouse, France, Mai 2007.

  78. [RABE-07] H. Rabeson, H. Ratiney, E. Capobianco, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Is spending extra scan time on measuring a 'macromolecules-only' signal worthwhile?. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Berlin, Germany, pages 2007, May 2007.

  79. [RABE-07b] H. Rabeson, H. Ratiney, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Semi-Parametric Estimation in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Automation of the Disentanglement Procedure. In Proc. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBS 2007, pages 662-665, 2007.

  80. [RATI-07d] H. Ratiney, S. Chung, R.G. Henry, R. Srinivasan, S.J. Nelson, and D. Pelletier. Bootstrap in MRSI: a non-parametric way to assess quantification standard errors. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 15th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, May 2007.

  81. [RATI-07b] H. Ratiney, R. Srinivasan, R.G. Henry, D. Okuda, S.J. Nelson, and D. Pelletier. Early and Progressive Disease Marker in MS; results from a large cross-sectional spectroscopic imaging study at 3T. In American Academy of Neurology 59th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, May 2007.

  82. [RENG-07a] A. Rengle, M. Armenean, R. Bolbos, J.C. Goebel, H. Saint-Jalmes, A. Pinzano-Watrin and, P. Gillet, and O. Beuf. A dedicated two-element phased array receiver coil for high resolution MRI of rat knee cartilage at 7T. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, volume 1, pages 3886-3889, 2007.

  83. [RENG-07] A. Rengle, L. Baboi, H. Saint-Jalmes, R. Sablong, and O. Beuf. Optical cardiac and respiratory device for synchronized MRI on small animal. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, volume 1, pages 2046-2049, 2007.

  84. [RIDE-07] C. Ridereau-Zins, C. Aubé, F. Pilleul, Y. Gandon, M. Pierredon-Foulongne, and P.J. Valette. Assessment of the Water Enema: Computed Tomography - An Effective Imaging Technique for the Diagnosis of Colon Cancer. In RSNA, Chicago, USA, November 25-30 2007.

  85. [BABO-06] L. Baboi, L. Milot, F. Pilleul, C. Lartizien, and O. Beuf. Synchronization strategies in T2-weighted MR imaging for detection of mouse liver metastasis. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 2217, 6-13 May 2006.

  86. [BABO-06a] L. Baboi, L. Milot, F. Pilleul, J.Y. Scoazec, and O. Beuf. Characterization of neuro-endocrine tumors using MRI: Longitudinal study in an athymic nude mouse model. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 2205, 6-13 May 2006.

  87. [BAXA-06e] N. Baxan, J. F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Design and analysis of NMR Planar Micro coils for nucear magnetic resonance microscopy. In 47th ENC Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, California, USA, April 23 - 28 2006.

  88. [BAXA-06b] N. Baxan, J.F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. High-Resolution 1H NMR Micro spectroscopy using an Implantable Micro-coil. In ICECS-IEEE, Nice, France, pages (in-press), 2006.

  89. [BAXA-06f] N. Baxan, J. F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, H. Rabeson, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Development of implantable NMR probe for micro volume metabolite detection. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Warsaw, PL, September 21-23 2006.

  90. [BAXA-06c] N. Baxan, J.F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, H. Rabeson, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. NMR implantable probe: Limit of metabolites detection. In ProRISC, IEEE Benelux, Veldhoven, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pages 125 - 131, November 2006. IEEE Benelux.

  91. [BAXA-06d] N. Baxan, A. Rengle, J.F. Châteaux, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. NMR planar Micro coils for micro spectroscopy: Design and characterisation. In IEEE EMBC, New York, USA, 2006.

  92. [BOLB-06f] R. Bolbos, O. Beuf, H. Benoit-Cattin, J.B. Langlois, C. Odet, P. Pastoureau, and M. Janier. Knee cartilage thickness measurements using MRI in a guinea pig osteo-arthritis model. In 1st Singaporean-French Biomedical Imaging Workshop, Biopolis, Singapore, 12-13 October 2006.

  93. [CANA-06b] L. Canaple, O. Beuf, M. Armenean, and M. Janier. High resolution MRI of zebrafish embryos. In 1st Singaporean-French Biomedical Imaging Workshop, Biopolis, Singapore, 12-13 October 2006.

  94. [CANA-06] L. Canaple, O. Beuf, M. Armenean, and M. Janier. High-Resolution MRI of Zebrafish embryos. In The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Imaging, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, August 30-September 2 2006.

  95. [COUR-06] M. Courbière, F. Pilleul, O. Monneuse, and L. Viremouneix. Prospective Evaluation of Nonenhanced MR Imaging in Acute Pancreatitis. In RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2006.

  96. [CUDA-06b] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, O. Beuf, H. Rabeson, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Estimated metabolite concentrations in the rat brain with QUEST: A comparison between in vitro and in simulated basis-sets. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 2533, May 2006.

  97. [CUDA-06c] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, A. Montavont, P. Ryvlin, A. Briguet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Study of pilocarpine model of epileptic rats at 7 telas by Magnetic Resonace Spectroscopy. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 2530, May 2006.

  98. [CUDA-06d] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, H. Rabeson, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Localized Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 7 Tesla in the Rat Brain: Metabolite Concentration Estimates Using QUEST and Two Approaches to Accommodate the Background. In Proc. ProRISC, IEEE Benelux, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pages 136-140, November 2006.

  99. [CUDA-06a] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, O. Beuf, A. Briguet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. A longitudinal study of pilocarpine model of epileptic rats at 7 Tesla by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB, Warsaw, Poland, pages 267, September, 21-23 2006.

  100. [DAVO-07] N. Davoust, J.B. Pialat, S. Moucharrafie, T.H. Cho, M. Mutin, J.B. Langlois, O. Beuf, J. Honnorat, N. Nighoghossian, Y. Berthezène, and M. Wiart. MR-tracking of in vivo magnetically labeled macrophages detects remote inflammation in focal ischemia of the mouse brain. In Journal of neuroimmunology, volume 178, Nagoya, Japan, pages 250, 2006.

  101. [GUIO-06] F. De Guio, B. Belaroussi, O. Beuf, and H. Benoit-Cattin. Chemical shift artifact correction by image processing in Spin-Echo imaging. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 2368, 6-13 May 2006.

  102. [FALC-06a] J. Falconet, R. Sablong, E. Perrin, F. Jaillon, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Analysis of backscattered images of turbid media in linearly polarized light: estimation of the anisotropy factor. In 1st Singaporean-French Biomedical Imaging Workshop, Biopolis, Singapore, 12-13 October 2006.

  103. [GREN-06c] D. Grenier, L. Milot, A. Iordache, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. A Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) approach for liver investigation. In 1st Singaporean-French Biomedical Imaging Workshop, Biopolis, Singapore, 12-13 October 2006.

