
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*=========================================================================                                                                               
00002   Program:   bbtk
00003   Module:    $RCSfile: bbtkConnection.cxx,v $
00004   Language:  C++
00005   Date:      $Date: 2008/10/17 08:18:13 $
00006   Version:   $Revision: 1.15 $
00007 =========================================================================*/
00009 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00011 * Copyright (c) CREATIS-LRMN (Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Medicale)
00012 * Authors : Eduardo Davila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
00013 *
00014 *  This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and 
00015 *  abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can  use, 
00016 *  modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B 
00017 *  license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL 
00018 * 
00019 *  or in the file LICENSE.txt.
00020 *
00021 *  As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
00022 *  modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
00023 *  with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
00024 *  economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
00025 *  liability. 
00026 *
00027 *  The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
00028 *  knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
00029 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */                                                                         
00036 #include "bbtkConnection.h"
00037 #include "bbtkFactory.h"
00038 #include "bbtkBlackBox.h"
00039 #include "bbtkMessageManager.h"
00041 namespace bbtk
00042 {
00043   //==================================================================
00044   Connection::Pointer Connection::New(BlackBox::Pointer from, 
00045                                       const std::string& output,
00046                                       BlackBox::Pointer to, 
00047                                       const std::string& input ,
00048                                       const Factory::Pointer f  )
00049   {
00050     bbtkDebugMessage("object",1,"##> Connection::Connection(\""
00051                      <<from->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00052                      <<to->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00053                      <<std::endl);
00054     Connection::Pointer p = 
00055       MakePointer(new Connection(from,output,to,input,f));
00056     bbtkDebugMessage("object",1,"<## Connection::Connection(\""
00057                      <<from->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00058                      <<to->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00059                      <<std::endl);
00060     return p;
00061   }
00062   //==================================================================
00064   //==================================================================
00067 Connection::Connection(BlackBox::Pointer from, const std::string& output,
00068                        BlackBox::Pointer to, const std::string& input ,
00069                        const Factory::Pointer f  )
00070     : mAdaptor(),
00071       mFactory(f),
00072       mFromAny(false),
00073       mToAny(false)
00074   {
00075     bbtkDebugMessage("object",2,"==> Connection::Connection(\""
00076                      <<from->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00077                      <<to->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00078                      <<std::endl);    
00080     bbtkDebugMessage("connection",1,"==> Connection::Connection(\""
00081                      <<from->bbGetFullName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00082                      <<to->bbGetFullName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00083                      <<std::endl);    
00087     if (! from->bbHasOutput(output) )
00088       {
00089         bbtkError("The box \""<<from->bbGetTypeName()<<
00090                   "\" has no output \""<<output<<"\"");
00091       }
00092     if (! to->bbHasInput(input) )
00093       {
00094         bbtkError("The box \""<<to->bbGetTypeName()<<
00095                   "\" has no input \""<<input<<"\"");
00096       } 
00098     if (to->bbGetInputConnectorMap().find(input)->second->IsConnected())
00099       {
00100         bbtkError("The input \""<<input<<"\" of the box \""<<to->bbGetName()
00101                   <<"\" is already connected");
00102       }
00104     //  std::string t1 ( from->bbGetOutputType(output).name() );
00105     //   std::string t2 ( to->bbGetInputType(input).name() );
00106     // if  //( t1 != t2 ) 
00107     if ( from->bbGetOutputType(output) !=
00108          to->bbGetInputType(input) )
00109       {
00110         if ( from->bbGetOutputType(output) == typeid(Data) )
