bbtk::WxGUIConsole Class Reference

A console in which user can enter commands. More...

#include <bbtkWxGUIConsole.h>

Inheritance diagram for bbtk::WxGUIConsole:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for bbtk::WxGUIConsole:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 WxGUIConsole (wxWindow *parent, wxString title, wxSize size)
 ~WxGUIConsole ()
Interpreter::Pointer GetInterpreter () const
 Returns the Interpreter used (const).
void SetInputs (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &m)
void SetNoExecMode (bool b)
void SetDialogMode (Interpreter::DialogModeType t)
bool InterpretFile (const std::string &filename)
 Runs the interpretation of a file.
void OnMenuQuit (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnMenuAbout (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnMenuEditConfig (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuCreatePackage (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuCreateBlackBox (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuShowImageGraph (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuShowHTMLDoc (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuCreateIndex (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnButtonRun (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
bool InterpreterUserHasOwnHtmlPageViewer ()
void InterpreterUserViewHtmlPage (const std::string &)
void WxGUICommandEnter (const std::string &)
 Callback invoked when a command is entered in the WxGUICommand.
virtual bool Show (bool show=true)
void OnWxSignal ()

Private Attributes

wxAuiManager m_mgr
Interpreter::Pointer mInterpreter
wxAuiNotebook * mwxNotebook
wxPanel * mwxPageCommand
wxPanel * mwxPageHelp
wxButton * mwxButtonRun

Detailed Description

A console in which user can enter commands.

Definition at line 70 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

bbtk::WxGUIConsole::WxGUIConsole ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxString  title,
wxSize  size 

Definition at line 77 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

References _T, bbtkAddWxSignalObserver, bbtk::ID_Button_Run, bbtk::ID_Menu_About, bbtk::ID_Menu_CreateBlackBox, bbtk::ID_Menu_CreateIndex, bbtk::ID_Menu_CreatePackage, bbtk::ID_Menu_EditConfig, bbtk::ID_Menu_Quit, bbtk::ID_Menu_ShowHTMLDoc, bbtk::ID_Menu_ShowImageGraph, m_mgr, mInterpreter, mwxButtonRun, mWxGUICommand, mWxGUIHtmlBrowser, mWxGUIOutputMessages, mwxNotebook, mwxPageCommand, and mwxPageHelp.

