French courses on neural network

The objective of this french course is to teach fundamental concepts of neural networks. The following points are covered:

  • context around neural network paradigm
  • mastery of the fundamental element: the neuron
  • neural networks with one hidden layer
  • multi-layers perceptron

French courses on deep learning

The objective of this french course is to teach fundamental concepts in deep learning. The following points are covered:

  • the basics of convolutional neural networks
  • fundamental notions in optimization, the goal being to understand the ADAM algorithm
  • deep learning architectures applied to the classification problem (AlexNet, VGG, GoogleNet, Resnet, DensNet)
  • deep learning architectures applied to the localization problem (R-CNN, RPN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN)
  • deep learning architectures applied to the segmentation problem (FCN, U-Net, E-Net, Mask R-CNN)
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3