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gdcm Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
gdcm::ArgMgrClass designed for command line arguments management (to make programmer's live easier) NOT Dicom dependant (could be used for any kind of 'command line program')
gdcm::BaseBase class of all gdcm classes. Contains the Print related methods :
  • Print
  • SetPrintLevel / GetPrintLevel
gdcm::CallbackCommandCallbackCommand base class to react on a gdcm event
gdcm::CommandCommand base class to react on a gdcm event
gdcm::CommandManagerCommandManager base class to react on a gdcm event
gdcm::DataEntryAny Dicom Document (File or DicomDir, or ...) contains a set of DocEntry - Dicom entries - (when successfuly parsed against a given Dicom dictionary) DataEntry is an elementary DocEntry (as opposed to SeqEntry). Depending on the type of its content,
gdcm::DebugDebug is an object for warning/logging/tracing programs. It has the following modes :
  • error : for bad library use, seriously wrong DICOM
  • debug : for information/debug messages
  • warning : Warns the user when some oddity occured.
  • log : we display messages when anything is not Dicom Kosher
  • debug : we help developper to trace, at a glance, the execution
  • assert : design by contract implementation. A function should have proper input and proper output. (should not happen, not user controlled)
gdcm::DicomDirDicomDir defines an object representing a DICOMDIR in memory as a tree-like structure DicomDirPatient -> DicomDirStudy -> DicomDirSerie -> DicomDirImage
gdcm::DicomDirElementRepresents elements contained in a DicomDir class for the chained lists from the file 'Dicts/DicomDir.dic'
gdcm::DicomDirImageDescribes an IMAGE within a SERIE (DicomDirSerie) of a given DICOMDIR (DicomDir)
gdcm::DicomDirMetaMeta Elements (group 0002) of a DicomDir
gdcm::DicomDirObjectParent object for DicomDirPatient, DicomDirStudy, DicomDirSerie, DicomDirImage, of a DicomDir
gdcm::DicomDirPatientDescribes a PATIENT within a DICOMDIR (DicomDir)
gdcm::DicomDirSerieDescribes a SERIE within a within a STUDY (DicomDirStudy) of a given DICOMDIR (DicomDir)
gdcm::DicomDirStudyDescribes a STUDY within a within a PATIENT (DicomDirPatient) of a given DICOMDIR (DicomDir)
gdcm::DicomDirVisitDescribes a VISIT within a within a STUDY (DicomDirStudy) of a given DICOMDIR (DicomDir)
gdcm::DicomElementStructure, for internal use only
gdcm::DicomEntryDicomEntry is an element contained by the Dict. It contains :
  • the key referenced by the DICOM norm or the manufacturer(for private keys) i.e.
    • - the Group number
    • - the Element number
  • the VR (Value Representation)
  • the VM (Value Multiplicity)
  • the corresponding name in english
gdcm::DictDict acts a memory representation of a dicom dictionary i.e. it is a container for a collection of dictionary entries. The dictionary is loaded from in an ascii file. There should be a single public dictionary (THE dictionary of the actual DICOM v3) but as many shadow dictionaries as imagers combined with all software versions..
gdcm::DictEntryDictEntry in an element contained by the Dict. It contains :
  • the key referenced by the DICOM norm or the constructor (for private keys) i.e. the Group number the Element number
  • the VR (Value Representation)
  • the VM (Value Multiplicity)
  • the corresponding name in english
gdcm::DictGroupNameContainer for dicom 'Group Name' Hash Table. (formerly NIH defined ACR-NEMA group name)
gdcm::DictSetContainer for managing a set of loaded dictionaries (Dict)
gdcm::DirListList containing the file headers of all the 'gdcm readable' files found by exploring (possibely recursively) a root directory
gdcm::DocEntryThe dicom header of a Dicom file contains a set of such entries (when successfuly parsed against a given Dicom dictionary)
gdcm::DocEntryArchiveContainer It's goal is to change the File header correctly. At this time, the change is only made for the first level of the Document. In the future, it might consider Dicom Sequences (SeqEntry, within any SQItem). The change is made by replacing a DocEntry by an other that is created outside the class. The old value is kept. When we restore the File status, the added DocEntry is deleted and replaced by the old value
gdcm::DocEntrySetDocEntrySet is an abstract base class for ElementSet and SQItem which are both containers for DocEntries.