00078     : wxFrame((wxFrame *)parent, -1, title, wxDefaultPosition, size)
00079   {     
00080 //    m_mgr = new wxAuiManager(this);
00081         m_mgr.SetManagedWindow(this);
00083         mInterpreter = bbtk::Interpreter::New();
00084     mInterpreter->SetUser(this);
00085     mInterpreter->SetCommandLine(true);
00086     mInterpreter->SetThrow(false);
00087     //==============
00088     // Menu
00089     wxInitAllImageHandlers();
00091     wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu;
00092     menuFile->Append( ID_Menu_Quit, _T("&Quit") );
00094     wxMenu *menuAbout = new wxMenu;
00095     menuAbout->Append( ID_Menu_About, _T("&About...") );
00097     wxMenu *menuTools = new wxMenu;
00098     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_EditConfig, _T("&Edit bbtk config") );
00099     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_CreatePackage, _T("Create &package") );
00100     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_CreateBlackBox, _T("Create &blackbox") );
00101     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_ShowImageGraph, _T("&Show last image graph") );
00102     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_ShowHTMLDoc, _T("Show &HTML documentation") );
00103     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_CreateIndex, _T("&Generate index") );
00106     wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
00107     menuBar->Append( menuFile, _T("&File") );
00108     menuBar->Append( menuTools, _T("&Tools") );
00109     menuBar->Append( menuAbout, _T("About") );
00111     SetMenuBar( menuBar );
00113     CreateStatusBar();
00114     SetStatusText( _T("Welcome to bbi !") );
00116     //==============
00117     // Notebook
00119     //    wxFlexGridSizer *sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1);
00121 //EED    wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
00122 //    mwxNotebook = new wxNotebook(this,-1,wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0);
00123     mwxNotebook = new wxAuiNotebook(this,  
00124                                     -1,
00125                                     wxPoint(0, 0),
00126                                     wxSize(500,500),
00127                                     wxAUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT | wxAUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE | wxNO_BORDER);
00129     mwxPageCommand = new wxPanel(mwxNotebook,-1);        
00130     mwxPageHelp = new wxPanel(mwxNotebook,-1);    
00133     wxBoxSizer *cmdsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
00135     mwxPageCommand->SetAutoLayout(true);    
00136     mwxPageCommand->SetSizer(cmdsizer);
00137     cmdsizer->Fit(mwxPageCommand);
00138     cmdsizer->SetSizeHints(mwxPageCommand);
00140     wxBoxSizer *helpsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
00142     mwxPageHelp->SetAutoLayout(true);    
00143     mwxPageHelp->SetSizer(helpsizer);
00144     helpsizer->Fit(mwxPageHelp);
00145     helpsizer->SetSizeHints(mwxPageHelp);
00147     mWxGUIHtmlBrowser = new WxGUIHtmlBrowser(mwxPageHelp,
00148                                              //EED                                wxSize(1200,0));
00149                                              wxSize(200,0));
00151     //    mWxGUIHtmlBrowser->SetSize(wxSize(800,1000));
00152     helpsizer->Add (mWxGUIHtmlBrowser,1, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 5  );
00153 //    helpsizer->Add ( new wxButton(mwxPageHelp,-1,"perro"), 0,  wxEXPAND  );
00154     wxBitmap bmp_run(cc_run_xpm);
00155     mwxButtonRun = new wxBitmapButton( mwxPageHelp,ID_Button_Run,bmp_run);//_T("Run")  );
00156     helpsizer->Add( mwxButtonRun, 0, wxALL, 5  );
00159     //==============
00160     // Command page 
00161     mWxGUIOutputMessages = new WxGUIOutputMessages(mwxPageCommand);
00163     mWxGUICommand = new WxGUICommand(mwxPageCommand,this);
00165     mWxGUICommand->SetFocus();
00167     cmdsizer->Add (mWxGUIOutputMessages, 1, wxALL | wxGROW, 5);
00168     cmdsizer->Add (mWxGUICommand, 0, wxALL | wxGROW, 5);
00171     // Set the parent window of all bbtk windows as a child of this
00172     bbtk::Wx::SetTopWindowParent(this);
00173     // Top Window Auto Destroys when no more black box window alive 
00174     // : this is the default 
00175     //    bbtk::Wx::SetAutoDestroyTopWindow(true);
00176     // Add the method OnWxSignal as a Wx::Signal observer 
00177     bbtkAddWxSignalObserver(WxGUIConsole::OnWxSignal);
00180     // Layout
00181 //EED    SetSizer(sizer);
00183     mwxNotebook->AddPage( mwxPageCommand, _T("Command"));
00184     mwxNotebook->AddPage( mwxPageHelp, _T("Help"));
00185     m_mgr.AddPane(mwxNotebook, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("notebook_content")).CenterPane().PaneBorder(false)); 
00186     m_mgr.Update();
00188     SetAutoLayout(true);
00189     Layout();
00190 //    Refresh();
00191 //    m_mgr.Update();
00192   }

bbtk::WxGUIConsole::~WxGUIConsole (  ) 

Definition at line 196 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

References m_mgr.

00197   {
00198     m_mgr.UnInit();
00199   }

Member Function Documentation

Interpreter::Pointer bbtk::WxGUIConsole::GetInterpreter (  )  const [inline]

Returns the Interpreter used (const).


Definition at line 83 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

00083 { return mInterpreter; }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::SetInputs ( const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  m  )  [inline]

Sets the inputs of the workspace : the map is passed as is to the Executer

Definition at line 87 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

00088     { mInterpreter->SetInputs(m); }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::SetNoExecMode ( bool  b  )  [inline]

Puts the executer in "no exec" mode, which creates but does not execute pipelines.

Definition at line 92 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

00092 { mInterpreter->SetNoExecMode(b); }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::SetDialogMode ( Interpreter::DialogModeType  t  )  [inline]

Definition at line 94 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

00095     { mInterpreter->SetDialogMode(t); }

bool bbtk::WxGUIConsole::InterpretFile ( const std::string &  filename  ) 

Runs the interpretation of a file.

Runs the interpretation of a file Returns false on error

Definition at line 230 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

References mInterpreter.

00231   { 
00232     if ( mInterpreter->InterpretFile(filename) ==
00233          Interpreter::Interpreter_ERROR ) 
00234       {
00235         return false;
00236       }
00237     return true;
00238   }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::OnMenuQuit ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::OnMenuAbout ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::OnMenuEditConfig ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 289 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

00290   {
00291         std::string commandStr;
00292     std::string configFile = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_config_xml_full_path();
00293 #ifdef WIN32
00294         commandStr = "notepad.exe ";
00295 #else
00296         commandStr = "gedit ";
00297 #endif 
00298         commandStr = commandStr + configFile;
00299         std::cout << "system: " << commandStr << std::endl;
00300         system ( commandStr.c_str() );
00301   }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::OnMenuCreatePackage ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 306 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

References bbtkMessage.

