Seminars - Examinations
Émissions codées simultanées en synthèse d'ouverture pour l'imagerie ultrasonore
l'amphithéâtre Claude Chappe du bâtiment Télécom.
Imagerie par corrĂ©lation : du CND au mĂ©dicalÂ
Patrice Masson
la salle Modesty Blaise, du bâtiment LdV.
Frequency-dependent F-number suppresses grating lobes and improves lateral resolution in plane-wave compoundingÂ
Mohamed Tamraoui
salle René Descartes, R+1 Ada Lovelace.
Apprentissage faiblement supervisé pour la caractérisation des emboles cérébraux à l'aide d'un dispositif de Doppler transcrânien (TCD)
l’Amphithéatre Emilie du Châtelet, 31 avenue Jean Capelle, Villeurbanne.
Weakly-supervised learning for emboli characterization with Transcranial Doppler (TCD) monitoring
Amphitheater Emilie du Châtelet de la bibliothèque Marie Curie
Dosimetry for 177Lu and 90Y radionuclide therapies through imaging and Monte Carlo simulations
Laure Vergnaud
dans les locaux du centre LĂ©on BĂ©rard, salle Requin Cheney D.
on weakly-supervised learning for emboli characterization with Transcranial Doppler (TCD) monitoring
a salle AE1, Bat GE INSA et par modalité zoom.
A visual–language foundation model for pathology image analysis using medical Twitter ; NISF: Neural Implicit Segmentation Functions.
Hang Jung Ling et Maylis Jouvencel
la salle Bellecour
DiffuseVAE: Uniting VAEs and Diffusion Models for PET/MRI Reconstruction
modalité zoom
Development of radiomic and radio genomic signatures to predict response to drug treatments
salle Prince Valliant du Bâtiment Verne.
Computational hyperspectral microscopy and machine learning enhanced spectroscopy
the Modesty Blaise room, ground floor of the Jules Verne building.
Computational hyperspectral microscopy and machine learning enhanced spectroscopy
the Modesty Blaise room, ground floor of the Jules Verne building.
Reconstruction error to generate vascular malformation pre-segmentation
Antoine Fraissenon
salle E110 dans le bâtiment INSA-GE
Mean teachers are better role models: Weight-averaged consistency targets improve semi-supervised deep learning results
Morgane des Ligneris
salle Bellecour CREATIS
subject and advances of their internship
Louise Bart, Amine Boukhari, Slim Hachicha et Axel Garcia
salle E110 dans le bâtiment INSA-GE.
Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) markers in lung tissue
Marie Muller
salle René Descartes, Bâtiment R+1 Ada Lovelace
Study of semiconductor detectors for the Compton Camera in nuclear medicine; Image reconstruction with motion compensation for single-pixel camera
Nicolas Daire-Raymond, Thomas Maitre
salle Lucky Luke (au RDC dans le labo DISP).
Shape-Aware Organ Segmentation by Predicting Signed Distance Maps,
Maylis Jouvencel
Salle Bellecour, CREATIS