After instalation you can lanch the CreaTools menu that gives you acces to the minitools, images tools, and developer tools.- Linux/Unix: Windows: Start -> creaTools -> creaTools Menu
A. Developer User Getting Started
1- CreateNewProject
creaTools -> DevelTools -> C++ -> CreaNewProject
=> (create in <PathDirPrj><MyProject>) ...more details here ...
1.1- Create a new Library
1.2- Create a new Application (optional)
1.3- Create a Package BBTK
(Automatic the first time)
For the first package this step is automatically.
See bbtk_<Myproject>_Package.
creaTools -> DevelTools -> C++ -> CreatePackage
=> (put your result files in <MyProject>)
1.3.1- Create a black box BBTK
creaTools -> DevelTools -> C++ -> CreateBox
=> (put your result files in <MyProject><YourPackage>/src)
2- Compile the newProject
Compile in <PathDirPrj-BIN> ...more details here...
3- Install the newProject (optional)
Define the Install-Prefix of your project in the CMake-Configuration
=> <PathDirPrj-Install>
4- Add newProject as a plugin of BBTK
creaTools -> DevelTools -> bbStudio -> tools -> AddPlugin.
=> Use <PathDirPrj-BIN> ...more details here...
B. Final User Getting Started 1- maxiTools 1.1- creaContours 1.2- Image Tool 1.2.1. Image Show N-Points Save MHD Layer Image Manual Paint Image Properties 1.2.2. Filter Threshold Connectivity 2- Images Tools 2.1- Viewers 2.1.1- Manual Paint 2.1.2- Synchronize 2 images 2.2- Midify Image 2.2.1- Image Writer 2.2.2- Manual Paint 2.3- Recalage 2.3.1- Recalage 2D 2.3.2- Recalage 3D 1 point 2.3.3- Recalage 3D 2 point 2.3.4- Recalage 3D 3 point 2.4- Rescale Slope Intercept 2.4.1- rescalaSlope0 2.4.2- rescalaSlope1 2.4.3- rescalaSlope2 2.4.4- rescalaSlope3 3- DevelTools 3.1- bbg/bbs 3.1.1- bbEditor 3.1.2- bbStudio 3.1.3- bbi 3.2- C++ 3.2.1- CreaNewProject 3.2.2- Create Package 3.2.3- Create black box
1 creaNewProject Details
a- give directory <path>/<project>
b- give project name
c- give description
b- give project name
c- give description
This creates automatically a default package bbtk
2- Compile the newProject Details
Use CMAKE for configure your project:
Create <path>/<project>Bin with ccmake
a- package BBTK ON
b- give the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ex . <path>/<project>-install
b- give the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ex . <path>/<project>-install
1.4 Add newProject as a plugin of BBTK Details
- Your are loocking to a file call bbtkPackage.
- This procedure modifies the bbtk_config.xml in ~.bbtk directory
- You can modify bbtk_config.xml manualy with:
- Text editor
- creaToolsMenu -> DevelTools -> bbStudio -> File -> Open bbtk config file
- The tags: bbs_path and package_path are added to the bbtk_config.xml
- If you install the <PathDirPrj-Install> is the creaTools instal directory, the package is visible directly.