Publications of H.Y. Jung
  1. [Jung-98b] H.Y. Jung. Contribution à la compression sans pertes pour la transmission progressive des images. Proposition de transformations avec arrondis. Doctorat, INSA Lyon, 1998. Jury: Barlaud M. (rap.), Baskurt A., Bijaoui A., Duhamel P., Gimenez G., Goutte R., Kunt M. (prés.), Labit C. (rap.) et Prost R. (dir.).

Articles in journal
  1. [CHO-10] J.W. Cho, S. Valette, J. H. Park, H.Y. Jung, and R. Prost. 3-D Mesh Sequence Compression Using Wavelet-Based Multi-resolution Analysis. Elsevier Applied Mathematics and Computation (AMC), 216(2):410-425, 2010.

  2. [CHO-07c] J.W. Cho, R. Prost, and H.Y. Jung. An Oblivious Watermarking for 3D Polygonal Meshes Using Distribution of Vertex Norms. IEEE Trans Signal Proc, 55(1):142-155, 2007.

  3. [JUNG-00] H.Y. Jung and R. Prost. Multi-channel overlapping rounding transform for HINT and subband lossles image compression. Signal Proces, 80(12):2609-2615, 2000.

  4. [JUNG-98a] H.Y. Jung, T.Y. Choi, and R. Prost. Rounding transform and its application for lossless pyramid structured coding. IEEE Trans Image Proces, 7(2):234-237, 1998.

  5. [JUNG-98c] H.Y. Jung and R. Prost. Lossless subband coding system based on rounding transform. IEEE Trans Signal Proc, 46(9):2535-2540, 1998.

  6. [JUNG-97c] H.Y. Jung, R. Prost, and T.Y. Choi. A Unified Mathematical Form of Walsh-Hadamard Transform For Lossless Image Data Compression. Signal Proces, 63(1):35-43, 1997.

Communications Proceedings
  1. [CHO-09] J.W. Cho, H.K. Kim, S. Valette, H.Y. Jung, and R. Prost. A Compression Method for 3-D Mesh Sequences Combining Wavelet-based Multi-resolution Analysis and Multi-order Differential Coding. In International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern, IPVC'09, Las Vegas, USA, pages 1008-1011, July 2009.

  2. [CHO-07b] J.W. Cho, M.S. Kim, S. Valette, H.Y. Jung, and R. Prost. A 3D meshes sequence coding using the combination of spatial and temporal wavelet analysis. In International conference on Computer Vision, Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques and Application (MIRAGE'07), volume 4418 of Lect Notes Comput Sc, Rocquencourt, France, pages 389-399, March 2007. Springer Verlag, Publ..

  3. [CHO-06b] J.W. Cho, M.S. Kim, S. Valette, H.Y. Jung, and R. Prost. 3D Dynamic Mesh Compression using Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Analysis. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'06, Atlanta, USA, pages (529-532), October 2006.

  4. [KIM-06c] M.S. Kim, J.W. Cho, H.Y. Jung, and R. Prost. Robust Blind Watermarking for 3D Meshes Using Distribution of Scale Coefficients in Irregular Wavelet Analysis. In IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICASSP'06), volume V, Toulouse, France, pages 477-480, May 2006.

  5. [KIM-06b] M.S. Kim, J.W. Cho, R. Prost, and H.Y. Jung. Wavelet Analysis based Blind Watermarking for 3-D Surface Meshes. In International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW'06), volume LNCS 4283 of Lect Notes Comput Sc, Jeju Island (Korea), pages 123-127, 2006. Springer Verlag, Publ..

  6. [KIM-06a] M.S. Kim, R. Prost, H.Y. Chung, and H.Y. Jung. A Blind Watermarking for 3-D Dynamic Mesh Model Using Distribution of Temporal Wavelet Coefficients. In International Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation Classification and Security (MRCS'06), volume LNCS 4105 of Lect Notes Comput Sc, Istanbul, Turkey, pages 257-264, 2006. Springer Verlag, Publ..

  7. [CHO-05] J.W. Cho, M.S. Kim, R. Prost, H.Y. Chung, and H.Y. Jung. Robust watermarking on polygonal meshes using distribution of vertex norms. In International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW'05), volume LNCS 3304 of Lect Notes Comput Sc, Siena, Italy, pages 283-293, 2005. Springer Verlag, Publ..

  8. [KIM-05] M.S. Kim, S. Valette, H.Y. Jung, and R. Prost. Watermarking of 3D Irregular Meshes based on Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis. In International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW'05), volume LNCS 3710 of Lect Notes Comput Sc, Siena, Italy, pages 313-324, September 2005. Springer Verlag, Publ..

  9. [LEE-05a] S.W. Lee, A. Senot, H.Y. Jung, and R. Prost. Regularized Marching Cubes Mesh. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'05, Genova, Italy, pages 788-791, 2005.

  10. [KIM-99] Y.S. Kim, S. Valette, H.Y. Jung, and R. Prost. Local wavelets decomposition for 3-D Surfaces. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'99, volume 3, Kobe, Japan, pages 357-360, 1999.

  11. [VALE-99a] S. Valette, Y.S. Kim, H.Y. Jung, I.E. Magnin, and R. Prost. A multiresolution wavelet scheme for irregularly subdivided 3D triangular mesh. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'99, volume 1, Kobe, Japan, pages 171-174, 1999.

  12. [VALE-99b] S. Valette, F. Thibon, Y.S. Kim, H.Y. Jung, I.E. Magnin, and R. Prost. Décomposition en ondelettes de maillages triangulaires 3D irrégulièrement subdivisés. Application à la compression. In GRETSI 99, Vannes, France, pages 949-952, 1999.

  13. [JUNG-98d] H.Y. Jung and R. Prost. Multi-port filtering system for lossless image compression. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'98, volume 3, Chicago, USA, pages 861-865, 1998.

  14. [JUNG-97a] H.Y. Jung and R. Prost. Décomposition en sous bandes pour la compression d'image sans perte par extension de la transformation par arrondi. In GRETSI-97, volume 1, Grenoble, France, pages 207-210, 15-19 septembre 1997.

  15. [JUNG-97b] H.Y. Jung and R. Prost. Rounding Transform Based Approach for Lossless Subband Coding. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'97, volume 2, Santa Barbara, USA, pages 274-277, 26-29 October 1997.

  16. [JUNG-96] H.Y. Jung, T. Y. Choi, and R. Prost. Rounding Transform For Lossless Image Coding. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP'96, volume 1, Lausanne, Suisse, pages 65-68, 1996.

Invited Conferences
  1. [PROS-99b] R. Prost and H.Y. Jung. Compression sous-bandes sans pertes par transformations avec arrondis. In Atelier CNES: Compression embarquée d'images fixes, Toulouse, France, 1999.



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