CMRSegTools Cardiac MRI Segmentation analysis toolbox
CMRSegTools is a unique tool:

Targeting 2 communities
-A user-friendly software easing CMR image post-processing for quantitative assessment in translational or clinical research.
-Designed for infarct size measurement, parametric (T1, ECV, T2) maps etc…
-A development platform to easily integrate new C++ compiled segmentation algorithms, to accelerate validation of new segmentation approaches against common or reference methods.
-A user-friendly software easing CMR image post-processing for quantitative assessment in translational or clinical research.
-Designed for infarct size measurement, parametric (T1, ECV, T2) maps etc…
-A development platform to easily integrate new C++ compiled segmentation algorithms, to accelerate validation of new segmentation approaches against common or reference methods.
Built as a unique tool
An open plate-form for image segmentation dedicated to the CMR community
Being implemented in OsiriX as a plugin, also means:
- integration within the clinical environment on your PACS system
- automated saving of the results within the database
- The largest community of users
Includes established algorithms and future implementation of new ones .
Being implemented in OsiriX as a plugin, also means:
- integration within the clinical environment on your PACS system
- automated saving of the results within the database
- The largest community of users
Includes established algorithms and future implementation of new ones .
100% compatible with both :

© 2017 P.Croisille. CREATIS; CNRS UMR5220 ; Inserm U1026 ; INSA-Lyon; Université Jean-Monnet, Université de Lyon (France).