inTag : Cardiac MRI tagging analysis toolbox - download

inTag v1.0 (3.3 M zip)

inTag is available as a plugin for OsiriX.
(inTag requirements: Mac OS X 10.5.x or 10.6.x (recommended)

You can freely download and test it on the following demonstration image-sets.
inTag without limitations (enabled to process and analyze your own datasets) is made available at no costs to collaborating academic researchers and/or clinicians. If you have any further questions or if you experience problems, please contact us.

Demonstration image-sets
-Normal case (4 series: 3 SA, 1 LA) 7.6M zip
(grid tagging, 7mm tag-spacing, 45° orientation)

Normal case (14 series: 12 SA, 2 LA) 29.3M zip
(grid tagging cspamm, 6mm tag-spacing, 0° orientation)

HCM patient (4 series: 3SA, 1 LA) 8.5M zip
(grid tagging cspamm, 6mm tag-spacing, 0° orientation)

Registration steps
1- First, fill-in the following Collaboration Form.
2- We send you back a Collaboration Agreement Form; you have to agree with the general and particular terms of the contract.
3- Once returned to us, you get a licence file for the registered computer.

Collaboration terms (particular conditions):
1-Providing ≥15 anonymized normal volunteers tagged-MR datasets (balanced over sex and age categories).
Indeed, one of the main objective of the next major release of inTag, is to include a built-in database of age- and sex- stratified normal strain values. This goal is only achievable if we pool data provided by collaborating sites.
2-Bibliographic references to inTag algorithm/software (see upcoming reference page);
3-Co-authorship of P.Croisille & P.Clarysse in the first two peer-reviewed scientific papers that will be published in indexed journals by your group using inTag as a post-processing tool.

I agree