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MUST Research Project Sport & Health Imaging Research

To reproduce at best the human tissue stress, our ultra-athletes performed the most extreme mountain trail, the "Tor des géants": 330km; 24000 meters elevation gain, where runners are faced to the most extreme physical conditions. This study take place in Courmayeur, Italy, and experiments were conducted in Sept 7-14th 2014.
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Our medical team of researchers, physiologists and biologists dedicated to research on human tissues carried out this research using a 1.5T MRI system. A mobile MRI and ultrasound system were located in this truly mobile research lab. in Courmayeur downtown (Piazzale Monte Bianco, next to the Movie Theater Complex) so that it was easily accessed by runners participating in this study as well as accessible to the public.
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We aim at implementing innovative imaging methods and quantification techniques, at testing and validating them in real conditions similar to those encountered on fragile acute patient, a population more difficult to include in clinical trail.