Publications of year 2002
  1. [CANE-02] D. Canet, J. C. Boubel, and E. Canet-Soulas. La RMN 2-ième édition : concepts, méthodes et applications. Dunod, Publ., Paris, France, 2002.

Book chapters
  1. [BENH-02] A. Benhali and F. Peyrin. Les méthodes discrètes. In Traité IC2 La tomographie, pages 111-138. P. Grangeat, editor. Hermès, Publ., Paris, France, 2002.

  2. [GRAV-02] S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Cramér-Rao Bound Analysis of Spectroscopic Signal Processing Methods. In Signal Processing for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy, chapter 22. Y. Hong, editor. Marcel Dekker, Publ., 2002.

  3. [CHAR-02] A. M. Charvet and F. Peyrin. Chap. 15 : La tomographie synchrotron. In Traité IC2 La tomographie, pages 219-237. P. Grangeat, editor. Hermès, Publ., Paris, France, 2002.

  4. [DOUE-02b] P. Douek. ARM de l'aorte thoracique. In Angiographie par Résonance Magnétique, pages 113-123. P. Douek, J. P. Laissy, C. Levy, and H. Trillaud, editors. Masson, Publ., 2002.

  5. [DOUE-02a] P. Douek and J. P. Laissy. Principes techniques de l'angiographie par résonance magnétique. In Angiographie par Résonance Magnétique, pages 9-20. P. Douek, J. P. Laissy, C. Levy, and H. Trillaud, editors. Masson, Publ., 2002.

  6. [LAIB-02] A. Laib, O. Beuf, A. Issever, D. C. Newitt, and S. Majumdar. Direct measures of trabecular bone architecture from MR images. In Non Invasive Assessment of Trabecular Bone Architecture and the Competence of Bone, pages 37-46. S. Majumdar and B. K. Bay, editors. Academic Plenum, Publ., New York, USA, 2002.

  7. [LAIS-02b] J. P. Laissy and P. Douek. ARM des membres inférieurs. In Angiographie par Résonance Magnétique, pages 191-198. P. Douek, J. P. Laissy, C. Levy, and H. Trillaud, editors. Masson, Publ., 2002.

  8. [LAIS-02a] J. P. Laissy and P. Douek. Artefacts en ARM avec produit de contraste. In Angiographie par Résonance Magnétique, pages 46-52. P. Douek, J. P. Laissy, C. Levy, and H. Trillaud, editors. Masson, Publ., 2002.

  9. [ORKI-02d] M. Orkisz and M. Hernández Hoyos. Développement récent dans le traitement d'images : principes des techniques de segmentation. In Angiographie par Résonance Magnétique, pages 62-73. P. Douek, J. P. Laissy, C. Levy, and H. Trillaud, editors. Masson, Publ., 2002.

  10. [PACH-02] C. Pachai, F. Vincent, M. Nonent, and P. Douek. Stratégies d'évaluation quantitatives des sténoses carotidiennes dans les études cliniques multicentriques utilisant des techniques d'imagerie tridimensionnelles. In Angiographie par Résonance Magnétique, pages 74-80. P. Douek, J. P. Laissy, C. Levy, and H. Trillaud, editors. Masson, Publ., 2002.

  11. [PROS-02] R. Prost. Chap. 9 : Compression sans perte. In Traité IC2 Compression et codage des images et vidéos, pages 287-309. M. Barlaud and C. Labit, editors. Hermès, Publ., Paris, France, 2002.

  12. [SAPP-02] D. Sappey-Marinier. L'imagerie TEP en hadronthérapie. In La physique pour la santé: du diagnostic à la thérapie. . 2002.

  13. [SERF-02b] J. M. Serfaty. ARM interventionnelle. In Angiographie par Résonance Magnétique, pages 241-248. P. Douek, J. P. Laissy, C. Levy, and H. Trillaud, editors. Masson, Publ., 2002.

  14. [SERF-02a] J. M. Serfaty and P. Douek. Visualisation et caractérisation de la plaque d'athérosclérose en IRM chez l'homme. In Angiographie par Résonance Magnétique, pages 249-256. P. Douek, J. P. Laissy, C. Levy, and H. Trillaud, editors. Masson, Publ., 2002.

  15. [ORMO-02] F. T. A. W. Wajer, G. H. L. A. Stijman, M. Bourgeois, D. Graveron-Demilly, and D. van Ormondt. Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction from Non-uniform sampled k-space data. In Sampling Theory and Practice. F. A. Marvasti, editor. Academic Plenum, Publ., 2002.

  1. [CANE-02a] E. Canet-Soulas. Micro et macro-circulation en IRM cardio-vasculaire. H.D.R., Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2002. Jury: Bittoun J. (rap.), Briguet A. (rap.), Corrot C. (rap.), Cozzone P. (rap.), Douek P. (rap.) et Magnin I.E.

  2. [COUR-02c] G. Courbebaisse. Traitement du signal et des images dédié à l'analyse et à la modélisation de phénomènes complexes. H.D.R., Université de Saint-Etienne, 2002. Jury: Pr. Y. Meyer (rap.), Pr. M. Deville (rap.), Pr. D. Jeulin (rap.), Pr. B. Torrésani, Pr. P. Bourgin, Pr. G. Flouzat, Pr. J.L. Lacoume, Pr. M. Jourlin (dir.).

  3. [CREM-02a] Y. Crémillieux. Développements méthodologiques en IRM biomédicale - Imagerie des gaz rares polarisés. H.D.R., Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2002. Jury: Bittoun J. (rap), Briguet A., Cozzone P., Moonen C. (rap), Saint-Jalmes H.

  1. [ARME-02] M. Armenean. Spectroscopie et imagerie de faibles volumes par RMN : conception et optimisation de capteurs radiofréquence implantables et endoluminaux. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2002. Jury: Daniel Barbier (prés.), Mircea Bogdan (rap.), Onuc Cozar, Anne Leroy-Willig (rap.), Hervé Saint-Jalmes, Simion Simon.

  2. [BLEU-02e] P. Bleuet. Reconstruction 3-D par tomosynthèse généralisée. Application à l'imagerie médicale par rayons X. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 2002. Jury: Peyrin F. (prés.), Defrise M. (rap.), Prêteux F. (rap.), Magnin I.E., Guillemaud R. et Merloz P.

  3. [HERN-02d] M. Hernández Hoyos. Segmentation anisotrope 3D pour la quantification en imagerie vasculaire par résonnance magnétique. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2002. Jury: BLOCH I. (rap.), Douek P., Hernandez J.T., Magnin I.E., Nahum R., Orkisz M. et Sequeira J. (rap.).

  4. [MAHD-02] R. Mahdjoub. Méthodologie en imagerie par résonance magnétique nucléaire pour le contrôle de produits alimentaires. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2002. Jury: Julien Andrieu, André Briguet, Jean-Michel Franconi (rap.), Albert Magnin (rap.), Jacques Molegnana, Hervé Saint-Jalmes, Marie José Seurin.

  5. [MILL-02b] J. Milles. Modélisation et correction des inhomogénéités d'intensité en imagerie cérébrale par résonance magnétique. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 2002. Jury: Bittoun J. (prés.), Gimenez G., Guttmann C., Rombaut M. (rap.), Segebarth C. (rap.) et Zhu Y.M.