00111           {
00112             bbtkWarning("Connection '"
00113                         <<GetFullName()
00114                         <<"' : '"<<from->bbGetName()<<"."<<output
00115                         <<"' is of type <"
00116                         <<HumanTypeName<Data>()
00117                         <<"> : type compatibility with '"
00118                         <<to->bbGetName()<<"."<<input
00119                         <<"' will be resolved at run time"
00120                         );
00121             mFromAny = true;
00122           }
00123         else if (  to->bbGetInputType(input) == typeid(Data) )
00124           {   
00125             bbtkDebugMessage("Kernel",8," -> '"<<input<<"' type is "
00126                              <<TypeName<Data>()<<" : can receive any data"
00127                              <<std::endl);
00128             mToAny = true;
00129           }
00130         else 
00131           {
00132             //   std::cout << "Adaptive connection "<<std::endl;
00133             std::string name;
00134             name = from->bbGetName() + "." + output + "-" 
00135               + to->bbGetName() + "." + input; 
00136             mAdaptor = mFactory.lock()
00137               ->NewAdaptor(from->bbGetOutputType(output),
00138                            to->bbGetInputType(input),
00139                            name);
00140             if (!mAdaptor)  
00141               {  
00142                 bbtkError("did not find any <"
00143                           <<TypeName(from->bbGetOutputType(output))
00144                           <<"> to <"
00145                           <<TypeName(to->bbGetInputType(input))
00146                           <<"> adaptor");
00147               } 
00148           }
00149       }
00152     mFrom = from;
00153     mOriginalFrom = from;
00154     mTo = to;
00155     mOriginalTo = to;
00156     mInput = mOriginalInput = input;
00157     mOutput = mOriginalOutput = output;
00159      // Lock this pointer !!!
00160     //Pointer p = MakePointer(this,true);
00161     from->bbConnectOutput(output,this);
00162     to->bbConnectInput(input,this);
00165     bbtkDebugMessage("connection",1,"<== Connection::Connection(\""
00166                      <<from->bbGetFullName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00167                      <<to->bbGetFullName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00168                      <<std::endl);    
00170     bbtkDebugMessage("object",2,"==> Connection::Connection(\""
00171                      <<from->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00172                      <<to->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00173                      <<std::endl);    
00174   }
00175  //==================================================================
00177   //==================================================================
00178   Connection::Pointer Connection::New(BlackBox::Pointer from, 
00179                                       const std::string& output,
00180                                       BlackBox::Pointer to, 
00181                                       const std::string& input )
00182   {
00183     bbtkDebugMessage("object",1,"##> Connection::Connection(\""
00184                      <<from->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00185                      <<to->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00186                      <<std::endl);
00187     Connection::Pointer p = 
00188       MakePointer(new Connection(from,output,to,input));
00189     bbtkDebugMessage("object",1,"<## Connection::Connection(\""
00190                      <<from->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00191                      <<to->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00192                      <<std::endl);
00193     return p;
00194   }
00195   //==================================================================
00197   //==================================================================
00200 Connection::Connection(BlackBox::Pointer from, const std::string& output,
00201                        BlackBox::Pointer to, const std::string& input )
00202   : mAdaptor(),
00203       mFactory(),
00204       mFromAny(false),
00205       mToAny(false)
00206   {
00207     bbtkDebugMessage("object",2,"==> Connection::Connection(\""
00208                      <<from->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00209                      <<to->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00210                      <<std::endl);    
00212     bbtkDebugMessage("connection",1,"==> Connection::Connection(\""
00213                      <<from->bbGetFullName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00214                      <<to->bbGetFullName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00215                      <<std::endl);    
00219     if (! from->bbHasOutput(output) )
00220       {
