bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface Class Reference

A scripting interface window. More...

#include <bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.h>

Inheritance diagram for bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 WxGUIScriptingInterface (wxWindow *parent)
 ~WxGUIScriptingInterface ()
Interpreter::Pointer GetInterpreter () const
void SetInputs (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &m)
void SetNoExecMode (bool b)
void SetDialogMode (Interpreter::DialogModeType t)
bool InterpretFile (const std::string &filename)
 Runs the interpretation of a file.
void Open (const std::string &filename)
void OnMenuQuit (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnMenuAbout (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnMenuEditConfig (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuCreatePackage (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuCreateBlackBox (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuShowImageGraph (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuRegeneratePackageDoc (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuRegenerateBoxesLists (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuRegenerateAll (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuPlugPackage (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuWindowsFiles (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnMenuWindowsHelp (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnMenuWindowsPackageBrowser (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnMenuWindowsMessages (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnMenuWindowsCommand (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnMenuWindowsSave (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(event))
void OnMenuWindowsCheck (wxCommandEvent &event, wxWindow *w)
void OnPaneClose (wxAuiManagerEvent &evt)
void SavePerspective ()
void LoadPerspective ()
bool InterpreterUserHasOwnHtmlPageViewer ()
void InterpreterUserViewHtmlPage (const std::string &)
void WxGUICommandEnter (const std::string &)
 Callback invoked when a command is entered in the WxGUICommand.
void WxGUITextEditorRun ()
 Callback invoked when the 'run' button is pressed.
bool WxGUIHtmlBrowserUserOnLinkClicked (const std::string &target)
void DoRegeneratePackageDoc (const std::string &pack)
void DoRegenerateBoxesLists ()

Private Attributes

wxAuiManager m_mgr
Interpreter::Pointer mInterpreter
wxAuiNotebook * mwxNotebook
wxMenuItem * mwxMenuItemReset

Detailed Description

A scripting interface window.

Definition at line 72 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::WxGUIScriptingInterface ( wxWindow *  parent  ) 

Definition at line 87 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References _T, bbtk::WxGUIHtmlBrowser::GoHome(), bbtk::ID_Menu_About, bbtk::ID_Menu_CreateBlackBox, bbtk::ID_Menu_CreatePackage, bbtk::ID_Menu_EditConfig, bbtk::ID_Menu_PlugPackage, bbtk::ID_Menu_Quit, bbtk::ID_Menu_RegenerateAll, bbtk::ID_Menu_RegenerateBoxesLists, bbtk::ID_Menu_RegeneratePackageDoc, bbtk::ID_Menu_ShowImageGraph, bbtk::ID_Menu_Windows_Command, bbtk::ID_Menu_Windows_Files, bbtk::ID_Menu_Windows_Help, bbtk::ID_Menu_Windows_Messages, bbtk::ID_Menu_Windows_PackageBrowser, LoadPerspective(), m_mgr, mInterpreter, mWxGUICommand, mWxGUIHtmlBrowser, mWxGUIOutputMessages, mWxGUITextEditor, mwxMenuItemReset, mwxNotebook, and bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::SetFileNameFilter().

