bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2 Class Reference

A package browser panel. More...

#include <bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h>

Inheritance diagram for bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 WxGUIPackageBrowser2 (wxWindow *parent, WxGUIPackageBrowser2User *user=0)
 ~WxGUIPackageBrowser2 ()
void IncludeAll ()
void BuildFromFactory (Factory::Pointer f)
void RebuildList ()
bool IsVisible (BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer d)
void OnFilter (wxCommandEvent &)
void WxGUIBlackBoxListUserOnSelected (BlackBoxDescriptor *)

Private Attributes

wxAuiManager m_mgr
Interpreter::Pointer mInterpreter
Factory::Pointer mFactory
wxTextCtrl * mPackageFilter
wxTextCtrl * mNameFilter
wxTextCtrl * mDescriptionFilter
wxTextCtrl * mCategoryFilter
wxTextCtrl * mInputTypeFilter
wxTextCtrl * mOutputTypeFilter
wxTextCtrl * mInputNatureFilter
wxTextCtrl * mOutputNatureFilter
wxCheckBox * mShowWidgetsFilter
wxCheckBox * mShowAdaptorsFilter
wxCheckBox * mShowGUIsFilter

Detailed Description

A package browser panel.

Definition at line 193 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::WxGUIPackageBrowser2 ( wxWindow *  parent,
WxGUIPackageBrowser2User user = 0 

Definition at line 778 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.cxx.

References _T, bbtk::id_f1, bbtk::id_f2, bbtk::id_f3, bbtk::id_f4, bbtk::id_f5, bbtk::id_f6, bbtk::id_f7, bbtk::id_f8, bbtk::id_fc1, bbtk::id_fc2, bbtk::id_fc3, LIST_CTRL, m_mgr, mBoxInfo, mBoxList, mCategoryFilter, mDescriptionFilter, mInputNatureFilter, mInputTypeFilter, mNameFilter, mOutputNatureFilter, mOutputTypeFilter, mPackageFilter, mShowAdaptorsFilter, mShowGUIsFilter, mShowWidgetsFilter, and bbtk::WxGUIBlackBoxList::SetUser().