  104. [FALC-06b] A. Laidevant, A. da Silva, M. Berger, J.M. Dinten, J. Falconet, R. Sablong, E. Perrin, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Comparison of spatially integral and time-resolved reflectance for the determination of the optical properties on two kinds of optical phantoms. In Biomedical Optics, Fort Lauderdale, USA, 2006.

  105. [LITA-06] P. Litaudon, C. Martin, D. Grenier, M. Thevenet, and N. Ravel. Dynamic changes associated with odor stimulation in the rat olfactory bulb revealed by bold fMRI. In 17th Congress of the European-Chemoreception-Research-Organization (ECRO), Granada, Spain, pages 63, 2006.

  106. [PERR-06] A.L. Perrier, O. Exshaw, J.M. Duchamp, and P. Ferrari. A Semi-Lumped Miniaturized Spurious Less Frequency Tunable Three-port Divider/Combiner with 20dB Isolation Between Output Ports. In IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, San Fransisco, USA, pages 1714-1717, June 2006.

  107. [RABE-06c] H. Rabeson, F. Fauvelle, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Quantitation with QUEST of ER-Filtered HRMAS-NMR Signals. In Proc. ProRISC, IEEE Benelux, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pages 171-175, November 2006.

  108. [RABE-06a] H. Rabeson, F. Fauvelle, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Quantitation with QUEST of ER-Filtered HRMAS-NMR signals. In ISMRM Workshop on Data Processing for MR Spectroscopy and Imaging, Warrenton, Virginia, USA, November 2006.

  109. [RABE-06d] H. Rabeson, F. Fauvelle, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Quantitation with QUEST of HRMAS-NMR Signals in the Presence of a Background. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB, Warsaw, Poland, pages 180, September, 21-23 2006.

  110. [RABE-06b] H. Rabeson, F. Fauvelle, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Metabolite Profiles obtained with QUEST from HRMAS-NMR signals of Rat Brains. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, USA, pages 3228, May 6-12 2006.

  111. [RABE-06e] H. Rabeson, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, E. Capobianco, R. de Beer, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Signal Disentanglement in In Vivo MR Spectroscopy: By Semi-Parametric Processing or by Measurement?. In Proc. ProRISC, IEEE Benelux, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pages 176-183, November 2006.

  112. [RATI-06a] H. Ratiney, E. Capobianco, R. de Beer, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Error Bounds for Semi-Parametric Estimation in MRS. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 3237, May 2006.

  113. [RATI-06b] H. Ratiney, S.M. Noworolski, M. Sdika, R. Srinivasan, R.G. Henry, S.J. Nelson, and D. Pelletier. Regional Estimation of T1 Metabolite Relaxation using 2D MRSI and a Bootstrap Approach at 1.5T. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 2006.

  114. [RATI-06c] H. Ratiney, D. Okuda, D. Graveron-Demilly, S. J. Nelson, S. Hauser, and D. Pelletier. Estimation of Myo-Inositol and Macromolecule Contents in Normal-Appearing White and Gray Matter in MS Using 3D-HMRSI at 3T. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA, pages 2635, May 2006.

  115. [RENG-06] A. Rengle, L. Baboi, H. Saint-Jalmes, R. Sablong, and O. Beuf. Optical Cardiac and Respiratory Monitoring for small-animal MRI. In 1st Singaporean-French Biomedical Imaging Workshop, Biopolis, Singapore, 12-13 October 2006.

  116. [SABL-06] R. Sablong, H. Alsaid, S. Abulrazzaq, E. Canet-Soulas, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Bimodal MRI-optics imaging of the unstable atherosclerotic plate in ApoE-/- mouse. In 1st Singaporean-French Biomedical Imaging Workshop, Biopolis, Singapore, 12-13 October 2006.

  117. [SEUR-2006] M.J. Seurin and A. Briguet. Contribution of MRI to whole sheep ovary cryoprotection. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Warsaw, Poland, September 21-23 2006.

  118. [PIAL-06] M. Wiart, T.H. Cho, J.B. Pialat, S. Moucharrafie, J.B. Langlois, O. Beuf, N. Nighoghossian, and Y. Berthezène. USPIO-enhanced MRI at 7T in a mouse model of focal cerebral ischemia. In International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2006.

  119. [WIAR-06] M. Wiart, N. Davoust, J.B. Pialat, V. Desestret, S. Moucharrafie, T.H. Cho, M. Butin, J.B. Langlois, O. Beuf, J. Honnorat, N. Nighoghossian, and Y. Berthezène. MRI monitoring of neuro-inflammation in mouse focal ischemia. In 1st Singaporean-French Biomedical Imaging Workshop, Biopolis, Singapore, 12-13 October 2006.

  120. [ARME-05e] M. Armenean, R. Bolbos, A. Rengle, H. Saint-Jalmes, and O. Beuf. Two channel phased array receiver coil for high resolution MRI of rat knee joint at 7T. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 22nd Annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland, September 15-18 2005.

  121. [ARME-05a] C. Armenean, E. Perrin, M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Experimental RF heating measurements for different coaxial cable connections/disconnections scenario in a clinical MRI. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 22nd Annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland, September 15-18 2005.

  122. [ARME-05b] C. Armenean, E. Perrin, M. Armenean, F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Etude de l'échauffement radiofréquence autour de conducteurs métalliques pour la sécurité de capteurs endoluminaux et de dispositifs en IRM interventionnelle. In 11ème Congrès du GRAMM, Nancy, France, 21-23 mars 2005.

  123. [AULA-05] A.L. Aulanier, A. Sulaiman, Y. Lebreton, J. M. Serfaty, E. Canet-Soulas, H. Saint-Jalmes, O. Beuf, and P. Douek. Modèle expérimental aortique pour l'imagerie interventionnelle cardiovasculaire par IRM. In 11ème Congrès du GRAMM, Nancy, France, 21-23 mars 2005.

  124. [BABO-05] L. Baboi, L. Milot, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. Synchronisation strategies in T2-weighted MR imaging for detection of liver metastasis in an athymic nude mouse model. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 22nd Annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland, September 15-18 2005.

  125. [BEUF-05c] O. Beuf, C. Armenean, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Small animal MRI: spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio comparison at 7T and 1.5T with multiple acquisition strategies. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 22nd Annual meeting, Basel, Switzerland, September 15-18 2005.

  126. [BOLB-05a] R. Bolbos, H. Benoit-Cattin, J.B. Langlois, A. Chomel, E. Chereul, C. Odet, P. Pastoureau, M. Janier, and O. Beuf. Méthode de caractérisation du cartilage in vivo par IRM sur un modèle de cobaye arthrosique: suivi longitudinal. In 11ème Congrès du GRAMM, Nancy, France, 21-23 Mars 2005.