00088     : wxFrame((wxFrame *)parent, -1, _T("bbStudio"), 
00089               wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(1200,800) )
00090   {     
00091     //    m_mgr = new wxAuiManager(this);
00092     m_mgr.SetManagedWindow(this);
00094     mInterpreter = bbtk::Interpreter::New();
00095     mInterpreter->SetUser(this);
00096     mInterpreter->SetCommandLine(true);
00097     mInterpreter->SetThrow(true);
00099     //==============
00100     // Menu
00101     wxInitAllImageHandlers();
00103     wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu;
00104     menuFile->Append( ID_Menu_EditConfig, _T("Open bbtk &Config file") );
00105     menuFile->Append( ID_Menu_Quit, _T("&Quit") );
00107     wxMenu *menuAbout = new wxMenu;
00108     menuAbout->Append( ID_Menu_About, _T("&About...") );
00110     wxMenu *menuTools = new wxMenu;
00111     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_CreatePackage, _T("Create &package") );
00112     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_CreateBlackBox, _T("Create &black box") );
00113     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_PlugPackage, _T("&Plug package") );
00114     menuTools->AppendSeparator();
00115     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_RegeneratePackageDoc,_T("Regenerate package &doc") );
00116     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_RegenerateBoxesLists,_T("Regenerate boxes &lists") );
00117     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_RegenerateAll,_T("Regenerate &all") );
00118     menuTools->AppendSeparator();
00119     menuTools->Append( ID_Menu_ShowImageGraph, _T("&Show last graph") );
00121     wxMenu *menuWindows = new wxMenu;
00122     menuWindows->AppendCheckItem(ID_Menu_Windows_Files,
00123                                  _T("Show 'files' panel") )->Check();
00124     menuWindows->AppendCheckItem(ID_Menu_Windows_Help,
00125                                  _T("Show 'help' panel") )->Check();
00126     menuWindows->AppendCheckItem(ID_Menu_Windows_Messages,
00127                                  _T("Show 'messages' panel") )->Check();
00128     menuWindows->AppendCheckItem(ID_Menu_Windows_Command,
00129                                  _T("Show 'command' panel") )->Check();
00130     menuWindows->AppendSeparator();
00131     menuWindows->Append( ID_Menu_Windows_PackageBrowser, _T("Start Package &Browser") );
00133     //    menuWindows->AppendSeparator();
00134     //    menuWindows->Append ( ID_Menu_Windows_Save, _T("Save interface configuration"));
00136     wxMenu *menuOptions = new wxMenu;
00137     mwxMenuItemReset = menuOptions->AppendCheckItem(-1,
00138                                                     _T("Reset before running") );
00139     mwxMenuItemReset->Check();
00141     wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
00142     menuBar->Append( menuFile, _T("&File") );
00143     menuBar->Append( menuTools, _T("&Tools") );
00144     menuBar->Append( menuOptions, _T("&Options") );
00145     menuBar->Append( menuWindows, _T("&Windows") );
00146     menuBar->Append( menuAbout, _T("About") );
00148     SetMenuBar( menuBar );
00150     //=== 
00151     // Status bar
00152     CreateStatusBar();
00153     SetStatusText( _T("Welcome to bbStudio !") );
00155     //===
00156     // Panes (Files, Messages, Help, Command)
00157     mWxGUITextEditor = new WxGUITextEditor(this,this);
00158     mWxGUITextEditor->SetFileNameFilter("*.bbs");
00160     mWxGUIHtmlBrowser = new WxGUIHtmlBrowser(this,wxSize(200,0),this);
00162     mWxGUIOutputMessages = new WxGUIOutputMessages(this);
00164     mWxGUICommand = new WxGUICommand(this,this);
00166     mWxGUICommand->SetFocus();
00169 #if NOTEBOOK
00171     mwxNotebook = new wxAuiNotebook(this,  
00172                                     -1,
00173                                     wxPoint(0, 0),
00174                                     wxSize(500,500),
00175                                     wxAUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT 
00176                                     | wxAUI_NB_TAB_MOVE
00177                                     | wxAUI_NB_TAB_EXTERNAL_MOVE
