bbtk::WxGUITextEditor Class Reference

A text editor panel. More...

#include <bbtkWxGUITextEditor.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  {
  ID_ButtonNew, ID_ButtonOpen, ID_ButtonClose, ID_ButtonSave,
  ID_ButtonSaveAs, ID_ButtonRun

Public Member Functions

 WxGUITextEditor (wxWindow *parent, WxGUITextEditorUser *user=0)
 ~WxGUITextEditor ()
void OnKeyDown (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnKeyUp (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnToolLeftClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnToolRightClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnPageClose (wxAuiNotebookEvent &evt)
void New ()
void Open ()
void Open (const std::string &filename)
void SaveCurrentPage ()
bool CloseCurrentPage ()
bool CloseAllPages ()
void HighlightSyntax ()
void UpdateInfo ()
void NewPage (const std::string &filename)
WxGUITextEditorPageGetCurrentPage ()
void FocusOnCurrentPage ()
void SetFileNameFilter (const std::string &filter)

Private Attributes

wxNotebook * mwxNotebook
wxToolBar * mwxToolBar
wxStaticText * mwxPosition
std::string mFileNameFilter

Detailed Description

A text editor panel.

Definition at line 124 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum


Definition at line 172 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.h.

00173     {
00174       ID_ButtonNew,
00175       ID_ButtonOpen,
00176       ID_ButtonClose,
00177       ID_ButtonSave,
00178       ID_ButtonSaveAs,
00179       ID_ButtonRun
00180       //      ID_ButtonQuit
00181     };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::WxGUITextEditor ( wxWindow *  parent,
WxGUITextEditorUser user = 0 

Definition at line 270 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References _T, ID_ButtonClose, ID_ButtonNew, ID_ButtonOpen, ID_ButtonRun, ID_ButtonSave, ID_ButtonSaveAs, mwxNotebook, mwxPosition, mwxToolBar, NewPage(), and UpdateInfo().

00272     : wxPanel(parent, -1),
00273       mUser(user),
00274       mFileNameFilter("*.*")
00275   {
00276   //  m_mgr.SetManagedWindow(this);
00277                     //    wxInitAllImageHandlers();
00279         //  std::cout << "WxGUITextEditor::WxGUITextEditor"<<std::endl;
00281       wxBoxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
00283     mwxNotebook = new wxNotebook(this,-1,
00284                 wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 
00285                 wxNB_TOP 
00288                 );
00290    sizer->Add(mwxNotebook,1,wxGROW);
00293                 /*
00294    mwxNotebook =                new wxAuiNotebook(this,  
00295                                     -1,
00296                                     wxPoint(0, 0),
00297                                     wxSize(500,500),
00298                                     wxAUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT 
00299                                     | wxAUI_NB_TAB_MOVE
00300                                     | wxAUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE
00301                                     | wxAUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON
00302                                     |wxAUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS
00303                                     // | wxAUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON 
00304                                     | wxAUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB
00305                                     //| wxAUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS
00306                                     | wxNO_BORDER);
00308     m_mgr.AddPane(mwxNotebook,
00309                   wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("notebook"))
00310                   .Caption(wxT(""))
00311                   .CaptionVisible(false)
00312                   .MinimizeButton(false)
00313                   .MaximizeButton(false)
00314                   .CloseButton(false)
00315                   //              .Dockable(false).Float()
00316                   .Center()
00317                   .MinSize(wxSize(100,50))
00318                   );   
00319 */
00321     /*   
00322     wxBitmap bmp_new(cc_new_xpm);
00323     wxBitmap bmp_open(cc_open_xpm);
00324     wxBitmap bmp_close(cc_stop_xpm);
00325     wxBitmap bmp_save(cc_save_xpm);
00326     wxBitmap bmp_saveas(cc_save_as_xpm);
00327     wxBitmap bmp_run(cc_run_xpm);
00328     */
00329     wxBitmap bmp_new(new_xpm);
00330     wxBitmap bmp_open(fileopen_xpm);
00331     wxBitmap bmp_close(eldel_xpm);
00332     wxBitmap bmp_save(filesave_xpm);
00333     wxBitmap bmp_saveas(filesaveas_xpm);
00334     wxBitmap bmp_run(down_xpm);
00336     mwxToolBar = new wxToolBar(this, wxID_ANY, 
00337                                wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
00338                                wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_NODIVIDER);
00340     mwxToolBar->AddTool(ID_ButtonNew, _T("New"),
00341                      bmp_new, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
00342                      _T("New file"), _T("Create a new file"));
00343     mwxToolBar->AddTool(ID_ButtonOpen, _T("Open"),
00344                      bmp_open, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
00345                      _T("Open file"), _T("This is help for new file tool"));
00346     mwxToolBar->AddTool(ID_ButtonClose, _T("Close"),
00347                      bmp_close, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
00348                      _T("Close file"), _T("Close current file"));
00349     mwxToolBar->AddTool(ID_ButtonSave, _T("New"),
00350                      bmp_save, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
00351                      _T("Save file"), _T("Save current file"));
00352     mwxToolBar->AddTool(ID_ButtonSaveAs, _T("New"),
00353                      bmp_saveas, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
00354                      _T("Save file as"), _T("Save current file as"));
00355     mwxToolBar->AddTool(ID_ButtonRun, _T("Run"),
00356                      bmp_run, wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
00357                      _T("Run file"), _T("Run current file"));
00359     mwxToolBar->AddSeparator();
00360     mwxPosition = new wxStaticText ( mwxToolBar, -1, _T(""));
00361     mwxToolBar->AddControl(mwxPosition);
00362     mwxToolBar->Realize();
00364           sizer->Add(mwxToolBar,0,wxGROW);
00366         /*
00367     m_mgr.AddPane(mwxToolBar, 
00368                   wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("toolBar"))
00369                   .Caption(wxT(""))
00370                   .ToolbarPane()
00371                   .Bottom()
00372                   .MinSize(wxSize(100,50))
00373                   .LeftDockable(false).RightDockable(false)
00374                   );   
00375 */
00376   SetSizer(sizer);
00379 //    m_mgr.Update();
00380     SetAutoLayout(true);
00381     Layout();
00383     NewPage("");
00384     UpdateInfo();
00386   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::~WxGUITextEditor (  ) 

