With their film “Fasting, Exploring a Phenomenon”, Sylvie Gilman and Thierry de Lestrade reopen the case by analyzing the results of a decade of abundant and inspiring research. Premiering this Monday, January 13, it is now available on Arte TV from January 18 to March 24, 2025, and will air on ARTE on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at 10:25 PM. (https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/118244-000-A/fasting-exploring-a-phenomenon/)
This film was also selected as one of the top 4 films at the International Documentary Film Festival "FIPADOC on Food" and will be featured in a presentation this Saturday, January 18, 2025, on Radio France: https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/les-bonnes-choses/fipadoc-de-l-alimentaire-2894314
On Monday, January 21, 2025, France Inter's program “Grand Bien Vous Fasse!” will also discuss the topic and the film, mentioning the GENESIS study and the research conducted by CREATIS at the Saint-Etienne University Hospital: https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/grand-bien-vous-fasse/grand-bien-vous-fasse-du-mardi-21-janvier-2025-8448620
What if controlled food deprivation were a decisive key to our health? In recent years, from rheumatology to oncology, science has delved into this topic, leading to astonishing conclusions. This film highlights the research of scientists worldwide on this subject and showcases the GENESIS study conducted by two French researchers, Pierre Croisille (Radiologist) and Magalie Viallon (Physicist), from the Saint-Etienne University Hospital and the CREATIS Laboratory, in partnership with the renowned Buchinger-Wilhelmi Clinic.
Our researchers visualized the impact of fasting on our organs before, immediately after a 12-day Buchinger fast, and then 1 month and 4 months post-fast. With over 15,000 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans and spectra per patient collected during each imaging session, this cutting-edge technology provides virtual biopsies of our organs (heart, liver, brain, and muscles). It demonstrates how perfectly these organs adapt to fasting.
The study documents the extraordinary legacy of human evolution, the complexity and perfection of human physiology, and why therapeutic fasting is an exceptional resource for public health.
The study protocol has already been published and is available here: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9713250/pdf/fnut-09-951000.pdf