  6. [NUZZ-02a] S. Nuzzo. Apport de la microtomographie par rayonnement synchotron pour la quantification 3D du degré de minéralisation osseux : application à l'étude de l'ostéogenèse et du suivi thérapeutique. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 2002. Jury: BOIVIN G. (rap.), Deconinck F. (rap.), Baruchel J., Lafage-Proust M.H., Mobilio S., Peyrin F. et Revel D.

  7. [PHAM-02b] Q.C. Pham. Segmentation et mise en correspondance en imagerie cardiaque multi-modale conduites par un modèle anatomique réaliste du coeur. Doctorat, INPG, 2002. Jury: J.M. Chassery, F. Heitz (rap.), H. Delingette (rap.), J. Poussin, T. Katila, P.Croisille, I.E. Magnin et P. Clarysse.

  8. [ROGN-02] N. Rognin. Outils de simulation et de quantification en imagerie de contraste échographique. Doctorat, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 2002. Jury: Gimenez. G. (prés.), Arditi M., Bridal L. (rap.), Cachard C. (dir.), Duchene J. (rap.) et Jamal F.

  9. [VALE-02] S. Valette. Modèles de maillages déformables 2D et multirésolution surfaciques 3D sur une base d'ondelettes. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 2002. Jury: Chassery J.M. (prés.), Magnin I.E. (co-dir.), Barlaud M. (rap.), Preteux F. (rap.), Jung H.J. et Prost R. (co-dir.).

Articles in journal
  1. [AN_M-02] M.Y. An, E. Canet-Soulas, I.H. Jang, D. Revel, T.W. Fossum, and N.S. Chung. Development and evaluation of a new apparatus for continuous perfusion of isolated perfused pig heart. J Vet Sci, 3(3):219-232, 2002.

  2. [ARME-02a] M. Armenean, A. Briguet, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Conception de micro bobines radiofréquence pour la RMN : apport d'une simulation électromagnétique. C R Acad Sci III-Vie, 325(5):457-463, 2002.

  3. [ARME-02b] M. Armenean, A. Briguet, and H. Saint-Jalmes. NMR radiofrequency microcoil design: usefulness of electromagnetic simulation. C R Biol, 325(4):457-463, 2002.

  4. [AIT-02] L. Aït Ali, D. Kourtiche, V. Detti, A. Chitnalah, and M. Nadi. Avantage du second harmonique généré par non linéarité ultrasonores en reconstruction d'images tomographiques par diffraction. Innov Tech Biol Med, 23:72-78, 2002.

  5. [BELM-02] L. Belmon, H. Benoit-Cattin, A. Baskurt, and J. L. Bougeret. Lossy compression of scientific spacecraft data using wavelets. Application to the CASSINI spacecraft data compression. Astron Astrophys, 386:1143-1152, 2002.

  6. [BERT-02] Y. Berthezène, M. Wiart, C. Corot, X. Violas, and E. Canet-Soulas. CT pulmonary angiography and perfusion : an experimental study using blood pool and nonspecific contrast agent. Acad Radiol, 9(S 2:S):359-360, 2002.

  7. [BEUF-02k] O. Beuf, S. Ghosh, D.C. Newitt, D.C. Link, L. Steinbach, M. Ries, N. Lane, and S. Majumdar. Magnetic resonance imaging of normal and osteoarthritic trabecular bone structure in the human knee. Arthritis Rheum, 46(2):385-393, 2002.

  8. [BILL-02] Y. Billaud, F. Pilleul, and P.J. Valette. Mechanical small bowel obstruction due to bezoars: correlation between CT and surgical findings. J Radiol, 83:641-646, 2002.

  9. [BLAN-02] D. Blanchard, P. Chevalier, N. Danchin, G. Finet, J.M. Lablanche, B. Lancelin, T. Lefevre, P. Meyer, and J. Puel. Observatoire national des actes de cathétérisme cardiaques diagnostiques et interventionnels de la Société Française de Cardiologie : liste et définition des invariants. Arch Mal Coeur, 9:843-850, 2002.

  10. [BLEU-02a] P. Bleuet, R. Guillemaud, L. Desbat, and I.E. Magnin. An adapted fan volume sampling scheme for 3D algebraic reconstruction in linear tomosynthesis. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 49(5):2366-2372, 2002.

  11. [BONN-02a] S. Bonnet, F. Peyrin, F. Turjman, and R. Prost. Multiresolution reconstruction in Fan-Beam tomography. IEEE Trans Image Proces, 11(3):169-176, 2002.

  12. [BOUK-02] D. Boukerroui, A. Noble, M. Robini, and J.M. Brady. Enhancement of contrast regions in sub-optimal ultrasound images with application to echocardiography. Ultrasound Med Biol, 27(12):1583-1594, 2002.

  13. [BRUS-02c] E. Brusseau, J. Fromageau, N. Rognin, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Investigating elastic properties of soft biological tissues. IEEE Eng Med Biol, 21(4):86-94, 2002.

  14. [CALL-02] V. Callot, E. Canet-Soulas, J. Brochot, H. Humblot, A. Briguet, and H. Tournier. Hyperpolarized helium3 encapsulated in microbubbles : a new class of blood pool MRI contrast agent. Acad Radiol, 9(Suppl):501-503, 2002.

  15. [CANE-02b] E. Canet-Soulas, B. Marchand, C. Casali, C. Corot, P. Douek, and D. Revel. Evaluation of MR contrast agents with high relaxivity and reduced intestitial diffusion for contrast material-enhanced MRA and myocardial perfusion studies. Acad Radiol, 9(Suppl):88-91, 2002.

  16. [CARL-02] S.G. Carlier, C.L. De Korte, E. Brusseau, J. A. Schaar, P.W. Serruys, and A.F. Van der Steen. Imaging of atherosclerosis - Elastography. J Cardiovasc Risk, 9(5):237-45, 2002.

  17. [CHAF-02] S. Chaffai, F. Peyrin, S. Nuzzo, R. Porcher, G. Berger, and P. Laugier. Ultrasonic characterization of human cancellous bone using transmission and backscatter measurements : relationships to density and micro-structure. Bone, 30(1):229-237, 2002.

  18. [CHAV-02] G. Chave, L. Chalabreysse, G. Picaud, N. Blineau, R. Loire, F. Thivolet, Y. Berthezène, P. Douek, and B. Marchand. Malignant pleural mesothelioma with osteoblastic heterologous elements: CT and MR imaging findings. Am J Roentgenol, 178(4):949-951, 2002.

  19. [CLAR-02] P. Clarysse, M. Han, P. Croisille, and I.E. Magnin. Exploratory analysis of the spatio-temporal deformation of the myocardium during systole from tagged MRI. IEEE Trans Biomed Engin, 149(1):1328-1339, 2002.

  20. [CLOE-02] P. Cloetens, W. Ludwig, E. Boller, F. Peyrin, M. Schlenker, and J. Baruchel. 3D imaging using coherent synchrotron radiation. Image Anal Stereol, 21(S1):75, 2002.

  21. [COUR-02] G. Courbebaisse and D. Garcia. Shape analysis and injection molding optimization. Comp Mater Sci, 25(4):547-553, 2002.

  22. [DARQ-02a] A. Darquie, J.B. Poline, C. Poupon, H. Saint-Jalmes, and D. Le Bihan. Transient decrease in water diffusion observed in human occipital cortex during visual stimulation. Proc Nat Acad Sci U S A, 98(16):9391-9395, 2002.