00221         bbtkError("The box \""<<from->bbGetTypeName()<<
00222                   "\" has no output \""<<output<<"\"");
00223       }
00224     if (! to->bbHasInput(input) )
00225       {
00226         bbtkError("The box \""<<to->bbGetTypeName()<<
00227                   "\" has no input \""<<input<<"\"");
00228       } 
00230     if (to->bbGetInputConnectorMap().find(input)->second->IsConnected())
00231       {
00232         bbtkError("The input \""<<input<<"\" of the box \""<<to->bbGetName()
00233                   <<"\" is already connected");
00234       }
00236     //  std::string t1 ( from->bbGetOutputType(output).name() );
00237     //   std::string t2 ( to->bbGetInputType(input).name() );
00238     // if  //( t1 != t2 ) 
00239     if ( from->bbGetOutputType(output) !=
00240          to->bbGetInputType(input) )
00241       {
00242         if ( from->bbGetOutputType(output) == typeid(Data) )
00243           {
00244             bbtkWarning("Connection '"
00245                         <<GetFullName()
00246                         <<"' : '"<<from->bbGetName()<<"."<<output
00247                         <<"' is of type <"
00248                         <<HumanTypeName<Data>()
00249                         <<"> : type compatibility with '"
00250                         <<to->bbGetName()<<"."<<input
00251                         <<"' will be resolved at run time"
00252                         );
00253             mFromAny = true;
00254           }
00255         else if (  to->bbGetInputType(input) == typeid(Data) )
00256           {   
00257             bbtkDebugMessage("Kernel",8," -> '"<<input<<"' type is "
00258                              <<TypeName<Data>()<<" : can receive any data"
00259                              <<std::endl);
00260             mToAny = true;
00261           }
00262         else 
00263           {
00264             bbtkError("Connection created between different types without Factory provided");
00265           }
00266       }
00269     mFrom = from;
00270     mOriginalFrom = from;
00271     mTo = to;
00272     mOriginalTo = to;
00273     mInput = mOriginalInput = input;
00274     mOutput = mOriginalOutput = output;
00276      // Lock this pointer !!!
00277     //Pointer p = MakePointer(this,true);
00278     from->bbConnectOutput(output,this);
00279     to->bbConnectInput(input,this);
00282     bbtkDebugMessage("connection",1,"<== Connection::Connection(\""
00283                      <<from->bbGetFullName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00284                      <<to->bbGetFullName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00285                      <<std::endl);    
00287     bbtkDebugMessage("object",2,"==> Connection::Connection(\""
00288                      <<from->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<output<<"\",\""
00289                      <<to->bbGetName()<<"\",\""<<input<<"\")"
00290                      <<std::endl);    
00291   }
00292  //==================================================================
00294   //==================================================================
00296   Connection::~Connection()
00297   {
00298     bbtkDebugMessage("object",2,
00299                      "==> Connection::~Connection() ["
00300                      <<GetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
00302     if (mAdaptor) mAdaptor.reset();
00303     if (mFrom!=0) 
00304       {
00305         mFrom->bbDisconnectOutput(mOutput,this);
00306         //                                GetThisPointer<Connection>());
00307         mFrom.reset();
00308       }
00309     else 
00310       {
00311         bbtkInternalError("Connection::~Connection() : invalid initial box pointer");
00312       }
00313     if (mTo!=0) 
00314       {
00315         mTo->bbDisconnectInput(mInput,this);//   GetThisPointer<Connection>());
00316         mTo.reset();
00317       }
00318     else 
00319       {
00320         bbtkInternalError("Connection::~Connection() : invalid final box pointer");
00321       }
00324     bbtkDebugMessage("object",2,
00325                      "<== Connection::~Connection() ["
00326                      <<GetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
00327   }
00328   //==================================================================
00330   //==================================================================
00332   IOStatus Connection::BackwardUpdate()
00333   {
00334     bbtkDebugMessage("process",5,
00335                      "===> Connection::BackwardUpdate() ["
00336                      <<GetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
00338     IOStatus s = UPTODATE;
00339     s = mFrom->bbBackwardUpdate(GetThisPointer<Connection>());
00341     TransferData();
00343     if (mAdaptor && (s==MODIFIED)) mAdaptor->bbSetModifiedStatus();
00345     bbtkDebugMessage("process",5,
00346                      "<=== Connection::BackwardUpdate() ["