00307   {
00308     std::string command("toolsbbtk/appli/GUICreatePackage");
00310     bbtkMessage("Debug",1,"Executing : '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
00311     Interpreter::Pointer I = Interpreter::New();    
00312     I->InterpretFile(command);
00313   }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::OnMenuCreateBlackBox ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 318 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

References bbtkMessage.

00319   {
00320     std::string command("toolsbbtk/appli/GUICreateBlackBox");
00321     bbtkMessage("Debug",1,"Executing : '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
00322     Interpreter::Pointer I = Interpreter::New();    
00323     I->InterpretFile(command);
00324   }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::OnMenuShowImageGraph ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 328 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

00329   {
00330     std::string default_temp_dir = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_default_temp_dir();
00332 #if defined(WIN32)
00333     std::string strappli="start ";
00334 #else
00335     std::string strappli="gnome-open ";
00336 #endif
00337     std::string strcommand0 = "cd \"" + default_temp_dir+"/temp_dir/" +"\"";
00338     std::string strcommand1 = strappli + "workspace_workspacePrototype.png";
00339     std::string strcommand = strcommand0 + " && " + strcommand1;
00340         std::cout << "system: " << strcommand << std::endl;
00341     system ( strcommand.c_str() );
00343   }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::OnMenuShowHTMLDoc ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 347 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

00348   {
00349         std::string doc_path            = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_doc_path();
00351 #if defined(WIN32)
00352     std::string strappli="start ";
00353 #else
00354     std::string strappli="gnome-open ";
00355 #endif
00356     std::string strcommand0 = "cd \"" + doc_path+"\"";
00357     std::string strcommand1 = strappli + "index.html";
00358     std::string strcommand = strcommand0 + " && " + strcommand1;
00359         std::cout << "system: " << strcommand << std::endl;
00360     system ( strcommand.c_str() );
00362   }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::OnMenuCreateIndex ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 368 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

00369   {
00370 /*
00371     std::string doc_path = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_doc_path();
00372     std::string filepath = doc_path+"/bbdoc/make-index.bbs";
00373     Interpreter* I = new Interpreter;    
00374     I->InterpretLine( "exec freeze");
00375     I->InterpretLine( "include *");
00376     I->InterpretLine( "help packages");
00377     I->InterpretLine( "index "+doc_path+"/bbdoc/index-alpha.html Initials");
00378     I->InterpretLine( "index "+doc_path+"/bbdoc/index-package.html Packages");
00379     I->InterpretLine( "index "+doc_path+"/bbdoc/index-category.html Categories");
00380     I->InterpretLine( "index "+doc_path+"/bbdoc/index-adaptors.html Adaptors");    
00381     delete I;
00382 */
00384         std::string bin_path            = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bin_path();
00385         std::string doc_path            = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_doc_path();
00386         std::string bbdoc_path          = doc_path+"/bbdoc";
00387     std::string make_index_path = "\"" + bbdoc_path+"/make-index.bbs\"";
00389         std::string strcommand0         = "cd "+bbdoc_path+" && mkdir tmp && cd tmp";
00391         std::string strcommand1         = "cd "+bbdoc_path+"/tmp";
00392     std::string strcommand2             = "\""+bin_path+"/bbi\" -N "+make_index_path;
00393 #ifdef WIN32 
00394     std::string strcommand3             = "move index*.html ../.";
00395 #else
00396     std::string strcommand3             = "mv index*.html ../.";
00397 #endif
00399         std::string strcommand          =       strcommand1 +" && "+
00400                                                                         strcommand2 +" && "+
00401                                                                         strcommand3;
00403         std::cout << "system: " << strcommand0 << std::endl;
00404         std::cout << "system: " << strcommand << std::endl;
00406         system ( strcommand0.c_str() );
00407         system ( strcommand.c_str() );
00408   }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::OnButtonRun ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 242 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

References _T, bbtk::WxGUIHtmlBrowser::GetCurrentPage(), mWxGUIHtmlBrowser, and bbtk::std2wx().