  23. [DERE-02a] L. Derex, P. Adeleine, N. Nighoghossian, J. Honnorat, and P. Trouillas. Factors influencing early admission in a french stroke unit. Stroke, 33:153-159, 2002.

  24. [DERE-02c] L. Derex, N. Nighoghossian, M. Hermier, P. Adeleine, J.C. Froment, and P. Trouillas. Early detection of cerebral arterial occlusion on magnetic resonance angiography. Predictive value of the baseline NIHSS score and impact on neurological outcome. Cerebrovasc Dis, 13(4):225-229, 2002.

  25. [DETT-02a] V. Detti, D. Kourtiche, and M. Nadi. Acoustical characterization of bone using a cylindrical model and time of flight method. Physiol Meas, 23(1):313-324, 2002.

  26. [DETT-02b] V. Detti, D. Kourtiche, and M. Nadi. Rays theory for experimental characterisation of acoustical and dimensional properties of bone diaphysis. Acta Acust, 88(1):199-205, 2002.

  27. [DIAB-02] C. Diab, M. Oueidat, and R. Prost. A new IDCT-DFT relationship reducing the IDCT computational cost. IEEE Trans Signal Proc, 50(7):1681-1684, 2002.

  28. [ELMO-02] A. Elmoutaouakkil, F. Peyrin, J. Elkafi, and A.M. Laval-Jeantet. Segmentation of cancellous bone from high resolution computed tomography images : Influence on trabecular bone measurements. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 21(4):354-362, 2002.

  29. [GERM-02a] D. Germain, E. Vahala, G.J. Ehnholm, T. Vaara, M. Ylihautala, M. Savart, A. Laurent, J. Tanttu, and H. Saint-Jalmes. MR temperature measurement in liver tissue at 0.23 T with a steady-state free precession sequence. Magn Reson Med, 47(5):940-947, 2002.

  30. [GORC-02] J.M. Gorce, D. Friboulet, I. Dydenko, J. D'hooge, B. Bijnens, and I.E. Magnin. Processing radiofrequency ultra-sound images : a robust method for local spectral features estimation by a spatially regularized parametric approach. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 49(12):1704-1719, 2002.

  31. [GREN-02] D. Grenier, D. Pelletier, M. Normandeau, D. Newitt, S. Nelson, D.E. Goodkin, and S. Majumdar. T2 relaxation time histograms in multiple sclerosis. Magn Reson Imaging, 20(10):733-741, December 2002.

  32. [GRIM-02b] J. Grimaud, L.Q. Zhou, and Y.M. Zhu. Application de l'IRM par transfert d'aimantation à l'étude de la sclérose en plaques. Rev Neurol, 158(12):1157-1173, 2002.

  33. [GRIM-02a] J. Grimaud, Y.M. Zhu, and M. Rombaut. Les techniques d'analyse quantitative des IRM cérébrales : application à la sclérose en plaques. Rev Neurol, 158(3):381-389, 2002.

  34. [HAFT-02] J. I. Haft, G. Rioufol, G. Finet, I. Ginon, X. André-Fouet, R. Rossi, E. Vialle, E. Desjoyaux, G. Convert, J.F. Huret, and A. Tabib. Multiple Atherosclerotic Plaque Rupture in Acute Coronary Syndrome o Response. Circulation, 107:65-66, 2002.

  35. [HELL-02] H. R. Hellstrom, G. Rioufol, G. Finet, I. Ginon, X. André-Fouet, R. Rossi, E. Vialle, E. Desjoyaux, G. Convert, J.F. Huret, and A. Tabib. Multiple Plaque Rupture in Acute Coronary Syndrome o Response. Circulation, 107:64, 2002.

  36. [HERM-02] M. Hermier, F. Cotton, G. Saint-Pierre, A. Jouvet, P. Ongolo-Zogo, G. Fischer, and J. C. Froment. Myelopathy and sciatica induced by an extradural S1 root haemangioblastoma. Neuroradiology, 44(6):494-498, 2002.

  37. [HERN-02a] M. Hernández Hoyos, M. Orkisz, P. Puech, C. Mansard, P. Douek, and I.E. Magnin. Computer assisted analysis of 3D MRA images. Radiographics, 22:421-436, 2002.

  38. [IMBE-02a] J.P. Imbert, F. Pilleul, and P.J. Valette. Value of MRI in hepatic plexiform neurofibromatosis. Case report. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 26(8-9):791-793, 2002.

  39. [JANI-02] M. Janier, A. Mazzadi, M. Lionnet, F. Frouin, X. André-Fouet, L. Cinotti, D. Revel, R. Di Paola, and P. Croisille. Factor analysis of medical image sequences (FAMIS) improves evaluation of myocardial perfusion from first-pass MRI acquisitions. Acad Radiol, 9(1):26-39, 2002.

  40. [LAIS-02c] J.P. Laissy, H. Trillaud, and P. Douek. MR angiography : non invasive vascular imaging of the abdomen. Abdom Imaging, 5:488-506, 2002.

  41. [LIEN-02] J. Lienard, F. Sureda, D. Blanchard, G. Finet, D. Holmes, S. Katz, and J. Marco. The six sigma quality approach for quantitative arteriography performance improvement and validation. Int J Card Imaging, 18:77-92, 2002.

  42. [MAKE-02] T. Makela, P. Clarysse, O. Sipila, N. Pauna, Q.C. Pham, T. Katila, and I.E. Magnin. A review of cardiac registration methods. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 21(9):1011-1021, 2002.

  43. [MARC-02] B. Marchand, P. Douek, P. Robert, C. Corot, J.P. Roux, P. Adeleine, M. Hernández Hoyos, Y. Crémillieux, M. Orkisz, and E. Canet-Soulas. Standardized MR protocol for the evaluation of MRA sequences and/or contrast agents effects in high-degree arterial stenosis analysis. Magma, 14(3):259-267, 2002.

  44. [NEYR-02] B. Neyran, M. Janier, C. Casali, D. Revel, and E. Canet-Soulas. Mapping myocardial perfusion with an intravascular MR contrast agent : robustness of deconvolution methods at various blood flows. Magn Reson Med, 48(1):166-179, 2002.

  45. [NIGH-02a] N. Nighoghossian, M. Hermier, P. Adeleine, K. Blanc-Lasserre, L. Derex, J. Honnorat, F. Philippeau, J. F. Dugor, J.C. Froment, and P. Trouillas. Old microbleeds, a potential factor of cerebral bleeding after ischemic stroke. A gradient-echo T2*-weighted brain MRI study. Stroke, 33:735-742, 2002.

  46. [NUZZ-02b] S. Nuzzo, M.H. Lafage-Proust, E. Martin-Badosa, G. Boivin, T. Thomas, C. Alexandre, and F. Peyrin. Synchrotron radiation microtomography allows the analysis of three-dimensional micro-architecture and degree of mineralization of human Iliac Crest biopsies : effects of Etidronate treatment. J Bone Min Research, 17(8):1372-1382, 2002.

  47. [NUZZ-02c] S. Nuzzo, F. Peyrin, P. Cloetens, J. Baruchel, and G. Boivin. Quantification of the degree of mineralization of bone in three dimension using synchrotron radiation microtomography. Med Phys, 19(11):2672-2681, 2002.