00347                      <<GetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
00348     return s;
00349   }
00350   //==================================================================
00352   /*
00353   //==================================================================
00355   void Connection::ForwardUpdate()
00356   {
00357     bbtkDebugMessageInc("process",2,
00358                         "Connection::ForwardUpdate() ["
00359                         <<GetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
00362     TransferData();
00364     mTo->bbForwardUpdate(this);
00366     bbtkDebugDecTab("process",2);
00367   }
00368   //==================================================================
00369   */
00371   //==================================================================
00374   void Connection::TransferData()
00375   {
00376     bbtkDebugMessageInc("data",3,
00377                         "Connection::TransferData() ["
00378                         <<GetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
00381     // If an adaptor was created we need to adapt the data
00382     if (mAdaptor) 
00383       {
00384         mAdaptor->bbSetInput("In",mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput),false);
00385         mAdaptor->bbExecute();
00386         // LG : Connection Update does not set mTo as modified
00387         mTo->bbSetInput(mInput, mAdaptor->bbGetOutput("Out"),false);
00389       }
00390     // If no adaptor but source type is an any and target is not an any
00391     else if ( mFromAny && (! mToAny) )
00392       {
00393         bbtkDebugMessage("data",3,
00394                          " * Source type is an "
00395                          <<HumanTypeName<Data>()
00396                          <<" which contains a <"
00397                          <<HumanTypeName(mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput).type())
00398                          <<">"<<std::endl);
00399         bbtkDebugMessage("data",3,
00400                          " * Target type is <"
00401                          <<HumanTypeName(mTo->bbGetInputType(mInput))
00402                          <<">"<<std::endl);
00404         // 1) Test strict type matching between any content and target
00405         if (mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput)
00406             .contains( mTo->bbGetInputType(mInput) ) )
00407           {
00408             bbtkDebugMessage("data",3,
00409                              " -> Equal types : transfer ok"<<std::endl);
00410             mTo->bbSetInput( mInput, 
00411                              mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput),
00412                              false);
00413           }
00414         else 
00415           {
00416             // 2) Look for an adaptor
00417             bbtk::BlackBox::Pointer adaptor;
00418             try 
00419               {
00420                 adaptor = mFactory.lock()
00421                   ->NewAdaptor(mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput).type(),
00422                                mTo->bbGetInputType(mInput),
00423                                "");
00424               }
00425             catch (...)
00426               {
00427               }
00428             if (adaptor)  
00429               {
00430                 bbtkDebugMessage("data",3," -> Adaptor found : using it"
00431                                  <<std::endl);
00432                   adaptor->bbSetInput("In",mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput),false);
00433                 adaptor->bbExecute();
00434                 // LG : Connection Update does not set mTo as modified
00435                 mTo->bbSetInput(mInput, adaptor->bbGetOutput("Out"),false);
00436                 //      adaptor->bbDelete();
00437               }
00438             // 3) If no adaptor found but the any content is a pointer
00439             //    and target type is also a pointer : we try run-time cast
00440             else if ( (mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput).contains_pointer()) &&
00441                       (mTo->bbGetDescriptor()->GetInputDescriptor(mInput)
00442                        ->IsPointerType()) )
00443               {
00444                 bbtkDebugMessage("data",3,
00445                                  " -> No adaptor found but source and target types are both pointers : trying up or down cast"<<std::endl);
00447                 void* nptr = 
00448                   mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput)
00449                   .get_pointer_to(mTo->bbGetInput(mInput).pointed_type());
00450                 if (!nptr)  
00451                   {
00452                     bbtkError("Connection '"
00453                               <<GetFullName()
00454                               <<"' : <"
00455                               <<HumanTypeName(mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput).type())
00456                               <<"> to <"