00178                                     //| wxAUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON
00179                                     //|wxAUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS
00180                                     // | wxAUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON 
00181                                     //| wxAUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB
00182                                     //| wxAUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ALL_TABS
00183                                     | wxNO_BORDER);
00186     mwxNotebook->AddPage(mWxGUITextEditor,_T("Files"),true);
00187     mwxNotebook->AddPage(mWxGUIHtmlBrowser,_T("Help"),true);
00189     mwxNotebook->AddPage(mWxGUIOutputMessages,_T("Messages"),true);
00191     mwxNotebook->AddPage(mWxGUICommand,_T("Command"),true);
00194     m_mgr.AddPane(mwxNotebook,
00195                   wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("nb"))
00196                   .CaptionVisible(false)
00197                   .MinimizeButton(false)
00198                   .MaximizeButton(false)
00199                   .Center()
00200                   //              .MinSize(wxSize(100,100))
00201                   );   
00202 #else 
00204     //
00205     m_mgr.AddPane(mWxGUITextEditor,
00206                   wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("editor_content"))
00207                   .Caption(wxT("Files"))
00208                   .MinimizeButton(true)
00209                   .MaximizeButton(true)
00210                   .Center()
00211                   .MinSize(wxSize(100,100))
00212                   );   
00214     m_mgr.AddPane(mWxGUIHtmlBrowser,
00215                   wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("browser_content"))
00216                   .Caption(wxT("Help"))
00217                   .MinimizeButton(true)
00218                   .MaximizeButton(true)
00219                   .Right()
00220                   .Layer(2)
00221                   .MinSize(wxSize(400,100))
00222                   );
00224     m_mgr.AddPane(mWxGUIOutputMessages,
00225                   wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("messages_content"))
00226                   .Caption(wxT("Messages"))
00227                   .MinimizeButton(true)
00228                   .MaximizeButton(true)
00229                   .Bottom()
00230                   .MinSize(wxSize(100,100))
00231                   );
00232     m_mgr.AddPane(mWxGUICommand,
00233                   wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(wxT("command_content"))
00234                   .Caption(wxT("Command"))
00235                   .MinimizeButton(true)
00236                   .MaximizeButton(true)
00237                   .Bottom()
00238                   .Layer(1)
00239                   .MinSize(wxSize(100,100))
00240                   );     
00241 #endif
00243     // parent window of all bbtk windows will be a child of this
00244     Wx::SetTopWindowParent(this);
00245     // Add the method OnWxSignal as a Wx::Signal observer 
00246     //bbtkAddWxSignalObserver(WxGUIPackageBrowser2Window::OnWxSignal);
00248     //.PaneBorder(false)); 
00249     // Load the interface appearance saved on last closing
00250     LoadPerspective();
00252     // Done in LoadPerspective
00253     //    m_mgr.Update();
00255     SetAutoLayout(true);
00256     Layout();
00257     //    mwxNotebook->SetSelection(1);
00258     mWxGUIHtmlBrowser->GoHome();
00259 //    Refresh();
00260     m_mgr.Update();
00261     //   LoadPerspective();
00264     wxTipWindow* tip = new wxTipWindow(this,
00265                                        _T("\n                  Welcome to bbStudio !\n\n   To run a demo or example:\n     1. click on the 'Demos' or 'Examples' link\n     2. select a demo or example\n     3. click on the '[source]' link : the source file is loaded in bbStudio\n     4. click on the 'Run' button (the arrow at the bottom right of the source file)   \n"),1000);
00266     tip->CenterOnParent();
00267     tip->Show();
00268   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::~WxGUIScriptingInterface (  ) 

