src Directory Reference



directory  cmake
directory  ThirdParty


file  bbtkAny.cxx [code]
file  bbtkAny.h [code]
 Defines the class any which can store any type of data (adapted from boost::any).
file  bbtkAtomicBlackBox.cxx [code]
 class bbtk::AtomicBlackBox : abstract user defined black boxes
file  bbtkAtomicBlackBox.h [code]
 class bbtk::AtomicBlackBox : ancestor of all user defined (concrete) black boxes which are atomic (vs. complex boxes which are made up of other (atomic or complex) boxes).
file  bbtkAtomicBlackBoxDescriptor.cxx [code]
file  bbtkAtomicBlackBoxDescriptor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::AtomicBlackBoxDescriptor : structure containing the description of a AtomicBlackBox input (name, description, type, functor).
file  bbtkAtomicBlackBoxGetSetFunctor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::AtomicBlackBoxGetFunctor / Class bbtk::AtomicBlackBoxSetFunctor : abstract functors of the Get and Set accessors of the inputs and outputs of a AtomicBlackBox ; Concrete derivatives.
file  bbtkAtomicBlackBoxInputDescriptor.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::AtomicBlackBoxInputDescriptor : structure containing the description of a AtomicBlackBox input (name, description, type, functor).
file  bbtkAtomicBlackBoxInputDescriptor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::AtomicBlackBoxInputDescriptor : structure containing the description of a AtomicBlackBox input (name, description, type, functor).
file  bbtkAtomicBlackBoxMacros.h [code]
 Defines macros for the creation of new user black boxes.
file  bbtkAtomicBlackBoxOutputDescriptor.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::AtomicBlackBoxOutputDescriptor : structure containing the description of a AtomicBlackBox output (name, description, type, functor).
file  bbtkAtomicBlackBoxOutputDescriptor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::AtomicBlackBoxOutputDescriptor : structure containing the description of a AtomicBlackBox output (name, description, type, functor).
file  bbtkBlackBox.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBox : abstract black-box interface.
file  bbtkBlackBox.h [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBox : abstract black-box interface.
file  bbtkBlackBoxDescriptor.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBoxDescriptor : (abstract) describes a BlackBox (name, description, author) and is able to create an instance of it.
file  bbtkBlackBoxDescriptor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBoxDescriptor : (abstract) describes of a BlackBox (name, description, author) and is able to create an instance of it.
file  bbtkBlackBoxInputConnector.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBoxInputConnector :.
file  bbtkBlackBoxInputConnector.h [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBoxInputConnector :.
file  bbtkBlackBoxInputDescriptor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBoxInputDescriptor : abstract descriptor of an input of a black box.
file  bbtkBlackBoxInputOutputDescriptor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBoxInputOutputDescriptor : abstract descriptor of an input or an output of a black box (has a name, description, type and nature).
file  bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBoxOutputConnector :.
file  bbtkBlackBoxOutputConnector.h [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBoxOutputConnector :.
file  bbtkBlackBoxOutputDescriptor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::BlackBoxOutputDescriptor : abstract descriptor of an output of a black box (stores a name, a description and type).
file  bbtkComplexBlackBox.cxx [code]
 class bbtk::ComplexBlackBox : user defined complex black boxes
file  bbtkComplexBlackBox.h [code]
 class bbtk::ComplexBlackBox : user defined complex black boxes
file  bbtkComplexBlackBoxDescriptor.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::ComplexBlackBoxDescriptor : describes a ComplexBlackBox (constituents, connections) and is able to create an instance of it.
file  bbtkComplexBlackBoxDescriptor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::ComplexBlackBoxDescriptor : describes a ComplexBlackBox (constituents, connections) and is able to create an instance of it.
file  bbtkComplexBlackBoxInputDescriptor.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::ComplexBlackBoxInputDescriptor : structure containing the description of a ComplexBlackBox input (name, description, type, mapping).