00457                               <<HumanTypeName(mTo->bbGetInputType(mInput))
00458                               <<"> : no adaptor available and run-time up and down cast failed");
00459                   }
00460                 mTo->bbBruteForceSetInputPointer(mInput, nptr, false);
00461               }
00462             // 4) Nothing worked : error
00463             else 
00464               {
00465                 bbtkError("Connection '"<<GetFullName()<<"' "
00466                           <<"no adaptor found to convert <"
00467                           <<HumanTypeName(mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput).type())
00468                           <<"> to <"
00469                           <<HumanTypeName(mTo->bbGetInputType(mInput))<<">");
00470               }
00471           }
00472       }
00473     // EO : mFromAny && ! mToAny
00474     // Default case : types are the same; we use simple get-set
00475     else 
00476       {
00477         // LG : Connection Update does not set mTo as modified
00478         mTo->bbSetInput(mInput, mFrom->bbGetOutput(mOutput),false);
00479       }
00481   }
00482   //==================================================================
00484   //==================================================================
00486   void Connection::SetModifiedStatus()
00487   {
00488     bbtkDebugMessage("modified",2,
00489                      "==> Connection::SetModifiedStatus() ["
00490                      <<GetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
00492     if (mAdaptor) mAdaptor->bbSetModifiedStatus();
00494     mTo->bbSetModifiedStatus(  mTo->bbGetInputConnectorMap().find(mInput)->second );
00496     /*
00497     bbtkDebugMessage("modified",2,
00498                      "==> Connection::SetModifiedStatus() ["
00499                      <<GetFullName()<<"]"<<std::endl);
00500     */
00501   }
00502   //==================================================================
00505   //==================================================================
00506   std::string Connection::GetFullName() const {
00507     if (mFrom && mTo) 
00508       {
00509         std::string res = mFrom->bbGetName()+"."+mOutput+"--"
00510           +mTo->bbGetName()+"."+mInput;
00511         if ((!mOriginalFrom.expired()) && (!mOriginalTo.expired()) &&
00512             ((mFrom!=mOriginalFrom.lock())||(mTo!=mOriginalTo.lock())))
00513           {
00514             res += "("+mOriginalFrom.lock()->bbGetName()
00515               +"."+mOriginalOutput+"--"
00516               + mOriginalTo.lock()->bbGetName()+"."+mOriginalInput+")";
00517           }
00518         return res;
00519       }
00520     return "***Invalid Connection***";
00521   }
00522   //==================================================================
00524   //==================================================================
00525   void Connection::Check() const
00526   {
00527     bbtkMessage("debug",1,"** Checking Connection "<<(void*)this<<" ["<<GetFullName()<<"]"
00528                 <<std::endl);
00529     if (mFrom==0) 
00530       {
00531         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - From = 0"<<std::endl);
00532       }
00533     else
00534       {
00535         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - From : "<<mFrom->bbGetFullName()<<std::endl);
00536         if (!mFrom->bbHasOutput(mOutput))
00537           {
00538             bbtkError("** Checking Connection "<<(void*)this
00539                        <<" ["<<GetFullName()<<"] : "
00540                       << mFrom->bbGetFullName()<<" does not have output '"
00541                       <<mOutput<<"'");
00542           }     
00543         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - From : Output '"<<mOutput<<"' exists"<<std::endl);
00544         BlackBox::OutputConnectorMapType::const_iterator i 
00545           = mFrom->bbGetOutputConnectorMap().find(mOutput);
00546         if (i== mFrom->bbGetOutputConnectorMap().end())
00547           {
00548              bbtkError("** Checking Connection "<<(void*)this
00549                        <<" ["<<GetFullName()<<"] : "
00550                        <<mFrom->bbGetFullName()<<" output '"
00551                        <<mOutput<<"' is not in OutputConnectorMap");
00552           }
00553         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - From : Output '"<<mOutput
00554                     <<"' is in OutputConnectorMap"<<std::endl);
00556         std::vector< Connection* >::const_iterator j;
00557         /*
00558         for (j  = i->second->GetConnectionVector().begin();
00559              j != i->second->GetConnectionVector().end();
00560              ++j)
00561           {
00562             if ((*j)==this) break;
00563           }
00564         */
00565         j = find(i->second->GetConnectionVector().begin(),
00566                  i->second->GetConnectionVector().end(),
00567                  this);