  48. [ORKI-02a] M. Orkisz, A. Frery, B. Durning, O. Chapet, F. Mornex, and I.E. Magnin. Feasibility of motion estimation and tracking in portal images during treatment of pulmonary cancers by conformal radiotherapy. Image Process Comm, 7(3-4):63-76, 2002.

  49. [PELL-02] D. Pelletier, S.J. Nelson, D. Grenier, Y. Lu, C. Genain, and D.E. Goodkin. 3-D echo planar (1)HMRS imaging in MS: metabolite comparison from supratentorial vs. central brain. Magn Reson Imaging, 20(8):599-606, October 2002.

  50. [PELL-02a] D. Pelletier, S.J. Nelson, D. Grenier, Y. Lu, C. Genain, and D.E. Goodkin. 3-D echo planar HMRS imaging in MS: metabolite comparison from supratentorial vs central brain. Magn Reson Imaging, 20:599-606, 2002.

  51. [PERR-02] E. Perrin, R. Harba, and R. Jennane. Fast and exact synthesis of 1D fractional Brownian motion. IEEE Signal Proc Letters, 9(11):382-384, 2002.

  52. [PILL-02d] F. Pilleul and O. Beuf. Abdominal arteries should be evaluated by 3D contrast-enhanced MRA as the first step. Acta Radiol, 43(5):541-542, 2002.

  53. [PILL-02c] F. Pilleul and F. Dugougeat. Transcatheter embolization of splanchnic aneurysms/pseudoaneurysms: early imaging allows detection of incomplete procedure. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 26(1):107-112, 2002.

  54. [POMM-02a] P. Pommier, M. Bajard, J.P. Gérard, J. Rémillieux, J. Rochat, X. De Conto, P. Jalade, and D. Sappey-Marinier. ETOILE : projet Rhône-Alpes de centre de traitement par ions carbone des tumeurs radio-résistantes. REE, 4:77-80, 2002.

  55. [POTH-02a] L. Pothuaud, B. Van Rietbergen, L. Mosekilde, O. Beuf, P. Levitz, C.L. Benhamou, and S. Majumdar. Combination of topological parameters and bone volume fraction better predicts the mechanical properties of trabecular bone. J Biomech, 35(8):1091-1099, 2002.

  56. [RENA-02a] L. Renaud, M. Armenean, L. Berry, P. Kleimann, P. Morin, M. Pitaval, J. O'Brien, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Implantable planar rf microcoils for NMR microspectroscopy. Sens Actuators A, 93:244-248, 2002.

  57. [REVO-02b] C. Revol-Muller, H. Benoit-Cattin, Y. Carillon, C. Odet, A. Briguet, and F. Peyrin. Bone MRI segmentation assessment based on synchrotron radiation computed microtomography. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 49(1):220-224, 2002.

  58. [REVO-02a] C. Revol-Muller, F. Peyrin, Y. Carillon, and C. Odet. Automated 3D region growing algorithm based on an assessment function. Pattern Recogn Lett, 23(1-3):137-150, 2002.

  59. [RIOU-02b] G. Rioufol, G. Finet, X. André-Fouet, R. Rossi, E. Vialle, E. Desjoyaux, G. Convert, J.F. Huret, and A. Tabib. A Multiple atherosclerotic plaque rupture in acute coronary syndrome : a three-vessel IVUS examination. Circulation, 106:804-808, 2002.

  60. [RIOU-02a] G. Rioufol, G. Finet, X. André-Fouet, R. Rossi, E. Vialle, E. Desjoyaux, G. Convert, J.F. Huret, and A. Tabib. Ruptures multiples de plaque d'athérosclérose dans les syndromes coronariens aigus : Etude échographique endocoronaire des trois artères. Arch Mal Coeur, 95:157-165, 2002.

  61. [ROBI-02] M. Robini, Y. Bresler, and I.E. Magnin. On the convergence of Metropolis-type and annealing with constraints. Probab Eng Inform Sc, 4:427-452, 2002.

  62. [ROMB-02] M. Rombaut and Y.M. Zhu. Study of Dempster-Shafer theory for image segmentation applications. Image Vision Comput, 20(1):15-23, 2002.

  63. [ZHU-02a] Y.M. Zhu, L. Bentabet, O. Dupuis, V. Kaftandjian, D. Babot, and M. Rombaut. Automatic determination of mass functions in Dempster-Shafer theory using fuzzy C-Means and spatial neighbourhood information for image segmentation. Optical Engineering, 41(04):760-770, 2002.

  64. [BEER-02] R. de Beer, A. Coron, D. Graveron-Demilly, R. Lethmate, S. Nastase, D. van Ormondt, and F.T.A.W. Wajer. MR image reconstruction algorithms for sparse k-space data: a Java-based integration. Magn Reson Mater Phy Biol Med, 15:18-26, 2002.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [ARME-02e] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Antennes RMN endoluminales pour l'exploration de la paroi digestive. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, 19-23 Oct 2002.

  2. [ARME-02f] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Comparative study of endoluminal RF coils made with printed circuit technology or circular section copper wires. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Scientific Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, pages 202, August 22-25 2002.

  3. [ARME-02c] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Optimization of endoluminal loop RF coil geometries for gastrointestinal wall imaging. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

  4. [ARME-02d] M. Armenean, O. Beuf, H. Saint-Jalmes, and F. Pilleul. Optimization of endoluminal loop RF coil geometries for gastrointestinal wall imaging. In European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nice, France, August 2002.

  5. [ARME-02g] M. Armenean, L. Renaud, H. Chahboune, O. Beuf, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Evaluation of an implantable planar RF microcoil prototype for localized NMR spectroscopy. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Scientific Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, pages 64, August 22-25 2002.

  6. [BELA-02] B. Belaroussi, C. Odet, and H. Benoit-Cattin. Scalable discrepancy measures for segmentation evaluation. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'02, volume 1, Rochester, New-York, USA, pages 785-788, 2002.

  7. [BELO-02] M. Belo, N. Nighoghossian, L. Derex, M. Hermier, J.C. Froment, F. Turjman, and P. Trouillas. Late thrombolysis at 18 hour by abciximab in acute stroke. A multimodal MRI assessment. In 7th International Symposium on Thrombolysis and Acute Stroke Therapy, Lyon, France, pages 73, 2002.

  8. [BEUF-02i] O. Beuf, M. Armenean, F. Pilleul, A. Bourdelois, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Endolminal loop radiofrequency coils: Signal distribution with orientation in the magnetic field. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Scientific Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, pages 203, August 22-25 2002.

  9. [BEUF-02f] O. Beuf, M. Armenean, F. Pilleul, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Signal distribution with endoluminal loop radiofrequency coils : effect of orientation in the magnetic field. In European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nice, France, August 2002.

  10. [BEUF-02d] O. Beuf, H. Follet, M.J. Seurin, C. Rumelhart, F. Peyrin, and A. Briguet. Trabecular structure assessment using high resolution MRI and synchrotron radiation microtomography in calcaneus samples. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

  11. [BEUF-02c] O. Beuf, H. Follet, M.J. Seurin, C. Rumelhart, F. Peyrin, and A. Briguet. Trabecular structure assessment using high resolution MRI and synchrotron radiation microtomography in calcaneus samples. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting, Some City, Some Country, 2002.

  12. [BEUF-02h] O. Beuf, E. Peyrin, H. Follet, and A. Briguet. Assessment of human calcaneus trabecular structure using HR-MRI and SR CT. In 15th International Bone Densitometry Workshop, Monterey, California, USA, July21-26 2002.