  127. [CUDA-05c] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, D. Grenier, H. Ratiney, A. Briguet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Estimation des temps de relaxation in vivo des métabolites cérébraux chez le rat à 7 Teslas. In GRAMM, Nancy, France, pages 14, 21-23 Mars 2005.

  128. [CUDA-05e] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, D. Grenier, H. Ratiney, A. Briguet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. In vivo metabolite relaxation times in mouse and rat brains at 7 Teslas. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 13th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Miami, Florida, USA, pages 2476, May 7-13 2005.

  129. [CUDA-05d] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, O. Beuf, A. Briguet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Application de l'algorithme QUEST à la quantification des métabolites cérébraux de la souris à 7 Teslas. In XIX Congrès du GERM, Carry le Rouet, France, pages 102, Avril 2005.

  130. [CUDA-05a] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, O. Beuf, A. Briguet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Localized proton MRS at 7 Tesla in the rat brain : Estimated metabolite concentrations and T2 relaxation times (ePoster). In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB, Basel, Switzerland, pages 207, 15-18 September 2005.

  131. [CUDA-05b] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, O. Beuf, A. Briguet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Metabolite concentrations of Healthy mouse brain By Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 7 Tesla. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, volume 2, Shangai, R.P. China, pages 1392-1395, 1-4 September 2005.

  132. [CUDA-05] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, O. Beuf, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Metabolite concentration estimates in the rat brain by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy using QUEST and two approaches to invoke prior knowledge. In Proc. ProRISC, IEEE Benelux, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pages 609-614, 17-18 November 2005.

  133. [FALC-05] J. Falconet, R. Sablong, F. Jaillon, E. Perrin, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Towards optical characterization of biological media: analysis of backscattered images in linearly polarized light, simulations and experiments. In Proceedings of SPIE, volume 5959 of Medical Imaging, Warsaw, Poland, September 23 2005.

  134. [HIBA-05] B. Hiba, P. Croisille, O. Beuf, and M. Janier. Cardiac and respiratory double self-gated cine MRI in the mouse at 7T. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 13th Scientific Meeting, Miami, USA, 7-13 May 2005.

  135. [JRAD-05b] A. Jrad, A.L. Perrier, J.M. Duchamp, and P. Ferrari. Transformateur d'impédance ultra compact basé sur une inductance équivalente controlé en tension. In Journées Nationales Microondes, Nantes, France, Mai 2005.

  136. [LEE-05] E. Lee, F. Gazeau, O. Beuf, A. Briguet, M. Janier, and C. Billotey. Analysis of Hepatic Uptake of Anionic Magnetic Nanoparticles. In The Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Imaging, Cologne, Germany, September 7-10 2005.

  137. [PERR-05] A.L. Perrier, J.M. Duchamp, P. Ferrari, and D. Vincent. Un transformateur d'impédance complexe accordable. In Journées Nationales Microondes, Nantes, France, Mai 2005.

  138. [PILL-05] F. Pilleul, M. Penigaud, J.C. Saurin, A. Crombe-Ternamian, and P.J. Valette. Value of Contrast-Enhanced Hydro CT enteroclysis in suspected small bowel neoplasms. In RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2005.

  139. [RATI-05d] H. Ratiney, E. Capobianco, M. Sdika, H. Rabeson, C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, R. de Beer, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Semi-Parametric estimation in In vivo MR Spectroscopy. In ProRISC, IEEE Benelux, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pages 658-667, 17-18 November 2005.

  140. [RATI-05c] H. Ratiney, H. Rabeson, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Quantification de données d'Imagerie Spectroscopique en présence d'effets de susceptibilité. In GRAMM, Nancy, pages 35, 21-23 Mars 2005.

  141. [RATI-05e] H. Ratiney, H. Rabeson, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Quantitation of MRSI Data in the Presence of Magnetic Susceptibility Effects. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 13th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Miami, Florida, USA, pages 2472, May 7-13 2005.

  142. [WIAR-05b] M. Wiart, T.H. Cho, J.B. Pialat, S. Moucharrafie, J.B. Langlois, O. Beuf, N. Nighoghossian, and Y. Berthezène. Magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral ischemia with ultrasmall superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide in mice. In Contrast Media Research, Evian, France, 2005.

  143. [WIAR-05a] M. Wiart, J.B. Pialat, T.H. Cho, O. Beuf, J.B. Langlois, E. Joye, B. Desvergne, N. Nighoghossian, and Y. Berthezène. Neuroprotective effects of PPAR-alpha demonstrated in vivo by high-resolution MRI in ischemic stroke. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Basel, Switzerland, 2005.

  144. [ARME-04d] C. Armenean, E. Perrin, M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. RF heating comparison between conductive and resistive wires in interventional and endoluminal MRI. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 12th Scientific Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, 15-21 May 2004.

  145. [ARME-04e] C. Armenean, E. Perrin, M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. RF heating near metallic wires: effects of resistivity, position, length and flip angle. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 21st Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 9-12 2004.

  146. [BERN-04] P. Bernard, B. Napoléon, F. Pilleul, J. Y. Scoazec, and C. Partensky. Caractéristiques épidémiologiques, histologiques et pronostiques des tumeurs intracanalaires papillaires et mucineuses du pancréas (TIPMP) en fonction du type d'atteinte canalaire. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, Avril 2004.

  147. [BEUF-04c] O. Beuf, C. Armenean, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Small animal at 7T versus human or small animal MRI at 1.5T: spatial resolution and signal to noise ratio comparison. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 21st Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 9-12 2004.

  148. [BEUF-04d] O. Beuf and H. Saint-Jalmes. Small animal MRI versus clinical MRI: Theoretical versus Experimental Signal to Noise Comparison. In 45th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Asilomar, USA, April18 - 23 2004.

  149. [BEZI-04a] C. Beziat, F. Pilleul, D. Yzebe, and P.J. Valette. Place du Teslascan dans la caractérisation des tumeurs hépatiques bénignes. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 22 2004.

  150. [BEZI-04b] C. Beziat, F. Pilleul, D. Yzebe, and P.J. Valette. Role of Mangafodipir trisodium in the characterization of benign liver tumour. In 23rd International Congress of Radiology, Montréal, Canada, October 2004.

  151. [BOLB-04] R. Bolbos, O. Beuf, H. Benoit-Cattin, C. Odet, P. Pastoureau, and M. Janier. Cartilage characterization method in a guinea pig osteoarthritis model: Reproducibility of morphological measures using MRI. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 21st Annual Scientific Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, pages 38, 2004.

  152. [CUDA-04a] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, D. Grenier, H. Ratiney, A. Briguet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. In vitro and in vivo relaxation times of choline, creatine and N-acetylaspartate at 7 teslas. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 21st Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB, Copenhagen, Denmark, pages 337, 9-12 September 2004.