Definition at line 272 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References m_mgr, and SavePerspective().

00273   {
00274     SavePerspective();
00275     m_mgr.UnInit();
00276   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

Interpreter::Pointer bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::GetInterpreter (  )  const [inline]


Definition at line 85 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.h.

00085 { return mInterpreter; }

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::SetInputs ( const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  m  )  [inline]

Sets the inputs of the workspace : the map is passed as is to the Executer

Definition at line 89 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.h.

00090     { mInterpreter->SetInputs(m); }

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::SetNoExecMode ( bool  b  )  [inline]

Puts the executer in "no exec" mode, which creates but does not execute pipelines.

Definition at line 94 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.h.

00094 { mInterpreter->SetNoExecMode(b); }

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::SetDialogMode ( Interpreter::DialogModeType  t  )  [inline]

Definition at line 96 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.h.

00097     { mInterpreter->SetDialogMode(t); }

bool bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::InterpretFile ( const std::string &  filename  ) 

Runs the interpretation of a file.

Runs the interpretation of a file Returns false on error

Definition at line 322 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References CATCH_MACRO, and mInterpreter.

00323   { 
00324     try
00325       {
00326         mInterpreter->InterpretFile(filename);
00327       }
00328     CATCH_MACRO;
00329     return true;
00330   }

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::Open ( const std::string &  filename  ) 

Definition at line 280 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References mWxGUITextEditor, and bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::Open().

Referenced by OnMenuEditConfig().

00281   {
00282     mWxGUITextEditor->Open(filename);
00283   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuQuit ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuAbout ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuEditConfig ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 373 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References Open().

00374   {
00375     std::string configFile = 
00376       ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_config_xml_full_path();
00377     Open(configFile);
00378   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuCreatePackage ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 415 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References bbtkMessage, mWxGUICommand, and bbtk::WxGUICommand::SendCommand().

00416   {
00417 /*
00418     std::string command("toolsbbtk/appli/GUICreatePackage");
00419     bbtkMessage("Debug",1,"Executing : '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
00421         Interpreter::Pointer I = Interpreter::New();    
00422     I->InterpretFile(command);
00423 */
00424     std::string command("reset");
00425         mWxGUICommand->SendCommand(command);
00426     command = "include toolsbbtk/appli/GUICreatePackage";
00427     bbtkMessage("Debug",1,"Executing : '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
00428         mWxGUICommand->SendCommand(command);
00430   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuCreateBlackBox ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 435 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References bbtkMessage, mWxGUICommand, and bbtk::WxGUICommand::SendCommand().

00436   {
00437           /*
00438     std::string command("toolsbbtk/appli/GUICreateBlackBox");
00439     bbtkMessage("Debug",1,"Executing : '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
00441     Interpreter::Pointer I = Interpreter::New();    
00442     I->InterpretFile(command);
00443 */
00444     std::string command("reset");
00445         mWxGUICommand->SendCommand(command);
00446     command = "include toolsbbtk/appli/GUICreateBlackBox";
00447     bbtkMessage("Debug",1,"Executing : '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
00448         mWxGUICommand->SendCommand(command);
00449   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuShowImageGraph ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 453 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

00454   {
00455     std::string default_temp_dir = ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_default_temp_dir();
00457 #if defined(WIN32)
00458     std::string strappli="start ";
00459 #else
00460     std::string strappli="gnome-open ";
00461 #endif
00462     std::string strcommand = strappli +default_temp_dir+"/temp_dir/workspace_workspacePrototype.png";
00463     //  std::cout << "system: " << strcommand << std::endl;
00464     system ( strcommand.c_str() );
00466   }

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuRegeneratePackageDoc ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 500 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References _T, DoRegeneratePackageDoc(), and bbtk::wx2std().

00501   {
00502     wxString name = wxGetTextFromUser(_T("Enter package name (-a for all)"),
00503                                       _T("Regenerate package doc"),
00504                                       _T(""));
00505     if (name.IsEmpty()) return;
00506     std::string pack = bbtk::wx2std(name);
00508         DoRegeneratePackageDoc(pack);
00509   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuRegenerateBoxesLists ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 542 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References DoRegenerateBoxesLists().

00543   {
00544         DoRegenerateBoxesLists();
00545   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuRegenerateAll ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 549 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References DoRegenerateBoxesLists(), and DoRegeneratePackageDoc().

00550   {
00552     DoRegeneratePackageDoc("-a");       
00553         DoRegenerateBoxesLists();
00554   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuPlugPackage ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 559 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References _T, bbtk::ConfigurationFile::AddPackagePathsAndWrite(), DoRegenerateBoxesLists(), DoRegeneratePackageDoc(), and bbtk::wx2std().