  13. [BEUF-02b] O. Beuf, F. Peyrin, H. Follet, C. Rumelhart, and A. Briguet. Assessement of human calcaneus trabecular structure using HR-MRI and SR CT. In 15th Bone Densitometry Workshop, Monterey, USA, pages 126, 2002.

  14. [BEUF-02e] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, G. Hadour, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vivo gastrointestinal wall imaging using endoluminal coils : feasibility study on rabbit. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

  15. [BEUF-02g] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, G. Hadour, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vivo gastrointestinal wall imaging using endoluminal coils: feasibility study on rabbit. In European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nice, France, August 2002.

  16. [BEUF-02j] O. Beuf, F. Pilleul, M. Armenean, and H. Saint-Jalmes. In vivo rabbit gastrointestinal wall imaging using endoluminal MR coils. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Scientific Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, August 22-25 2002.

  17. [BILL-02d] Y. Billaud, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. Breath-hold 3D MRA of the abdomen: protocol for routine exam. In European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nice, France, August 2002.

  18. [BILL-02c] Y. Billaud, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. Breath-hold 3D MRA of the abdomen: protocol for routine exam. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

  19. [BILL-02b] Y. Billaud, O. Beuf, and F. Pilleul. Breath-hold 3D MRA protocol for routine exam of the abdomen. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Scientific Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, pages 249, August 22-25 2002.

  20. [BILL-02e] Y. Billaud, F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, G. Desjeux, and P.J. Valette. Angiographie par Résonance Magnétique (ARM) avec gadolinium de l'aorte abdominale et de ses branches viscérales: Optimisation du contraste et de la résolution spatiale. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, 19-23 Oct 2002.

  21. [BILL-02a] Y. Billaud, F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, G. Desjeux, and P.J. Valette. Angiographie par résonance magnétique (ARM) avec gadolinium de l'aorte abdominale et de ses branches viscérales : optimisation du contraste et de la résolution spatiale. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  22. [BILL-02f] C. Billotey, O. Beuf, and M. Janier. Suivi cellulaire in vivo par IRM - Premier prix Bio-industries Aventis Pasteur -. In 10èmes Carrefours de la Fondation Rhône-Alpes Futur, Lyon, France, 2002.

  23. [BLEU-02c] P. Bleuet, R. Guillemaud, and I.E. Magnin. Medical applications of 3D reconstruction in linear digital tomosynthesis. In Conférences SURGETICA : Gestes Chrirurgicaux Assistés par ordinateur, Grenoble, France, pages 276-282, 2002.

  24. [BLEU-02d] P. Bleuet, R. Guillemaud, and I.E. Magnin. Resolution improvement in linear tomosynthesis with an adapted 3D regularization scheme. In Proc. SPIE : Medical Imaging Conference, volume 4682, Some City, Some Country, pages 117-125, 2002.

  25. [BONN-02] A. Bonnassie, E. Martin-Badosa, D. Amblard, L. Vico, and F. Peyrin. Geometrical analysis of femoral mice bone structures from 3D SR CT images. In 15th Bone Densitometry Workshop, Monterey, USA, pages 100, 2002.

  26. [BOUS-02] V. Bousson, F. Peyrin, C. Bergot, and M. Hausard. Study of cortical bone from human femoral neck using synchrotron radiation. In 15th Bone Densitometry Workshop, Monterey, USA, pages 131, 2002.

  27. [BRUA-02] J.P. Bruandet, F. Peyrin, J.M. Dinten, and M. Barlaud. 3D tomographic reconstruction of binary images from cone beam projections : a fast level set approac. In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Image Processing, Washington, USA, pages (CD-ROM), 2002.

  28. [BRUS-02a] E. Brusseau, C.L. De Korte, F. Mastik, J. Schaar, and A. Van der Steen. Fully automated endoluminal contour detection in intracoronary ultrasound images a pre-processing for intravascular elastography. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Munich, Germany, pages 1869-1872, 2002.

  29. [BRUS-02b] E. Brusseau, J. Fromageau, C.L. De Korte, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, and A. Van Der Steen. Complete processing for quantitative intravascular ultrasound elastography. In 1st International conference of the Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of Tissue Elasticity, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2002.

  30. [CACH-02] C. Cachard, T. Alecu, and P. Delachartre. Ultrasound Imaging Simulator. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Munich, Germany, 2002.

  31. [CARA-02] Z. Caramanos, J.S.W. Campbell, S. Narayanan, S. J. Francis, S.B. Antel, H. Reddy, P.M. Matthews, D. Sappey-Marinier, G.B. Pike, and D.L. Arnold. Axonal Integrity and fractional anisotropy in the normal appearing white matter of patients with multiple sclerosis: relationship to cerebro-functional reorganization and clinical disability. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 12-18 May 2002.

  32. [CAVA-02] S. Cavassila, D. Grenier, O. Beuf, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Estimation of intrinsic transverse relaxation times by echo time-domain quantitation. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, USA, pages 1947, 18-24 May 2002.

  33. [COEN-02a] Y. Coenradie, R. de Beer, D. van Ormondt, S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Background-signal parametrization in in vivo MR spectroscopy. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Annual Meeting, Cannes, France, pages 369, 2002.

  34. [COEN-02b] Y. Coenradie, R. de Beer, D. van Ormondt, H. Ratiney, S. Cavassila, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Background-signal parametrization in In Vivo MR Spectroscopy. In ProRISC, IEEE Benelux, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pages 248-254, November 2002.

  35. [COUR-02b] M. Courbière, F. Pilleul, L. Henry, T. Ponchon, S. Touzet, and P.J. Valette. Evaluation diagnostique prospective de la cholangio-IRM dans les sténoses des voies biliaires : comparaison avec la cholangiographie directe. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  36. [CREM-02] Y. Crémillieux. Intravascular imaging using He3 microbubbles. Helion02. In International Workshop on Polarized 3He beams and gas targets and their applications, Oppenheim, Germany, pages (in-press), Sept 2002.

  37. [DAVI-02] F. Davignon, O. Basset, and G. Gimenez. A multi-parametric segmentation tool dedicated to ultrasonic data. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Munich, Germany, pages 1761-1764, 2002.

  38. [DERE-02b] L. Derex, M. Hermier, P. Adeleine, J. Honnorat, Y. Berthezène, J.C. Froment, N. Nighoghossian, and P. Trouillas. Usefulness of T2*-weighted MRI sequences before intravenous tPA for acute ischemic stroke. In 7th International Symposium on Thrombolysis and Acute Stroke Therapy, Lyon, France, pages 83, 2002.

  39. [DUGO-02b] F. Dugougeat, F. Pilleul, T. Basset, and J.P. Pracros. The usefulness of MRI to rule out appendicitis in children with non conclusive ultrasound. In European Society of Pediatric Radiology, Paris, France, June 2002.

  40. [DUGO-02a] F. Dugougeat, F. Pilleul, C. Godefroy, and J.P. Pracros. Inflammatory bowel disease in children : assessment by MRI and compared to ultrasonography. In European Society of Pediatric Radiology, Paris, France, June 2002.

  41. [DUPU-02] D. Dupuich, Y. Berthezène, V. Stupar, P.L. Clouet, E. Canet, and Y. Crémillieux. Dynamic Helium3 imaging for regional lung ventilation parameters quantification. In 19th annual meeting of the European society for magnetic resonance in medicine and biology, Cannes, France, pages (in-press), August 2002.