  153. [CUDA-04b] C. Cudalbu, S. Cavassila, D. Grenier, H. Ratiney, A. Briguet, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Time-domain quantitation of 1H short echo time Magnetic Resonance signals at 7 teslas. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 21st Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB, Copenhagen, Denmark, pages 344, 9-12 September 2004.

  154. [ETTE-04] R. Ettessami, F. Pilleul, T. Ponchon, C. Partensky, A. Crombé, G. Gautier, and P.J. Valette. L'utilisation de la sécrétine en IRM dans la pathologie pancréatique. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, Avril 2004.

  155. [GAUT-04] G. Gautier, I. Faurie, F. Pilleul, and P.J. Valette. MRI findings in the liver involvement of Osler-Weber-Rendu disease. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Kyoto, Japon, May 2004.

  156. [GODE-04b] C. Godefroy, F. Dugougeat-Pilleul, M. Viallon, F. Pilleul, and J.P. Pracros. L'angio-IRM 3D des vaisseaux splanchniques est-elle réalisable dans la population pédiatrique de moins de 5 ans. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 22 2004.

  157. [GODE-04c] C. Godefroy, F. Pilleul, A. Lachaux, J.P. Pracros, and P.J. Valette. Valeur de l'entéro-IRM après opacification orale et injection de gadolinium dans la maladie de Crohn chez l'enfant. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, Avril 2004.

  158. [GODE-04a] C. Godefroy, F. Pilleul, A. Lachaux, J.P. Pracros, and P.J. Valette. Valeur de l'entéro-IRM dans le diagnostic et le suivi de la maladie de Crohn chez l'enfant. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 22 2004.

  159. [JAIL-04] F. Jaillon and H. Saint-Jalmes. Scattering coefficient estimation thanks to polarized light in scattering media. In OPTDIAG, Paris, France, October 2004.

  160. [PERR-04b] A.L. Perrier, J.M. Duchamp, P. Ferrari, and D. Vincent. A Varactor Tunable Complexe Impedance Transformer. In 34th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, Nederland, October 2004.

  161. [PERR-04a] A.L. Perrier, J.M. Duchamp, P. Ferrari, and D. Vincent. A Varactor Tunable Impedance Transformer. In Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, Marseille, France, June 2004.

  162. [PILL-04g] F. Pilleul. Capteur RF système digestif. In Colloque EEA - Santé, Villeurbanne, France, September 23 2004.

  163. [PILL-04h] F. Pilleul, A. Bansac, and P.J. Valette. Diagnostic value of water enema multi-row computed tomography in colorectal cancer screening. In 23rd International Congress of Radiology, Montréal, Canada, October 2004.

  164. [PILL-04i] F. Pilleul, G. Gautier, A. Crombé-Ternamian, O. Monneuse, X. Barth, P.J. Valette, and T. Ponchon. Bili-IRM de première intention pour suspicion de lithiase voie biliaire principale : impact décisionnel. In 23rd International Congress of Radiology, Montréal, Canada, October 2004.

  165. [PILL-04j] F. Pilleul, C. Godefroy, D. Yzebe, A. Lachaux, and P.J. Valette. Contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the gastrointestinal tract in children with Crohn's disease. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Kyoto, Japon, May 2004.

  166. [POPU-04] C. Populaire, B. Remaki, M. Armenean, E. Perrin, O. Beuf, H. Saint-Jalmes, and D. Barbier. Integrated RF Micro-Coils on Porous Silicon. In The 3rd IEEE Conference on Sensors, Vienna, Austria, October 24-27 2004.

  167. [ARME-03a] C. Armenean, M. Armenean, O. Beuf, E. Perrin, F. Pilleul, A. Bordelois, and H. Saint-Jalmes. RF heating along a metallic catheter during a clinical MRI examination. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 11th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 11-16th July 2003.

  168. [ARME-03c] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, E. Perrin, C. Armenean, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Vers la miniaturisation de capteurs radiofréquence pour la spectroscopie et l'imagerie par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire. In Société Française de Physique, Lyon, France, 7-10 juillet 2003.

  169. [ARME-03d] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, L. Renaud, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Solenoidal and planar microcoils for NMR microscopy. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, Cancun, Mexico, 17-21 September 2003.

  170. [ARME-03e] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Theoretical comparison between implantable microcoils and external superconducting coils for rat brain localized NMR spectroscopy. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 20th Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 17-21 September 2003.

  171. [ARME-03b] C. Armenean, E. Perrin, M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. RF induced temperature elevation near metallic wires in clinical magnetic resonance imaging. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, Cancun, Mexico, 17-21 September 2003.

  172. [BEUF-03z] O. Beuf. Récents développements sur la plate-forme d'imagerie du petit animal ANIMAGE. In VIIIème colloque De la recherche à la découverte, Toulouse, France, Avril 2003.

  173. [BEUF-03b] O. Beuf, M. Janier, C. Aspord, C. Thivolet, and C. Billotey. Magnetic labeled T cells in vivo tracking using MRI. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 11th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 11-16th July 2003.

  174. [BEUF-03d] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, C. Armenean, E. Perrin, and H. Saint-Jalmes. IRM endoluminale de la paroi digestive. In VIIIème colloque De la recherche à la découverte, Toulouse, France, Avril 2003.

  175. [BEUF-03e] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, C. Armenean, E. Perrin, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vivo rabbit gastrointestinal wall imaging using endoluminal coil. In Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, Cancun, Mexico, 17-21 September 2003.

  176. [BEUF-03c] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, G. Haddour, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vivo MR imaging of rabbit gastrointestinal wall using endoluminal coil. In European Society Gastro-intestinal and Abdominal Radiology, Budapest, Hongrie, Juin 2003.

  177. [BILL-03b] Y. Billaud, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. Breath-hold 3D MRA protocol for routine exam of the abdomen. In European Society Gastro-intestinal and Abdominal Radiology, Budapest, Hongrie, Juin 2003.

  178. [BILL-03a] Y. Billaud, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. Breath-hold 3D MRA protocol for routine exam of the abdomen. In European Congress of Radiology, volume 13, Vienna, Austria, 7-11th March 2003.

  179. [BILL-03c] Y. Billaud, F. Pilleul, G. Gautier, A. Crombe-Ternamian, O. Monneuse, and P.J. Valette. Suspicion of bile duct leaks: diagnostic value of Mangafodipir-enhanced MR cholangiography. In European Society Gastro-intestinal and Abdominal Radiology, Budapest, Hongrie, Juin 2003.

  180. [BILL-03e] C. Billotey, C. Aspord, O. Beuf, M. Janier, F. Gazeau, and C. Thivolet. In vivo monitoring of T cell homing with MRI. In Keystone Symposia on cell migration and invasion, Breckenridge, USA, 18-23th January 2003.

  181. [BILL-03f] C. Billotey, M. Janier, C. Aspord, C. Thivolet, and O. Beuf. Magnetic labeled T cells in vivo trafficking with MRI. In ISMRM Workshop on Cellular and Molecular Imaging in Diagnostics and Therapy, Bordeaux, France, 26 June - 1st July 2003.