00560   {
00561     long style = wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST;
00562     wxDirDialog* FD = 
00563       new wxDirDialog( 0, 
00564                        _T("Select package directory"),
00565                        _T(""),
00566                        style);
00568     if (FD->ShowModal()==wxID_OK)
00569       {
00570         std::string path = wx2std (FD->GetPath()) ;
00571         std::string fname = path + "/bbtkPackage"; 
00572         if ( ! Utilities::FileExists( fname ) )
00573           {
00574             wxString err(_T("The directory does not contain a 'bbtkPackage' file"));
00575             wxMessageBox(err,_T("Plug package"),wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);      
00576             return;
00577           }
00579         std::ifstream f;
00581         std::string pname;
00582         f >> pname;
00583         f.close();
00586         bbtk::ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().AddPackagePathsAndWrite( path );
00588         DoRegeneratePackageDoc(pname);
00589         DoRegenerateBoxesLists();
00591           }     
00592   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuWindowsFiles ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

Definition at line 647 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References mWxGUITextEditor, and OnMenuWindowsCheck().

00648   {
00649     OnMenuWindowsCheck(event,mWxGUITextEditor);
00650   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuWindowsHelp ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

Definition at line 654 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References mWxGUIHtmlBrowser, and OnMenuWindowsCheck().

00655   {
00656     OnMenuWindowsCheck(event,mWxGUIHtmlBrowser);
00657   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuWindowsPackageBrowser ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuWindowsMessages ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

Definition at line 661 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References mWxGUIOutputMessages, and OnMenuWindowsCheck().

00662   {
00663     OnMenuWindowsCheck(event,mWxGUIOutputMessages);
00664   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuWindowsCommand ( wxCommandEvent &  event  ) 

Definition at line 668 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References mWxGUICommand, and OnMenuWindowsCheck().

00669   {
00670     OnMenuWindowsCheck(event,mWxGUICommand);
00671   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuWindowsSave ( wxCommandEvent &  WXUNUSEDevent  ) 

Definition at line 675 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References SavePerspective().

00676   {
00677     SavePerspective();
00678   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnMenuWindowsCheck ( wxCommandEvent &  event,
wxWindow *  w 

Definition at line 632 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References m_mgr.

Referenced by OnMenuWindowsCommand(), OnMenuWindowsFiles(), OnMenuWindowsHelp(), and OnMenuWindowsMessages().

00634   {
00635     bool checked = event.IsChecked();
00636     bool shown = m_mgr.GetPane(w).IsShown();
00637     //    std::cout << "checked = "<<checked<<" - shown = "<<shown<<std::endl;
00638     if (checked ^ shown) 
00639       {
00640         m_mgr.GetPane(w).Show(checked);
00641         m_mgr.Update();
00642       }
00643   }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::OnPaneClose ( wxAuiManagerEvent &  evt  ) 

Definition at line 741 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

00742   {
00743     std::cout  << "Closing panel '"<<evt.pane->name<<"'"<<std::endl;
00744     // TO DO : Uncheck 
00745     //    OnMenuWindowsCheck( wxCommandEvent& event, wxWindow* w);
00746   }

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::SavePerspective (  ) 

Definition at line 682 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References m_mgr, and bbtk::wx2std().

Referenced by OnMenuWindowsSave(), and ~WxGUIScriptingInterface().

00683   {
00684     //    std::cout  << "Saving configuration..."<<std::endl;
00685     std::string conf = wx2std(m_mgr.SavePerspective());
00686     std::string fname = Utilities::MakeUserSettingsFullFileName("bbStudio.aui");
00687     std::ofstream f;
00688, std::ios::out );
00689     f << conf << std::endl;
00691     //    int x,y;
00692     //    GetPosition(&x,&y);
00693     //    f << x << "  " << y << std::endl;
00696     int w,h;
00697     GetSize(&w,&h);
00699     f << w << " " << h << std::endl;
00701     f.close();
00702   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::LoadPerspective (  ) 

Definition at line 706 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References m_mgr, and bbtk::std2wx().