  42. [DYDE-02] I. Dydenko, S. Chehbi, D. Friboulet, P. Clarysse, I.E. Magnin, J. D'hooge, and B. Bijnens. Using an elastic deformable template for the segmentation of ultrasound cardiac radio frequency images based on the velocity information. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Munich, Germany, pages 1706-1709, 2002.

  43. [FINE-02c] G. Finet. Etat de l'art des techniques d'angioplastie coronaire et impact des stents imprégnés. In VIIièmes Journées d'Etudes de l'Association Française des Ingénieurs Biomédicaux, Lyon, France, 2002.

  44. [FINE-02b] G. Finet. Heparin dose reduction : is it safe and effective to reduce vascular complication rate?. In 3rd European Workshop on Transradial Approach for Coronary Diagnosis and Interventions, Paris, France, 2002.

  45. [FINE-02e] G. Finet. Imagerie anatomo-fonctionnelle des artères coronaires. In Actualisations et Perspectives de la Pathologie Cardiovasculaire, Biarritz, France, 2002.

  46. [FINE-02d] G. Finet. Systèmes de protection contre les embolies coronaires distales. In IVème Congrès Francophone de Cardiologie Interventionnelle, Some City, Some Country, 2002.

  47. [FINE-02a] G. Finet and G. Rioufol. Acute coronary syndrome without significant stenosis : impact of arterial remodelling. In XIIes Journées Europèennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie, volume 95 of Arch Mal Coeur, Paris, France, pages 95, 2002.

  48. [FLOR-02] L. Flórez Valencia, J. Montagnat, and M. Orkisz. 3D graphical models for vascular-stent pose simulation. In International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics, Zakopane, Poland, pages 259-266, 2002.

  49. [FROM-02] J. Fromageau, H. Liebgott, E. Brusseau, G. Gimenez, P. Delachartre, and D. Vray. Correction of stress decay in intravascular elastography by combination of radial and tangential strain. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Munich, Germany, pages 1877-1880, 2002.

  50. [GANN-02] M. Ganna, M. Rombaut, R. Goutte, and Y.M. Zhu. Improvement of brain lesions detection using information fusion approach. In IEEE CIE - International Conference on Signal Processing, Beijing, P.R. China, pages 4, 2002.

  51. [GAUT-02] G. Gautier, A. Crombe-Ternamian, F. Pilleul, and P.J. Valette. Impact décisionnel de la bili-IRM en cas de suspicion de lithiase de la voie biliaire principale. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  52. [GIRA-02] P.R. Girard. In 6th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and Applications, Cookeville, May 2002.

  53. [GODE-02a] C. Godefroy, F. Dugougeat, F. Pilleul, and J.P. Pracros. Feasability study of MRI in evaluation of pediatric inflammatory bowel diseases. In European Society of Pediatric Radiology, Paris, France, June 2002.

  54. [GODE-02b] C. Godefroy, F. Pilleul, F. Dugougeat, A. Lachaux, and P.J. Valette. Etude de faisabilité de l'entéro-IRM avec injection de gadolinium dans la pathologie inflammatoire digestive en pédiatrie. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  55. [HERM-02b] M. Hermier, N. Nighoghossian, P. Adeleine, Y. Berthezène, L. Derex, H. Yilmaz, J.F. Dugor, P. Dardel, F. Philippeau, P. Trouillas, and J.C. Froment. Predictive value of early MRI arterial recanalization and late infarct volume in patients with acute carotid artery territory stroke. In Symposium Neororadiologicum, volume 29 of J Neuroradiology, Paris, France, pages 88, 2002.

  56. [HERN-02c] M. Hernández Hoyos, M. Orkisz, I.E. Magnin, and P. Douek. Automated generation of vessel centerlines and volumetric assessment of stenoses from MRA images. In XIII Int. Workshop on MRA, volume Abstr, Essen, Germany, pages 140, 2002.

  57. [HERN-02b] M. Hernández Hoyos, M. Orkisz, I.E. Magnin, and P. Douek. Quantification de la sténose artérielle dans des images ARM 3D fondée sur l'extraction automatique de l'axe central du vaisseau. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, volume Abstr, Paris, France, pages 1423, 2002.

  58. [JAIL-02a] F. Jaillon, D. Jullien, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Monte Carlo simulation of polarized light propagation through turbid media using different phase functions. In Proceeding of SPIE, volume 3 of Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging, San Jose, California, USA, June 2002.

  59. [JAIL-02b] F. Jaillon and H. Saint-Jalmes. Polarized light Monte Carlo Simulation in scattering media. In OPTDIAG, Paris, France, 2002.

  60. [LAST-02] D. Last, L. De Rochefort, F. Peyrin, and G. Guillot. Automatic match of identical ROIs on trabecular bone images acquired in MRI and X-ray CT. In ESMRMB, Cannes, France, 2002.

  61. [LEMI-02] G. Lemineur, B. Brunet-Imbault, R. Jennane, F. Peyrin, A. Bonnassie, and C.L. Benhamou. Microarchitectural properties of subchondral trabecular bone of femoral head in osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. In ASBMR, San Antonio, USA, pages S296, 2002.

  62. [LETH-02] R. Lethmate, J.A.C. Van Osch, F.T.A.W. Wajer, Y. Crémillieux, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Dynamic MR-imaging with radial scanning, a post acquisition keyhole approach. In 19th annual meeting of the European society for magnetic resonance in medicine and biology, Cannes, France, pages (in-press), August 2002.

  63. [LETH-02a] R. Lethmate, J.A.C. van Osch, F.T.W.A. Wajer, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. 3D rapid dynamic imaging using radial scanning. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pages 2416, 12-18 May 2002.

  64. [LETH-02b] R. Lethmate, J.A C. van Osch, F.T.W.A. Wajer, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. Dynamic MR Imaging with radial scanning, a post acquisition keyhole approach (Winner of the Young Investigator Award Finalists). In 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of ESMRMB, Book of Abstracts ESMRMB, Cannes, France, pages 370, 22-25 August 2002.

  65. [LI_K-02] K.L. Li, V. Novikov, M. Spilker, L. Fournier, M. Wiart, Y.J. Fu, T. Roberts, and R.C. Brasch. Pixel-by-pixel kinetic analysis of dynamic macromolecular contrast medium-enhanced MRI : noise reduction using a flexible gray level model (2124). In 10th annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medecine, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

  66. [LIND-02] C. Lindsay, K. Hall, S. Ghosh, O. Beuf, T. M. Link, L. Steinback, M. Ries, and S. Majumdar. Magnetic resonance evaluation of the interrelationship between articular cartilage and trabecular bone of the osteoarthritic knee. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2002.

  67. [MART-02] E. Martin-Badosa, A. Elmoutaouakkil, S. Nuzzo, D. Amblard, L. Vico, and F. Peyrin. Mice bone characterization from 3D microtomograpy images. In 2nd IASTED International Conference: Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP 2002), Malaga, Spain, 2002.

  68. [MILL-02a] J. Milles, Y.M. Zhu, G. Gimenez, and C.R.G. Guttman. Correction des inhomogénéités d'intensité en IRM. In Conférences F. Lhermitte - 12e Rendez-Vous de l'ARSEP, Paris, France, pages 16-17, 2002.