  182. [FAUR-03] I. Faurie, G. Gautier, F. Pilleul, and P.J. Valette. Aspect IRM des atteintes hépatiques de la maladie de Rendu Osler. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, October 2003.

  183. [GAUT-03a] G. Gautier, A. Crombe-Ternamian, F. Pilleul, P. J. Valette, L. Gruner, X. Barth, and T. Ponchon. Impact de la Bili-IRM en cas de suspicion de lithiase de la voie biliaire principale. In Société Nationale Française de Gastro-Entérologie, Paris, France, Mars 2003.

  184. [GAUT-03b] G. Gautier, I. Faurie, F. Pilleul, and P.J. Valette. MRI findings in the liver involvement of Osler-Weber-Rendu disease. In RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2003.

  185. [PERR-03a] A.L. Perrier, G. Vitrant, J.L. Coutaz, L. Bastard, and E. Broquin. Caractérisation de photocommutateur en LT-GaAs pour le photomélange à partir de lasers en optique intégrée. In Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Valence, France, April 2003.

  186. [PERR-03b] E. Perrin, C. Armenean, O. Beuf, M. Armenean, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Simulations and measures of RF heating along metallic wires in MRI. In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia, August 24-29 2003.

  187. [PILL-03a] F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, M. Armenean, G. Hadour, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vivo MR imaging of rabbit gastrointestinal wall using endoluminal coil. In European Congress of Radiology, volume 13, Vienna, Austria, 7-11th March 2003.

  188. [PILL-03b] F. Pilleul, A. Rochette, C. Partensky, J.Y. Scoazec, P. Bernard, and P.J. Valette. Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Tumors of the Pancreas: MRI with Histopathologic Correlation. In RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2003.

  189. [RATI-03d] H. Ratiney, Y. Coenradie, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Quantification dans le domaine temporel de signaux de spectroscopie à l'aide d'une base de métabolites. In Groupe de Recherche sur les Applications du Magnétisme en Médecine, GRAMM, Angers, France, Février 2003.

  190. [RIDE-03] C. Ridereau-Zins, C. Aubé, F. Leblay, P. Pessaux, N. Dib, F. Pilleul, C. Caron-Poitreau, and P.J. Valette. Le coloscanner à l'eau. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, October 2003.

  191. [SOUC-03c] R. Souchon, L. Curiel, O. Rouvière, V. Detti, and J.Y. Chapelon. Comparison of US Elastograms and MR Images of Thermal Lesions in the Prostate. In World Congress on Ultrasonics, Paris, France, September 2003.

  192. [ARME-02e] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Antennes RMN endoluminales pour l'exploration de la paroi digestive. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, 19-23 Oct 2002.

  193. [ARME-02f] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Comparative study of endoluminal RF coils made with printed circuit technology or circular section copper wires. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Scientific Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, pages 202, August 22-25 2002.

  194. [ARME-02c] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Optimization of endoluminal loop RF coil geometries for gastrointestinal wall imaging. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

  195. [ARME-02d] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, H. Saint-Jalmes, and F. Pilleul. Optimization of endoluminal loop RF coil geometries for gastrointestinal wall imaging. In European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nice, France, August 2002.

  196. [ARME-02g] M. Armenean, L. Renaud, H. Chahboune, O. Beuf, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Evaluation of an implantable planar RF microcoil prototype for localized NMR spectroscopy. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Scientific Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, pages 64, August 22-25 2002.

  197. [BEUF-02i] O. Beuf, M. Armenean, F. Pilleul, A. Bourdelois, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Endolminal loop radiofrequency coils: Signal distribution with orientation in the magnetic field. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Scientific Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, pages 203, August 22-25 2002.

  198. [BEUF-02f] O. Beuf, M. Armenean, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Signal distribution with endoluminal loop radiofrequency coils : effect of orientation in the magnetic field. In European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nice, France, August 2002.

  199. [BEUF-02d] O. Beuf, H. Follet, M.J. Seurin, C. Rumelhart, F. Peyrin, and A. Briguet. Trabecular structure assessment using high resolution MRI and synchrotron radiation microtomography in calcaneus samples. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

  200. [BEUF-02h] O. Beuf, E. Peyrin, H. Follet, and A. Briguet. Assessment of human calcaneus trabecular structure using HR-MRI and SR CT. In 15th International Bone Densitometry Workshop, Monterey, California, USA, July21-26 2002.

  201. [BEUF-02e] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, G. Hadour, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vivo gastrointestinal wall imaging using endoluminal coils : feasibility study on rabbit. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

  202. [BEUF-02g] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, G. Hadour, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vivo gastrointestinal wall imaging using endoluminal coils: feasibility study on rabbit. In European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nice, France, August 2002.

  203. [BEUF-02j] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vivo rabbit gastrointestinal wall imaging using endoluminal MR coils. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Scientific Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, August 22-25 2002.

  204. [BILL-02c] Y. Billaud, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. Breath-hold 3D MRA of the abdomen: protocol for routine exam. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

  205. [BILL-02d] Y. Billaud, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. Breath-hold 3D MRA of the abdomen: protocol for routine exam. In European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nice, France, August 2002.

  206. [BILL-02b] Y. Billaud, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. Breath-hold 3D MRA protocol for routine exam of the abdomen. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Scientific Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, pages 249, August 22-25 2002.

  207. [BILL-02e] Y. Billaud, F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, G. Desjeux, and P.J. Valette. Angiographie par Résonance Magnétique (ARM) avec gadolinium de l'aorte abdominale et de ses branches viscérales: Optimisation du contraste et de la résolution spatiale. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, 19-23 Oct 2002.

  208. [BILL-02a] Y. Billaud, F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, G. Desjeux, and P.J. Valette. Angiographie par résonance magnétique (ARM) avec gadolinium de l'aorte abdominale et de ses branches viscérales : optimisation du contraste et de la résolution spatiale. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  209. [COUR-02b] M. Courbière, F. Pilleul, L. Henry, T. Ponchon, S. Touzet, and P.J. Valette. Evaluation diagnostique prospective de la cholangio-IRM dans les sténoses des voies biliaires : comparaison avec la cholangiographie directe. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  210. [DUGO-02b] F. Dugougeat, F. Pilleul, T. Basset, and J.P. Pracros. The usefulness of MRI to rule out appendicitis in children with non conclusive ultrasound. In European Society of Pediatric Radiology, Paris, France, June 2002.

  211. [DUGO-02a] F. Dugougeat, F. Pilleul, C. Godefroy, and J.P. Pracros. Inflammatory bowel disease in children : assessment by MRI and compared to ultrasonography. In European Society of Pediatric Radiology, Paris, France, June 2002.