00780     : wxPanel(parent, -1),
00781       mUser(user),
00782       mInterpreter()
00783   {
00784     m_mgr.SetManagedWindow(this);
00786     //    wxBoxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
00787     mBoxList = new WxGUIBlackBoxList(this, LIST_CTRL,
00788                                      wxDefaultPosition,
00789                                      wxDefaultSize,
00790                                      wxLC_REPORT //wxLC_LIST
00791                                      | wxSUNKEN_BORDER);
00792     mBoxList->SetUser(this);
00793     mBoxList->SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE);
00795     m_mgr.AddPane(mBoxList,
00796                   wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("BoxList"))
00797                   .Caption(wxT("Black Boxes"))
00798                   .MinimizeButton(true)
00799                   .MaximizeButton(true)
00800                   .Center()
00801                   .MinSize(wxSize(100,100))
00802                   );     
00803     //    sizer->Add(mBoxList,5,wxGROW);
00805     mBoxInfo = new WxGUIBlackBoxInfo(this);
00806     //    sizer->Add(mBoxInfo,3,wxGROW);
00808     m_mgr.AddPane(mBoxInfo,
00809                   wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("Box"))
00810                   .Caption(wxT(""))
00811                   .MinimizeButton(true)
00812                   .MaximizeButton(true)
00813                   .Bottom()
00814                   .MinSize(wxSize(100,300))
00815                   );     
00818     wxPanel* filters = new wxPanel(this,-1);
00819     wxBoxSizer *fsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL );    
00820     wxBoxSizer *fpack = 
00821       new wxStaticBoxSizer
00822       ( new wxStaticBox(filters, wxID_ANY, _T("Package")), wxHORIZONTAL );    
00823     mPackageFilter = new wxTextCtrl(filters,id_f1,_T(""),
00824                                     wxDefaultPosition,
00825                                     wxDefaultSize,
00826                                     wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00827     fpack->Add(mPackageFilter,1,wxGROW);
00828     fsizer->Add(fpack,0,wxGROW);
00829     wxBoxSizer *fname = 
00830       new wxStaticBoxSizer
00831       ( new wxStaticBox(filters, wxID_ANY, _T("Name")), wxHORIZONTAL );    
00832     mNameFilter = new wxTextCtrl(filters,id_f2,_T(""),
00833                                     wxDefaultPosition,
00834                                     wxDefaultSize,
00835                                     wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00836     fname->Add(mNameFilter,1,wxGROW);
00837     fsizer->Add(fname,0,wxGROW);
00838     wxBoxSizer *fdescr = 
00839       new wxStaticBoxSizer
00840       ( new wxStaticBox(filters, wxID_ANY, _T("Description")), wxHORIZONTAL );
00841     mDescriptionFilter = new wxTextCtrl(filters,id_f3,_T(""),
00842                                     wxDefaultPosition,
00843                                     wxDefaultSize,
00844                                     wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00845     fdescr->Add(mDescriptionFilter,1,wxGROW);
00846     fsizer->Add(fdescr,0,wxGROW);
00847     wxBoxSizer *fcat = 
00848       new wxStaticBoxSizer
00849       ( new wxStaticBox(filters, wxID_ANY, _T("Category")), wxHORIZONTAL );    
00850     mCategoryFilter = new wxTextCtrl(filters,id_f4,_T(""),
00851                                     wxDefaultPosition,
00852                                     wxDefaultSize,
00853                                     wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00854     fcat->Add(mCategoryFilter,1,wxGROW);
00855     fsizer->Add(fcat,0,wxGROW);
00856     wxBoxSizer *fintype = 
00857       new wxStaticBoxSizer
00858       ( new wxStaticBox(filters, wxID_ANY, _T("Input type")), wxHORIZONTAL );
00859     mInputTypeFilter = new wxTextCtrl(filters,id_f5,_T(""),
00860                                     wxDefaultPosition,
00861                                     wxDefaultSize,
00862                                     wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00863     fintype->Add(mInputTypeFilter,1,wxGROW);
00864     fsizer->Add(fintype,0,wxGROW);
00865     wxBoxSizer *fouttype = 
00866       new wxStaticBoxSizer
00867       ( new wxStaticBox(filters, wxID_ANY, _T("Output type")), wxHORIZONTAL );
00868     mOutputTypeFilter = new wxTextCtrl(filters,id_f6,_T(""),
00869                                     wxDefaultPosition,
00870                                     wxDefaultSize,
00871                                     wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00872     fouttype->Add(mOutputTypeFilter,1,wxGROW);
00873     fsizer->Add(fouttype,0,wxGROW);
00874     wxBoxSizer *finnat = 
00875       new wxStaticBoxSizer
00876       ( new wxStaticBox(filters, wxID_ANY, _T("Input nature")),wxHORIZONTAL ); 
00877     mInputNatureFilter = new wxTextCtrl(filters,id_f7,_T(""),
00878                                         wxDefaultPosition,
00879                                         wxDefaultSize,
00880                                         wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00881     finnat->Add(mInputNatureFilter,1,wxGROW);
00882     fsizer->Add(finnat,0,wxGROW);
00883     wxBoxSizer *foutnat = 
00884       new wxStaticBoxSizer
00885       ( new wxStaticBox(filters, wxID_ANY,_T("Output nature")),wxHORIZONTAL ); 
00886     mOutputNatureFilter = new wxTextCtrl(filters,id_f8,_T(""),
00887                                         wxDefaultPosition,
00888                                         wxDefaultSize,
00889                                         wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER);
00890     foutnat->Add(mOutputNatureFilter,1,wxGROW);
00891     fsizer->Add(foutnat,0,wxGROW);
00894     mShowWidgetsFilter = new wxCheckBox(filters,id_fc1,_T("Show widgets"));
00895     mShowWidgetsFilter->SetValue(true);
00896     fsizer->Add(mShowWidgetsFilter,0,wxGROW);
00898     mShowAdaptorsFilter = new wxCheckBox(filters,id_fc2,_T("Show adaptors"));
00899     mShowAdaptorsFilter->SetValue(false);
00900     fsizer->Add(mShowAdaptorsFilter,0,wxGROW);
00902     mShowGUIsFilter = new wxCheckBox(filters,id_fc3,_T("Show GUIs"));
00903     mShowGUIsFilter->SetValue(false);
00904     fsizer->Add(mShowGUIsFilter,0,wxGROW);
00906     filters->SetSizer(fsizer);
00908     m_mgr.AddPane(filters,
00909                   wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("Filter"))
00910                   .Caption(wxT("Filter"))
00911                   .MinimizeButton(true)
00912                   .MaximizeButton(true)
00913                   .Right()
00914                   .MinSize(wxSize(100,100)) );
00918     //    sizer->Add(fsizer,1,wxGROW);
00919     m_mgr.Update();
00921     //    SetSizer(sizer);
00922     SetAutoLayout(true);
00923     Layout();
00925   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::~WxGUIPackageBrowser2 (  ) 

Definition at line 949 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.cxx.

References m_mgr, mFactory, and mInterpreter.

00950   {
00951     mFactory.reset();
00952     mInterpreter.reset();
00953     //    Object::PrintObjectListInfo("");
00954     m_mgr.UnInit();
00955   }

Member Function Documentation

void bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::IncludeAll (  ) 

Definition at line 959 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.cxx.