Referenced by WxGUIScriptingInterface().

00707   {
00708     std::string fname = 
00709       Utilities::MakeUserSettingsFullFileName("bbStudio.aui");
00710     if ( Utilities::FileExists( fname ))
00711       {
00712         //      std::cout  << "Loading configuration..."<<std::endl;
00714         std::ifstream f;
00716         std::string conf;
00717         f >> conf;
00719         //      int x,y;
00720         //      f >> x >> y ;
00722         int w,h;
00723         f >> w >> h ;
00725         f.close();
00727         //      std::cout << conf << std::endl;
00729         //      Move(x,y);
00730         SetSize(w,h);
00731         m_mgr.LoadPerspective(std2wx(conf));
00732       }
00733     else 
00734       {
00735         m_mgr.Update();
00736       }
00737   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::InterpreterUserHasOwnHtmlPageViewer (  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from bbtk::InterpreterUser.

Definition at line 131 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.h.

00131 { return true; }

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::InterpreterUserViewHtmlPage ( const std::string &  page  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from bbtk::InterpreterUser.

Definition at line 596 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References bbtk::WxGUIHtmlBrowser::GoTo(), and mWxGUIHtmlBrowser.

00597   {
00598     std::string s(page);
00599     //  std::cout << "WxGUIScriptingInterface::ShowHtmlPage('"<<page<<"')"<<std::endl;
00600     if (mWxGUIHtmlBrowser->GoTo(s)) 
00601       {
00602 //EED   mwxNotebook->ChangeSelection(1);
00603 //      mwxNotebook->SetSelection(1);
00604       }
00605     else 
00606       {
00607          // std::cout << "ERROR html"<<std::endl;
00608       }
00609   } 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::WxGUICommandEnter ( const std::string &  command  )  [virtual]

Callback invoked when a command is entered in the WxGUICommand.

Reimplemented from bbtk::WxGUICommandUser.

Definition at line 306 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References CATCH_MACRO, mInterpreter, mWxGUIOutputMessages, and bbtk::WxGUIOutputMessages::Print().

Referenced by WxGUITextEditorRun().

00307   {
00308     std::string s("> ");
00309     s += command + "\n";
00310     mWxGUIOutputMessages->Print(s,wxRED);
00312     try
00313       {
00314         mInterpreter->InterpretLine( command );
00315       }
00316     CATCH_MACRO;
00317   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::WxGUITextEditorRun (  )  [virtual]

Callback invoked when the 'run' button is pressed.

Reimplemented from bbtk::WxGUITextEditorUser.

Definition at line 334 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References CATCH_MACRO, bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::GetCurrentPage(), bbtk::WxGUITextEditorPage::GetText(), mInterpreter, mWxGUITextEditor, mwxMenuItemReset, and WxGUICommandEnter().

00335   {
00336     //    wxString temp = mWxGUIHtmlBrowser->GetCurrentPage();
00337     std::stringstream* buf = new std::stringstream;
00338     (*buf) << mWxGUITextEditor->GetCurrentPage()->GetText();
00339     try 
00340       {
00341         //      std::cout << "RUN"<<std::endl;
00342         if (mwxMenuItemReset->IsChecked()) WxGUICommandEnter("reset");
00343         mInterpreter->InterpretBuffer(buf);
00344         //      std::cout << "EO RUN"<<std::endl;
00345       }
00346     CATCH_MACRO;
00347     //    std::cout << "EO RUN 3"<<std::endl;
00348   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::WxGUIHtmlBrowserUserOnLinkClicked ( const std::string &  target  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from bbtk::WxGUIHtmlBrowserUser.