gdcm::DocumentDerived by both gdcm::File and gdcm::DicomDir
gdcm::ElementSetElementSet is based on the STL map<> container (see ElementSet::TagHT), as opposed to SQItem which is based on an STL list container (see ListDocEntry). It contains the 'zero-level- DocEntry (out of any Dicom Sequence)
gdcm::ExceptionAny exception thrown in the gdcm library
gdcm::FileDICOM elements and their corresponding values (and additionaly the corresponding DICOM dictionary entry) of the header of a DICOM file
gdcm::FileErrorFile error exception thrown in the gdcm library
gdcm::FileHelperIn addition to Dicom header exploration, this class is designed for accessing the image/volume content. One can also use it to write Dicom/ACR-NEMA/RAW files
gdcm::FormatErrorInvalid file format exception
gdcm::FormatUnexpectedUnexpected file format exception
gdcm::JPEGFragment*very* internal class . Shouldn't appear here ! Utility class for summerizing the informations of a JPEG fragment of an "Encapsulated JPEG Compressed Image". This information is a mix of:
  • the fragment offset
  • the fragment length
gdcm::JPEGFragmentsInfoUtility class for gathering the informations of the collection of JPEG fragment[s] (see JPEGFragment) when handling "Encapsulated JPEG Compressed Images". The informations on each frame are obtained during the pixel parsing of a gdcm::File (refer to File::ComputeJPEGFragmentInfo() ). They shall be used when (if necessary) decoding the fragments
gdcm::OrientationOrientation class for dealing with DICOM image orientation
gdcm::PixelReadConvertUtility container for gathering the various forms the pixel data migth take during the user demanded processes. WARNING : *none* of these functions may be invoked by gdm user (internal use only)
gdcm::PixelWriteConvertUtility container for gathering the various forms the pixel data migth take during the user requiered processes
gdcm::RefCounterIntegration of reference counting with a destruction of the object only when the reference is to zero
gdcm::RLEFrameUtility class for summerizing the informations of a SINGLE RLE frame of an "Encapsulated RLE Compressed Image" (refer to PS 3.5-2003 annex G). This information is a mix of:
  • the RLE Header (see PS 3.5-2003 section G5) and
  • the lengths of each RLE segment [ which can be decuded from both the above RLE Header and the itemlength of the frame)
gdcm::RLEFramesInfoUtility class for gathering the informations of the collection of RLE frame[s] (see RLEFrame) when handling "Encapsulated RLE Compressed Images" (see PS 3.5-2003 annex G). Note: a classical image can be considered as the degenerated case of a multiframe image. In this case the collection is limited to a single individual frame. The informations on each frame are obtained during the pixel parsing of a gdcm::File (refer to File::ComputeRLEInfo() ). They shall be used when (if necessary) decoding the frames
gdcm::SeqEntrySeqEntry (as opposed to a DataEntry) is a non elementary DocEntry. It is composed by a set of SQItems. Each SQItem is composed by a set of DocEntry A DocEntry may be a SeqEntry ... and so forth
gdcm::SerieHelperThis class should be used for a stack of 2D dicom images
gdcm::SQItemSeqEntry is composed by a set of SQItems. Each SQItem is composed by a set of DocEntry A DocEntry may be a SeqEntry ... and so forth
gdcm::TSContainer for dicom 'Transfer Syntax' Hash Table
gdcm::UtilHere are some utility functions, belonging to the gdcm::Util class, dealing with strings, file names... that can be called from anywhere by whomsoever they can help
gdcm::VRContainer for dicom Value Representation Hash Table

Generated on Fri Jan 20 10:14:29 2006 for gdcm by  doxygen 1.4.4