  212. [GAUT-02] G. Gautier, A. Crombe-Ternamian, F. Pilleul, and P.J. Valette. Impact décisionnel de la bili-IRM en cas de suspicion de lithiase de la voie biliaire principale. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  213. [GIRA-02] P.R. Girard. In 6th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and Applications, Cookeville, May 2002.

  214. [GODE-02a] C. Godefroy, F. Dugougeat, F. Pilleul, and J.P. Pracros. Feasability study of MRI in evaluation of pediatric inflammatory bowel diseases. In European Society of Pediatric Radiology, Paris, France, June 2002.

  215. [GODE-02b] C. Godefroy, F. Pilleul, F. Dugougeat, A. Lachaux, and P.J. Valette. Etude de faisabilité de l'entéro-IRM avec injection de gadolinium dans la pathologie inflammatoire digestive en pédiatrie. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  216. [JAIL-02a] F. Jaillon, D. Jullien, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Monte Carlo simulation of polarized light propagation through turbid media using different phase functions. In Proceeding of SPIE, volume 3 of Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging, San Jose, California, USA, June 2002.

  217. [JAIL-02b] F. Jaillon and H. Saint-Jalmes. Polarized light Monte Carlo Simulation in scattering media. In OPTDIAG, Paris, France, 2002.

  218. [LIND-02] C. Lindsay, K. Hall, S. Ghosh, O. Beuf, T. M. Link, L. Steinback, M. Ries, and S. Majumdar. Magnetic resonance evaluation of the interrelationship between articular cartilage and trabecular bone of the osteoarthritic knee. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2002.

  219. [PILL-02a] F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, M. Armenean, G. Hadour, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Images in vivo de la paroi digestive avec une antenne RMN endoluminale : Etude de faisabilité sur le lapin. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  220. [PILL-02b] F. Pilleul, J. Forest, and A. Coulon. Intéret des séquences 3D angio-IRM dans l'évaluation des anévrismes splanchniques. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  221. [RIDE-02] R. Ridereau-Zins, F. Leblay, C. Aubé, V. Croquet, P. Pessaux, F. Pilleul, A. Dauver, and C. Caron-Poitreau. Etude de la faisabilité et premiers résultats du coloscanner à l'eau. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, 19-23Oct 2002.

  222. [SAIN-02] H. Saint-Jalmes, A. Armenean, and O. Beuf. Geometry Evaluation of NMR Radiofrequency Mini and Microcoils by Mean of Electromagnetic Simulations. In 43rd ENC, Asilomar, USA, April14 - 19 2002.

  223. [BROS-01] O. Brosseau, M.J. Seurin, P. Thieriet, and A. Briguet. Exploration non invasive de la fonction musculaire. In ESMRMB, Marseille, France, Oct4-6 2001.

  224. [GIRA-01] P.R. Girard. In Applied Geometrical Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering, Cambridge University, july 2001.

  225. [GREN-01h] D. Grenier, L.K. Wachsmuth, L. Carjaval, and S. Majumdar. Dipolar Contrast Imaging Applied to In vivo Musculo-skeletal Imaging. In Proc Int Soc Magn Reson Med, 2001.

  226. [ITIB-01] I. Itibarren, R. Harba, E. Perrin, and R. Jennane. A note on the simulation of n-th order stationary Gaussian process by minimal embedding. In VIII Congrès Latino-Américain de Probabilité et de Mathématique Statistique, La Havane, Cuba, 12-16 novembre 2001.

  227. [LEMI-01] G. Lemineur, R. Jennane, E. Perrin, R. Harba, and C.L. Benhamou. Corrélation entre les propriétés 3D de la microarchitecture trabéculaire et la dimension fractale de sa projection. In 11ième Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs en GBM, Compiègne, France, Juin 2001.

Invited Conferences
  1. [BEUF-10a] O. Beuf, J.C. Goebel, D. Grenier, A-L. Perrier, A. Pinzano-Watrin, C. Henrionnet, L. Galois, and P. Gillet. New trends in MRI of cartilage: Advances and limitations in small-animal studies. In 5ème réunion scientifique Internationale du Pole Lorrain d'Ingénierie du Cartilage (PLIC), Nancy, France, 4 et 5 Février 2010.

  2. [BEUF-09b] O. Beuf. Universal connecting/receiver kit for Magnetic Resonance Imaging coils. In 12th Edition Forum Innovation, Industrie, Investissement, International (4i), Grenoble, France, 14 mai 2009.

  3. [CAVA-09c] S. Cavassila. Etude du métabolisme cérébral du petit animal par Spectrométrie de Résonance Magnétique in vivo. In Journée de l'Institut Fédératif des Neurosciences de Lyon: Imagerie cérébrale du petit animal, Lyon, France, May 2009.

  4. [CAVA-09b] S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Spectroscopie du foie par résonance magnétique Nucléaire. In Journée de Printemps de la société d'imagerie abdominale et digestive, Paris, France, May 2009.

  5. [GREN-09b] D. Grenier. Introduction à l'imagerie RMN. In Journée de l'Institut Fédératif des Neurosciences de Lyon: Imagerie cérébrale du petit animal, Lyon, France, May 2009.

  6. [PILL-09d] F. Pilleul. Les traitements loco-régionaux. In 2èmes Rencontres Bayer Schering Pharma Oncologie, Evian, 15 mai 2009.

  7. [PILL-09c] F. Pilleul. Prise en charge radiologique des hémorragies digestives basses. In 111ème congrès francais de chirurgie, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, 1er octobre 2009.

  8. [PILL-09a] F. Pilleul. Quels axes pour mieux combattre le cancer ? - Comment mieux guérir le cancer tout en minimisant les effets des traitements ?. In Journée Parlementaire sur le Cancer, Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France, 12 mars 2009.

  9. [PILL-09b] F. Pilleul. Traitement endovasculaire du carcinome hépato-cellulaire. In JFHOD, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, 19 mars 2009.

  10. [BEUF-08c] O. Beuf. Méthodologie et Instrumentation pour l'IRM de l'animal. In Estivales de PRISM: Large Animal Imaging seminar, Université Rennes 1, Rennes, France, 12 juin 2008.

  11. [BEUF-08b] O. Beuf, M. Armenean, A. Rengle, L. Baboi, R. Sablong, H. Saint-Jalmes, and F. Pilleul. Methods and systems for in-vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging in small rodents. In 3rd Conference on Advanced Spectroscopies on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 7-10 2008.

  12. [BEUF-08a] O. Beuf and H. Benoit-Cattin. Contraste de susceptibilité: analyse et correction. In 12ème Congrès du GRAMM, Lyon, France, 26-28 mars 2008.