References BuildFromFactory(), and mInterpreter.

Referenced by WxGUIHelp::WxGUIHelp().

00960   {
00961     if (!mInterpreter) mInterpreter =bbtk::Interpreter::New();
00962     mInterpreter->SetCommandLine(true);
00963     std::stringstream* buf = new std::stringstream;
00964     *buf << "message max 0" << std::endl; 
00965     *buf << "include *" << std::endl;
00966     mInterpreter->InterpretBuffer(buf);
00968     Factory::Pointer F = mInterpreter->GetExecuter()->GetFactory();
00969     BuildFromFactory(F);
00970   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::BuildFromFactory ( Factory::Pointer  f  ) 

Definition at line 974 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.cxx.

References mFactory, and RebuildList().

Referenced by IncludeAll().

00975   {
00976     mFactory = F;
00977     RebuildList();
00978   }  

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::RebuildList (  ) 

Definition at line 982 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.cxx.

References bbtk::i, bbtk::WxGUIBlackBoxList::Insert(), IsVisible(), mBoxList, and mFactory.

Referenced by BuildFromFactory(), and OnFilter().

00983   {
00984     mBoxList->Hide();
00985     mBoxList->ClearAll();    
00987     const Factory::PackageMapType& M = mFactory->GetPackageMap();
00988     Factory::PackageMapType::const_iterator i;
00989     for (i=M.begin();i!=M.end();++i)
00990       {
00991         Package::Pointer P = i->second;
00992         if (P->GetName() == "user") continue;
00994         Package::BlackBoxMapType::iterator j;
00995         for (j=P->GetBlackBoxMap().begin();
00996              j!=P->GetBlackBoxMap().end();
00997              ++j)
00998           {
00999             //      std::cout << "Insert "<<j->second->GetTypeName()<<std::endl;
01000             if (IsVisible(j->second))
01001               mBoxList->Insert(j->second);
01002           }
01003       }
01004     mBoxList->Show();
01005   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::IsVisible ( BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer  d  ) 

Definition at line 1009 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.cxx.

References mCategoryFilter, mDescriptionFilter, mInputNatureFilter, mInputTypeFilter, mNameFilter, mOutputNatureFilter, mOutputTypeFilter, mPackageFilter, mShowAdaptorsFilter, mShowGUIsFilter, mShowWidgetsFilter, and bbtk::wx2std().

Referenced by RebuildList().

01010   {
01011     //    std::cout << "   '" << wx2std(mPackageFilter->GetValue())<<"'"<<std::endl;
01012     //    std::cout << "vs '" << d->GetPackage()->GetName() << "'"<<std::endl;
01013     if ((!mShowAdaptorsFilter->IsChecked())&&
01014         ((d->GetKind()==BlackBoxDescriptor::ADAPTOR)||
01015          (d->GetKind()==BlackBoxDescriptor::DEFAULT_ADAPTOR)))
01016       return false;
01017     if ((!mShowGUIsFilter->IsChecked())&&
01018         ((d->GetKind()==BlackBoxDescriptor::GUI)||
01019          (d->GetKind()==BlackBoxDescriptor::DEFAULT_GUI)))
01020       return false;
01021     if (d->GetPackage()->GetName().find( wx2std(mPackageFilter->GetValue()) ) 
01022         == std::string::npos ) return false;
01023    if (d->GetTypeName().find( wx2std(mNameFilter->GetValue()) ) 
01024         == std::string::npos ) return false;
01025    if (d->GetDescription().find( wx2std(mDescriptionFilter->GetValue()) ) 
01026         == std::string::npos ) return false;
01027    if (d->GetCategory().find( wx2std(mCategoryFilter->GetValue()) ) 
01028         == std::string::npos ) return false;
01029    if (!mShowWidgetsFilter->IsChecked())
01030      {
01031        bool found = false;
01032        const BlackBoxDescriptor::OutputDescriptorMapType& imap = 
01033          d->GetOutputDescriptorMap();
01034        BlackBoxDescriptor::OutputDescriptorMapType::const_iterator in;
01035        for ( in = imap.begin();  in != imap.end(); ++in ) 
01036          {
01037            if (in->second->GetName() == "Widget" )
01038              {
01039                found = true;
01040                break;
01041              }
01042          }
01043        if (found) return false;
01044      }
01045    if (mInputTypeFilter->GetValue().size()>0)
01046      {
01047        std::string s = wx2std(mInputTypeFilter->GetValue());
01048        bool found = false;
01049        const BlackBoxDescriptor::InputDescriptorMapType& imap = 
01050          d->GetInputDescriptorMap();
01051        BlackBoxDescriptor::InputDescriptorMapType::const_iterator in;
01052        for ( in = imap.begin();  in != imap.end(); ++in ) 
01053          {
01054            if (in->second->GetTypeName().find(s)!=std::string::npos)
01055              {
01056                found = true;
01057                break;
01058              }
01059          }
01060        if (!found) return false;
01061      }
01062    if (mOutputTypeFilter->GetValue().size()>0)
01063      {
01064        std::string s = wx2std(mOutputTypeFilter->GetValue());
01065        bool found = false;
01066        const BlackBoxDescriptor::OutputDescriptorMapType& imap = 
01067          d->GetOutputDescriptorMap();
01068        BlackBoxDescriptor::OutputDescriptorMapType::const_iterator in;
01069        for ( in = imap.begin();  in != imap.end(); ++in ) 
01070          {
01071            if (in->second->GetTypeName().find(s)!=std::string::npos)
01072              {
01073                found = true;
01074                break;
01075              }
01076          }
01077        if (!found) return false;
01078      }
01079    if (mInputNatureFilter->GetValue().size()>0)
01080      {
01081        std::string s = wx2std(mInputNatureFilter->GetValue());
01082        bool found = false;
01083        const BlackBoxDescriptor::InputDescriptorMapType& imap = 
01084          d->GetInputDescriptorMap();
01085        BlackBoxDescriptor::InputDescriptorMapType::const_iterator in;
01086        for ( in = imap.begin();  in != imap.end(); ++in ) 
01087          {
01088            if (in->second->GetNature().find(s)!=std::string::npos)
01089              {
01090                found = true;
01091                break;
01092              }
01093          }
01094        if (!found) return false;
01095      }
01096    if (mOutputNatureFilter->GetValue().size()>0)
01097      {
01098        std::string s = wx2std(mOutputNatureFilter->GetValue());
01099        bool found = false;
01100        const BlackBoxDescriptor::OutputDescriptorMapType& imap = 
01101          d->GetOutputDescriptorMap();
01102        BlackBoxDescriptor::OutputDescriptorMapType::const_iterator in;
01103        for ( in = imap.begin();  in != imap.end(); ++in ) 
01104          {
01105            if (in->second->GetNature().find(s)!=std::string::npos)
01106              {
01107                found = true;
01108                break;
01109              }
01110          }
01111        if (!found) return false;
01112      }
01114     return true;
01115   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::OnFilter ( wxCommandEvent &   ) 