Definition at line 390 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

00391   {
00392   //  m_mgr.UnInit();
00394     //    delete mInterpreter;
00395   }

Member Function Documentation

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::OnKeyDown ( wxKeyEvent &  event  ) 

Definition at line 672 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References New(), Open(), and SaveCurrentPage().

Referenced by bbtk::WxTextCtrlGettingKeyEvents::OnKeyDown().

00673   {
00674      //   std::cout << "D" << std::endl;
00675     // std::cout << "Key="<<event.GetKeyCode()<<std::endl;
00676     if ( event.ControlDown() )
00677       {
00678         switch (event.GetKeyCode())
00679           {
00680           case 'n': case 'N' : New(); break;
00681           case 's': case 'S' : SaveCurrentPage(); break;
00682           case 'o': case 'O' : Open(); break;
00683             //    case 'r': case 'R' : Run(); break;
00684             //    case 'q': case 'Q' : Quit(); break;
00685           }
00686       }
00687   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::OnKeyUp ( wxKeyEvent &  event  ) 

Definition at line 664 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References UpdateInfo().

Referenced by bbtk::WxTextCtrlGettingKeyEvents::OnKeyUp().

00665   {
00666   //    std::cout << "U" << std::endl;
00667     UpdateInfo();
00668   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::OnToolLeftClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

Definition at line 433 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References CloseCurrentPage(), FocusOnCurrentPage(), GetCurrentPage(), ID_ButtonClose, ID_ButtonNew, ID_ButtonOpen, ID_ButtonRun, ID_ButtonSave, ID_ButtonSaveAs, mUser, mwxNotebook, New(), Open(), SaveCurrentPage(), bbtk::WxGUITextEditorPage::SetAskFilename(), and bbtk::WxGUITextEditorUser::WxGUITextEditorRun().

00434   {
00435     switch (event.GetId())
00436       {
00437       case ID_ButtonNew :
00438         New(); 
00439         FocusOnCurrentPage();
00440         break;
00441       case ID_ButtonOpen :
00442         Open(); 
00443         FocusOnCurrentPage();
00444         break;
00445       case ID_ButtonClose :
00446         CloseCurrentPage();
00447         break;
00448       case ID_ButtonSave :
00449         SaveCurrentPage();
00450         break;
00451       case ID_ButtonSaveAs :
00452         if (mwxNotebook->GetPageCount()==0) break;  
00453         GetCurrentPage()->SetAskFilename(true);
00454         SaveCurrentPage();
00455         break;
00456       case ID_ButtonRun :
00457         if ((mUser!=0) && (mwxNotebook->GetPageCount()>0)) 
00458           mUser->WxGUITextEditorRun();
00459         FocusOnCurrentPage();
00460         break;
00461       }
00462   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::OnToolRightClick ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

Definition at line 466 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

00467   {
00468   }

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::OnPageClose ( wxAuiNotebookEvent &  evt  ) 

Definition at line 573 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References CloseCurrentPage().