  13. [BEUF-08d] O. Beuf, R. Bolbos, A. Rengle, H. Benoit-Cattin, P. Pastoureau, J.C. Goebel, A. Pinzano-Watrin, and P. Gillet. MRI techniques for cartilage studies in small-animal models of osteoarthritis. In 4ème réunion scientifique Internationale du Pole Lorrain d'Ingénierie du Cartilage (PLIC), Nancy, France, 10, 11 et 12 Septembre 2008.

  14. [FALC-08d] J. Falconet, R. Sablong, E. Perrin, F. Jaillon, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Scattering Media Characterization from Backscattered Q Elements of Stokes Vectors. In 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ajaccio, France, June 25-27 2008.

  15. [PILL-08c] F. Pilleul. Carcinome Hépato-cellulaire. In 1ères Rencontres Bayer Schering Pharma Oncologie, Monaco, 14 au 16 mars 2008.

  16. [PILL-08b] F. Pilleul. Le point sur la chimio-embolisation lipiodolée et l'apport des particules chargées. In 110ème Congrès Francais de Chirurgie : Nouveauté en imagerie et en radiologie interventionnelle du carcinome hépatocellulaire, Paris, France, 1er octobre 2008.

  17. [PILL-08a] F. Pilleul. TDM et Imagerie abdominale. In MDCT Symposium: Imagerie au scanner multicoupe, Paris, France, 14 juin 2008.

  18. [RATI-08] H. Ratiney. Recherche et mesure de biomarqueurs par Spectrométrie de Résonance Magnétique. In Rencontres Scientifiques l'Institut Fédératif des Neurosciences de Lyon, Lyon, France, October 2008.

  19. [BEUF-06c] O. Beuf. Méthodologie et instrumentation pour l'IRM à haute résolution spatiale sur des modèles de petits animaux à 7 T. In Journée utilisateurs IRM/SRM Bruker, Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France, 29 novembre 2006.

  20. [SAIN-06a] H. Saint-Jalmes, M. Armenean, and O. Beuf. Imagerie parallèle et réseaux d'antennes. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, 2006.

  21. [BOLB-05] R. Bolbos, M. Janier, P. Pastoureau, and O. Beuf. Apport de l'IRM dans le diagnostic de l'arthrose. Exemple d'étude réalisé sur un modèle animal d'arthrose. In XXVIIIème Séminaire du Club Français des Radiopharmaceutiques, St. Nectaire, France, 20 mai 2005.

  22. [SAIN-05a] H. Saint-Jalmes, M. Armenean, C. Armenean, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. MR hardware and safety aspects. In European School of MRI : applied MR techniques, volume Moscow, Russia, april 28-39 2005.

  23. [SAIN-05b] H. Saint-Jalmes, M. Armenean, and O. Beuf. Les réseaux de capteurs radiofréquence en IRM. In Congrès du GRAMM, Nancy, France, 21-23 mars 2005.

  24. [SAIN-04a] H. Saint-Jalmes. Aimants et champs magnétiques pour l'IRM, évolution technologique, critère de choix et perspectives. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, 2-6 oct 2004.

  25. [SAIN-04b] H. Saint-Jalmes. Rapport signal sur bruit et capteurs radiofréquence en IRM : de l'homme au petit animal. In VIIème Rencontre Rhône-Alpes de RMN, Lyon, France, Juillet 2004.

  26. [SAIN-03a] H. Saint-Jalmes. Conception d'instruments pour l'imagerie du petit animal en IRM. In IMVIE - Imagerie pour les Sciences du Vivant et de la Médecine, Strasbourg, France, 2003.

  27. [BEUF-02a] O. Beuf. Les séquences 3D en IRM ostéoarticulaire. In Apport des nouveautés techniques en imagerie clinique; Siemens Workshop, Paris, France, 3 juillet 2002.

  28. [BEUF-02l] O. Beuf. Les séquences en IRM cardiovasculaire. In Département de radiologie cardiovasculaire de l'hôpital Louis Pradel, Lyon, France, 23 avril 2002.

  29. [HARB-02] R. Harba, R. Jennane, and E. Perrin. Synthesis and Analysis Methods for Fractional Brownian Motion. In Journée Steven Kay, GDR CNRS ISIS, Thème A: Signal et Information : Théorie et Méthodes et Chapitre Français IEEE, Paris, France, 20 mars 2002.

  30. [BEUF-01b] O. Beuf. IRM de la stucture osseuse et du cartilage. In Institut de Recherche Servier, Suresnes, France, 6 novembre 2001.

  31. [BEUF-01a] O. Beuf. MR imaging for trabecular bone structure assessment. In Département de Biophysique de l'Université de Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, 8 février 2001.

  32. [BEUF-00] O. Beuf. Imagerie de la structure osseuse: Potentiels pour la recherche clinique. In Atelier de réeflexion HCL-CNRS, Lyon, France, 1er décembre 2000.

  33. [BEUF-98] O. Beuf, Y. Carrillon, A. Briguet, and F. Peyrin. Micro-imagerie par résonance magnétique nucléaire de la trabéculation osseuse du calcanéum humain. In 16ème Journée de Pathologie osseuse médicale, Lyon, France, 5, 6 juin 2000.

  34. [BEUF-97b] O. Beuf, A. Briguet, and M. Lissac. IRM et biomatériaux prothétiques. In Rencontres Internationales de l'Audiovisuel Scientifique - Image et Science, Prothèse et mouvement articulaire, Nancy, France, 30 sept - 3 octobre 1997.

Manuals, booklets
  1. [HENR-01] L. Henry and O. Beuf. Abdominal magnetic resonance angiography. Livret sur l'utilisation des produits de contraste pour l'imagerie RMN des vaisseaux de l'abdomen. Ce livret a été réalisé pour les laboratoires Guerbet afin de promouvoir l'utilisation des techniques d'angiographie RMN avec injection de produit de contraste, 2001.

  1. [ESCL-10] F. Esclassan, D. Grenier, O. Beuf, A.-L. Perrier, J.-B. Langlois, M. Thevenet, M. Ravel, and P. Litaudon. Reponses aux odeur dans le cortex pririforme du rat mesurees par IRM fonctionnelle en contraste BOLD. Journées thématiques du GDR Imageries in Vivo, september 2010.

  2. [GREN-10] D. Grenier, J.-C. Goebel, and O. Beuf. T2-rho et Contraste dipolaire. Journées thématiques du GDR Imageries in Vivo, september 2010.

  3. [RAMA-10b] N. Ramamonjisoa, H. Ratiney, F. Rajas, E. Mutel, F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, and S. Cavassila. Spectroscopie de resonance magnetique in vivo d'un modele murin de glycogenose 1a a 7 T dans le foie. Journées thématiques du GDR Imageries in Vivo, september 2010.

  4. [RAMA-10c] N. Ramamonjisoa, H. Ratiney, F. Rajas, F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, and S. Cavassila. Spectroscopie de resonance magnetique in vivo d'un modele murin de glycogenose 1a a 7 T. 15ème journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Interdisciplinaire Science Santé, mars 2010.