  69. [MONT-02] J. Montagnat, E.E. Davila-Serrano, and I.E. Magnin. 3D objects visualization for remote interactive medical applications. In 3D Data Visualization, Processing, and Transmission (3DPVT'02), Padova, Italy, pages 75-48, 2002.

  70. [NARA-02] S. Narayanan, S.J. Francis, J.G. Sled, A.C. Santos, S.B. Antel, I. Levesque, S. Brass, Y. Lapierre, D. Sappey-Marinier, G.B. Pike, and D.L. Arnold. Assessment of Axonal Injury and demyelinination in the cerebral normal appearing white matter of patients with multiple sclerosis. In International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai, USA, pages (in-press), May 2002.

  71. [NIGH-02d] N. Nighoghossian, M. Hermier, P. Adeleine, L. Derex, Y. Berthezène, J.C. Froment, and P. Trouillas. Thrombolyse intraveineuse des infarctus cérébraux. Facteurs prédictifs de la réponse thérapeutique. In 7e Journées de la Société Française Neurovasculaire SFNV 2002, Paris, France, 2002.

  72. [NIGH-02c] N. Nighoghossian, M. Hermier, P. Adeleine, L. Derex, F. Philippeau, J.F. Dugor, H. Yilmaz, J. Honnorat, J.C. Froment, and P. Trouillas. Magnetic resonance imaging prediction of stroke outcome. A pre- and post-thrombolytic therapy study. In 7th International Symposium on Thrombolysis and Acute Stroke Therapy, Lyon, France, pages 34, 2002.

  73. [NIGH-02b] N. Nighoghossian, M. Hermier, J.F. Dugor, P. Adeleine, L. Derex, J.C. Froment, K. Blanc-Lasserre, and P. Trouillas. Old microbleeds may increase the risk of acute hemorrhagic transformation in stroke patients: a gradient-echo T2*-weighted brain MRI study. In 27th International Stroke Conference, Some City, Some Country, 2002.

  74. [NOVI-02] V. Novikov, M. Fournier, L. Wiart, D. and Shames, and R.C. Brasch. Quantitative MRI estimation of biological aggressiveness in three human ovarian cancer models. In Radiology, volume 225, pages 129, 2002.

  75. [ORKI-02c] M. Orkisz and M. Hernández Hoyos. Suivi de vaisseaux sanguins dans des images 3D à l'aide d'un modèle de base de moments. In Mathématiques et Imagerie, Journée 'Application à la modélisation et l'imagerie en Cardio-Vasculaire', Lyon, France, 2002.

  76. [PEYR-02g] F. Peyrin, E. Martin-Badosa, A. Bonnassie, and L. Vico. Analyse quantitative d'images tridimensionnelles de structures osseuses acquises en microtomographie synchrotron. In Journee thématique 'Os - Ultrasons', Compiègne, France, 2002.

  77. [PEYR-02h] F. Peyrin, S. Nuzzo, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio, and P. Braillon. Microarchitectural and physical changes during foetal growth in human vertebral bone. In 15th Bone Densitometry Workshop, Monterey, USA, pages 133, 2002.

  78. [PHIL-02] F. Philippeau, P. Adeleine, L. Derex, M. Hermier, N. Nighoghossian, J. Honnorat, and P. Trouillas. Search for clinical and CT features predictive of intracerebral hemorrhage after IV t-PA for acute carotid territory stroke. Data from Lyon thrombolysis registry (150 cases). In 7th International Symposium on Thrombolysis and Acute Stroke Therapy, Lyon, France, pages 72, 2002.

  79. [PILL-02a] F. Pilleul, O. Beuf, M. Armenean, G. Hadour, and H. Saint-Jalmes. Images in vivo de la paroi digestive avec une antenne RMN endoluminale : Etude de faisabilité sur le lapin. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  80. [PILL-02b] F. Pilleul, J. Forest, and A. Coulon. Intéret des séquences 3D angio-IRM dans l'évaluation des anévrismes splanchniques. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, Oct 19-23 2002.

  81. [RATI-02b] H. Ratiney, F. Mitri, Y. Coenradie, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. QUEST : Time-Domain Quantitation with advanced prior knowledge. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology,19th Annual Meeting, Cannes, France, pages 373, November 2002.

  82. [RATI-02a] H. Ratiney, F. Mitri, Y. Coenradie, S. Cavassila, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. QUEST: Time-Domain Quantitation with Advanced Prior Knowledge. In Some Congress, volume 15 of Magma, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pages 373, 2002.

  83. [RIDE-02] R. Ridereau-Zins, F. Leblay, C. Aubé, V. Croquet, P. Pessaux, F. Pilleul, A. Dauver, and C. Caron-Poitreau. Etude de la faisabilité et premiers résultats du coloscanner à l'eau. In Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, 19-23Oct 2002.

  84. [RIOU-02d] G. Rioufol and G. Finet. Impact of biomechanical factors on prediction of coronary plaque rupture location. Endocoronary Biomechanics and Restenosis. In International Workshop, Marseille, France, 2002.

  85. [RIOU-02c] G. Rioufol, G. Finet, R. Rossi, A. Tabib, E. Vialle, E. Desjoyaux, I. Ginon, and X. André-Fouet. Does more one plaque rupture in acute coronary syndrome ?: A three-vessel IVUS study. In XIIes Journées Europèennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie, volume 95 of Arch Mal Coeur, Paris, France, pages 91, 2002.

  86. [SAIN-02] H. Saint-Jalmes, A. Armenean, and O. Beuf. Geometry Evaluation of NMR Radiofrequency Mini and Microcoils by Mean of Electromagnetic Simulations. In 43rd ENC, Asilomar, USA, April14 - 19 2002.

  87. [SOUC-02] R. Souchon, V. Detti, S. Srinivasan, and J.Y. Chapelon. A fast acquisition system for radial compression elastography of the prostate in vivo. In First International Conference on the Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of Tissue Elasticity, Niagara, Canada, October 2002.

  88. [STEF-02] D. Stefan, M. Janssen, A. Naressi, C. Couturier, S. Cavassila, H. Ratiney, D. van Ormondt, and D. Graveron-Demilly. The MRSI functionalities of the JMRUI software. In European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 19th Annual Meeting, Magma, Cannes, France, pages 370, 22-25 August 2002.

  89. [STUP-02] V. Stupar, Y. Berthezène, E. Canet, H. Tournier, D. Dupuich, A. Briguet, and Y. Crémillieux. Helium3 polarisation using the spin-exchange technique: applications to pulmonary imaging in small animals. In 8th bi-annual conference on MR and intermodality contrast agent research, Budapest (Hongrie), pages (in-press), June 2002.

  90. [TOUM-02] C. Toumoulin, V. Burdin, P. Haigron, I.E. Magnin, E. Stindel, C. Roux, and J.L. Coatrieux. Diversity and emergence in biomedical imaging. In IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging, Ile de Berder, France, 2002.

  91. [VRAY-02] D. Vray, A. Discher, J. Le Floc'h, W. Mai, P. Clarysse, Q.C. Pham, J. Montagnat, and M. Janier. 3D quantification of ultrasound images : application to mouse embryo imaging in vivo. In IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (UFFC), Munich, Germany, 2002.

  92. [wajer01b] F.T.A.W. Wajer, A. Coron, R. Lethmate, J.A.C. van Osch, L.T. Martinez, D. Graveron-Demilly, and D. van Ormondt. Accelerated Bayesian MR Image Reconstruction. In ProRISC, IEEE Benelux, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pages (in-press), November 2002.