00569         if (j==i->second->GetConnectionVector().end())
00570           {
00571             bbtkError("** Checking Connection "<<(void*)this
00572                       <<" ["<<GetFullName()<<"] : "
00573                       << "Connection ["<<GetFullName()<<"] : "
00574                       <<" OutputConnector '"
00575                       <<mOutput<<"' of "<<mFrom->bbGetFullName()
00576                       <<" does not point to this connection");
00578           }
00579         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - From : This connection is in OutputConnector connection vector"<<std::endl);
00580         bbtkMessage("debug",2," * Box from : Check successfull"<<std::endl);
00582       }
00584     if (mTo==0) 
00585       {
00586         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - To   = 0"<<std::endl);
00587       }
00588     else
00589       {
00590         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - To   : "<<mTo->bbGetName()<<std::endl);
00591         //      std::cout << mTo << std::endl;
00592         //      std::cout << mTo->bbGetDescriptor() << std::endl;
00593         //      std::cout << mTo->bbGetDescriptor()->GetTypeName() << std::endl;
00594         //      mTo->bbGetFullName();
00595         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - To   : "<<mTo->bbGetFullName()<<std::endl);
00596         if (!mTo->bbHasInput(mInput))
00597           {
00598             bbtkError("** Checking Connection "<<(void*)this
00599                       <<" ["<<GetFullName()<<"] : "
00600                       <<mTo->bbGetFullName()<<" does not have input '"
00601                       <<mInput<<"'");
00602           }     
00603         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - To   : Input '"<<mInput<<"' exists"<<std::endl);
00604         BlackBox::InputConnectorMapType::const_iterator i 
00605           = mTo->bbGetInputConnectorMap().find(mInput);
00606         if (i== mTo->bbGetInputConnectorMap().end())
00607           {
00608              bbtkError("** Checking Connection "<<(void*)this
00609                        <<" ["<<GetFullName()<<"] : "
00610                        <<mTo->bbGetFullName()<<" input '"
00611                        <<mInput<<"' is not in InputConnectorMap");
00612           }
00613         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - To   : Input '"<<mInput
00614                     <<"' is in InputConnectorMap"<<std::endl);
00616         if (i->second->GetConnection()==0)
00617           {
00618             bbtkError("** Checking Connection "<<(void*)this
00619                       <<" ["<<GetFullName()<<"] : "
00620                       <<"Connection "<<GetFullName()<<" : "
00621                       <<" InputConnector '"
00622                       <<mInput<<"' of "<<mTo->bbGetFullName()
00623                       <<" does not point to this connection");
00625           }
00626         bbtkMessage("debug",2," - To   : This connection is in InputConnector connection vector"<<std::endl);
00627         bbtkMessage("debug",2," * Box to   : Check successfull"<<std::endl);
00629       }
00630   }
00631   //==================================================================
00632  //==========================================================================
00633   std::string Connection::GetObjectName() const
00634   {
00635     std::string s("Connection '");
00636     s += GetFullName();
00637     s += "'";
00638     return s;
00639   }
00640   //==========================================================================
00642   //==========================================================================
00643   std::string  Connection::GetObjectInfo() const 
00644   {
00645     std::stringstream i;
00646     return i.str();
00647   }
00648   //==========================================================================
00650  //==========================================================================
00651 size_t  Connection::GetObjectSize() const 
00652 {
00653   size_t s = Superclass::GetObjectSize();
00654   s += Connection::GetObjectInternalSize();
00655   return s;
00656   }
00657   //==========================================================================
00658   //==========================================================================
00659 size_t  Connection::GetObjectInternalSize() const 
00660 {
00661   size_t s = sizeof(Connection);
00662   return s;
00663   }
00664   //==========================================================================
00665   //==========================================================================
00666   size_t  Connection::GetObjectRecursiveSize() const 
00667   {
00668     size_t s = Superclass::GetObjectRecursiveSize();
00669     s += Connection::GetObjectInternalSize();
00670     return s;
00671   }
00672   //==========================================================================
00674 }// namespace bbtk

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