Definition at line 613 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References mWxGUITextEditor, mwxNotebook, and bbtk::WxGUITextEditor::Open().

00614   {
00615     size_t s = target.length();
00616     if ((s>3) && (target[s-1]=='s')
00617         && (target[s-2]=='b')
00618         && (target[s-3]=='b')
00619         && (target[s-4]=='.'))
00620       {
00621         mWxGUITextEditor->Open(target);
00622 #if NOTEBOOK
00623         mwxNotebook->SetSelection(0);
00624 #endif
00625         mWxGUITextEditor->SetFocus();
00626         return false;
00627       }
00628     return true;
00629   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::DoRegeneratePackageDoc ( const std::string &  pack  ) 

Definition at line 469 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References _T, bbtkMessage, and bbtk::std2wx().

Referenced by OnMenuPlugPackage(), OnMenuRegenerateAll(), and OnMenuRegeneratePackageDoc().

00470   {
00471             std::string command;
00472 #if defined(WIN32)
00473         command = "\"";
00474 #endif
00475         command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bin_path();
00476     command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator();
00477     command += "bbRegeneratePackageDoc";
00478 #if defined(WIN32)
00479         command += "\"";
00480 #endif
00481         command += " " + pack + " -q";
00482     bbtkMessage("debug",1,"Executing system command '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
00485     if ( ! system ( command.c_str() ) )
00486       {
00487         wxMessageBox(_T("Done !"),_T("Regenerate package '")+std2wx(pack)+_T("' doc"),
00488                      wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);
00489       }
00490     else 
00491       {
00492         wxString err(_T("An error occured while running '"));
00493         err +=  bbtk::std2wx(command) + _T("'");
00494         wxMessageBox(err,_T("Regenerate package doc"),wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);      
00495       }
00496   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::DoRegenerateBoxesLists (  ) 

Definition at line 513 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.cxx.

References _T, bbtkMessage, and bbtk::std2wx().

Referenced by OnMenuPlugPackage(), OnMenuRegenerateAll(), and OnMenuRegenerateBoxesLists().

00514   {
00515     std::string command;
00516 #if defined(WIN32)
00517         command = "\"";
00518 #endif
00519     command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_bin_path();
00520     command += ConfigurationFile::GetInstance().Get_file_separator();
00521     command += "bbRegenerateBoxesLists";
00522 #if defined(WIN32)
00523         command += "\"";
00524 #endif
00525         command += " -q";
00526         bbtkMessage("debug",1,"Executing system command '"<<command<<"'"<<std::endl);
00528         if ( ! system ( command.c_str() ) )
00529     {
00530        wxMessageBox(_T("Done !"),_T("Regenerate boxes lists"),
00531                     wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION);
00532      }
00533    else 
00534      {
00535        wxString err(_T("An error occured while running '"));
00536        err +=  bbtk::std2wx(command) + _T("'");
00537        wxMessageBox(err,_T("Regenerate boxes lists"),wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);      
00538      }
00539   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

wxAuiManager bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::m_mgr [private]

Interpreter::Pointer bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::mInterpreter [private]

wxAuiNotebook* bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::mwxNotebook [private]

WxGUICommand* bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::mWxGUICommand [private]

WxGUIOutputMessages* bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::mWxGUIOutputMessages [private]

WxGUIHtmlBrowser* bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::mWxGUIHtmlBrowser [private]

WxGUITextEditor* bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::mWxGUITextEditor [private]

WxGUIPackageBrowser2* bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::mWxGUIPackageBrowser2 [private]

Definition at line 161 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.h.

wxMenuItem* bbtk::WxGUIScriptingInterface::mwxMenuItemReset [private]

Definition at line 163 of file bbtkWxGUIScriptingInterface.h.

Referenced by WxGUIScriptingInterface(), and WxGUITextEditorRun().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Wed Nov 12 11:39:02 2008 for BBTK by  doxygen 1.5.6