  93. [wajer02] F.T.A.W. Wajer, A. Coron, R. Lethmate, J.A.C. van Osch, L.T. Martinez, D. Graveron-Demilly, and D. van Ormondt. Accelerated Bayesian MR Image Reconstruction. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pages 2422, May 2002.

  94. [WIAR-02] M. Wiart, L. Fournier, V. Novikov, D. Shames, Y.J. Fu, T. Roberts, D. Shalinsky, and R.C. Brasch. Magnetic resonance imaging detects early changes in tumor microvascular permeability after treatment with the matrix metalloprotease inhibitor Prinomastat (2139). In 10th annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medecine, Honolulu, USA, 2002.

  95. [ZHU-02b] Y.M. Zhu, J. Grimaud, L.Q. Zhou, M. Filippi, and M. Rovaris. Comparative study of different brain MTR parameters for the study of multiple sclerosis. In 6 Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Vienna, Austria, pages 131, 2002.

Invited Conferences
  1. [BEUF-02a] O. Beuf. Les séquences 3D en IRM ostéoarticulaire. In Apport des nouveautés techniques en imagerie clinique; Siemens Workshop, Paris, France, 3 juillet 2002.

  2. [BEUF-02l] O. Beuf. Les séquences en IRM cardiovasculaire. In Département de radiologie cardiovasculaire de l'hôpital Louis Pradel, Lyon, France, 23 avril 2002.

  3. [GRAV-02b] D. Graveron-Demilly. Spectroscopy Beyond NAA, Time Domain processing. In Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 10th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 2002.

  4. [GRAV-02c] D. Graveron-Demilly. Time-Domain signal processing with advanced prior knowledge, Categorical morning course, Spectroscopy beyond NAA. In 10th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, ISMRM2002, Honolulu, USA, May 2002.

  5. [HARB-02] R. Harba, R. Jennane, and E. Perrin. Synthesis and Analysis Methods for Fractional Brownian Motion. In Journée Steven Kay, GDR CNRS ISIS, Thème A: Signal et Information : Théorie et Méthodes et Chapitre Français IEEE, Paris, France, 20 mars 2002.

  6. [MAGN-02] I. E. Magnin. Cardiac imaging and modeling. In Ambassade de France, Helsinki, Finland, 2002.

  7. [ORKI-02b] M. Orkisz and M. Hernández Hoyos. From inertia matrix to the analysis of vascular pathologies. In Int Conf Computer Vision and Graphics, Zakopane, Poland, pages 6-15, 2002.

  8. [PEYR-02d] F. Peyrin. 3D Ultrastructural Assessment of Bone Tissue using Synchrotron Radiation, in 'Non-Invasive Assessment Of Trabecular Bone Microarchitecture' Working Group. In ASBMR, San Antonio, USA, 2002.

  9. [PEYR-02b] F. Peyrin. Analyse de la microstructure osseuse par microtomographie 3D par rayons X. In Journee Scientifique 'Imagerie in vivo du petit animal', IFR 58, Paris, France, 2002.

  10. [PEYR-02a] F. Peyrin. Bone imaging in small animals using X-ray micro-CT. In Journée Scientifique d'imagerie du Petit Animal, Lyon, France, 2002.

  11. [PEYR-02f] F. Peyrin. Imagerie du petit animal par microtomographie X. In Session spéciale, Journées Française de Radiologie, Paris, France, 2002.

  12. [PEYR-02e] F. Peyrin. Quantitative analysis of Ultrastructural features in bone tissue from synchrotron radiation micro-CT images. In BACOB & 15th Bone Densitometry Workshop, Monterey, USA, 2002.

  13. [PEYR-02c] F. Peyrin and P. Cloetens. Synchrotron RadiationCT of biological tissue. In IEEE ISBI 02 (International Symposium on Biomedical Image Processing), Washington, USA, 2002.

  14. [RITM-02] E. Ritman and F. Peyrin. Micro-imaging of Small Animals and Biological Specimens. In IEEE ISBI 02 (International Symposium on Biomedical Image Processing), Washington, USA, pages (CD-ROM), 2002.

  15. [SAPP-02d] D. Sappey-Marinier. PET research projects in Lyon. In ClearPEM Workshop of Crystal Clear Collaboration, Lisbonne, Portugal, July 2002.

  16. [SAPP-02c] D. Sappey-Marinier. PET system dedicated to hadrontherapy. In 36th PTCOG meeting, Catania, Italia, June 2002.

  17. [SAPP-02b] D. Sappey-Marinier. The ClearPET project. In 1st ANIMAGE meeting on transgenic animal in vivo imaging, Lyon, France, April 2002.

  1. [BRIO-91b] R. Brion and I.E. Magnin. Coeur, effort et ultrasons. Film, 15 mn, 2002.

  2. [BRUS-02f] E. Brusseau, J. Fromageau, C. De Korte, P. Delachartre, D. Vray, and A. Van der Steen. Complete processing for quantitative intravascular ultrasound elastography. 1st International Conference of the Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of Tissue Elasticity, Niagara Falls, Ontario (Canada), 2002.

  3. [CERV-02a] F. Cervenansky, D. Sappey-Marinier, and P. Ryvlin. Contrat RNTS 2002 du Ministère de l'Industrie. Développement du logiciel d'analyse de texture cérébrale (F. Cervenansky et D. Sappey-Marinier) dans le Projet PLAMAIVIC (Ph. Ryvlin) Plateforme d'Analyse Multimodale Avancée des Images à Visé Clinique Société Médasys, 2002.

  4. [CREM-02f] Y. Crémilleux. Brevet N. 00106635.6 - Français. Imagerie fonctionnelle de la ventilation et de la perfusion du poumon par IRM, 2002.

  5. [FINE-02f] G. Finet. Imagerie anatomo-fonctionnelle des artères coronaires. Actualisations et Perspectives de la Pathologie Cardiovasculaire, Biarritz, France, 2002.

  6. [FINE-02g] G. Finet. Systèmes de protection contre les embolies coronaires distales. IVème Congrès Francophone de Cardiologie Interventionnelle, Paris, France, 2002.

  7. [GUILL-02f] R. Guillemaud, P. Bleuet, and I.E. Magnin. Brevet N. 0201558 - Français. Procédé de tomosynthèse à reconstruction multi plans (CEA-CNRS), Famille de brevets FR02 01558 du 08/02/2002 Europe USA; Brevet étendu par voie internationale, validé en Europe (EP1485873) et aux USA (US2005078862), 2002.

  8. [MOSN-96] S. Mosnier, M. Orkisz, I.E. Magnin, and R. Brion. Echocardiographic image sequence data base. CD Rom, 2002.

  9. [ORKI-02e] M. Orkisz and M. Hernández Hoyos. Suivi de vaisseaux sanguins dans des images 3D à l'aide d'un modèle de base de moments. Mathématiques et Imagerie, Journée 'Application à la modélisation et l'imagerie en Cardio-Vasculaire', Lyon (France), 2002.

  10. [PEYR-02i] F. Peyrin, E. Martìn Badossa, A. Bonnassie, and L. Vico. Analyse quantitative d'images tridimensionnelles de structures osseuses acquises en microtomographie synchrotron. Journee thématique 'Os - Ultrasons', Compiègne, France, 2002.



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