[Dcmlib] DICOM filenames

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Mon Jun 7 16:48:04 CEST 2004


	J'ai une question concernant l'ecriture de fichiers DICOM: Comment 
est-ce que l'on doit generer les noms de fichiers ? Je n'arrive pas a 
trouver de ref dans la doc de D. Clunie.

	Sinon pdt que j'y pense est-ce que CREATIS a fais une demande d'UID DICOM ?

 >From David Clunie's DICOM webpages:


One can register the for a UID for free.

Free (anywhere):

To use SNMP one needs an Enterpise UID assigned by IANA, which is free
and may also be used for any other purpose that requires a UID root.

       * http://www.isi.edu/cgi-bin/iana/enterprise.pl to register
       * http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers to see the

You use the assigned enterprise number as xxxx in ""



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