00574   {
00575     if (!CloseCurrentPage()) evt.Veto();
00576   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::New (  ) 

Definition at line 472 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References NewPage(), and UpdateInfo().

Referenced by OnKeyDown(), and OnToolLeftClick().

00473   {
00474     NewPage("");
00475     UpdateInfo();
00476   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::Open (  ) 

Definition at line 480 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References _T, mFileNameFilter, Open(), bbtk::std2wx(), and bbtk::wx2std().

Referenced by OnKeyDown(), OnToolLeftClick(), Open(), bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::Open(), and bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::WxGUIHtmlBrowserUserOnLinkClicked().

00481   {
00482     //    std::cout << "-------------- OPEN ---------------"<<std::endl;
00484     wxFileDialog* fd = new wxFileDialog(this,_T("Open file"),_T(""),
00485                                         _T(""),std2wx(mFileNameFilter),
00486                                         wxOPEN | wxFILE_MUST_EXIST );
00487     int result_fd = fd->ShowModal();
00489         // This line is need it by windows //EED
00490         fd->SetReturnCode( result_fd );
00492     if (fd->GetReturnCode()==wxID_OK)
00493       {
00494         std::string filename = wx2std(fd->GetPath());
00495         std::cout << "file [" << filename << "]" <<std::endl;
00496         Open(filename);
00497       }
00498     else 
00499       {
00500         //      std::cout << "-------------- CANCELLED ---------------"<<std::endl;
00501       }
00502   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::Open ( const std::string &  filename  ) 

Definition at line 506 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References NewPage(), and UpdateInfo().

00507   {
00508     NewPage(filename);
00509     UpdateInfo();
00510   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::SaveCurrentPage (  ) 

Definition at line 562 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References GetCurrentPage(), mFileNameFilter, mwxNotebook, bbtk::WxGUITextEditorPage::Save(), and bbtk::std2wx().

Referenced by OnKeyDown(), and OnToolLeftClick().

00563   {
00564     if (mwxNotebook->GetPageCount()==0) return;  
00565     GetCurrentPage()->Save(mFileNameFilter);
00566     mwxNotebook->SetPageText(mwxNotebook->GetSelection(),
00567                              std2wx(GetCurrentPage()->GetPageName()));
00568   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::CloseCurrentPage (  ) 

Definition at line 515 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References _T, FocusOnCurrentPage(), GetCurrentPage(), bbtk::WxGUITextEditorPage::IsModified(), mFileNameFilter, mwxNotebook, bbtk::WxGUITextEditorPage::Save(), and bbtk::std2wx().

Referenced by CloseAllPages(), OnPageClose(), and OnToolLeftClick().

00516   {
00517     if (mwxNotebook->GetPageCount()==0) return true;
00519     if (GetCurrentPage()->IsModified()) 
00520       {
00521         wxString mess = std2wx(GetCurrentPage()->GetPageName());
00522         mess += _T(" modified. Save it ?");
00523         wxMessageDialog* d = 
00524           new wxMessageDialog(this,
00525                               mess, 
00526                               _T("Save buffer"), 
00527                               wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxICON_QUESTION);
00528         switch (d->ShowModal())
00529           {
00530           case wxID_CANCEL : 
00531             return false;
00532             break;
00533           case wxID_YES : 
00534             GetCurrentPage()->Save(mFileNameFilter); 
00535             break;
00536           case wxID_NO : ;
00537           }       
00538       } 
00539     mwxNotebook->DeletePage(mwxNotebook->GetSelection());
00540     FocusOnCurrentPage();
00541     return true;
00542   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::CloseAllPages (  ) 

Definition at line 546 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References CloseCurrentPage(), and mwxNotebook.