00243   {
00244 //    wxString temp = mWxGUIHtmlBrowser->GetCurrentPage();
00245     std::string filename = mWxGUIHtmlBrowser->GetCurrentPage();//wx2std(temp);
00246     size_t s = filename.length();
00248     Interpreter::Pointer I = Interpreter::New();
00250     if ((s>3) && (filename[s-1]=='s')
00251         && (filename[s-2]=='b')
00252         && (filename[s-3]=='b')
00253         && (filename[s-4]=='.'))
00254       {
00255         std::string tmp("Executing ");
00256         tmp += filename;
00257         SetStatusText(std2wx(tmp));
00258         I->InterpretFile(filename);
00259       }
00260     else
00261       {
00262         SetStatusText(_T("The current page is not a bbs file : cannot execute it"));
00263       }
00265   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool bbtk::WxGUIConsole::InterpreterUserHasOwnHtmlPageViewer (  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from bbtk::InterpreterUser.

Definition at line 115 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

00115 { return true; }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::InterpreterUserViewHtmlPage ( const std::string &  page  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from bbtk::InterpreterUser.

Definition at line 413 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

References bbtk::WxGUIHtmlBrowser::GoTo(), mWxGUIHtmlBrowser, and mwxNotebook.

00414   {
00415     std::string s(page);
00416     //  std::cout << "WxGUIConsole::ShowHtmlPage('"<<page<<"')"<<std::endl;
00417     if (mWxGUIHtmlBrowser->GoTo(s)) 
00418       {
00419 //EED   mwxNotebook->ChangeSelection(1);
00420         mwxNotebook->SetSelection(1);
00421       }
00422     else 
00423       {
00424          // std::cout << "ERROR html"<<std::endl;
00425       }
00426   } 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::WxGUICommandEnter ( const std::string &  command  )  [virtual]

Callback invoked when a command is entered in the WxGUICommand.

Reimplemented from bbtk::WxGUICommandUser.

Definition at line 214 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

References mInterpreter, mWxGUIOutputMessages, and bbtk::WxGUIOutputMessages::Print().

00215   {
00216     std::string s("> ");
00217     s += command + "\n";
00218     mWxGUIOutputMessages->Print(s,wxRED);
00220     if (  mInterpreter->InterpretLine( command ) == 
00221           Interpreter::Interpreter_QUIT )
00222       {
00223         Close(true); 
00224       }
00225   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool bbtk::WxGUIConsole::Show ( bool  show = true  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 431 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

00432   {
00433     bbtk::Wx::SetAutoDestroyTopWindow(!show);
00434     return wxFrame::Show(show);
00435   }

void bbtk::WxGUIConsole::OnWxSignal (  ) 

Definition at line 203 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.cxx.

References bbtkDebugMessage.

00204   {
00205     if ((!Wx::TopWindowExists())&&(!IsShown())) 
00206       {
00207         bbtkDebugMessage("wx",2,"  --> bbtk top window destroyed and WxGUIConsole not shown => destructing"<<std::endl);
00208         Close();
00209       }
00210   }

Member Data Documentation

wxAuiManager bbtk::WxGUIConsole::m_mgr [private]

Definition at line 127 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

Referenced by WxGUIConsole(), and ~WxGUIConsole().

Interpreter::Pointer bbtk::WxGUIConsole::mInterpreter [private]

Definition at line 128 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

Referenced by InterpretFile(), WxGUICommandEnter(), and WxGUIConsole().

wxAuiNotebook* bbtk::WxGUIConsole::mwxNotebook [private]

Definition at line 132 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

Referenced by InterpreterUserViewHtmlPage(), and WxGUIConsole().

wxPanel* bbtk::WxGUIConsole::mwxPageCommand [private]

Definition at line 133 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

Referenced by WxGUIConsole().

wxPanel * bbtk::WxGUIConsole::mwxPageHelp [private]

Definition at line 133 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

Referenced by WxGUIConsole().

WxGUICommand* bbtk::WxGUIConsole::mWxGUICommand [private]

Definition at line 135 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

Referenced by WxGUIConsole().

WxGUIOutputMessages* bbtk::WxGUIConsole::mWxGUIOutputMessages [private]

Definition at line 136 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

Referenced by WxGUICommandEnter(), and WxGUIConsole().

WxGUIHtmlBrowser* bbtk::WxGUIConsole::mWxGUIHtmlBrowser [private]

Definition at line 137 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

Referenced by InterpreterUserViewHtmlPage(), OnButtonRun(), and WxGUIConsole().

wxButton* bbtk::WxGUIConsole::mwxButtonRun [private]

Definition at line 139 of file bbtkWxGUIConsole.h.

Referenced by WxGUIConsole().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Wed Nov 12 11:38:57 2008 for BBTK by  doxygen 1.5.6