Definition at line 929 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.cxx.

References RebuildList().

00930   {
00931     RebuildList();
00932   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::WxGUIBlackBoxListUserOnSelected ( BlackBoxDescriptor d  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from bbtk::WxGUIBlackBoxListUser.

Definition at line 938 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.cxx.

References bbtk::BlackBoxDescriptor::GetPackage(), bbtk::BlackBoxDescriptor::GetTypeName(), m_mgr, mBoxInfo, bbtk::std2wx(), and bbtk::WxGUIBlackBoxInfo::UpdateInfo().

00939   {
00940     mBoxInfo->UpdateInfo(d);
00941     std::string title = d->GetPackage()->GetName()+"::"+d->GetTypeName();
00942     m_mgr.GetPane(mBoxInfo).Caption(std2wx(title));
00943     m_mgr.Update();
00944   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

wxAuiManager bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::m_mgr [private]

WxGUIPackageBrowser2User* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mUser [private]

Definition at line 213 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Interpreter::Pointer bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mInterpreter [private]

Definition at line 214 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IncludeAll(), and ~WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

Factory::Pointer bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mFactory [private]

WxGUIBlackBoxList* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mBoxList [private]

Definition at line 216 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by RebuildList(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

WxGUIBlackBoxInfo* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mBoxInfo [private]

wxTextCtrl* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mPackageFilter [private]

Definition at line 219 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

wxTextCtrl* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mNameFilter [private]

Definition at line 220 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

wxTextCtrl* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mDescriptionFilter [private]

Definition at line 221 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

wxTextCtrl* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mCategoryFilter [private]

Definition at line 222 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

wxTextCtrl* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mInputTypeFilter [private]

Definition at line 223 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

wxTextCtrl* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mOutputTypeFilter [private]

Definition at line 224 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

wxTextCtrl* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mInputNatureFilter [private]

Definition at line 225 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

wxTextCtrl* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mOutputNatureFilter [private]

Definition at line 226 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

wxCheckBox* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mShowWidgetsFilter [private]

Definition at line 228 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

wxCheckBox* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mShowAdaptorsFilter [private]

Definition at line 229 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

wxCheckBox* bbtk::WxGUIPackageBrowser2::mShowGUIsFilter [private]

Definition at line 230 of file bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2.h.

Referenced by IsVisible(), and WxGUIPackageBrowser2().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Wed Nov 12 11:39:00 2008 for BBTK by  doxygen 1.5.6