00547   {
00548     bool ok = true;
00549     while (mwxNotebook->GetPageCount()!=0)
00550       {
00551         if (!CloseCurrentPage()) 
00552           {
00553             ok = false;
00554             break;
00555           }
00556       }
00557     return ok;
00558   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::HighlightSyntax (  ) 

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::UpdateInfo (  ) 

Definition at line 630 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References GetCurrentPage(), bbtk::WxGUITextEditorPage::GetPageName(), bbtk::WxGUITextEditorPage::GetTextCtrl(), mwxNotebook, mwxPosition, and bbtk::std2wx().

Referenced by New(), OnKeyUp(), Open(), and WxGUITextEditor().

00631   {
00632     if (mwxNotebook->GetPageCount()==0) return;
00633     WxTextCtrlGettingKeyEvents* text = GetCurrentPage()->GetTextCtrl();
00635     long line, column, pos;
00636     pos = text->GetInsertionPoint();
00637     text->PositionToXY(pos, &column, &line);
00640     //                wxLogMessage(_T("Current position: %ld\nCurrent line, column: (%ld, %ld)\nNumber of lines: %ld\nCurrent line length: %ld\nTotal text length: %u (%ld)"),
00643     char mess[200];
00644     sprintf(mess,"%ld:%ld/%ld:%ld",
00645             line+1,column+1,
00646             (long)text->GetNumberOfLines(),
00647             (long)text->GetLineLength(line)+1);
00648     //       pos+1,
00649     //       (long)mwxInputText->GetValue().length())+1;
00651    // mwxPosition->SetLabel(wxString(mess));
00652     mwxPosition->SetLabel(std2wx(mess));    
00653     mwxPosition->Show();
00655     if (text->IsModified()) 
00656       {
00657         std::string title("*");
00658         title += GetCurrentPage()->GetPageName();
00659         mwxNotebook->SetPageText(mwxNotebook->GetSelection(),std2wx(title));
00660       }
00661   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::NewPage ( const std::string &  filename  ) 

Definition at line 399 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References FocusOnCurrentPage(), bbtk::WxGUITextEditorPage::Load(), mwxNotebook, bbtk::WxGUITextEditorPage::SetPageName(), and bbtk::std2wx().

Referenced by New(), Open(), and WxGUITextEditor().

00400   {
00401    WxGUITextEditorPage* page = 
00402       new WxGUITextEditorPage(mwxNotebook,this);
00403     std::string name("untitled");
00404     if (filename.size()!=0) 
00405       {
00406         name = filename;
00407         page->Load(name);
00408       }
00409     page->SetPageName(name);
00410     std::string fname = Utilities::get_file_name(name);
00411     mwxNotebook->AddPage(page,std2wx(fname),true);
00412     FocusOnCurrentPage();
00413   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WxGUITextEditorPage * bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::GetCurrentPage (  ) 

Definition at line 417 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References mwxNotebook.

Referenced by CloseCurrentPage(), FocusOnCurrentPage(), OnToolLeftClick(), SaveCurrentPage(), UpdateInfo(), and bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::WxGUITextEditorRun().

00418   {
00419     return (WxGUITextEditorPage*)
00420       mwxNotebook->GetPage(mwxNotebook->GetSelection());
00421   }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::FocusOnCurrentPage (  ) 

Definition at line 425 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.cxx.

References GetCurrentPage(), and mwxNotebook.

Referenced by CloseCurrentPage(), NewPage(), and OnToolLeftClick().

00426   {
00427     if (mwxNotebook->GetPageCount()==0) return;
00428     GetCurrentPage()->SetFocus();    
00429   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::SetFileNameFilter ( const std::string &  filter  )  [inline]

Definition at line 154 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.h.

Referenced by bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::WxGUIScriptingInterface().

00155     { mFileNameFilter = filter; }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

WxGUITextEditorUser* bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::mUser [private]

Definition at line 158 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.h.

Referenced by OnToolLeftClick().

wxNotebook* bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::mwxNotebook [private]

wxToolBar* bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::mwxToolBar [private]

Definition at line 164 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.h.

Referenced by WxGUITextEditor().

wxStaticText* bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::mwxPosition [private]

Definition at line 166 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.h.

Referenced by UpdateInfo(), and WxGUITextEditor().

std::string bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::mFileNameFilter [private]

Definition at line 168 of file bbtkWxGUITextEditor.h.

Referenced by CloseCurrentPage(), Open(), and SaveCurrentPage().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Wed Nov 12 11:39:07 2008 for BBTK by  doxygen 1.5.6