  5. [RAMG-10] A. Ramgolam, R. Sablong, H. Saint-Jalmes, and O. Beuf. Premiere validation in vivo d'un capteur endoluminal bimodal IRM-optique en vue du diagnostique du cancer colorectal. Journées thématiques du GDR Imageries in Vivo, september 2010.

  6. [ROUS-10b] T. Roussel, S. Cavassila, and H. Ratiney. Stratégies de quantification en spectroscopie 2D J-résolue in vivo. Journées thématiques du GDR Imageries in Vivo, september 2010.

  7. [RAMA-09] N. Ramamonjisoa, F. Rajas, S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, F. Pilleul, and O. Beuf. Quantification de la stéatose hépatique par spectroscopie de résonance magnétique dans un modèle de souris obèse et diabétique. 14ème journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Interdisciplinaire Science Santé, mars 2009.

  8. [RAMG-09] A. Ramgolam, R. Sablong, H. Saint-Jalmes, and O. Beuf. Développement d'un capteur endoluminal bimodal IRM-optique pour le diagnostic du cancer colorectal. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Interdisciplinaire Science Santé, 11 Mars 2009.

  9. [BUCU-08b] A. Bucur, A. Bernard, C. Cudalbu, P. Giraudon, D. Graveron-Demilly, H. Ratiney, and S. Cavassila. Quantitative analysis of metabolic Alterations in a mouse model of Neuro-inflammation using In vivo MR Spectroscopy. Rencontres Scientifiques de l'Institut Fédératif des Neurosciences de Lyon, October 2008.

  10. [MUTE-08] E. Mutel, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, L. Lefrancois, M. Billaud, G. Mithieux, P. Merle, and F. Rajas. Tumeurs hépatiques et développement de la stéatose. Journée Recherche Lyon-Sud, 27 Juin 2008.

  11. [RATI-08e] H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, C. Cudalbu, and S. Cavassila. Estimation d'une mixture de gaussiennes par l'algorithme d'Espérance-Maximisation pour la modélisation des signaux de macromolécules acquis par inversion-récupération. Journée scientifique d'inauguration du Centre Europèen de RMN à Très Hauts Champs: Frontières de la RMN : du développement durable à la biologie des systèmes, July 2008.

  12. [RATI-08g] H. Ratiney, A. Bucur, C. Cudalbu, and S. Cavassila. Estimation d'une mixture de gaussiennes par l'algorithme d'Espérance-Maximisation pour la modélisation des signaux de macromolécules acquis par inversion-récupération. Rencontres Scientifiques de l'Institut Fédératif des Neurosciences de Lyon, October 2008.

  13. [RATI-08f] H. Ratiney, S. Cavassila, M. Albers, J. Kurhanewicz, G. Da Costa, V. Metzinger, P. Eliat, and H. Saint Jalmes. Automatic Quantification Methods for HR-MAS data. Journée scientifique d'inauguration du Centre Europèen de RMN à Très Hauts Champs: Frontières de la RMN : du développement durable à la biologie des systèmes, July 2008.

  14. [BEUF-07] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, H. Saint-Jalmes, F. Jaillon, M. Armenean, J-F. Piranda, S. Delforge, and E. Mahler. Brevet N. 0759652 - Français. Extension PCT/FR2008/052248. Sonde endocavitaire pour l'imagerie et/ou la spectrométrie par résonance magnétique nucléaire, 2007.

  15. [BUCU-07] A. Bucur, A. Bernard, C. Cudalbu, P. Giraudon, D. Graveron-Demilly, H. Ratiney, and S. Cavassila. Analyse quantitative des altérations du métabolisme dans un modèle animal de neuro-inflammation viro-induit par spectrométrie de résonance magnétique. Rencontres Scientifiques de l'Institut Fédératif des Neurosciences de Lyon, December 2007.

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  17. [FAKR-07] L. Fakri-Bouchet, N. Baxan, A. Rengle, H. Rabeson, G. Pasquet, J.-F. Châteaux, A. Briguet, P. Morin, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Micro Spectroscopie RMN: Limite de détection de métabolites cérébraux ( 100 nL). Proc CNRIUT, 2007.

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  19. [BAXA-06h] N. Baxan, J.F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, A. Briguet, G. Pasquet, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Perspectives instrumentales pour la micro spectroscopie RMN in vivo. 9ème journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Interdisciplinaire Sciences-Santé (EDISS), UCBL, 7 avril 2006, Lyon, France, 2006.

  20. [BAXA-06g] N. Baxan, J.F. Châteaux, A. Rengle, G. Pasquet, A. Briguet, R. Cespuglio, P. Morin, and L. Fakri-Bouchet. Micro antenne implantable pour la micro-spectroscopie RMN: Limite de détection de Métabolites cérébraux. Rencontres scientifiques de l'Institut Fédératif des Neurosciences de Lyon, 26 septembre, 2006.

  21. [RABE-06g] H. Rabeson, F. Fauvelle, H. Ratiney, C. Cudalbu, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Metabolite Profiles obtained from HRMAS-NMR signals of Rat Brains. Rencontres scientifiques de l'Institut Fédératif des Neurosciences de Lyon, 26 septembre, 2006.

  22. [BOLB-05b] R. Bolbos, H. Benoit-Cattin, J.B. Langlois, A. Chomel, E. Chereul, C. Odet, P. Pastoureau, M. Janier, and O. Beuf. Méthode de caractérisation du cartilage par IRM sur un modèle de cobaye arthrosique. Carrefour de la Fondation Rhône-Alpes Futur, Lyon, France, 2005.

  23. [BOLB-05c] R. Bolbos, H. Benoit-Cattin, J.B. Langlois, A. Chomel, E. Chereul, C. Odet, P. Pastoureau, M. Janier, and O. Beuf. Méthode de caractérisation du cartilage par IRM sur un modèle de cobaye arthrosique: étude longitudinale. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Interdisciplinaire Science Santé, Avril 2005.

  24. [BEUF-03] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, and H. Saint-Jalmes. IRM endoluminale de la paroi digestive. Lettre N. 5 du département Science pour l'Ingénieur du CNRS sur la bio-ingénierie pour la santé, 2003.

  25. [SAIN-03] H. Saint-Jalmes and O. Beuf. Brevet N. WO 03027699. Multipurpose connection/reception device for nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, 2003.

  26. [BEUF-01] O. Beuf and H. Saint-Jalmes. Brevet N. 0112361 - Français. Extension PCT/FR2002/003264. Dispositif universel de connexion réception pour un imageur RMN, 2001.

  27. [QUER-01b] B. Querleux and H. Saint-Jalmes. Brevet L'Oréal N. 0207108. Procédé pour déterminer l'aptitude à diffuser et/ou à absorber la lumière d'un produit cosmétique, 2001.



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