file  bbtkComplexBlackBoxInputDescriptor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::ComplexBlackBoxInputDescriptor : structure containing the description of a ComplexBlackBox input (name, description, type, mapping).
file  bbtkComplexBlackBoxOutputDescriptor.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::ComplexBlackBoxOutputDescriptor : structure containing the description of a ComplexBlackBox output (name, description, type, mapping).
file  bbtkComplexBlackBoxOutputDescriptor.h [code]
 Class bbtk::ComplexBlackBoxOutputDescriptor : structure containing the description of a ComplexBlackBox output (name, description, type, mapping).
file  bbtkConfigurationFile.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::ConfigurationFile.
file  bbtkConfigurationFile.h [code]
 Class bbtk::ConfigurationFile.
file  bbtkConnection.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::Connection.
file  bbtkConnection.h [code]
 Class bbtk::Connection.
file  bbtkData.h [code]
 Defines Data and DataInfo.
file  bbtkDynamicLibraryHandling.h [code]
 Dynamic library loading stuff (OS dependent).
file  bbtkException.h [code]
 class Exception:generic class for throwing any exception (header)
file  bbtkExecuter.cxx [code]
 class Executer: level 0 of script execution (code)
file  bbtkExecuter.h [code]
 class Executer: level 0 of script execution (header)
file  bbtkFactory.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::Factory : can load and unload dynamic libraries containing black boxes packages and create instances of the black boxes registered in the packages loaded.
file  bbtkFactory.h [code]
 Class bbtk::Factory : can load and unload dynamic libraries containing black boxes packages and create instances of the black boxes registered in the packages loaded.
file  bbtkInterpreter.cxx [code]
 class Interpreter :
file  bbtkInterpreter.h [code]
 class Interpreter : The bbtk language interpreter
file  bbtkItkBlackBoxMacros.h [code]
 Defines macros for the creation of itk object inherited black boxes.
file  bbtkMessageManager.cxx [code]
 class MessageManager : Manages the messages displayed by bbtk (code)
file  bbtkMessageManager.h [code]
 Class bbtkMessageManager and Macros for outputing messages in bbtk.
file  bbtkObject.cxx [code]
file  bbtkObject.h [code]
 Object : the top class of bbtk class hierarchy.
file  bbtkPackage.cxx [code]
 Class bbtk::Package : registers black boxes descriptors and is able to create instances of the black boxes registered.
file  bbtkPackage.h [code]
 Class bbtk::Package : registers black boxes descriptors and is able to create instances of the black boxes registered.
file  bbtkRTTI.cxx [code]
file  bbtkRTTI.h [code]
 RTTI tools (system dependent).
file  bbtkSystem.cxx [code]
file  bbtkSystem.h [code]
 contains all the OS depending stuff
file  bbtkTranscriptor.cxx [code]
 class Transcriptor: level 0 of script execution (code)
file  bbtkTranscriptor.h [code]
 class Transcriptor: level 0 of script C++ translation (header)
file  bbtkTypeMapping.h [code]
file  bbtkUtilities.cxx [code]
file  bbtkUtilities.h [code]
 struct bbtk::Utilities : various usefull methods
file  bbtkVirtualExec.cxx [code]
file  bbtkVirtualExec.h [code]
 class VirtualExec: level 0 of script execution (header)
file  bbtkVtkBlackBoxMacros.h [code]
 Defines macros for the creation of vtk object inherited black boxes.
file  bbtkWx.cxx [code]
file  bbtkWx.h [code]
file  bbtkWxBlackBox.cxx [code]
file  bbtkWxBlackBox.h [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUICommand.cxx [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUICommand.h [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIConsole.h [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIHtmlBrowser.cxx [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIHtmlBrowser.h [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIOutputMessages.cxx [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIOutputMessages.h [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser.cxx [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser.h [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.cxx [code]
file  bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.h [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxGUITextEditor.h [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkWxStreamRedirector.h [code]
 Short description in one line.
file  bbtkXML.h [code]
file  xmlParser.h [code]

Generated on Wed Nov 12 11:39:08 2008 for BBTK by  doxygen 1.5.6